4 Types of Buyers Who Are Looking to Buy Amazon Businesses (And Amazon Seller Accounts)

Vova Even Jul 25, 2024
13 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Ever Wonder Who Buys Thriving Amazon Businesses?
    1. So, Who Wants to Buy Your Amazon Business?

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Ever Wonder Who Buys Thriving Amazon Businesses?

Have you poured your heart and soul into building a successful Amazon business, but now you're considering selling it?

You might be wondering who would even be interested in buying an account or a whole business on Amazon.

Well, buckle up, because you're in for a surprise!

The answer is there's a whole crew out there looking for Amazon businesses just like yours!

In a recent chat on my YouTube channel with Omer Sidi and Shai Prat, the Amazon selling experts from SellerSpot, we dived deep into the world of who buys these businesses and accounts.

SellerSpot can help you buy and sell Amazon seller accounts and businesses.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account / Business ⭐️

We even made a special video all about the four main types of buyers out there, each with their own reasons for wanting a piece of the Amazon pie.

This article will give you a sneak peek into this video, explaining who these potential buyers are and why selling to them could be a fantastic opportunity.

So, whether you're just curious or actively considering selling your Amazon business, keep reading – this might be the key to getting the best price and finding the perfect buyer for your success story!


Vova: Hey Shai, I'm curious, who's typically interested in buying Amazon businesses?

Shai: Well, when it comes to who's buying Amazon businesses and accounts, there's quite a range.

First up, you've got private investors who are often entrepreneurs active online.

Many of them are already familiar with the Amazon marketplace, and they're keen on acquiring businesses or accounts to run themselves.

It's a pretty common scenario and makes up one category of buyers.

We also see interest from large companies that manage stores and businesses for hundreds, even thousands of clients.

Often, these companies are interested in buying accounts to either consolidate operations from multiple accounts into one business or to set up a new venture for one of their clients.

Additionally, they're on the lookout for established accounts and businesses.

Then there are the big aggregators.

These companies specialize in acquiring digital assets like Amazon businesses, with the goal of improving them and increasing their value before selling them off.

They're particularly focused on Amazon businesses, drawn to the advantages we discussed earlier.

Another type of buyer in this mix is what we refer to as passive investors.

These individuals aren't familiar with selling on Amazon themselves.

Instead, they purchase businesses with the intention of handing them over to a company or individual who can handle all aspects of management, from start to finish.

Essentially, they're looking to streamline the process and save themselves time and money.

Their preference is to acquire something that's already up and running smoothly, with a track record of success.

Omer: Exactly!


So, Who Wants to Buy Your Amazon Business?

We covered a lot of ground here, and to wrap it up, there are a few different groups who might be interested in buying your Amazon business:

  1. Online entrepreneurs: These folks are familiar with Amazon and might be looking to jump right in and run your business themselves.

  1. Management companies: These bigger players manage multiple accounts and might want to buy yours to add to their portfolio or consolidate things for a client.

  1. Amazon aggregators: These specialists buy Amazon businesses specifically, with the goal of making them even better and selling them for a profit later. Read more about Amazon aggregators here.

  1. Passive investors: These folks aren't interested in the day-to-day running of an Amazon business, but they see the potential and want a piece of the pie. They'll be looking for a business with a good track record that they can hand off to someone else to manage.

So, who wants to buy your Amazon business?

There's a whole crew out there!

Whether it's a seasoned online seller or a hands-off investor, there's a good chance your well-run Amazon business could be a great fit for someone looking to grow.

If you're thinking about buying or selling, this is a great time to explore your options!

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account / Business ⭐️

Table of Contents
  1. Ever Wonder Who Buys Thriving Amazon Businesses?
    1. So, Who Wants to Buy Your Amazon Business?

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)