Easily Calculate Your Amazon FBA Fees With AMZScout FBA Calculator FREE Chrome Extension

Vova Even Jul 04, 2024
25 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Ever Wonder How Much Amazon Takes in Fees?
    1. The Free FBA Calculator Tool
    2. Understanding Your Amazon FBA Fees
    3. Putting the FBA Calculator to Work
    4. Using the Calculator on a Product Page:
    5. AMZScout Pro Package
    6. Package Pricing and Recommendations
    7. Is the Package Right for You?
    8. Thanks for Reading!

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Ever Wonder How Much Amazon Takes in Fees?

Updated July 3rd, 2024

Hey there, fellow Amazon FBA sellers!

In this article, we'll be diving into the world of Amazon FBA fees, and how you can use a handy free tool to keep more money in your pocket.

As you know, finding the right products to sell and getting them shipped to customers is a key part of the FBA business.

But understanding your fees is just as important!

The clearer you are on what Amazon charges, the better you can manage your costs and ultimately increase your profits.

So, if you're interested in saving money and boosting your bottom line, then this article is for you!

The Free FBA Calculator Tool

Let's start with taking a closer look at the free FBA Calculator Chrome extension from AMZScout.

This handy tool can help you quickly estimate your Amazon fees for any product you're considering selling.

Here's how to get started:

  1. Download the Extension: Click the button below to access the download page for the AMZScout FBA Calculator Chrome extension.

  1. Add to Chrome: Once you're on the download page, simply click the "Add to Chrome" button. This will install the extension on your Chrome browser in just a few seconds.

Just a heads up! You might have noticed that the download button is an affiliate link. This means that if you choose to download the extension through this link, I may receive a small commission from AMZScout at no additional cost to you. This is a way for you to show your support for the free content I create, and I truly appreciate it!

Understanding Your Amazon FBA Fees

Now that you have the FBA Calculator extension installed, let's break down the different types of fees you'll encounter when selling through Amazon FBA.

  1. Referral Fees: For each sale you make, Amazon charges a referral fee as a percentage of the selling price. This fee varies depending on the product category you're selling in.

  1. Fulfillment Fees: These fees cover the costs associated with Amazon storing, picking, packing, and shipping your products to customers. The amount you pay depends on the size, weight, and dimensions of your product.

  1. Monthly Storage Fees: Amazon charges a monthly storage fee based on the amount of space your inventory occupies in their warehouses. This fee incentivizes you to keep your inventory levels optimized.

The AMZScout FBA Calculator makes the process of calculating these fees much easier. 

It has a friendly interface with over 100,000 users and has received 300+ positive reviews from its community.

Once you've installed it, the extension allows you to gather key product information with just a single click, including:

  1. Estimated Sales and Income: Get a preliminary idea of how much you might sell and earn from a particular product.

  1. Amazon Commission Breakdown: See a clear picture of the specific fees Amazon will take from each sale, including referral fees and fulfillment fees.

  1. Product Size and Weight: Easily access the dimensions of your product, which is crucial for calculating fulfillment fees.

Another great feature of the FBA Calculator is that it performs all the calculations directly within the extension window.

This eliminates the need to navigate to separate pages or manually enter data.

The extension pulls information directly from Amazon Seller Central, so you can be confident that the fee estimates are accurate and up-to-date.

And the best part is you can do it all directly from a product's listing page!

No need to jump between different websites or manually enter data.

Another thing is, for those who are new to Amazon FBA, there's a helpful blog post by AMZScout titled "Amazon Seller Fees: What they Are, and How to Calculate."

This comprehensive guide dives deeper into the different types of FBA fees and even offers tips on how to potentially reduce them. 

I highly recommend checking it out!

Putting the FBA Calculator to Work

Alright, it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty and see how this FBA Calculator extension actually works!

I'll walk you through a step-by-step process of using it directly on a product page you find on Amazon.

But before getting started, make sure you have the extension downloaded and installed on your Chrome browser.

If you haven't already, click on the button below.

It will take you to the landing page where you can download the extension right away.

Using the Calculator on a Product Page:

  1. Find a Product on Amazon: Head over to Amazon.com and browse for a product you're interested in potentially selling.

  1. Open the Product Page: Once you've found a product, click on it to open its individual listing page.

Tip! If you're new to product research for Amazon FBA, this article doesn't cover that in detail. 

However, you can check out the fourth video of my Amazon FBA AMZScout playlist (linked below) for a comprehensive guide on using this tool to find profitable products.

This playlist will walk you through all the features of AMZScout and show you how to leverage it for successful product research.

  1. Locate the FBA Calculator: With the AMZScout FBA Calculator Chrome extension installed, you should see an icon or button associated with it on the product page itself.

Now let's put it into practice and see how the AMZScout FBA Calculator helps you estimate your profit margin.

In this example, we'll take a look at kitchen shears.

Here's what happens when you click on the FBA Calculator icon on a product page:

  1. Pre-Filled Information: The extension automatically retrieves some key product details from Amazon and fills them into the calculator for you. This saves you time and ensures accuracy.

  1. Estimated Fees: The calculator also displays estimated Amazon fees for this specific product, including:

  1. Monthly Storage Fees: This is the amount Amazon charges per month to store your product in their warehouses. In our example, the monthly storage fee for kitchen shears is $0.02, which is quite low.

  1. Fulfillment Fees: This covers the costs associated with Amazon picking, packing, and shipping your product to customers. For the kitchen shears, the estimated fulfillment fee is $3.48.

  1. Referral Fees: This is a percentage of the selling price that Amazon takes for each sale. Referral fees typically range around 15%, but can vary depending on the product category. In our example, the estimated referral fee for kitchen shears is $1.94.

If you're curious about how these fees are calculated, here are some helpful resources to delve deeper:

  1. Monthly Storage Fees: Click the button below to access a page on the Amazon Seller Central website titled "Amazon Storage Fees." This page provides a detailed explanation of how monthly storage fees are determined based on product size and storage time.

  1. Fulfillment Fees: If you aren't sure why the fulfillment fee for the kitchen shears is $3.48 and not a different amount? Click the button below to access an Amazon Seller Central page titled "FBA Fulfillment Fees." This page explains the factors that influence fulfillment fees, including product size, weight, and dimensions.

  1. Referral Fees: As I mentioned, the referral fee for kitchen shears is estimated at $1.94, which falls within the typical 15% range for many categories. However, it can vary depending on the product you're selling. Click the button below to access the "Amazon Sales Fee" page which provides a breakdown of referral fees by product category.

By exploring these resources, you'll gain a more comprehensive understanding of each FBA fee and how they impact your profit margin.

Now, let's see how to use the AMZScout FBA Calculator to get a more specific idea of your potential profit.

Example Calculation

In our example, we're looking at kitchen shears that are currently priced at $12.95 on Amazon.

For the sake of easy math, let's round the price up to $10.

We'll also estimate that you might sell 100 units of this product per month.

Here's how to use the calculator:

  1. Enter Your Selling Price: The calculator likely has a field where you can enter your own desired selling price for the product. In our example, we'd enter $10.

  1. Review FBA Fees: The calculator should display the estimated total FBA fees for this product.

Calculating Your Profit

  1. Total FBA Fees: To get the total FBA fees per unit sold, simply add the monthly storage fees, fulfillment fees, and referral fees. In our example, let's say this adds up to $5.

  1. Estimated Profit: To estimate your profit per unit sold, subtract the total FBA fees from your selling price. So, in this example:

Selling Price - Total FBA Fees = Estimated Profit

$10 - $5 = $5

This quick calculation suggests that for every kitchen shear you sell at $10, you might earn a profit of around $5 after Amazon takes its fees.

Additional Calculations

The AMZScout FBA Calculator goes beyond just showing you the estimated FBA fees per unit.

It also allows you to enter additional information to get a more precise idea of your potential profit margin.

Here's a breakdown of the additional details you can include:

  1. Product Cost: This is the amount you pay to purchase the product from a supplier. In our example, let's say you source the kitchen shears for $0.70 each. This includes the cost of manufacturing the product, packaging it, and getting it ready to ship from the factory.

  1. Shipping Costs: This refers to the amount you pay to ship the product from the factory to an Amazon warehouse. For our example, let's estimate that shipping costs $0.30 per unit.

  1. Landed Cost: This is the total cost of getting the product to an Amazon warehouse, which includes both the product cost and the shipping cost. In our example, the landed cost would be $1 ($0.70 product cost + $0.30 shipping cost).

  1. CPC Cost (Optional): CPC stands for "Cost Per Click." This is the amount you're willing to spend on advertising to drive traffic to your product listing on Amazon. For now, we'll leave this field blank in our example.

  1. Taxes (Optional): There may be additional taxes you need to factor in, such as sales tax. We'll also leave this field blank for now.

Calculating Profit with Additional Costs

Once you've entered your product cost, shipping costs, and any other relevant expenses, the calculator can estimate your profit per unit sold.

Here's a simplified formula to calculate your profit:

Selling Price - Total FBA Fees - Landed Cost = Profit per Unit

In our example:

Selling Price = $10

Total FBA Fees = $5 (as estimated earlier)

Landed Cost = $1 ($0.70 product cost + $0.30 shipping cost)

Profit per Unit = $10 - $5 - $1 = $4

Understanding the Results

Based on this calculation, you might earn a profit of around $4 for every kitchen shear you sell at $10, assuming the product cost, shipping costs, and FBA fees hold true.

Net Margin and Return on Investment (ROI)

The AMZScout FBA Calculator can also provide you with some helpful profitability metrics beyond just estimated profit per unit. 

Let's explore these in more detail:

  1. Net Profit Margin: This is a profitability ratio typically expressed as a percentage. It represents the profit you earn as a share of your total revenue (selling price). For example, a 40% net profit margin would mean that for every $1 you earn in sales, you keep $0.40 as profit after accounting for all your expenses.

  1. Return on Investment (ROI): This is a performance metric used to evaluate how efficiently your investment is generating profit. A high ROI indicates that you're getting a good return for the money you've invested. For instance, a 400% ROI would suggest that for every $1 you invest, you're potentially getting back $4 in profit.

Why Estimates Can Change

The profitability estimates provided by the calculator are a starting point, and the actual numbers can vary depending on several factors you haven't included yet.

Here's why:

  1. Advertising Costs (CPC): You haven't factored in any potential advertising costs (CPC or cost per click) associated with promoting your product on Amazon. Including these costs will likely decrease your ROI because you're spending more money to acquire sales. In our example, if you invest $100 in advertising, your estimated ROI might drop from 400% to 150%.

  1. Taxes: Taxes are another expense you haven't considered yet. The way the AMZScout FBA Calculator estimates taxes might also affect your profitability calculations. For instance, if it calculates taxes based on your total revenue (selling price), your estimated profit will decrease because taxes take a bite out of your sales. In our example, including a 10% tax rate could reduce your estimated monthly profit from $300 to $200.

The way the AMZScout FBA Calculator estimates taxes can significantly impact your profitability calculations. 

Here's a breakdown:

  1. Importance of Understanding Taxes: It's important to consult with your accountant or research the specific tax regulations that apply to your situation in your country. Tax laws can vary depending on your location and business structure.

  1. Taxes Based on Revenue: In our example, we assumed a 10% tax rate. The AMZScout FBA Calculator might estimate taxes as a percentage of your total revenue (selling price x number of units sold). So, if you sell 100 units at $10 each, your total revenue would be $1,000.

  1. Impact on Profit: With a 10% tax rate based on revenue, you would owe $100 in taxes ($1,000 revenue x 10% tax rate). This $100 would be deducted from your revenue before calculating your profit.

Example Calculation

Let's revisit our example and see how taxes affect our profit:

Revenue: $1,000 (100 units sold x $10 selling price)

Taxes: $100 (10% tax rate x $1,000 revenue)

Profit Before Other Expenses: $900 ($1,000 revenue - $100 taxes)

The other expenses are those we haven't factored yet, such as:

  1. Product Cost: The cost to purchase the product from a supplier.

  1. Amazon Fees: The fees Amazon charges for storage, fulfillment, and referrals.

  1. Advertising Costs (PPC): The amount you spend on advertising to promote your product on Amazon.

  1. Realistic ROI: Once you consider all your expenses, you'll get a more realistic picture of your return on investment (ROI). In our example, if you have a 100% ROI after accounting for taxes, product costs, Amazon fees, and advertising costs, that's a good result. You can find more information about ROI in the blog post mentioned earlier (Click on the button below in case you missed it!).

Getting back to the topic at hand, now you understand how to factor in various expenses and taxes, right?

So, let's explore how the selling price of your product can impact your profit.

  1. Impact of Selling Price: The AMZScout FBA Calculator can help you estimate how much profit you might earn based on different selling prices. In our example, we were looking at kitchen shears with an estimated monthly profit of $200 if you sell them at $10 each.

  1. Increasing the Price: If you can increase the selling price to $11, the calculator might estimate a higher monthly profit, possibly around $275. This jump in profit is because you're earning an extra dollar per unit sold, and your expenses (product cost, Amazon fees, etc.) likely remain the same.

Now, here's a quick note about the AMZScout FBA Calculator. 

While this free calculator is a great tool, AMZScout also offers a package that might be helpful for you if you're interested in exploring their other features.

AMZScout Pro Package

I partnered with AMZScout to create a special offer for my followers.

This package includes:

  1. AMZScout Extension Pro: We've talked about this Chrome extension in previous videos in my playlist (watching the playlist is recommended for a more comprehensive understanding).

  1. AMZScout Web App Basic: This web app is another valuable tool for product research using AMZScout.

  1. AMZScout Keyword Tracker Basic: This tool helps you track your keyword rankings on Amazon.

  1. AMZScout QuickView: This browser extension (covered in a previous video in this playlist) provides additional product information while you browse Amazon.

  1. AMZScout FBA Calculator: This is the free calculator we've been using throughout this series. It allows you to estimate your profit based on factors like product cost, selling price, and Amazon fees.

  1. AMZScout Stock Stats (Future Video): This feature isn't covered in a video yet, but it will be included in the playlist. Stock Stats provides insights into inventory levels for different products on Amazon.

  1. Amazon and eBay Price Comparator: This tool helps you compare prices between Amazon and eBay for similar products. This can be helpful for understanding potential competition and pricing strategies.

Package Pricing and Recommendations

The regular price for the AMZScout Pro Package is $506.

However, with the discount offered through this link, the price drops to $228.

This represents a significant saving, well over 55%.

Is the Package Right for You?

While the package offers valuable features for product research, I recommend watching the videos in this playlist before purchasing.

This will give you a better understanding of what each tool can do and how it might benefit your business.

The $228 price is a one-time annual fee, which works out to roughly $20 per month.

If you're serious about product research for Amazon FBA, this could be a good investment.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this explanation of the AMZScout FBA Calculator and its capabilities has been helpful for your Amazon FBA journey.

Remember, the calculator is a free tool available through the AMZScout FBA Calculator Chrome Extension.

This user-friendly extension allows you to directly estimate your potential profits while you're researching products.

If you have any questions about the calculator, using the AMZScout Chrome Extension, or anything related to Amazon FBA fees, feel free to leave a comment on my YouTube video.

I'm here to help you navigate the exciting world of Amazon FBA!

Until then…


Vova :)

Table of Contents
  1. Ever Wonder How Much Amazon Takes in Fees?
    1. The Free FBA Calculator Tool
    2. Understanding Your Amazon FBA Fees
    3. Putting the FBA Calculator to Work
    4. Using the Calculator on a Product Page:
    5. AMZScout Pro Package
    6. Package Pricing and Recommendations
    7. Is the Package Right for You?
    8. Thanks for Reading!

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)