MUST KNOW Before You Buy Or Sell An Amazon Seller Account & Business (Buying & Selling Done WELL)

Vova Even Jun 01, 2024
18 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Essential Tips for Buying or Selling an Amazon Seller Account and Business
    1. What to Expect: Article Agenda
    2. Meet My Guests
    3. Is It Legit to Buy an Amazon Seller Account
    4. Difference Between Amazon Seller Accounts and Businesses
    5. Can You Sell an Unprofitable Amazon Business
    6. What Determines the Cost of an Amazon Seller Account
    7. What Determines the Cost of an Amazon Business
    8. Why People Buy Amazon Seller Accounts
    9. Why Do People Sell Amazon Seller Accounts
    10. Why Should People Consider Buying Amazon Business
    11. Why Would Someone Sell a Profitable Amazon Business
    12. Who Buys Amazon Business and Seller Accounts
    13. How Does the Process of Transferring an Amazon Account or Business Work
    14. How to Sell an Amazon Store in the Safest and Right Way
    15. How to Buy an Amazon Store in the Safest and Right Way
    16. What Should We Take into Consideration When Selling an Amazon Business and How to Get More Money for It
    17. Why Consider Working with SellerSpot
    18. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Essential Tips for Buying or Selling an Amazon Seller Account and Business

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs!

Ever wondered what it takes to successfully buy or sell an Amazon seller account or business?

Well, you're in luck!

I'm Vova Even, and I recently sat down with Omer Sidi and Shai Prat from SellerSpot on my YouTube channel to dive deep into this topic.

Whether you're considering entering the Amazon marketplace or looking to make a strategic exit, this article – based on that video – is a must-read.

Join me as we uncover everything you need to know before diving into the world of buying and selling Amazon seller accounts and businesses.

Trust me, you won't want to miss out on these valuable insights.

So, let's jump right in and discover the secrets to buying and selling done well!


What to Expect: Article Agenda

Vova: Welcome, everyone! Today's discussion is all about the ins and outs of purchasing and selling Amazon seller accounts and businesses.

Joining me are Omer and Shai from SellerSpot, experts in facilitating these transactions.

SellerSpot is a place where Amazon sellers can get all the help they need.

They can buy or sell Amazon accounts and businesses, get valuations, transfer ownership, appeal for accounts and listings, and receive expert advice.

It's like a one-stop shop for everything Amazon-related.

Plus, I've ranked it as the 5th sweetest deal on my list (in the 2nd part of the article below)!

Click here to access it and grab the best discount offer on SellerSpot: Discounts & Coupons | Vova Even. 🔥.

Getting back to Omer and Shai – these guys are here to shed light on the process and answer questions that will benefit you in navigating the world of buying or selling an Amazon seller account.

If you're in the market for buying or selling an Amazon account or business, whether you already own one or are looking to enter the space, today's discussion is packed with valuable insights straight from the experts.

Feel free to drop any questions you have in the comments of my YouTube video; we're there to address them at our earliest.

Meet My Guests

Vova: Now, before we dive into the details, let's have Shai and Omer introduce themselves.

Also, I want to mention that below are two contact forms if you're interested in buying or selling accounts or businesses.

They're all set up for your convenience.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

So, Shai, Omer, over to you guys. Welcome!

Omer: Hey, thanks for having us.

Vova: Great to have you both here. 

Can you please introduce yourselves to our audience and share a bit about your expertise?

Then we'll jump into our first question.

Shai: Of course. I'm Shai Prat.

Over the past four years, I've specialized in facilitating the buying and selling of established Amazon seller accounts and businesses.

Our team at SellerSpot has handled a variety of deals, ranging from small-scale accounts to larger enterprises.

Additionally, we offer services such as business valuations and consultancy to sellers navigating the Amazon marketplace.

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate this space effectively.

Vova: Perfect! It's great to have you here, Shai.

And Omer, before you introduce yourself, I want to mention that you've been a guest on my channel multiple times before.

Shai, this is your first time joining us, so a warm welcome to you.

For those who want to explore more insights about buying and selling accounts, I've got a playlist with Omer's previous appearances below.

Now, Omer, please go ahead and introduce yourself to our audience.

Omer: Thanks once again for inviting us.

A bit about me: I've been actively involved in selling on Amazon since 2015, managing multiple brands.

My background in law complements our work, allowing us to provide comprehensive consultancy to both buyers and sellers in this domain.

Our services span the entire process, from facilitating the transfer of Amazon accounts and businesses to conducting valuations.

Additionally, we assist with appealing deactivated listings and accounts, and we also specialize in launching new brands across various categories on Amazon.

In essence, we offer a range of consulting services tailored to the needs of our clients.

Vova: That's fantastic, great to hear!

It's been really encouraging to receive positive feedback from my audience about their experiences working with you.

Our partnership has been quite rewarding, hasn't it? I remember we first met in Israel at that event – can't recall the name now, but it was a pleasure meeting you both there.

Since then, things have really taken off, and I'm excited to see where this partnership leads.

So, let's dive into the questions, shall we?

Shai: Sure.

Vova: Cool, let's get started.

Is It Legit to Buy an Amazon Seller Account

Vova: Alright, let's kick things off with a question that I'm sure many of our viewers are curious about.

Is it actually legal to buy or sell Amazon stores according to Amazon's policies?

Omer: Alright, let's address this common question.

The simple answer is yes, buying and selling Amazon stores is indeed allowed by Amazon.

We receive inquiries about this topic nearly every day, indicating a widespread lack of understanding about the process.

So, to clarify, yes, it's legal and permissible according to Amazon's guidelines.

However, it's crucial to ensure that the transfer process is handled correctly.

If you're not familiar with the intricacies involved, it's wise to seek assistance from someone experienced in these matters.

There are potential pitfalls along the way, and having expert guidance can help avoid complications.

Vova: So, to sum it up, buying and selling Amazon accounts and businesses is entirely within Amazon's guidelines.

As long as you adhere to their rules, it's a legitimate process.

And the good news is, you guys provide assistance in navigating these rules.

If anyone out there is considering this option but feels unsure about going it alone, they can turn to you for help.

I've already shared the contact forms above but in case you missed them, here they are:

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

It's reassuring to know that as long as the process is handled correctly and by the book, it's all above board.

Difference Between Amazon Seller Accounts and Businesses

Vova: Now, moving on to our second question: what exactly sets apart an Amazon seller account from an Amazon business?

Shai, maybe you can shed some light on this for us.

Shai: Building on what we discussed earlier about the legality of buying and selling Amazon accounts, it's important to note that there's a thriving market of sellers who are transitioning out of their Amazon businesses, some of which are worth seven to eight figures.

So, it's certainly a viable option.

Now, when it comes to differentiating between an Amazon seller account and an Amazon business, the account serves as the foundation, the basic structure if you will, of the business and its storefront.

Essentially, it's the Amazon Seller Central account.

This account holds valuable assets such as seller feedback, sales history, and sometimes access to restricted categories or brands.

Because of these assets, an aged account holds monetary value.

Starting from scratch would mean a newcomer to Amazon would need to build up these elements over time.

With an aged account, you can reap the benefits of these assets and start selling your own items without inheriting the previous seller's activity.

On the other hand, when considering a business purchase, it involves acquiring the entire operation, which is a more complex deal.

When considering buying an Amazon business, there are several additional factors to consider. 

You'll need to establish connections with suppliers and other essential assets, such as a website or mailing list, may be included in the purchase.

Essentially, you're acquiring the entire operation, which involves more complexity than just purchasing the account alone.

While it's possible to sell the business separately from the account or include the account in the deal, many people overlook the distinction between the two.

It's crucial to grasp this difference when making decisions in this realm.

Vova: So, just to recap, the main distinction lies in the scope of the operation.

A business encompasses everything from suppliers to listings on Amazon.

Shai: Absolutely, and it's worth noting that Amazon offers various types of accounts, including merch accounts for print-on-demand, buyer accounts, seller accounts, and affiliate accounts.

However, our focus is specifically on Amazon Seller accounts, which is important to understand.

Omer: Another important distinction to highlight is that a business is not just about generating revenue – it's about being consistently profitable over time.

This sustainability significantly impacts its value, which is determined by its profitability. 

In today's market, businesses typically sell for multiples ranging from two to four and a half or five times their annual profits.

Of course, there are exceptions, with some businesses fetching higher multiples, but the majority fall within this range.

Shai: Absolutely.

When it comes to selling an Amazon business, as Omer mentioned, prospective buyers typically require a profit and loss (P&L) statement for the past one or two years.

Unlike selling an account based on its features, a business is valued primarily based on its profitability.

So, it's important to have those financial documents in order when you're ready to sell.

Omer: One more important aspect to consider is the timeline for selling.

Typically, selling an Amazon business is a lengthier process compared to selling an account.

These deals often take anywhere from a few months to several months to complete.

On the other hand, Amazon accounts can sometimes be sold instantly.

This difference in time frame is significant to note.

Can You Sell an Unprofitable Amazon Business

Vova: I have an interesting scenario to consider: what about a business that isn't currently turning a profit?

Let's say all the components are in place – operations, suppliers, etc. – but for some reason, the seller hasn't been able to make it profitable yet.

Can such a business still be sold?

I'm thinking about this as an extension of our previous question about the difference between an account and a business.

It's like an unprofitable business with potential.

Even if buyers may not be willing to pay a high multiple for it, could they still be interested in purchasing it?

Have you encountered cases like this?

Omer: Absolutely, it's a common scenario in the world of Amazon.

Many stores are operational but not turning a profit.

In fact, from our experience, most Amazon stores fall into this category.

So, the short answer is yes, it's entirely possible to buy and sell a business that's currently struggling.

There could be various reasons behind its lack of success: perhaps it performed well in the past, maybe it has untapped potential, or maybe the strategies implemented weren't effective.

Financial constraints or other factors could also play a role in its underperformance.

So, absolutely, those kinds of businesses are available too.

They're typically priced lower because they're not currently profitable.

Selling them can be more challenging since most buyers prefer something that's already successful and making money.

However, there are individuals who specialize in evaluating and reviving such businesses, turning them into profitable ventures.

So, it's definitely a possibility.

In fact, I've personally acquired businesses that were struggling initially and turned them into profitable enterprises.

So, yes, it's entirely feasible.

Vova: Sounds good.

What Determines the Cost of an Amazon Seller Account

Vova: Alright, let's move on to the next question.

What factors influence the price of an Amazon seller account?

Shai, could you shed some light on this?

Shai: Sure. When it comes to assessing the value of an individual Amazon account, there are several factors to consider.

Unlike businesses, which often have established market multiples, Amazon accounts don't follow a set pricing structure.

Instead, their value is determined by supply and demand dynamics.

Sometimes, there's high demand for accounts in the market, while at other times, there might be more accounts available for sale than there are buyers interested.

So, the price of an account is primarily influenced by these market dynamics.

Additionally, the specific features of the account play a significant role.

Factors such as the account's age – whether it was opened recently or several years ago – can have a substantial impact on its value.

For instance, the sales volume of an account makes a significant difference in its value.

Accounts with high sales compared to those with minimal sales vary greatly in price.

Naturally, we prefer to sell accounts with a substantial sales history.

Additionally, factors like seller feedback and account health play crucial roles.

One lesser-known aspect that's also important is the account's ability to sell other ASINs and brands.

Certain accounts have the capability to list well-known brands, while others do not.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

If you're interested in selling specific brands, it's crucial to find an account that aligns with your needs.

Therefore, this aspect also holds significance in the evaluation process.

Another crucial factor to consider is the country associated with the account.

Accounts from certain countries may be valued differently compared to others.

All these aspects are taken into account when determining the value of an account.

Consequently, the worth of an account can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars or even more, depending on these various details.

What Determines the Cost of an Amazon Business

Vova: Alright, moving on to the next question.

This one's for you, Omer.

It's somewhat similar to the previous question, but now we're focusing on the value of an entire Amazon business rather than just the seller account.

So, I'm curious to hear what factors play into determining the value of an Amazon business.

Omer: Sure, let's break it down.

One of the key factors in determining the value of an Amazon business is its revenue and profit.

We look at how much money it's bringing in and how much of that is actually turning into profit.

Another aspect to consider is the structure of the business.

Is it focused on selling just one product, or does it offer a variety of products (SKUs)?

Besides this, we take into account whether the business solely relies on Amazon as its selling platform or if it's diversified across multiple platforms.

The number of platforms where you sell your products plays a big role in determining the value of your business.

If you're only selling on Amazon, there's a higher risk involved because you're putting all your eggs in one basket.

However, if you're diversifying your sales channels by also selling on platforms like Etsy, Walmart, or through your own website and social media, it adds more stability and potential for growth.

This diversification means you can generate revenue and profit from multiple sources, which makes your business more valuable in the eyes of potential buyers.

Vova: Alright, that sounds good.

And yeah, I want to add to that.

Having an email list is another valuable asset for your business.

If you can show that you're getting a certain number of clicks and those clicks are leading to sales through Amazon links or other channels, it adds more value to your business.

Essentially, it's another income stream that contributes to the overall profitability of the business.

So, the more of these income streams you have, the higher the value of your business.

Omer: Absolutely, higher profit margins are crucial.

Products with less competition are advantageous.

Additionally, intellectual property rights play a significant role.

Can you protect your product?

Is it unique, or can a competitor easily replicate it?

Businesses with patented products, including design patents, tend to be more valuable.

Vova: I get your point. That's pretty cool.

Why People Buy Amazon Seller Accounts

Vova: Now, let's move on to the next question.

Shai, could you shed some light on why individuals might be interested in purchasing an Amazon seller account?

Shai: That's a great question because it's often overlooked why some opt for buying aged accounts rather than entire businesses.

First of all, some potential buyers come from countries where Amazon doesn't permit new account creation.

So, some buyers prefer buying an existing account instead of starting a new one, especially if they're from countries where Amazon doesn't allow new accounts.

The main allure of an aged account lies in its history.

More sales, feedback, and credibility with Amazon reduce the risk for the buyer.

An aged Amazon account with a history of sales is less likely to be shut down by Amazon compared to a new one.

This offers more security to the buyer.

Plus, with an aged account, you can start selling larger volumes more quickly than with a new account. 

This saves a lot of time and trouble dealing with Amazon's policies and procedures, allowing you to start working on your business immediately.

Moreover, having multiple accounts allows you to diversify your risk.

If your business relies solely on one account and it gets deactivated, you could lose all your revenue streams in one go.

However, if you spread your sales across multiple accounts, the impact of one account being closed is minimized, and your business can continue operating.

These are the advantages of purchasing an account and why it might be appealing to someone.

Vova: That makes sense.

Why Do People Sell Amazon Seller Accounts

Vova: This actually brings me to my next question, Omer.

Why might someone decide to sell their Amazon seller account?

Omer: So, the primary reason is that the account isn't profitable, and often, it's actually running at a loss.

The competition on Amazon is fierce, making it challenging to maintain profitability.

Many sellers find themselves either in the red or barely breaking even.

What complicates matters further is that most sellers lack the necessary tools to accurately assess their financial situation.

Amazon's reports only provide partial information, leaving sellers in the dark about their actual losses.

It's like looking at a bank statement without seeing all the expenses.

You can see the money coming in, but you're missing crucial details like how much you're spending on products, shipping, creating listings, advertising, and more.

Without this full picture, many sellers struggle to understand their true financial situation.

And that's the main issue with selling an Amazon account – it's just not making any profit.

In fact, most of the time, it's actually losing money.

So, every month you continue to operate with the account open, you're just adding to those losses.

Vova: So, when you're talking about operations and payouts, are you referring specifically to seller accounts on Amazon, or is it broader, like an entire Amazon business operation?

Omer: That's a valid point.

It applies to both individual seller accounts and entire businesses on Amazon.

Whether it's an account holding inventory or a full-fledged business, there are costs involved in managing them.

The longer inventory sits without selling, the higher the fees stack up.

We've encountered cases where accounts incur hefty charges due to stagnant inventory, especially if the items are large or heavy.

Moreover, Amazon has recently hiked up fees for removing, returning, or disposing of inventory.

Currently, there's a minimum fee of $1 per unit for removing inventory from Amazon's warehouses.

For larger items, this cost can soar to $10 or even $15 per unit.

Imagine if you have thousands of units sitting there – the charges add up quickly.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

Many sellers find themselves grappling with these ongoing expenses, which can become burdensome over time.

It's a common sentiment among sellers to feel disenchanted with Amazon and to yearn for other pursuits.

However, as long as their accounts remain active, they're stuck with these recurring fees month after month.

Vova: Right. A small amount like $40 might not seem too much, but it adds up every month.

Omer: Absolutely.

That's almost $500 annually just for the basic charges.

And if you factor in inventory costs, it's bound to be significantly higher than that.

Vova: Yeah, totally.

And, just a heads up for everyone reading, you can access the forms for buying or selling Amazon seller accounts and businesses through the links below.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

So if you're stuck with inventory and those pesky monthly charges keep rolling in, take a look at them.

Why Should People Consider Buying Amazon Business

Vova: Alright, Omer, shifting gears a bit.

Why would anyone think about buying an Amazon business?

We've talked about it a bit, but let's dive deeper into why this might be appealing.

Omer: Well, for many, it's about expanding their current business, broadening their portfolio by acquiring another Amazon store.

Sometimes, it's about tapping into a niche they haven't explored yet, but not always.

Take our recent acquisition, for instance.

We bought a business with plans to nurture its growth while maintaining its existing operations.

Generally, buyers believe they can run the business more efficiently, ultimately increasing profits.

But let's face it, that's what it usually boils down to for most folks.

Shai: Another crucial point to note is the emergence of the aggregator industry, which has garnered attention from many Amazon sellers.

While some have succeeded, others haven't fared as well.

It's vital to conduct thorough research before acquiring any business.

Sometimes, it might appear that purchasing a business is the key to doubling profits by simply making a few tweaks.

However, reality might not always align with these expectations.

And like any business venture, smooth sailing isn't guaranteed.

It's crucial to conduct thorough research and due diligence because, if you ask about the truth, the aggregator industry isn't without its challenges.

Many aggregators have purchased numerous businesses with the expectation of significant growth, only to realize that achieving success isn't as straightforward as they initially thought.

Consequently, some of these ventures have ended up closing down due to these difficulties.

Vova: Got it.

Why Would Someone Sell a Profitable Amazon Business

Vova: This brings me to my next question.

We've touched on this briefly, but why would someone decide to sell their Amazon business, even if it's profitable?

What's the motivation behind selling a business, whether it's making money or not?

Omer: Alright, so many people have this dream of eventually selling their business for a profit.

However, it's important to realize that the value of your business is based on its current and past performance.

Some sellers might not consider the possibility that their business could become less profitable or even cease to exist in the future.

So, when you're considering selling your business, it's crucial to ensure that it's currently performing well and turning a profit.

Potential buyers are naturally more inclined to invest in businesses that are thriving at present.

Surprisingly, many sellers we've encountered have hesitated to sell, hoping to wait for another six months to enhance their revenue and profit.

However, more often than not, the outcome doesn't align with their expectations.

When a business takes a downturn, especially on Amazon, things can spiral downhill quickly.

Just slipping from the first page of search results can lead to a sharp decline in sales, revenue, and profits.

So, sellers often choose to sell their business to cash in on its current value.

Today, it might be worth a certain amount, but there's no guarantee it will hold the same value tomorrow or the day after.

I've experienced this firsthand with my first private label on Amazon.

I got an offer to buy my business for almost half a million dollars.

I was confident that I could triple or even quadruple my earnings the next year.

So, I decided to hold off on selling.

But as time went on, unexpected challenges arose.

Before I knew it, my product was no longer available on Amazon, and my business was worth nothing.

It's important to share these stories to highlight the risks involved.

Looking back, I realize I didn't fully consider all the factors when I received the offer.

Vova: Thanks for sharing, Omer.

Anything else you'd like to add, Shai?

Shai: Sure, I just wanted to mention that there are various personal reasons why someone might choose to sell their business.

It's not always just about the numbers.

For example, conflicts with business partners can lead to wanting to dissolve the partnership.

There are various personal reasons why someone might decide to sell their business.

It could be to shift focus onto other projects or pursuits that require time and resources.

Additionally, there are different arrangements for selling a business.

For instance, the seller might continue to be involved as a consultant, receiving a portion of sales or a salary.

Selling the business doesn't always mean completely stepping away from it.

Sometimes, buyers may want to retain the person who started the business because of their expertise.

It's important to consider these factors as well.

Omer: Oftentimes, people simply get tired of what they're doing and want to explore other avenues.

It's not always about sticking with Amazon; sometimes, they want to try different businesses altogether.

They might need the funds from selling their Amazon business to invest in other ventures.

Not everyone plans to stay in the Amazon game forever.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

Vova: I wanted to add something.

I remember that I reached out to you, Omer, about my business with my partner.

It was about a year ago, or maybe even longer.

At that time, we were facing a challenge with one of our products – it was a complete loss.

We had a few products that were bringing in profits, so the business was still making money.

I remember you mentioning that we could potentially sell it for double the yearly profit.

You suggested that we could sell it then if we wanted to, but also mentioned that if we worked on improving the business, refining processes, and making enhancements, we might be able to sell it for even more in the future.

I'm really grateful for your advice because it gave us a direction to work on improving our business.

It made us realize that nothing is certain.

Right now, fortunately, the business is performing better and we're making more profit, which I'm pleased about.

But things could have turned out differently.

We could have faced a scenario where we wouldn't even be able to sell the business for double the yearly profit.

However, you advised us that while we could sell the business now, there's still a risk involved if we continue.

But you also mentioned that there's room for improvement, which was reassuring.

So that's pretty encouraging.

Once more, I've provided the links to the forums multiple times for your convenience.

Feel free to reach out to the SellerSpot team if you're interested in selling or buying.

They'll review your numbers and provide guidance, similar to what happened with me.

They might advise you to sell now, like they did with me, or they might suggest waiting if you provide more information.

For us, Omer mentioned that the business might be valued around that amount, but the final decision was ultimately ours to make.

He suggested that we could still make improvements.

So, after discussing it with my partner, we decided to keep going for now.

We focused on adding more products and enhancing the ones we already had.

Thankfully, things are going smoothly at the moment.

Selling might be something we think about down the road.

Who Buys Amazon Business and Seller Accounts

Vova: Alright, let's move on to the next question.

Shai, who typically purchases Amazon businesses?

Shai: Sure thing.

So, when we talk about the people interested in buying Amazon businesses or accounts, there are a few types to consider.

Firstly, you have those who see it as an opportunity to kickstart or expand their own ventures.

These could be individuals looking to invest in online businesses, often with experience in the realm of e-commerce, perhaps even focusing on Amazon specifically.

They're keen on purchasing a ready-made business or account to manage and grow it themselves.

Indeed, this is quite common, and it represents just one type of buyer in the market.

Besides them, there are larger corporations with extensive client bases, often managing numerous stores and businesses.

These companies frequently seek to acquire accounts to either consolidate operations across multiple accounts or to establish new ventures for their clients.

They, too, are interested in purchasing established accounts and businesses with a track record.

Additionally, there are significant aggregators in the market, which are companies specifically created to acquire digital assets with the aim of improving and increasing their value for eventual sale.

These aggregators have a keen interest in Amazon businesses, seeking to purchase them due to the various benefits we've discussed earlier.

Furthermore, there are passive investors who lack knowledge about selling on Amazon.

They purchase businesses with the intention of handing them over to a company or individual capable of managing them comprehensively.

These investors seek to streamline the process and save both time and money by acquiring businesses that are already operational and have a proven track record.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

These are essentially the main types of companies and individuals interested in purchasing Amazon accounts and businesses.

Vova: Alright, that makes sense.

How Does the Process of Transferring an Amazon Account or Business Work

Vova: It brings us to the next question: How does the process of transferring an Amazon seller account or business actually work?

Omer: That's an important question.

So, here's the thing.

Many sellers are understandably concerned about their private details linked to their accounts.

It's not just about the money; it's also about sensitive information like bank details, credit card information, tax data, and personal addresses.

To ensure a smooth transition while adhering to Amazon's rules, we take the necessary steps to request permission from Amazon before making any changes.

This process not only safeguards your information but also ensures compliance with Amazon's terms of service.

Plus, it leaves a clear record of the adjustments made within the account.

If there are any issues down the road, all the necessary information is documented in case logs, ensuring transparency and accountability.

This means that even if problems arise in the future, everything is recorded and can be reviewed.

Here's how we handle the transfer process: Once we receive confirmation from Amazon, we proceed with updating the account details.

However, we take it slow and steady.

We make one change at a time and carefully monitor to ensure that each update is correctly reflected in the account.

This cautious approach is necessary because updates don't always go smoothly.

At times, Amazon may view these changes as suspicious, possibly mistaking them for unauthorized access attempts.

Therefore, it's crucial to proceed with these steps cautiously.

If you're not confident in handling the process yourself, we strongly advise seeking professional assistance.

The last thing you want is to jeopardize your account's security.

Additionally, it's essential to complete the process promptly.

Typically, it takes several days to finalize all the necessary updates.

I want to mention that transferring Amazon accounts has become a bit trickier due to the new inform act law passed a few months back.

Amazon now requires more documentation and has stricter requirements.

For instance, you can't simply switch to a new bank account; you need to provide a current bank statement.

While this does complicate the process and prolongs it a bit, it's still achievable.

We've completed numerous transfers under the new law, all successfully.

However, some sellers have reported encountering more challenges, leading to longer transfer times compared to before.

Vova: Yeah, it seems like getting this process right is crucial because any hiccups could lead to wasted time and potential headaches.

So, I'd suggest our readers take a look at the forms below and consider working with Omer and Shai.

They've handled this process numerous times, even after the recent inform act updates.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

Doing it alone might be daunting – I wouldn't even know where to begin, to be honest.

While you could try searching for guides online, it's probably best to leave it to the professionals.

How to Sell an Amazon Store in the Safest and Right Way

Vova: Shai, my next question is for you.

How can someone sell an Amazon store safely and correctly?

Shai: It's really crucial to realize that once you sell your store, you won't have access to it anymore.

So make it a priority to gather all necessary documents beforehand, such as tax reports, inventory reports, and sales records.

Many sellers overlook this and only remember later, often a year after selling, that they need these documents for tax purposes.

And then, you know, it's much more challenging to retrieve these documents once you lose access.

Also, it's crucial to ensure that the ownership transfer is handled by a professional or someone experienced in this process.

There are many potential complications during the transfer, and you don't want the account to be deactivated or encounter any issues with Amazon.

It's crucial to engage someone with experience in the process.

Also, ensure that there's no inventory accruing storage fees or outstanding payments to Amazon that the buyer would have to address post-sale.

Take care of these matters beforehand.

Must also keep in mind any associated fees.

Verify that the account is active, professionally maintained, and doesn't require additional verification.

It's crucial to ensure these aspects are in order before proceeding with the sale and transfer process.

Vova: That sounds good.

How to Buy an Amazon Store in the Safest and Right Way

Vova: Now, let me get to the next question, which is sort of the flip side of the coin. How can someone purchase an Amazon store safely and properly?

Shai: Sure. Before considering purchasing an account, the initial step is to thoroughly examine it.

This typically involves screen sharing, where you review all the account details to ensure that the information provided aligns with the actual condition of the account.

At times, an account might be advertised with specific details that later turn out to be inaccurate.

Therefore, it's crucial to verify the account's condition firsthand before making a purchase.

This initial step is essential for ensuring transparency and avoiding any potential surprises. Following this, it's important to confirm that the account has the capability to list the products you intend to sell.

For instance, suppose you're interested in selling a particular brand or a specific ASIN within a particular category.

In that case, it's essential to confirm that the account has the capability to list those specific brands and ASINs.

Otherwise, it would be of no use to you.

While it's possible that certain brands and ASINs can become ungated over time, it's crucial to ensure that the account meets your current needs.

Lastly, it's important to have a solid understanding of how Amazon seller accounts operate.

Many people have been selling on Amazon for years, yet they may lack the know-how to effectively navigate Seller Central and access critical information.

It's essential to conduct some investigation and examine the account thoroughly to ensure you're aware of the crucial data to look for within Seller Central.

This preliminary step is vital before considering the purchase of any account or business.

But naturally, further due diligence will be necessary, particularly when dealing with an account.

Vova: Appreciate you sharing that.

What Should We Take into Consideration When Selling an Amazon Business and How to Get More Money for It

Vova: So, Omer, here's my next question.

When it comes to selling an Amazon business, what factors should we consider, and how can we increase the value of the business?

Essentially, if I want to sell my business and get the best price for it, what steps should I take, and what aspects should we focus on when selling an Amazon business?

Omer: Alright, let's delve into this a bit further.

Earlier, we touched upon some key points, but let's break it down.

Firstly, it's crucial to sell a business that's currently thriving.

To fetch a higher price, your business should not rely solely on one product.

It's advantageous to have a range of products, diversifying your revenue streams.

Moreover, avoid relying solely on one platform for sales.

If you're selling your products on Amazon, it's wise to explore other platforms like Walmart, Etsy, or even your own website.

This diversification can help expand your customer base and increase sales.

Additionally, if you have products that aren't bringing in profits, it might be worth removing them from your inventory altogether.

This way, you can optimize the overall profitability of your store.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

Ensuring that your product is protected, whether through patents or unique designs, can significantly increase the value of your business.

These factors provide a sense of security to potential buyers, as they know they're investing in something with added value and less risk of imitation.

While there are other factors to consider, it's essential to consider your business from the perspective of a potential buyer.

Ask yourself if you would be willing to purchase your own business in its current state.

This perspective can help you identify areas for improvement and increase the attractiveness of your business to potential buyers.

Why Consider Working with SellerSpot

Vova: Alright, I've got one final question for you both.

What sets you guys apart?

Why should people choose to work with SellerSpot?

Honestly, I'm curious to know.

Shai: Well, to start, we've accumulated extensive experience dealing with a wide range of deals.

From intricate transactions involving public companies worth six or seven figures to smaller deals involving Amazon accounts and individual buyers, we've navigated through various scenarios.

This breadth of experience has equipped us with the know-how to handle the sale or purchase of almost any business or account.

If there's anything you need to know, we'll always give you the honest truth, even if it's not exactly what you were hoping to hear.

Our top priority is maintaining transparency and integrity in our dealings.

Additionally, we've served hundreds of clients from around the globe, earning numerous positive reviews on Google.

Our agency's reputation is solidified by the positive feedback we've received, including from the videos we've collaborated on with you.

Moreover, we've compiled comprehensive guides on the ins and outs of buying and selling accounts.

There are numerous benefits to partnering with us.

Omer, is there anything you'd like to add to that?

Omer: I just want to emphasize the importance of doing your research before partnering with anyone, whether it's us or someone else.

Take the time to reach out, search online, and ask for recommendations.

It's crucial to feel confident and comfortable with the people you're doing business with, especially considering the significant financial transactions involved.

Unfortunately, there are many scams out there related to buying and selling Amazon accounts, so it's essential to exercise caution and diligence.

We didn't discuss this, but it's worth noting that many sellers feel apprehensive about sharing their account information.

Unfortunately, we've heard numerous stories from friends and colleagues who fell victim to scams.

They handed over their details expecting payment, only to be left empty-handed when the other party vanished or blocked them.

Once payment is made, there's often little recourse.

It's crucial to work with someone you trust and feel comfortable with.

Until you're confident in the partnership, I wouldn't advise collaborating with anyone.

So, that's something to keep in mind.

Shai: In essence, we handle everything involved in selling or buying an account right from the beginning to even a few months after the deal is done.

If you ever have any questions or need assistance, we'll still be here.

Our commitment to this business is long-term, and you can count on us to provide support even after the sale.

So, having post-sale support is crucial, and it's something we ensure our clients have.

After the deal is done, it's essential to have someone you can turn to if you need anything.

When you try to buy or sell an account on your own, you often end up in Facebook or Telegram groups.

However, these platforms can be risky because there are many scammers lurking around.

It's crucial to know who you're dealing with to avoid wasting time and encountering unnecessary headaches.

When you're dealing with buying or selling accounts, there can be a lot of unnecessary details and people trying to take advantage of you.

Avoid all these headaches and issues by choosing a reliable broker like us, as Vova mentioned.

Whether you're looking to sell an account, buy an account, or simply get an evaluation to understand your current situation and what steps to take next, feel free to reach out to us using the forms below.

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Sell Your Amazon Account ⭐️

Thanks a lot for having us, Vova.

It's been a pleasure talking with you.

Vova: Yeah, thank you both for joining us today.

And just to echo what I've heard from friends I've referred to you – SellerSpot – you've successfully assisted them in selling and buying accounts, which is great to hear.

So, to anyone reading this, always feel free to look up the guys, SellerSpot, online, ask questions in the comments section, and do your due diligence.

It's always a smart move to gather information and ask questions before making any decisions.

As Omer mentioned, it's crucial to feel comfortable before proceeding, and that comes with doing your homework and researching the person or company you're dealing with.

Speaking from personal experience, I've been working with SellerSpot for about a year, maybe even two, and I can vouch for their legitimacy.

So, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to drop a comment on this article's video – like the video if you found it helpful, or dislike it if not, and let us know why so we can improve in the future.

Omer, Shai, big thanks to you both for joining me. It was a pleasure, and I'm sure it'll be helpful for our viewers and readers alike.

Thanks again.

Omer: Thanks for inviting us, Vova.

Shai: Yeah, it was great. Take care.

Vova: Take care, guys. Thanks again. Goodbye.



Well folks, that wraps up our chat with Omer and Shai from SellerSpot.

We covered a lot today about buying and selling Amazon businesses.

Remember, it's crucial to do your homework before jumping into any deal.

Whether you're selling or buying, take the time to research and find someone trustworthy to work with.

Scammers are out there, so be cautious.

If you're considering selling or buying an Amazon business, feel free to reach out to SellerSpot.

They've got the experience and knowledge to guide you through the process.

Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, take care!

Table of Contents
  1. Essential Tips for Buying or Selling an Amazon Seller Account and Business
    1. What to Expect: Article Agenda
    2. Meet My Guests
    3. Is It Legit to Buy an Amazon Seller Account
    4. Difference Between Amazon Seller Accounts and Businesses
    5. Can You Sell an Unprofitable Amazon Business
    6. What Determines the Cost of an Amazon Seller Account
    7. What Determines the Cost of an Amazon Business
    8. Why People Buy Amazon Seller Accounts
    9. Why Do People Sell Amazon Seller Accounts
    10. Why Should People Consider Buying Amazon Business
    11. Why Would Someone Sell a Profitable Amazon Business
    12. Who Buys Amazon Business and Seller Accounts
    13. How Does the Process of Transferring an Amazon Account or Business Work
    14. How to Sell an Amazon Store in the Safest and Right Way
    15. How to Buy an Amazon Store in the Safest and Right Way
    16. What Should We Take into Consideration When Selling an Amazon Business and How to Get More Money for It
    17. Why Consider Working with SellerSpot
    18. Conclusion

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