Amazon Seller Code Of Conduct Suspension - David Miller's Expert Guide!

Vova Even Nov 11, 2023
9 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. What To Do About Amazon Seller Code Of Conduct Suspension
    1. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

What To Do About Amazon Seller Code Of Conduct Suspension

Hey there, fantastic reader! 🌟

It's Vova Even here!

Ever been hit with that "Amazon seller code of conduct suspension" curveball and wondered how to play it right?

Well, you're about to unlock all the answers!

Joining us in this epic exploration is the superstar lawyer, David Miller, from The Law Office of David Allen Miller. 🚀

Guess what?

This isn't just an article—it's a front-row seat to a chat David and I had recently on camera!

We've jam-packed it with juicy details, but we've kept it breezy and chatty, just like our video. 📺

Not big on reading?

No worries!

Hit the play button on the video embedded below. 😉

But for those of you who love a good read, let's plunge into the world of Amazon with David and me!

Dive in, and let's unravel the mysteries together! 🌊📘🎉


Vova: Hey there, amazing people on the Internet! 🌟 

Ever been slapped with that 'seller code of conduct suspension' on Amazon?

Don't know what it is or how to deal with it?

You're in luck!

Today, I've got with me THE David Miller!

Yup, the one and only lawyer who's got Amazon sellers' backs!

Plus, we've got a treasure trove of other topics we've covered with David in the playlist embedded below.


David, great to have you here, buddy!

David: Vova, always a pleasure!

Now, this Amazon suspension thing?

It's catching a lot of sellers off-guard lately.

Here's the scoop: Amazon's flagging sellers left and right, accusing them of breaking the rules – you know, their selling policies and code of conduct.

Oddly enough, they're also bringing drop-shipping into the mix.

Used to be two different things but not anymore!

Vova: Drop-shipping? In the same breath as the seller code? What's up with that?

David: Exactly! The seller code of conduct, at its core, is basically Amazon's way of saying, "Hey, play fair, be honest, and let's keep things smooth for everyone buying or selling here."

Now, there can be a bunch of reasons Amazon might flag you – anything from giving wrong info to customers, soliciting reviews in a sneaky way, or even playing around with price-fixing laws.

Drop-shipping, though, is mostly about not being the legitimate seller of the product.

So, what sellers need to do is play detective.

Dive deep into that seller code, check out each point, and figure out, "Did I mess up somewhere?"

Vova: And what if, let's say, someone DID mess up? Just hypothetically…

David: If a seller truly broke a rule, well, getting back on track would be tougher but not impossible.

That said, sometimes Amazon's radar blips for no reason.

If sellers are scratching their heads and wondering, "What did I do?", they can hit me up.

Below is a list of mediums where they can reach out to me:

  1. Phone: 516-313-1572

  2. Email:

  3. Personal Website: Attorney for Amazon Sellers

  4. YouTube: David Miller - YouTube

  5. Instagram: David Miller - Instagram

  6. TikTok: David Miller - TikTok

  7. Facebook: David Miller - Facebook

  8. LinkedIn: David Miller - LinkedIn

Vova: You heard the man!

Whether you're trying to dodge those suspensions or, heaven forbid, you're already in the thick of one, we've got your back!

Be sure to check out those bite-sized playlist videos to stay safe and thrive.

Until next time, keep being awesome! 🚀🎉



So, that's a wrap-up of my conversation!

But, wait - don’t click away just yet! Let’s dive into a quick recap, with a dash of fun sprinkled in, shall we?

Amazon Suspensions

Like a surprise pop quiz in school, nobody wants them.

But, just like those quizzes, there's always a way to navigate them (and hopefully score an A+!).

Don’t forget David's golden advice: play detective with the seller code.

And if in doubt?

Give our main man David a call.


The new kid on the Amazon block.

It’s like that one twist in a movie you didn’t see coming.

Just make sure you understand its role and place in the Amazon universe.

Spoiler: It's got its own set of rules.

Navigating the Amazon Maze

Let’s be real – Amazon is kind of like that big, bustling city where it's easy to get lost.

But with the right guide, like David, you’re not just surviving – you’re thriving!

So, what’s the big takeaway from our chat?

Life on Amazon can throw curveballs.

But with a little knowledge, a pinch of patience, and a sprinkle of guidance from experts, you can bat those curveballs right out of the park!

And remember, if you ever feel like you're playing a game of 'Where's Waldo?' with Amazon's rules, don’t fret!

Revisit our playlist, use our tips, and reach out to those who know best.

Alright, dear reader, off you go into the Amazon jungle, armed with all this wisdom.

Swing from vine to vine confidently and keep those eyes peeled for the next adventure.

Happy selling! 🌟🛒🎉


Vova :)

Table of Contents
  1. What To Do About Amazon Seller Code Of Conduct Suspension
    1. Conclusion

Disclosure:   Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)