How to Avoid Overworking Yourself And Prioritize Well-being?

Vova Even Sep 18, 2023
15 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. The Art Of Balance: How To Work Smarter, Not Harder
    1. How Not To Overwork Yourself?
    2. The Bottom Line

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

The Art Of Balance: How To Work Smarter, Not Harder

Hey there, workaholics!

Do you find yourself working day in and day out, constantly pouring all your energy into your work?

Does that make you feel all burnt out, exhausted, and like you have no life outside of work?

Let me guess - you’ve failed to strike the right work-life balance.

And if that makes you feel stranded, you’re definitely not alone, my pal!

The truth is, we’ve all been there at one point or the other.

In this article, join me, Vova Even, as I delve into the secrets of staying calm, avoiding overwork, and finding a productive work-life balance.

Just recently, I had a full-scale chat with Lailama Hasan from Helium 10.

We dove deep into the topic of staying calm during the most challenging times and not succumbing to the pressure of overworking ourselves.

I bet - you won't want to miss out on the insights and tips that we uncovered in this comprehensive and enlightening exchange.

But before that, a warm welcome to my blog.

If you’re new here, let me tell you a bit about myself.

As a full-time YouTuber, instructor, and blogger, I have been an Amazon FBA seller for over 7 years.

Starting off years ago, success seemed daunting and almost unattainable.

But, with perseverance, commitment, and a whole bundle of lessons learned from trial and error, I have reached new peaks of professional success and gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience.

And the best part is - you can access my expertise and insights through a variety of channels, including my YouTube channel, Udemy courses, and FBA blog.

In today’s article, I’ll be sharing everything I learned from my collaboration with Lailama Hasan and share some real-life tips based on our own experiences!

Not just that, we’ll help you create a more productive work environment, all while having fun and avoiding burnout.

Simply sit back, relax, and gear up to learn all the secrets to having a healthier and happier work-life balance!

So, get ready to take notes and make some changes because this blog might make you revolutionize the way you approach work and life!

P.S.… Below, I’ve embedded the video version of this article for your visual pleasure, as always.

Happy watching! :)

How Not To Overwork Yourself?

Many of us, especially those working on computers, may find ourselves overworking without even realizing it, right?

And while some may argue that they do not overwork themselves, I’m pretty sure the majority can relate to the struggle of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Speaking of us, as e-commerce entrepreneurs or private-label Amazon sellers, we’ve got the luxury of working on our computers for long hours.

But hey, this can lead to some serious overworking, which might call for the question: what exactly is considered overworking?

Well, I'd like to begin by mentioning a meme I saw that resonated with me, which said "I am quitting my typical nine-to-five workday so that I can work for myself 24 hours a day."

Of course, now that we have the convenience of working from home and with our laptops, it becomes difficult to set a limit on ourselves.

But if you were to ask me, overworking means working throughout the day without any free time to clock out of work or enjoy any social activities after work.

Or, let’s say it barely leaves you with any time on your hands to be able to do anything after work.

Whereas the nine-to-five grind can be challenging, the bright side is that once you clock out of work, you have the rest of the day to unwind and pursue what you like.

Honestly, it’s a priceless feeling to know that you have personal time to relax, spend time with loved ones, or do whatever excites your soul.

On the flip side, even if we don't have our laptops as freelancers, we're always mentally occupied with thoughts about the next strategy for what we're going to do for ourselves, right?

Yep, being a freelancer has its perks, like being your own boss and fully controlling your schedule.

But hey, don’t you forget; it also means double the responsibilities - everything from managing your time to being your own employee.

This can be overwhelming, and it's easy to fall into the trap of overworking when you're constantly juggling different tasks at once.

You know, there are no boundaries between work and personal life.

That’s when the need to find a balance and set realistic expectations for yourself comes in.

After all, your health matters so much more than your work!

You may have landed here because you're either seeking a side hustle along with your nine-to-five job or already pursuing your Amazon FBA venture.

Either way, the real challenge is to learn how to "clock out" effectively, just like in a regular nine-to-five job.

Yep, it’s crucial to avoid burning out by setting up a schedule that allows for personal time and rest, so you can recharge and tackle the next day's tasks with a recharged energy level.

The truth is, many people can relate to working late into the night or even into the early morning hours, especially during the early stages of their hustle.

Of course, tough times call for getting caught up in the grind and working long hours to ensure your business thrives.

That being said, I recall times when I had to bring in money from my businesses and the experience was both crazy and exhausting.

So, how can we identify if we're overworking ourselves and actually do something about it?

Well, being more of a night owl, I struggle with waking up in the morning.

But since I don’t have a fixed schedule to abide by, I can create my own routine without strict guidelines.

Yep, you guessed that right, the point here is - to establish the number of hours you wish to work in a day and treat your flexible work like any other job.

Making a schedule helps more than you think!

Let me tell you something - if you really wish to take control of your productivity and kick your work routine into high gear, the key lies in making a schedule and sticking to it!

When you break down your goals into monthly and weekly chunks and then divide those up into daily tasks, you'll be able to get so much more done.

Plus, I’d even recommend taking a calendar to allot specific hours for each task can help you stay on track, and avoid getting carried away.

Because when you don't have a schedule, you can either work way too less for your capacity or just end up working the entire day.

The real problem, however, is that most of the time, all these hours aren’t really productive either.

You know, you’re tired, and working the entire day, only to realize you couldn’t accomplish much.

That’s sad, right?

Well, without your goals being set, you’re super unsure of where you’re getting.

Man - the feeling of being lost is real!

And let's be honest, that kind of uncertainty can lead to some serious work-related anxiety.

You start questioning yourself if what you’ve done is enough, and that’s a really tough place to be in!

Yep, sometimes we think we're working but we just go into this rabbit hole of random things and we don't end up achieving anything at the end of the day.

But by setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and breaking them down into daily tasks, we can make sure that we're always working towards the bigger objectives we’ve set for ourselves.

And oh man, the satisfaction of checking off those daily goals is unmatchable!

By the time it’s the end of the month, you’ve accomplished the goal for that particular month before you even know it. :)

During my conversation with Lailama Hasan, she shared an interesting story about the importance of time management.

When she worked at her brother's listing optimization agency, they had operations in both Canada and Pakistan.

To communicate with employees in both locations, she had to split up her day and work during different hours.

For instance, she would work in the late hours of the day to coincide with morning time in Pakistan, which was 12 hours ahead.

She would then work in the morning or afternoon to collaborate with employees in Canada.

This approach allowed her to manage her time effectively and get things done.

Personally, she found it helpful to break down her work schedule into manageable chunks.

If you were to ask me, I think that’s a pretty fascinating approach and believe it could be helpful for anyone struggling to manage their time effectively.

Yep, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach here, but the chunking of tasks helps anyone out there, regardless of their work.

If you ever find yourself struggling to make progress, try time-blocking.

Here's the deal: you set specific times for specific tasks, and once that time is up, you move on to the next one.

It's not about finishing the task, it's about working on it for a designated amount of time.

Trust me, it helps build your focus more than anything else. 

I've found this method to be incredibly effective in my case.

Let’s say, I'll dedicate an hour to product research, then move on to working on my YouTube channel for the next hour.

Even if I haven't finished the task at hand, I'll still switch to the next one.

But hey, it's important to remember to stay focused on the specific task and avoid getting sidetracked by other things, like answering emails or messages on LinkedIn.

Uh, I’ll face it - I still find myself doing that from time to time.

In my opinion, the first step towards overcoming this problem is to become aware of it, and all the harm it’s causing.

Obviously, it's so easy to get caught up in a dozen other activities without even realizing it.

You might start by checking a message on LinkedIn, and before you know it, you're on Amazon trying to add a coupon to your listing.

The next thing you know, you’re super anxious and overwhelmed. It's enough to make your brain go crazy!

So, you might be wondering: how exactly do I deal with zoning out and honing in on one task?

But before I answer your question, I want to share a little tip that has helped me avoid overworking myself.

Here's what worked for me: I set a hard rule to turn off all electronic devices at 9:00 PM, and I even have it written on my board as a reminder.

Now, I won't lie, there have been times when I've slipped up and worked past 9:00 PM, but for the most part, I stick to my rule and unplug at the allotted time.

To tell you the truth, writing it down on the board really worked for me!

In the world of business, it's easy to get caught up in all the fuss of running a successful business.

But through all these years, I've come to realize that to succeed in the long run, you need to avoid exhausting yourself to the core.

And that’s exactly why I've made it a priority to disconnect myself from work at specific times throughout the day.

Now, the approach might as well come off as pretty inflexible to you.

But the truth is, it's all about finding what works for you.

Maybe you're someone who needs to unplug earlier in the evening, like around 7 PM, to relax a bit before bed.

Or maybe you're a night owl who needs to stay plugged in a bit later.

In either case, make sure your schedule allows you to recharge whenever you feel like it!

Coming to the most important part - ah, sleep.

It's such a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, yet it's often overlooked in the world of entrepreneurship.

But hey, if you're struggling with getting a good night's rest, my friendly recommendation for you is to check out the book "Sleep Smarter".

The book has 21 tips for improving the quality of your sleep, and take my word for it, they really work!

According to the book, the quality of your sleep can be impacted by a variety of factors, especially your screen time before bed and the specific hours you sleep.

In fact, the book mentions that there is a "money time" for sleep, which is typically between 10 PM and 2 AM.

In case you’re wondering, this time frame comes from evolutionary factors and the way humans have slept for years.

At an early age, they went to bed early and woke up early, with their sleep patterns aligning with nature's timings. 

With the advent of technology, people have started to deviate from their natural sleep patterns, which can have some serious negative effects on their health.

Yep, got to admit, it’s tempting to stay up late and enjoy some me-time, but it's important to remember that our bodies require a consistent sleep-wake schedule just as much as they require nourishing food to keep them going.

Next up, it’s a huge plus to have your workplace in a space that’s out of sight when you’re not working.

For me, that place is my living room, where I can focus on my work and not be tempted by the comfort of my bed.

From another viewpoint, when it’s time for me to relax, not having my computer in my bedroom helps me mentally separate work from relaxation time and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

But I’ll admit, sometimes when I am sitting on the couch, I can see my computer stare back at me.

And let me tell you, that's not as good because it's just practically calling you to check all those unread messages.

And let's be real, it doesn't stop there.

Once I’ve answered that one message, I am further tempted to check my Amazon sales, browse listings, or get sidetracked by something else entirely.

Ah, it’s just like that rabbit hole that seems to know no bounds - you keep slipping into more and more!

Alright, now back to the original question - how do I deal with zoning out and focusing on one task?

Okay, so starting with my schedule, every day at 7 am, I have a call with my business partner who lives in Thailand.

Just in case you’re curious, I’m currently located in Israel.

So, we usually spend around three hours discussing our Amazon business, which includes product development and any issues we're facing with our listings.

Sometimes, we even just catch up and chat about random things, as we’re good friends too.

Nevertheless, here’s what we’ve found out over the years – setting specific goals for our calls can help with boosting our productivity.

So, let’s say, if we decide to work on our many chat flows or photography, we’re actually investing all our time and efforts into achieving those goals.

That helps us stay focused and not go astray.

Of course, almost two to three hours of deep work into one thing gets a lot done.

Then, after school, I take some rest and have breakfast to energize myself.

Based on my experience, having a good breakfast is equally essential.

Well, I prefer breakfast with high protein and low carbs.

I don't eat anything sweet because it's not good for cutting and getting shredded, no matter whether you're a girl or a guy.

Again, everyone has their likings, and different stuff that works out for them, and so is the case with their breakfast preferences.

After having breakfast, I usually enjoy a cup of coffee and spend some time painting if I feel like it.

It may come as a surprise, but it's a fun activity that I enjoy doing outside work.

Or, sometimes I listen to podcasts.

And that’s what my mornings usually look like.


Once all this is done, I go back to my computer to continue with my work-related stuff for the day.

And guess what?

I even have a to-do list where I write down my daily goals, and to be honest, this helps me stay on track.

So, my list usually consists of three goals, such as completing a ManyChat flow, working on a project with the photographer, or uploading videos on YouTube.

Mostly, I set these goals either in the morning or the day before and then work on them throughout the day.

On my best days, I’m able to accomplish my goals without getting distracted.

That happens when I remember there’s something that needs to be done.

Essentially, if I don't complete a goal on the day I planned to, I simply move it to the next day.

Yet, I make sure it's completed within the next few days.

And that perfectly sums up my daytime.

At 5 p.m., I hit the gym for some cardio.

During my bike cardio session, I like to read books, although it can be challenging due to the surrounding noise and distractions.

By noises, I mean there’s music, and people working out - all while you’ve got to spin the wheels, so it’s no easy feat.

But hey, it seems to work great for me!

The cherry on top, it helps build focus. 😀

So after my workout, I have a meal, and then I usually spend some time working on the computer, painting, or just thinking of ideas.

In the last few hours of the day, I might as well continue working or do some other activities, depending on my mood.

Finally, at 9 PM, before plugging out, I either take a shower if I worked out or just read a book for an hour before finally hitting the bed.

And that’s pretty much it about my everyday routine as an entrepreneur!

What’s more, when I chatted with Lailama about her daily routine, I was fascinated to learn that she follows more or less a similar routine.

She sets daily goals and makes sure to accomplish them, without trying to conquer the entire world in a day.

It's a trap many of us fall into, thinking that doing extra work today will take us a step ahead tomorrow.

But as Lailama wisely advises, consistency is the key to success, whether it's working out or running a business.

If you focus on what’s achievable in a day and don’t think about anything else other than accomplishing it, there’s little chance the results won’t leave you stunned.

Try to get that done, and that should be more than enough.

And here’s a straight-up fact - our brains aren't meant to be multitasking.

So, if you feel that you're doing that, go take a 15-minute break, or perhaps meditate.

Ask yourself – have you ever tried plugging out of the world for just 15 minutes and meditating?

Yeah, it may sound like it’s nothing special, but the calming sensation you feel afterward is unreal.

To describe it better, everything's just a lot quieter - you can literally hear background noises after practicing meditation for some time.

Thereafter, you can focus on the task at hand without any distractions for the next hour.

It's amazing what a little bit of mindfulness can do to improve productivity!

When you know your mind isn’t going bonkers thinking about a million things anymore, you can dedicate all your energy to that one task you’ve set for the next hour.

With all’s said and done, it’s about setting boundaries and sticking to them, which can be challenging at times, but it incredibly pays off in the long run.

By focusing on one task at a time, you can be more productive and efficient in your work, and ultimately achieve your goals.

At least, that’s what I learned from all the successful people I have ever come across.

The next question that might pop up here is - what do we do to enhance our focus while working on one task at a time?

Or, how do we develop the discipline that’s needed to stay focused?

Let’s say, at times, I may drift away from task number one, and begin working on task number two, or maybe even end up checking my YouTube channel analytics.

So, let’s get straight to how we can avoid going astray while working on something. 

The answer is, that everything requires discipline.

Yes, discipline is crucial in developing the habit of focusing on one task at a time.

And of course, also to be able to pull the task off productively!

Otherwise, as I mentioned earlier, you can do so many tasks together, and not get anything done by the end of the day.

This means that if there’s one thing that can keep you on track, that’s the discipline with which you approach your to-do list. 

According to Lailama Hasan, she sets a personal threshold for herself and when she reaches it, she tells herself that she's been slacking off or unfocused for too long and it's time to make a change.

Well, to her, this happens every couple of months or so.

And so she uses self-talk as a way to be disciplined and get back to work.

Also, she tells herself to focus solely on the task for one hour and then take a break afterward.

Not only that, she uses this strategy for working out too.

Because, as she says “15 hours of focused work, and things start to make sense.”

And if that doesn’t motivate you to invest more time into the task, I don’t know what does!

And oh, if you're curious about how I regain my focus, let me share my approach with you.

To get back on track, I believe self-awareness is more important than anything else.

When you hit a threshold and realize that you've been unproductive or unfocused, you need to be honest and tell yourself that you don't want to continue moving along the same path.

Then, identify tasks that you need to prioritize, and set up clear goals for yourself.

And guess what?

It’s fun!

Also, once you have a significant objective in mind, life becomes a lot easier.

I'll admit, sometimes I find myself slacking off, even when I know I have important tasks that need to be completed.

But then I started to question myself, asking why am I not doing these things.

And the answer is simpler than you think - I lack discipline.

Yep, it’s not always easy, to be honest with ourselves, but admitting this to myself is the first step in becoming more disciplined.

And what I've found to be the key to maintaining discipline is consistency.

As I mentioned earlier with running, the first few runs might be a bit tough, but that's just because our bodies and brains are getting used to the routine.

But once we push through that initial challenge, it becomes so much easier and even more enjoyable.

Soon after, it becomes a part of you, and you can’t even go a day without it.

Well, so is the case with my goals.

Yep, many of you might even find it strange, and tell me to enjoy life instead.

But the truth is, jotting down my everyday goals is my way of enjoying life. 

If I ever find myself slacking off from my goals, I simply start again and make a conscious effort to get back on track.

Once I get into a rhythm of focused work, it becomes a pleasure I wouldn’t want to miss out on.

And once I'm there, as I mentioned earlier, even 15 minutes of focused work can make a huge difference.

Again, it’s very much like going to the gym: initially, you may feel sore, but once you get the hang of it, your mindset changes, and suddenly you're just crushing it.

Lailama mentioned a book called "Atomic Habits" which suggests making a habit part of your identity to achieve success.

For instance, if you consider yourself a runner, you're more likely to work towards running goals, like a 10k or 20k, and stick to a running routine.

This really pushes you to stay more focused on achieving your goals.

For instance, when you identify as an Amazon seller, you stay motivated to build your business, even if you haven’t hit the desired target yet.

The point here is, another hack to trick yourself into getting things done is - to make your goal a part of your identity.

Apart from all this, have you ever wondered how to tell if you're overworked?

Even if you've accomplished everything you need to, there might still be a sense of feeling overwhelmed.

So, how do we know if we're overworking ourselves?

Is it a physical feeling, or is it all in our heads?

Well, one of the answers is that it varies from person to person.

But hang on - there’s more to the question than only this.

First things first, it’s important to note that everyone has a limit on how much they can work, and it's unique to each individual.

Personally, I can only work for four to six hours before I start feeling mentally drained.

If I push myself beyond that limit, I'll experience a mental block the very next day.

However, for someone else, the limit could be different, let’s say around eight to ten hours.

But if you wish to stay productive and avoid burnout, it’s best for you to accept your limitations, and go no further!

And just when you understand how much you can do within a day, you can make the best use of that time and accomplish more without overworking yourself.

Secondly, if you're consistently going to work or running your business, it’s pretty normal for you to experience mental exhaustion.

This feeling, in fact, is more of a mental state and can also have physical impacts, which ultimately leads to a drop in performance across various aspects of your life, for example, your social interactions and physical fitness.

These signs are enough to tell that you’re overworking yourself, yet again.

In all honesty, there’s no magic number to indicate the number of hours you can work - everyone has their own limit.

But listen up, if you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s time to reconsider how you go about your day.

As an introverted person, I’ve always been eager to learn what it's like to be an extrovert.

As a child, I spent most of my time playing on the computer.

However, being introverted does not mean being unsocial. We are social beings and need to interact with others, even if we are introverted.

For me, when I work a lot on creative projects and neglect socializing, it feels super weird.

Yep, you guessed that right - to avoid becoming overworked, it's essential to socialize regularly.

The amount of socialization needed may vary from person to person, with some needing more than others.

However, even those who require less socialization still need to maintain some level of social interaction.

We simply can’t neglect this aspect of our life!

Back to the subject, even if you enjoy doing your work, you can’t possibly work your fingers to the bone 24/7.

Instead, you also have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, and ask yourself - will I be able to function like that in another month or two?

Well, if you think that you're draining yourself of energy and that creativity that you need with your business or daily life, that’s an indication that you need to work less and focus on other aspects of life.

Even if you’re an introvert, you still have to go out and connect with people.

Now, what do you do if you’ve gotten to a point where you desperately need to recharge yourself?

Well, as Lailama explained in the conversation, several ways work for her.

One of them that works well for her is working out, which makes her feel much better.

She believes that the release of endorphins during exercise is what provides a general sense of happiness.

Another way that she likes to recharge is by reading books for a couple of hours, or by meeting up with friends.

According to her, everyone’s super unique in this aspect too.

But for her, being outdoors is perhaps the greatest way to recharge, whether it's by walking around or reading outside, especially when the weather decides to complement too.

If you'd ask me, I prefer to recharge outside since I feel like a computer working indoors.

While I can work from a coffee shop, I still prefer the outdoors, where I can breathe fresh air and enjoy the sky and sun.

Although Canada has limited sunny days, I believe it's mandatory for me to bask in the sun whenever possible.

Additionally, getting some sunlight and fresh air can also help improve overall well-being.

When it comes to breathing, some people tend to breathe through their mouth, but it's good to practice breathing through the nose to inhale and exhale through the mouth.

Let’s face it - being mindful of our breathing can be quite a challenge when we're busy, but wait - it’s super essential to take a moment and breathe deeply, especially when we feel stressed or overwhelmed.

You might as well try out different breathing techniques like holding your breath etc.

Trust me, that helps a lot!

So, if you integrate that into your routine as a daily practice, that’s going to work wonders for you. :)

For me, taking a long walk without any distractions, such as phones or even podcasts, is a fantastic way to connect with my surroundings.

I usually walk for an hour, thinking about everything nature has in store for us.

Even the little things, like touching flowers or picking up stones, can be enjoyable when we are aware of them.

It's amazing how smelling flowers can uplift our mood.

Walking barefoot on the ground can also be a great way to connect with nature.

I believe that connecting with the world outside of the digital realm helps us to connect with people and nature.

Even something as small as the sky works like a magic pill!

Furthermore, if you’re an anxious person, it’s pretty common for you to find yourself in the middle of work with your fists clenched and teeth gritted.

Though, the sad part is that most of us don’t even realize it before it's too late.

But here's the thing - with some practice, we can become more aware of our body's signals.

We can learn to notice when our body is tensed up and take steps to relax it.

Believe it or not, these little things like unclenching our fists or relaxing our jaw can significantly decrease our cortisol levels and help us feel less anxious.

And the best part?

It's something we can do every single day, and it adds up over time.

Think about working for years with your body tensed up - not a pleasant thought, right?

Believe it or not, practicing simple daily activities like mindful breathing and spending time outdoors can give you more energy to tackle whatever work comes your way.

And becoming more aware of your body and environment might even make you feel like a superhuman.

But the top-notch advantage?

You'll be able to handle more work without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted!

And oh, here’s another thing - it's important to pay attention to the way we talk to ourselves and others.

If we frequently use negative self-talk like "I'm angry" or "I'm lazy," we end up adopting those negative traits unconsciously.

For instance, if we want to be financially free and successful, we should avoid labeling ourselves as lazy and instead focus on taking action toward our goals.

Don’t forget - our words have power and can greatly impact our mindset and actions.

The more negative we go with our words, the harder things get.

Moreover, it’s crucial to remember that the way we label ourselves can have a huge impact on our thoughts and actions.

Let’s say we constantly tell ourselves that we're stubborn or incapable of change, we might end up resisting opportunities for growth and new experiences.

Hence, we should try to adopt a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities to learn and evolve.

Take a moment to think about it - if I claim that I can easily connect with others, and love talking and listening to people, then I would start believing and acting accordingly.

On the other hand, if I start saying that I dislike people and prefer not to engage in conversations, I might begin to believe and behave that way.

Plus, it goes the other way around too!

If you hear yourself saying you wish to achieve a particular thing, you might want to ask yourself what steps you’re taking to achieve the goal.

Not to forget, we also need to find joy in day-to-day tasks.

Obviously, I didn’t become a successful Amazon seller overnight.

Nobody says “Hey I wish to be that” and just becomes it.

You need to set several daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and to top it all - enjoy the process.

Some people dislike the process and only want to achieve results, which I often hear at the gym.

Instead, it's better to incorporate the process into your daily lifestyle, making it a habit.

Eventually, you will see the results, but you can’t just hate the process and expect to get the results you desire.

Trust me, it’s not going to work out that way!

That leads to another question - how do you learn to love the process?

Well, keep telling yourself to stop hating the process.

Yep, it’s easier said than done, but it's what I did to achieve my goals.

If I want to get there, then I have to enjoy the process.

I convinced myself that I like it, and as a result, every day became easier than before.

So, basically, it’s essential to have a strong desire and the willingness to seek help to achieve something because every journey has its struggles, and it's not always rainbows and butterflies. :)

In fact, people often focus solely on the monetary aspect of achieving their goals, but what they forget is that it’s essential to find a method that you enjoy to reach that goal.

For example, if you dislike the process of selling on Amazon, you can’t expect to achieve the monetary gain that comes with it.

My approach is to have a bigger vision and work backward from there.

For instance, after completing three years of military service, I traveled the world for a year with just a backpack and little money in my bank account.

I had no set plans except for two tickets: from Tel Aviv to New Delhi and from Bangkok to Tel Aviv after a year.

This experience taught me many valuable skills, including being spontaneous and living in the moment.

I'm now much happier because I had the freedom to do what I wanted to do during my travels.

Or to be precise, at that point, I understood my big values for loving to live a free life.

And based on these values, I concluded that I wanted an online business for myself.

Not to forget, I tried different things to accomplish my goal, like I actually have an Instagram page that is inactive since 2015 called “gym hacks free” where I showed different ways of doing different exercises in the gym.

Cool, right?

Yep, so I tried out different things, but then I got in luck, and found the pathway to Amazon.

Much in the same way, it depends on the kind of lifestyle you want for yourself.

And finally, I’d like to add that we can’t limit ourselves based on what we think others might say or think about us.

It's important to note these limiting beliefs and permit ourselves to be who we want to be and do what we want to do.

Listen up, you can’t let others decide the way you live!

The Bottom Line

Honestly, there’s so much to discuss on this topic, and I could go on for hours because everything boils down to how to achieve a certain goal.

But here’s a pro tip that Lailama shared - reading self-help or self-development books to discover all the tips and strategies to live a better life.

And before you wrap it up, I’d recommend you to read “Atomic Habits” by James Clear - a book that has what it takes to build the foundation of some great and healthy habits.

And this could be your sign to start reading the book already!

All in all, I hope today’s blog will help you realize the significance of not overworking yourselves.

And even if you do, I’m sure it’ll help them understand how to manage their workload in a way that doesn't lead to burnout.

And yes, we discussed ways to take care of one's body while working, which I believe can be super beneficial for so many of you.

So, there you have it, folks!

The most valuable piece of advice from today is - never to be too hard on yourself.

Also, the key to success is taking it one step at a time and being consistent.

Don't beat yourself up for not conquering everything in one day.

Remember, it's a journey, not a marathon.

Let's all strive for happy and fulfilling lives, and work towards our goals with dedication, without overworking ourselves! :)

Until next time.


Vova :) 

Table of Contents
  1. The Art Of Balance: How To Work Smarter, Not Harder
    1. How Not To Overwork Yourself?
    2. The Bottom Line

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