Carbon6 Review: Unleashing Amazon FBA Software Brilliance!

Vova Even Mar 25, 2024
136 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Carbon6 Review - Aggregator Of Amazon FBA Software? 🤔
    1. Best Offers For Carbon6 Tools
    2. Introduction
    3. Meet My Guest - Clayton Atchison
    4. Carbon6 Review
    5. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Carbon6 Review - Aggregator Of Amazon FBA Software? 🤔

Hey there, awesome readers!

I'm Vova Even, and I'm about to take you on an exciting journey into the world of Amazon FBA and e-commerce.

Welcome to the Carbon6 review, where we're diving into the magic of Carbon6 technologies. 🚀

Imagine this – Carbon6 is like your go-to spot for all things Amazon FBA and e-commerce.

It's not just some ordinary place; it's where all these mind-blowing software tools hang out, waiting to make your selling game even more amazing.

Yep, they're like your digital helpers and trust me, they're super friendly!

But hold up, why's Carbon6 even here?

What's the deal?

Well, we're about to unravel all those mysteries together.

And guess what? I've got an incredible guest with me – Clayton Atchison from Carbon6 himself!

We're talking about all those Carbon6 tools that can change the game for you.

We'll also share the best offers for those tools.

And guess what?

You won't have to go on a wild goose chase to find them because they're all linked right in this article.

Easy, right?

Oh, and here's the secret sauce – this whole article is like a chat we had in this video:

I've kept it just as easy and chatty, so it's like we're having a virtual coffee together.

So whether you're a reader or a watcher, we've got you covered.

Buckle up, my friends, as we embark on this journey into the world of Carbon6! 🎉🎬🌟

Best Offers For Carbon6 Tools

Amazon reimbursements:

Seller Investigators - (code: VOVA500FREE = $500 OFF)

Chargeguard - (for vendor central)

Private label:

SoStocked - (free trial + 20% OFF recurring forever)

AMZAlert - (code: VOVA1 = 1 free month)

PixelMe - (code: Vova_monthly = 1 free month)
ZonTools - (30-day free trial)
Seller.Tools - (code: VOVA1 = 1 free month)

Manage By Stats (MBS) - (free account)

D8aDriven - (free account)

PPC Entourage - (free trial)


ScanUnlimited - (code: VOVA1 = 1 free month)

ZenArbitrage - (extended free trial)


PrettyMerch - (free Chrome extension)


WallySmarter - (free account)


Vova: Hey there, welcome to Carbon6 Review!

So, Carbon6 is like this super convenient hub for all sorts of Amazon FBA software goodies.

Imagine all these different tools that make selling on Amazon a breeze – they're all chilling under one roof, the Carbon6 roof to be precise!

If you're into private label or arbitrage or any aspect of selling on Amazon, these guys have got your back.

Seriously, we're talking about a treasure trove of solutions here as Carbon6 is always adding more awesome tools to their lineup.

How cool is that?

Oh, and guess what?

Today, I've got a fantastic guest with me, the one and only Clayton Atchison from Carbon6!

He's here to unravel the mystery, spill the beans, and give us the lowdown on all things Carbon6.

And guess what's even cooler?

Clayton's not just some random dude – he's an Amazon seller himself.

That means these Carbon6 folks totally get us – they understand our ups and downs, our struggles, and our wins.

Meet My Guest - Clayton Atchison

Clayton: Hey there, Vova!

Thanks a bunch for having me on your channel.

I'm pumped to be here.

You know, we intentionally kept things on the hush for a while, like we were in stealth mode.

But hey, the cat's out of the bag now!

And I'm thrilled to finally let you in on the inside scoop of Carbon6 and all the amazing tools we've got in our arsenal.

Transparency is the name of the game now, and I'm loving it.

Vova: That's awesome, Clayton!

So, how's your day going?

Clayton: Thanks for asking, Vova! I'm doing really well, and I'm genuinely grateful to you for inviting me here.

It's great to have this chance to chat openly about Carbon6 and everything we've got cooking.

How are you?

Vova: Absolutely! I'm doing very great. I just finished a solid gym session – feeling the burn in the best way possible.

And now, I'm all pumped up to dive into this video with you. :D

Carbon6 Review

Vova: So, Carbon6 – it's like this emerging force, right?

You guys were in stealth mode, but now I'm seeing your name everywhere.

Sponsoring events and whatnot.

And you've got this arsenal of tools that even I'm familiar with, like Seller.Tools. 

Tell me, Clayton, what's the scoop?

What's the idea behind Carbon6?

Clayton: You got it, Vova!

Think of us like the cool squad for Amazon sellers but with a unique twist.

You've probably heard about aggregators for Amazon companies, right?

Well, we're kinda like that, but with a fresh approach.

We're on a mission to gather up these nifty software tools that are absolute game-changers for online sellers.

And guess what?

We've got tools that cover four awesome areas: private label, wholesale, merch by Amazon, and online arbitrage.

But today, let's put the spotlight on private labels, especially since most of your awesome viewers are into that groove.

So, picture this: we're on a mission to acquire these fantastic tools, but here's the kicker – these tools sometimes need a little extra love.

We've teamed up with some real stars like Seller Investigators, Seller.Tools, AMZAlert, ZonTools, SoStocked, and PixelMe – you might have heard of them (and many others!).

These folks have some top-notch tech, but sometimes they need a hand in certain areas.

It could be they're rocking the tech, but their marketing game is a bit of a whisper in a loud room.

Or maybe they're wearing multiple hats, juggling between tech wizardry and customer service superhero.

That's where we swoop in!

We're not just about the moolah; we're about the magic too.

We bring in the right folks who know their stuff to give these businesses a boost.

Think of it like turbocharging a car – they've got a fantastic engine (the tech) but they need a little extra oomph (the right people) to hit top speed (success!).

Our big-picture goal?

To jazz up the e-commerce space with top-tier tech that might be flying under the radar compared to big-name brands.

Vova: Clayton, that's awesome!

So, you're not only about the tech but also about giving these tools the rocket fuel they need to shine even brighter.

Clayton: You nailed it, Vova!

We're all about the rocket fuel.

It's like, imagining these tools as stars in the night sky – we're here to make sure they're shining their brightest, making a real impact for all those incredible online sellers out there.

And you know what?

We're not stopping there.

We're like mentors for those setting out on their journey.

If someone's diving into this world with not a ton of cash to throw around, we're not gonna steer them into a private label – it just doesn't add up, you know?

Vova: Totally get it, Clayton.

You're all about that smart guidance, matching the tools to the right folks, and making sure everyone's set up for success.

Clayton: Exactly, Vova!

We're kind of like the coaches who give you the best playbook for the game you're playing.

We've got this exciting plan – a training academy in the works, tailored to every step of the e-commerce journey.

Are you a newbie?

No worries, start with something like arbitrage or merch by Amazon – less capital, more time investment.

Then, as you gain confidence and experience, you can move up the ladder to wholesale and private label.

It's all about pacing yourself and growing at your own speed.

Vova: That's a genius idea, Clayton!

So, you're not just handing out tools and waving goodbye; you're staying by their side throughout their journey.

And these tools, they're like these versatile buddies, adapting as the seller grows.

That's pretty cool.

Clayton: You got it, Vova!

Our tools are like the trusty sidekicks in a superhero story.

They're there to lend a hand and evolve as the seller evolves.

And you're spot on about those hidden gems – sometimes the big players hog the spotlight, but we're here to uncover the diamonds in the rough.

We've got this all-star team that swoops in with the resources these tools need to shine.

Vova: It's like the perfect recipe for success, Clayton.

You're bringing these awesome tools into the limelight, supporting them, and also teaching sellers how to rock them.

Clayton: Bingo, Vova!

It's all about making the e-commerce world a better place, one tool and one seller at a time.

We're building this dynamic project – Carbon6 – where these remarkable tools and passionate sellers come together to create something amazing.

And education?

Oh, you bet!

We've got lessons, guidance, and strategies lined up to help sellers find their groove and select the perfect tool for their journey.

Vova: That's pretty fantastic, Clayton.

Carbon6 is like this force that's lighting up the e-commerce galaxy.

Thanks a bunch for breaking it all down for us.

Clayton: Absolutely, Vova!

It's been a blast sharing the Carbon6 vibe with you.

Keep your eyes on the horizon – there's a lot more excitement coming your way!


So, that's a wrap-up of my conversation with Clayton from Carbon6!

We've dived into this amazing world where tools are like shooting stars in the night sky, with Carbon6 giving them the cosmic boost they need. 🌟💥

Do you know what's seriously awesome?

Carbon6 isn't just tossing these tools out there and vanishing into the cosmos.

Nope, they're like your trusty co-pilots, guiding you through your e-commerce journey.

If you're new to the game, they've got your back with smart suggestions like starting with merch by Amazon or trying out some arbitrage.

Then, as you get your groove on, you can level up to wholesale and private label. It's all about playing your way, at your pace.

And these tools?

They're like the chameleons of the software world – they adapt and grow as you do.

Oh, and let's not forget the star-studded team behind Carbon6, making sure these awesome tools shine brighter than a supernova.

But wait, there's more!

Carbon6 is like a teacher and a cheerleader all in one.

They're bringing you lessons, strategies, and a bunch of good vibes to help you find your rhythm and pick the perfect tool for your journey.

So, buckle up, friends, because Carbon6 is on a mission to make the e-commerce universe a better, shinier, and more successful place for every seller out there.

Keep those rocket engines firing, and stay tuned for the next cosmic adventure! 🚀🛸

And here again, are the best offers for all of the Carbon6 tools.

Amazon reimbursements:

Seller Investigators - (code: VOVA500FREE = $500 OFF)

Chargeguard - (for vendor central)

Private label:

SoStocked - (free trial + 20% OFF recurring forever)

AMZAlert - (code: VOVA1 = 1 free month)

PixelMe - (code: Vova_monthly = 1 free month)
ZonTools - (30-day free trial)
Seller.Tools - (code: VOVA1 = 1 free month)

Manage By Stats (MBS) - (free account)

D8aDriven - (free account)

PPC Entourage - (free trial)


ScanUnlimited - (code: VOVA1 = 1 free month)

ZenArbitrage - (extended free trial)


PrettyMerch - (free Chrome extension)


WallySmarter - (free account)

Table of Contents
  1. Carbon6 Review - Aggregator Of Amazon FBA Software? 🤔
    1. Best Offers For Carbon6 Tools
    2. Introduction
    3. Meet My Guest - Clayton Atchison
    4. Carbon6 Review
    5. Conclusion

Disclosure: Â Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)