Can You Still Sell Or Buy An Amazon Seller Account Today? Buying And Selling Amazon Accounts Q&A

Vova Even Oct 02, 2024
0 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Let's See If You Can Still Buy An Amazon Seller Account Today
    1. Introduction
    2. Meet My Guests – Omer and Shai
    3. Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Amazon Seller Accounts
    4. How Does the Process of Selling an Account Work
    5. How Does the Process of Buying an Account Work
    6. What Types of Amazon Seller Accounts SellerSpot Has
    7. How is the Value of an Amazon Seller Account Getting Estimated
    8. Which Amazon Seller Account can be Sold?
    9. Is It Possible to Sell an Amazon Private Label Brand?
    10. Why would You Buy an Old Amazon Seller Account vs a New Amazon Seller Account
    11. How to Choose the Right Amazon Seller Account for Your Activity
    12. Why is It Worth Working with SellerSpot?
    13. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Let's See If You Can Still Buy An Amazon Seller Account Today

Hey! Have you ever wondered if it's still possible to buy or sell an Amazon seller account?

Many people are curious about this topic, and it can be a bit tricky to navigate.

Recently, I posted a video on my channel discussing whether buying or selling an Amazon seller account is still a viable option today. 

To dive deeper into this topic, I invited Omer Sidi and Shai Prat from SellerSpot

Together, we covered the ins and outs of the buying and selling process, answered common questions, and shared valuable information.

If you're interested in learning more about selling or buying an Amazon seller account, or if you need guidance on this topic, keep reading. 

You’ll find detailed insights and useful resources to help you make informed decisions. 

Plus, check out the forms and links below for more information and to book a consultation with Omer Sidi.

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️



Vova: Hey, can you still sell or buy an Amazon Seller account today? 

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this topic, along with some common questions people often ask.

My partners, Omer and Shai, have worked with me on this. 

We’ve made several videos on this topic before, but this one has the latest information.


So, Omer and Shai, could you introduce yourselves? 

After that, we’ll dive into some questions I have for you about buying and selling Amazon Seller accounts. 


Meet My Guests – Omer and Shai

Omer: Hi there! 

Thanks again, Vova, for having us. 

It's always great to be here. 

So, we are SellerSpot, an agency that focuses on Amazon services. 

We help both buyers and sellers with everything related to Amazon accounts and businesses. 

Whether you want to buy or sell an Amazon account, we can assist you. 

We also offer various services to support Amazon sellers in managing their businesses.

Shai: Hi, everyone! I’m Shai from SellerSpot. 

Thanks, Vova, for inviting us. 

We’re here to share all the information you need about buying or selling Amazon accounts

Feel free to ask us anything in the video's comment section, and we’ll do our best to help.

Vova: Thanks again for joining us today. 

I also want to mention that I’ve personally used your services. 

Omer helped us with some legal issues last year. 

We had a serious violation on our Amazon account, and Omer was able to get it removed. 

I remember waking up one morning to a strange message from Amazon, but thanks to Omer, we got it sorted out during a tough time. 

I’m really grateful for that.

A lot of people in our community have also traded accounts with your help, which is great. 

Hopefully, we can help even more people with this information. 

Related Read: What Gets Your Amazon Account Suspended + How To Reinstate It Fast

So, let’s dive into the questions, shall we?

Omer: Yes, sure!

Vova: Perfect! Let’s get started. 

Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Amazon Seller Accounts

Vova: One of the most common questions people ask is: Is it legal to buy and sell Amazon Seller accounts?

Omer: Yes, that’s a question we hear a lot. 

The short answer is yes, it is still possible to buy and sell Amazon Seller accounts. 

People are doing it worldwide, not just through the US, but everywhere. 

However, it must be done the right way. 

It’s important to use the correct language, especially when dealing with Amazon. 

But yes, it’s possible, and these transactions happen every day.

Shai: It’s important to note that this process should be handled by someone with experience who has done it before. 

While it’s not impossible to do it on your own, it’s a very delicate process, and you don’t want to run into any problems along the way. 

That’s why we’re here — to help both sellers and buyers navigate this process smoothly. 

So yes, it’s completely legal and legitimate.

Vova: Let me share forms for those interested in selling their accounts or buying one. 

You can fill out them, and SellerSpot's team will handle everything from there. 

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

It’s great to know that it’s legal and possible if done the right way. 

How Does the Process of Selling an Account Work

Vova: So, now that we know this, let’s move on to the next question: How exactly does the process of selling an account work?

Shai: It all starts when you fill out a relevant form.

Once done, we'll review it and ask you some basic questions about your account. 

We’ll need to know when the account was opened, how many total sales you’ve had, and how much feedback you’ve received. 

After gathering this information, we’ll need to take a closer look at the account itself.

We can set up a Zoom meeting where the seller can share their screen with us. 

During this meeting, we’ll go over the account details together. 

We’ll check everything carefully and might even point out a few things about the account that you didn’t know.

After we’ve completed the evaluation, we’ll give you an idea of how much we think your account is worth. 

We’ll also walk you through the process, explaining how the transfer of ownership works. 

Once we agree on a price range, we’ll assist you in selling the account and making sure it’s smoothly transferred to the new owner.

Omer: So, the process is quite simple. 

We actually created this agency because we noticed that many people struggled when trying to sell their accounts on their own. 

It can be really tough, and there’s a lot to know. 

Having a professional by your side throughout the process makes it much easier.

We created a service that we would trust and use ourselves. 

So, this is basically what you need to do and how the whole process works.

How Does the Process of Buying an Account Work

Omer: For buyers, I think it’s similar. 

They can fill out the form, let you know what kind of account they’re looking for, and then you can set up a meeting to discuss it, right?

Shai: Yes, that’s correct. 

We’ll send you a link to our channels. 

We have several channels where we list all the accounts and businesses that are for sale, so you can browse through and see what’s available.

You can even tell us exactly what you’re looking for and what your specific needs are. 

We’ll go through our list of available accounts with you. 

We can share our screen to show you the options and see if they can list the ASINs and brands you want to sell. 

We’ll work to find the account that fits what you need.

What Types of Amazon Seller Accounts SellerSpot Has

Vova: So, you mentioned brands that people want to sell. 

This could apply to different types of sellers, right? 

For example, I’m a private label seller, but what about those who do online arbitrage or wholesale? 

Do you have different types of accounts available for them too?

Shai: Yes, for those who do arbitrage, we have many accounts that could be a great fit.

If the account has been around for a while and has a good sales history, it’s often easier to get approval to sell in different brands and categories. 

We also have accounts that are already approved to sell big brands. 

For example, if you want to sell brands like Nike or Adidas, you’d prefer using an older account that’s already allowed to sell those brands. 

This can save you a lot of money, time, and hassle, allowing you to start selling right away. 

Omer, do you want to add anything about that?

Omer: Yes, an account that used to sell private label products can also be used to sell other types of products.

The same goes for an account that did wholesale — it can be used for private labels as well. 

There aren’t strict limits on what you can sell with an account.

Vova: That sounds good. 

To remind everyone, below are the forms for those who want to buy or sell accounts.

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

How is the Value of an Amazon Seller Account Getting Estimated

Vova: Now, let’s move on to the next question: How do we figure out the value of an Amazon account? 

Imagine someone has an account but isn’t sure if it’s worth anything. 

How do we determine its value?

Omer: That’s a great question. 

To find out how much an Amazon account is worth, we start by looking at the account closely with the owner. 

We usually do this by sharing screens so we can see everything together. 

We review all the details of the account, including both the good and not-so-good parts. 

Based on what we find, we give a range of prices for the account, showing the lowest and highest values we think it could sell for.

The owner can choose whether or not they agree with our evaluation. 

They don’t have to sell the account with us if they don’t want to. 

Our goal is to provide a fair and honest estimate for each account we review.

Another important thing to remember is that the value of an Amazon account can change from one day to the next. 

The value can go up or down based on different factors related to the account. 

Some of these changes might happen without you even noticing.

For example, you might be able to sell Nike products today, but tomorrow, you might not be able to sell them anymore. 

This change can affect how much the account is worth. 

Other factors, like health violations, recent sales, the account’s health score, and its rating, all play a role in deciding the account’s value.

That’s why we can’t give an accurate value for an account without checking it ourselves. 

We don’t rely on screenshots or other information; we need to review the account directly to give a proper evaluation.

Shai: Also, it’s important to know that there isn't a fixed price for Amazon accounts. 

The value depends on what buyers are looking for at any given time. 

Sometimes, there is a high demand for certain types of accounts, and other times, the demand is lower. 

This means that the price can change often and is not set in stone.

However, because we have a lot of experience in buying and selling accounts, we can provide a fair and honest valuation based on our knowledge of the market. 

You can decide if you want to accept our offer and proceed with us.

Vova: Below are the links to the forms if you need. 

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

Filling out the forms and getting an evaluation is completely free. 

If you are thinking about buying or selling an Amazon Seller account, it’s a good idea to use these forms. 

It’s a simple and free way to start the process.

Which Amazon Seller Account can be Sold?

Vova: Now, let’s talk about which Amazon Seller accounts can be sold. 

For example, there might be an account that is doing really well and making a lot of money. 

On the other hand, there might be accounts with some problems like listing violations or other issues. 

So, which types of accounts are eligible for selling?

Shai: We can usually sell almost any Amazon Seller account that we work with. 

The key factor is the price. 

If you have an account that was deactivated, has many violations, or has some features turned off, and is not in great shape, the price will be lower. 

Even if the account has issues, it can still be sold, but it won't be worth as much as an account in better condition.

If you have a profitable Amazon business, you can sell the whole business, not just the account. 

However, selling a business is more complicated than selling just the account. 

When selling a business, you also need to provide information about your suppliers and help the new owner learn how to run the business. 

This usually includes selling a lot of inventory as well.

The value of a business depends on the profit it makes. 

For example, if your business made $100,000 in profit over the past year, the price will be based on the account, the products, and mainly on the profit you earned.

Yes, you can sell all kinds of accounts and businesses, but each one is different. 

We look at every account and business as a new case. 

There isn't a single rule that applies to all accounts.

Is It Possible to Sell an Amazon Private Label Brand? 

Vova: So, if you’re selling a brand, like a private label brand, that made $100,000 in profit last year, do you have to sell the account with it? 

Or can you just sell the product listings, or ASINs?

Omer: You can sell just the brand itself and move it to another account. 

It’s possible to transfer the brand without selling the entire account.

Yes, you can sell just the brand and move it to a different account. 

However, it is often better to sell the whole account along with the brand. 

Most buyers prefer to purchase the complete account with the brand and the business, rather than separating them. 

But it is possible to sell just the brand if needed, and we have done this before.

Vova: Great! I want to remind our readers that below are the forms for buying and selling Amazon seller accounts and Amazon businesses. 

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

Why would You Buy an Old Amazon Seller Account vs a New Amazon Seller Account

Vova: Now, let’s shift focus to questions from the buyers' side.

Why would someone choose to buy an older Amazon account instead of a new one? 

Sometimes, people sell brand-new accounts that were just set up, but there are also older accounts available, like ones from five years ago. 

What makes an older account better, or is there even a difference?

Omer: Well, first off, you can definitely start with a new account. 

However, getting a new account up and running can be much more difficult at the start. 

You might not make many sales right away, and you won’t have much trust built up with Amazon.

If you want to list or open new brands on a new account, it can take a lot longer to get permission to sell those brands. 

It also takes more time to start winning the Buy Box on Amazon. 

Any issues or violations on a new account can put it at risk of having its listings blocked or even deactivated.

In contrast, an older account on Amazon has more trust from both Amazon and customers. 

When you buy something on Amazon, you can see the store and know who is selling the item. 

An older account with a good history shows that the seller is reliable, which can make it easier to gain customers’ trust.

When I want to buy something, I don’t just look at the product reviews

I also want to be sure that I am buying from a trusted store. 

I prefer not to buy from someone who opened their account only a few weeks or months ago. 

I want to know that the seller will still be around in the future. 

So, I like to buy from sellers who have a good reputation.

Shai: Another point is that with an older account, you are likely to sell more quickly and in larger amounts compared to starting with a new account.

If you are a large seller or planning to become a large seller, starting with an older account can really help you. 

As Omer mentioned, an older account has more trust and is less likely to be deactivated compared to a new account. 

This is why many sellers choose to buy aged accounts.

Vova: Great. 

Just a reminder that the forms for buying or selling accounts are available below for those who are interested.

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

How to Choose the Right Amazon Seller Account for Your Activity

Vova: Now, let's move on to the next question. 

How do you pick the right Amazon Seller account for your needs?

For instance, if you want to do online arbitrage or sell pesticides, what should you look for in an account?

Omer: The best way to find the right account is to share your specific needs with us. 

We know which accounts are good for different types of businesses and which ones have limitations. 

We encourage all potential buyers to give us as much detail as possible about their business. 

This way, we can help you find the best account that fits your needs.

Shai: For example, if you want to sell a specific brand, ASIN, or if you need to sell in a category that requires special approval, you can tell us your needs. 

We will then look at the accounts you are interested in and check if they can sell that brand or ASIN. 

This way, you don’t have to worry because you’ll already know if the account will work for you. 

For instance, if you want to sell pesticides and the account was not registered under a US entity, you would not be able to sell pesticides at all. 

This is something we check for you in advance.

This is why we ask for your specific needs. 

When you want to buy an account, whether it’s a regular Amazon seller account or a vendor account (which sells products directly to Amazon), you should fill out the forms below with your details. 

Once you do that, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to help you find the right account.

Vova: That sounds great. 

As mentioned, you can find the forms below. 

Just fill them out with the correct information, and the team will respond to you based on what you need.

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

Why is It Worth Working with SellerSpot?

Vova: So, why should someone work with you? 

I’ve asked this question in other videos, but it’s worth repeating for those who might be hearing this for the first time. 

We’ve talked about how you are professionals, but let’s dive a bit deeper. 

Why choose to work with you? 

What makes you stand out in the market for buying and selling accounts?

Omer: There are a few reasons. 

First, we have a lot of experience. 

We have been doing this for many years. 

We’ve helped transfer hundreds of accounts and looked at over a thousand accounts.

So yes, having experience is crucial. 

Another important factor is feedback and reputation. 

I always tell people to check out who they are working with and see what others have to say about them. 

While there are other good companies out there, we see ourselves as one of the top agencies in this field.

Something that people often overlook is the price. 

While price is important, it’s even more important to make sure the process is done properly. 

For example, when you sell your account, it’s essential to ensure that all your previous information is removed. 

This includes your legal entity, tax details, and credit card information.

No one wants to find themselves facing a problem with Amazon a year or two down the line, especially not something serious like a lawsuit. 

We have seen these issues arise before, so it’s very important to handle everything the right way. 

Working with someone who will ensure that all details are managed correctly is crucial.

We also make sure to provide proof that all required changes have been made. 

We offer screenshots to the previous owners of the account. 

These screenshots show that everything has been updated properly, and that there are no remaining details linked to them. 

This way, they are not responsible for any future issues.

Shai: Even if you buy an account from us and need help a year later, we will still be here to assist you. 

We are committed to helping with any issues that might come up. 

As Omer mentioned, we pride ourselves on being honest and reliable. 

Our name and reputation matter a lot to us, so we never take risks with your accounts or any related matters.

We offer support with various Amazon-related issues. 

This includes problems like deactivated accounts and listing violations, ownership transfers, buying and selling Amazon accounts and businesses, or providing advice for Amazon sellers. 

We handle many tasks except for managing the store itself.

I want to add that if we ever come across a situation where we can’t help, we will let you know honestly. We don’t just take your money without providing value. 

If we can’t assist you, we will tell you right away. 

And if we can suggest someone else who can help you, we will do that without charging you any extra fees. 

We want to be clear about this.

Vova: That’s great to hear. 

As I mentioned in the beginning, I have used your services for some legal Amazon issues, and they were very helpful.

A lot of people from our YouTube community and other groups, like Telegram, have successfully bought and sold accounts using SellerSpot. 

That’s pretty impressive.

I've shared the forms to start working with SellerSpot multiple times throughout the article, but if you've missed them, here they are:

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

You can use these forms to get an evaluation if you are selling an account, or to see what options are available if you want to buy an account. 

This service is free, so there is no cost to you. 

After you get the information, it will be up to you to decide if you want to go ahead with purchasing the account.

You can choose to keep working with us, or you might decide it's not the right fit for you. 

It's completely up to you. 

The forms are below, and using them is free. 

Thanks to SellerSpot, and a big thank you to Omer and Shai for joining us today.

Shai: Thank you for having us.

Vova: You're welcome.


In conclusion, it was great having Omer and Shai from SellerSpot on the channel today. 

We covered a lot about buying and selling Amazon seller accounts, and I hope you found their insights helpful. 

If you're thinking about buying or selling an Amazon account, remember that SellerSpot offers a lot of support and can guide you through the process. 

You can find the forms and links below if you want to get started. 

>> Sell An Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

>> Buy Amazon Seller Account / Business ⭐️

Thanks for watching, and a big thank you to Omer and Shai for joining us!

Table of Contents
  1. Let's See If You Can Still Buy An Amazon Seller Account Today
    1. Introduction
    2. Meet My Guests – Omer and Shai
    3. Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Amazon Seller Accounts
    4. How Does the Process of Selling an Account Work
    5. How Does the Process of Buying an Account Work
    6. What Types of Amazon Seller Accounts SellerSpot Has
    7. How is the Value of an Amazon Seller Account Getting Estimated
    8. Which Amazon Seller Account can be Sold?
    9. Is It Possible to Sell an Amazon Private Label Brand?
    10. Why would You Buy an Old Amazon Seller Account vs a New Amazon Seller Account
    11. How to Choose the Right Amazon Seller Account for Your Activity
    12. Why is It Worth Working with SellerSpot?
    13. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)