Selling Medical Devices on Amazon: Tips & Tricks
You Must Know This About Selling Medical Devices On Amazon
- Introducing Our Guest and the Topic at Hand
- What You Need to Know About Medical Devices on Amazon
- How to Figure Out the Right Certificates
- How to Contact David Miller
- Conclusion
Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)
You Must Know This About Selling Medical Devices On Amazon
Hey there, folks!
If you're an Amazon FBA seller like me, you know that navigating the world of selling medical devices on Amazon can be quite a challenge.
I'm here to spill the beans on what you absolutely need to know, so your Amazon journey can be super smooth.
Sound good?
Well, keep on reading! 🚀
Now, let me tell you what's in store for you today.
As I mentioned earlier, you're about to embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Amazon selling – and it's all about medical devices.
And guess what?
We've got a fantastic guest on board.
Meet David Miller, a certified lawyer who's a true pro when it comes to Amazon policy.
This article is your inside track on Selling Medical Devices on Amazon, and it's all based on the recent video I did with David.
You see, I'm not here to bore you with legal jargon.
We're keeping it as down-to-earth and conversational as we did in our video chat.
So, if you're ready for some top-notch insights, you're in the right place.
But hey, if you're not much of a reader, no worries – you can catch the video below.
Now, let's dive right into my conversation with David! It's going to be a blast. 🚀
Introducing Our Guest and the Topic at Hand
Vova: Hey there, folks! Selling medical devices on Amazon is quite a challenge.
But don't worry because today I've got a fantastic guest with me, David Miller.
He's a seasoned attorney who specializes in helping Amazon sellers with all sorts of cases.
What You Need to Know About Medical Devices on Amazon
Vova: Now, David, let's dive right in.
Can you shed some light on the intricacies of selling medical devices on Amazon?
David: Absolutely, Vova! Medical devices on Amazon fall under the watchful eye of the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA for short.
These guys are like the guardians of safety for all medical devices intended for human use.
So, whether you're selling a run-of-the-mill thermometer or a more specialized piece of medical equipment, it's all about ensuring safety.
There's a wide range of these devices, some you can buy over the counter at your local store, while others are strictly for the pros with a prescription.
It's a bit like comparing apples to oranges, right?
Now, the key thing to remember is that devices that could potentially be harmful unless they're used under the supervision of a licensed healthcare pro are classified as medical devices.
So, if you're selling one of these, you'll want to prove that it's not just for professionals.
Think of it this way: if you can stroll into a CVS or Duane Reade and pick up the product without a hassle, it's a pretty good argument that it's not exclusively for the pros.
And in that case, it shouldn't have been flagged by Amazon in the first place.
Simple, right?
How to Figure Out the Right Certificates
Vova: David, for all of us sellers out there looking to venture into selling these devices, the big question is, how do we figure out which certificates we need?
Should we be relying on our suppliers, or is there a database we can consult to make sure we're doing it right?
David: Great question, Vova!
When it comes to certificates, you typically rely on your manufacturer.
They should know whether the device is intended for professional use only.
However, there are cases where the manufacturer might not have all the correct info, so it's smart to do some digging yourself.
You can perform a search or use services that specialize in safety regulations for medical devices.
In fact, you can even reach out to the FDA directly and have them investigate for you. It might not be your first choice, especially before you know your product is a hit, but it's essential to be aware of these regulations.
Because if your product takes off and then gets flagged, it can go from a winner to a zero on Amazon, and you might not be able to sell it there again.
So, do your homework before you dive into a massive product order.
Vova: That's some solid advice, David.
It's all about being proactive and avoiding those headaches down the line.
How to Contact David Miller
Vova: And for all you viewers and readers out there, don't forget we've got a playlist with all the previous videos we've done with David below.
You can also contact him through the channels listed below.
Phone: 516-313-1572
Personal Website: Attorney for Amazon Sellers
YouTube: David Miller - YouTube
Instagram: David Miller - Instagram
TikTok: David Miller - TikTok
Facebook: David Miller - Facebook
LinkedIn: David Miller - LinkedIn
Thanks, David, and to all our viewers and readers, have an awesome day!
So, that's a wrap up, folks!
We've taken a dive into the world of selling medical devices on Amazon with the help of our expert guest, David Miller.
Selling these products might seem like a maze, but it's all about ensuring safety and following the right steps.
Remember, when it comes to certificates and regulations, rely on your manufacturer, but don't hesitate to double-check.
Safety is crucial.
And if you're in doubt, you can always reach out to the FDA for assistance.
In the end, being prepared and informed is the key to success.
You don't want a fantastic product to go from hero to zero because of a regulatory snag.
So, do your homework, folks!
Until next time.
Vova :)
You Must Know This About Selling Medical Devices On Amazon
- Introducing Our Guest and the Topic at Hand
- What You Need to Know About Medical Devices on Amazon
- How to Figure Out the Right Certificates
- How to Contact David Miller
- Conclusion
Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)