Google Trends Alternative For Amazon Sellers - ZonGuru Sales Spy Review

Vova Even Feb 26, 2024
5 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Discover Hidden Amazon FBA Insights Using ZonGuru's Sales Spy Tool, Revealing Exclusive Secrets to Boost Your Success
    1. Parting Words

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Discover Hidden Amazon FBA Insights Using ZonGuru's Sales Spy Tool, Revealing Exclusive Secrets to Boost Your Success

Ever wondered how top Amazon FBA sellers stay ahead of the game, and whether there is a similar tool like Google Trends for Amazon sellers?

How do Amazon sellers crack the code to succeed in the competitive jungle of e-commerce?

Well, today, we're unraveling those mysteries as we dive into a great Amazon insights software called the ZonGuru Sales Spy tool.

ZonGuru free trial is available here.

50% OFF Zonguru is available here.

Trust me, it's a game-changer for FBA enthusiasts.

Picture a tool that can peel back the layers of Amazon's competition, unveiling the secrets of product performance and seasonality.

That's exactly what the ZonGuru Sales Spy tool does, and today, we're giving you an inside look.

In my recent YouTube video, I sat down with Veronica from ZonGuru to see their Sales Spy tool in action.

The conversation was so rich in insights that I had to bring it to you in text form. 

So, buckle up, because we're about to embark on a deep dive into the ZonGuru Sales Spy tool – an article loaded with tips and revelations you won't want to miss.

But here's the scoop: if you're not into reading, no problem! 

I've got the entire conversation packed into my latest video, embedded below.

Now, without further ado, let's unlock the secrets of the ZonGuru Sales Spy tool in our conversation with Veronica. 

Get ready to navigate this Amazon insights software like a pro! 🚀🔍


Vova: Hey there, Amazon sellers!

It's Vova Even, your go-to guy for all things Amazon FBA.

Today, I've got a special treat for you – we're diving into the world of ZonGuru and unpacking the wonders of their Sales Spy tool.

And hey, stick around till the end because I've got a promise to make – a free ZonGuru account and some sweet discounts are coming your way.

Veronica: Absolutely, Vova!

Now, let's talk about our Sales Spy tool.

It's not your run-of-the-mill tool; it's like having a secret agent in the Amazon jungle, and I'm not talking about James Bond.

This tool is your key to understanding your competition and sniffing out the seasonality of products.

We're not just looking at what your competitors are up to, but also figuring out if that bestseller is a hit only during Christmas or if it's the go-to gift for Mother's Day.

The Sales Spy tool is your detective partner in the vast world of Amazon FBA.

Alright, let's dive into the nitty-gritty.

I've got it all lined up here.

Vova: Perfect! 

ow, for the readers and viewers out there, let me give you a real-world example.

I'm in the barbecue niche – yeah, it's a seasonal gig.

But imagine if someone new to this game, someone who's never wielded the mighty spatula in the barbecue niche, tries to navigate it blindfolded.

They wouldn't have a clue!

That's where this tool swoops in to save the day.

With the Sales Spy tool, we're not just looking at competitors; we're deciphering the secrets of seasonality.

It's like having the Amazon FBA crystal ball, but better.

Veronica: Absolutely, folks!

Let me walk you through how you can utilize the power of Sales Spy on your competition.

So, if I want to keep an eye on a specific competitor, let's say they're rocking the bands niche,

I can simply copy their ASIN and head over to Sales Spy.

Easy, right?

But you can also click on this "+" sign to directly add it to the ZonGuru Sales Spy tool.

Just paste that ASIN, select the correct marketplace, and hit "Add."

Boom! You're in.

Now, what it actually does is, it shows the seasonality.

Now, if you look at this graph, you'd also see a color template on its upper-right corner.

Let's talk these colors.

We've got the orange, which is all about revenue, the light blue represents sales, the dark blue, that is your BSR – the best seller rank, and the dark orange represents product pulse events.

These are the bread and butter of your data feast.

In this example with the exercise bands, you'll notice a spike between January and April.

Now, exercise bands aren't exactly known for being seasonal, but look at that spike!

Is it folks gearing up for summer workouts or maybe some New Year's resolutions kicking in?

Interpretation is the game, my friends.

And hey, we're not stuck in a year-long view; you can filter this data over different periods.

So, whether your product is a seasoned veteran or a fresh face on the market, Sales Spy has your back.

Vova: Hey Veronica, got a quick question and a little nugget to toss into the mix.

Wondering about the time travel capabilities of Sales Spy here.

What's the maximum trip down memory lane we can take?

I see this custom range option, so theoretically, could we go all the way back to the product's humble beginnings?

If the data's there on Amazon, of course.

I get that a year is pretty sweet – captures the seasons, holidays, the whole shebang.

But what if we want to dig deeper, you know?

Maybe peek a few years back and get a sense of whether the seasonality is an annual thing or if something special happened, like in 2020 with the whole home workout craze during the pandemic.

Maybe we'd see some spikes in revenue.

So, is it a stroll through memory lane or more like a quick jog?

Let me know what you think. Cool stuff, anyway!

Veronica: Absolutely, 100 percent.

The impact of COVID on online shopping in 2020 was massive.

We've been riding that wave, and it's been quite a journey.

I've heard stories of sellers hitting it big and others facing a downturn since then.

It's a wild ride, and sometimes you can't predict what's happening globally.

Vova: Right on, Veronica!

And for all you awesome folks tuning in, here are the goods I promised at the beginning.

If you want to create a free ZonGuru account and snag a trial, hit up this link:

Anddd, if you're looking for some sweet ZonGuru discounts, 

I got you covered:

Oh, and don't forget the ZonGuru Browser Extension – it's a game-changer for sure:

Lastly, dive into my ZonGuru tutorials playlist for some in-depth guidance. It's embedded right below. 😉

Thanks for hanging out with us today.

Keep those questions coming, and let's conquer the Amazon FBA world together!


Parting Words

So, Amazon warriors!

That was one epic journey into the ZonGuru Sales Spy tool.

We've learned how to decode the secrets of seasonality, spy on our competitors, and even time-travel a bit into a product's history.

Veronica dropped some serious knowledge bombs, and I hope you're as pumped as I am!

Remember, in the crazy world of e-commerce, understanding the past can help us conquer the future.

COVID threw us a curveball, but with tools like ZonGuru, we're not just riding the wave – we're catching it and making it work for us.

And hey, don't forget those useful links I promised for your ZonGuru journey.

Create a free account, grab some discounts, check out the browser extension, and dive into my tutorial playlist.

Thanks for hanging out, and keep hustling.

Together, we're not just sellers; we're Amazon FBA legends.

Until next time, stay awesome! 🚀✨

P.S. - Check out my Amazon FBA Software Reviews to gain valuable insights into various solutions and make informed decisions for your business success!

Table of Contents
  1. Discover Hidden Amazon FBA Insights Using ZonGuru's Sales Spy Tool, Revealing Exclusive Secrets to Boost Your Success
    1. Parting Words

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)