Amazon FBA Online Book Arbitrage Marketplace

Vova Even Jun 29, 2024
10 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Ever Flipped a Book for a Profit? Here's How Zen Arbitrage Makes it Easier!
    1. Finding Hidden Gems: The Zen Arbitrage Marketplace
    2. Ready to Try Zen Arbitrage for Yourself?

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Ever Flipped a Book for a Profit? Here's How Zen Arbitrage Makes it Easier!

Hey everyone, Vova Even here!

Have you ever stumbled upon a book at a thrift store or garage sale and thought, "Hey, I could probably sell this for more online!"

Well, you'd be absolutely right!

The world of online book arbitrage can be a great way to turn a tidy profit, but finding the right books at the right price can be a bit of a treasure hunt.

That's where Zen Arbitrage comes in!

Recently, I had a fantastic chat with Bill Jakeway, an Amazon seller who's also part of the Zen Arbitrage support team.

Bill gave me an A to Z rundown of how to use Zen Arbitrage, and today I want to share a really cool part of the platform with you: the online book arbitrage marketplace.

Finding Hidden Gems: The Zen Arbitrage Marketplace

Imagine this: you're out scouring thrift stores, and you find a dusty old copy of a classic novel for a few bucks.

You check the price online and see that it's actually worth quite a bit more!

Great, right?

Except, now you have to figure out how to list it, ship it, and deal with any customer service issues that might arise.

This is where the Zen Arbitrage marketplace comes in.

Think of it as a giant online garage sale specifically for books!

People who've already done the legwork of finding great deals on books can list them in the marketplace for others to buy.

That means you can skip the treasure hunt and head straight for the good stuff!

And here's the cool part: let's say you find a book listed in the marketplace that you know you can sell for a good profit on Amazon.

You don't actually buy the book itself from the marketplace.

Instead, you get the information about the book – the title, ISBN number, and where to find it at a discounted price.

It's like getting a hot tip on a hidden gem!

So, how much can you really make?

Well, that depends on the book, of course.

But Bill mentioned that typically, you can expect to find books that you can buy for around $11 and sell for $39, or even $13 and sell for $50!

That's a pretty sweet profit margin, wouldn't you say?

Ready to Try Zen Arbitrage for Yourself?

If you're curious about giving online book arbitrage a shot, Zen Arbitrage is a great place to start.

They even have an extended free trial offer!

Normally, it's 14 days, but by clicking the button I'll share below and then emailing the folks at, you can extend it to a full 30 days.

That gives you plenty of time to explore the platform and see if it's a good fit for you.

Plus, I have a special offer for you!

If you decide to give Zen Arbitrage a try, you can also download their Zen Check extension for free.

This handy tool helps you quickly check book prices and sales ranks on Amazon, making it even easier to find profitable opportunities.

So, what are you waiting for?

Dive into the world of online book arbitrage with Zen Arbitrage!

Remember, knowledge is power, and with the Zen Arbitrage marketplace, you can unlock a treasure trove of profitable book deals.

Happy selling!

P.S. - I also invite to read this review about Zen Arbitrage, to understand how it works and how it can help ya, my guests there are 2 girls from the Zen Arbitrage, and the Carbon6 team.

Zen Arbitrage is part of the Carbon6 suitte of software.

Table of Contents
  1. Ever Flipped a Book for a Profit? Here's How Zen Arbitrage Makes it Easier!
    1. Finding Hidden Gems: The Zen Arbitrage Marketplace
    2. Ready to Try Zen Arbitrage for Yourself?

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)