How To Use SoStocked - Amazon Inventory Management Software - A to Z Tutorial And Review

Vova Even Apr 25, 2024
53 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Learn Amazon Inventory Management Software SoStocked - A Comprehensive Tutorial & Review
    1. Introduction to SoStocked
    2. Chelsea Cohen and Her Story
    3. SoStocked Tutorial
    4. Forecast Dashboard
    5. Velocity
    6. Adjusted Velocity
    7. Stockouts
    8. Sales Spikes
    9. Seasonal Spikes
    10. Additional Sales Growth
    11. Lightning Deals
    12. Order Schedule
    13. Transfer Schedule
    14. Lead Times
    15. When to Order So We Don't Go Out of Stock
    16. Purchase Order
    17. Order Tracking
    18. Product Tracking
    19. Overstock Fees
    20. Vendors
    21. SoStocked Special Offer
    22. SoStocked Pricing and Price Page
    23. SoStocked Free Audit
    24. SoStocked Pricing Based on Orders + Monthly and Annual Plans
    25. Conclusion

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Learn Amazon Inventory Management Software SoStocked - A Comprehensive Tutorial & Review

Hey there!

Ever wondered how to streamline your Amazon FBA inventory management process from A to Z?

Look no further!

In this article, we're diving deep into the world of SoStocked, the ultimate Amazon inventory management software.

I'm also inviting you to get the SoStocked free trial with a 20% OFF recurring discount.

Join us as we unravel the secrets of efficient inventory control with Chelsea Cohen, the founder of SoStocked.

From forecasting inventory needs to avoiding stockouts, we've got you covered with a detailed tutorial and review of SoStocked.

Consider this your mini-course in mastering inventory management for your Amazon business.

But wait, there's more!

We're not just stopping at explanations - we're also offering you a chance to try SoStocked for yourself with a free trial.

Plus, keep an eye out for an exclusive recurring 20% discount offer to sweeten the deal.

So, if you're ready to take your Amazon FBA business to the next level and revolutionize your inventory management, read on!


Introduction to SoStocked

Vova: Hi there, welcome to our review and tutorial on SoStocked.

SoStocked is an inventory management software specifically designed for Amazon FBA sellers.

One of its key features is helping you forecast your inventory needs.

This is crucial because running out of stock on Amazon is a common pitfall (trust me, I've been there myself), and on the flip side, overstocking can be just as problematic (again, guilty as charged).

But with the help of Amazon FBA inventory management software like SoStocked, you can steer clear of these inventory woes.

So, let's dive into what SoStocked has to offer.

I'll start with a free trial and discount offer…

And besides this, they offer personalized one-on-one onboarding assistance.

That means you, the seller, upon joining, will receive guidance on how to navigate the tool and understand its functionalities.

While this article will provide valuable education, the personalized onboarding will give you an additional opportunity for more tailored assistance.

But if there are any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section of my video.

Today, I'm joined by Chelsea Cohen, the founder of SoStocked.

Chelsea isn't just the founder of SoStocked; she's also an Amazon seller herself.

With nearly a decade of experience, having started her journey in 2014, Chelsea brings firsthand knowledge to the table.

And yes, SoStocked officially launched in 2019, marking the beginning of a new chapter in inventory management for Amazon sellers.

Chelsea: That's correct, Vova.

We launched in 2019, and we're excited to share more about SoStocked with you today.

Vova: It's great to have you here with us, Chelsea.

SoStocked has recently become part of Carbon 6, which is essentially a hub for various Amazon software solutions.


Related Read: Carbon6 Review: Unleashing Amazon FBA Software Brilliance!


Chelsea, welcome again.

How are you today?

Chelsea: Thank you, Vova.

I'm doing well, glad to be here.

Vova: Fantastic!

Chelsea Cohen and Her Story

Vova: Could you share a bit about yourself and how you came to develop this software?

Our readers are eager to learn about your journey, and then we'll dive into the tutorial.

Chelsea: Absolutely.

So, as you mentioned, my journey began back in 2014 when I started selling on Amazon.

I quickly realized the challenges of managing inventory effectively.

Stockouts and poor inventory orders were costing me money, not to mention the storage fees piling up.

Desperate for a solution, I turned to spreadsheets but soon realized that managing everything manually was becoming another full-time job in itself.

Existing software options were falling short; they lacked features like warehouse inventory tracking and marketing integration.

Frustrated but determined, I saw an opportunity to create a solution.

Teaming up with my business partner, we set out to develop SoStocked, filling the gaps we had experienced firsthand.

In 2019, we officially launched the software, and since then, we've been dedicated to providing personalized onboarding and support to our users.

In the first year and a half, I handled every single onboarding call myself.

This allowed me to gather valuable feedback directly from sellers.

During these sessions, sellers would share their spreadsheets, and discuss what was working for them, what they liked, and what they found challenging.

It was like crowdsourcing the best insights to develop a software solution tailored specifically for Amazon sellers.

Unlike other software options that lacked direct input from sellers, SoStocked was built based on real user feedback.

Vova: So, if I understand correctly, you've personally onboarded and spoken to hundreds of sellers.

That level of dedication is impressive.

It's great to see how you've prioritized understanding the needs of your users firsthand.

Chelsea: It's all part of the startup journey.

Vova: Absolutely, starting small and wearing multiple hats is often the name of the game.

Chelsea: Actually, SoStocked is my third venture. 

Before delving into inventory management, I founded Catapult Conversions, a copywriting agency specializing in Amazon selling.

It all began with my Amazon journey, then expanded into speaking engagements on copywriting.

Eventually, demand led to offering copywriting services, creating a side business.

However, SoStocked quickly became my main focus.

I noticed a gap in support for sellers understanding the profound impact of inventory management on marketing, profitability, and cash flow.

Amazon places a strong emphasis on inventory control, and adhering to their rules can make or break your success as a seller.

That's why I believe it's crucial for sellers to prioritize this aspect of their business.

Vova: Absolutely, I can relate to that as a seller myself since 2016.

We've experienced the challenges of going out of stock, although it's been happening less frequently as we've learned and grown.

Utilizing software to track inventory, understand when to reorder, and forecast demand has been incredibly beneficial.

It's like having a crystal ball to foresee what's ahead and plan accordingly.

SoStocked Tutorial

Vova: I'm eager to explore how SoStocked can further streamline this process.

A tutorial from the inside sounds like a great opportunity to gain valuable insights into its functionality.

Chelsea: Great, let's dive right in then.

I'll go ahead and share my screen.

Just let me know if you can see it clearly.

Vova: Yep, everything looks good on my end.

Chelsea: Perfect.

Forecast Dashboard

Chelsea: So, we typically begin in the forecasting dashboard.

Beyond just providing a tool, we believe in educating users on best practices for inventory management.

It's important to understand key concepts, like velocity, which is the rate at which products are sold.

This varies; some products sell consistently year-round, while others have seasonal fluctuations or may be newly launched with limited sales data.

Our tool is designed to accommodate all types of products and scenarios.


Chelsea: So, when it comes to velocity, we're essentially looking at the average daily sales.

For instance, we analyze sales data over different time frames like 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days, then calculate the average to understand our sales patterns better.

Vova: Hmm, that's fascinating.

Chelsea: Exactly.

Additionally, you can set a manual velocity, which is handy when launching a new product.

Let's say you want to start with 10 units per day; this feature is particularly useful for sellers who frequently introduce new products.

Adjusted Velocity

Chelsea: Another important aspect we consider is what we call adjusted velocity.

While you might hear terms like sales velocity or daily sales, we refer to ours as daily adjusted velocity because it factors in events like stockouts and sales spikes.


Chelsea: I like to think of stockouts as the true velocity of your sales.

True velocity refers to understanding what your sales would have been if you hadn't experienced stockouts.

Let's say you typically sell 100 units a day but experienced stockouts for five days out of the last 30.

If we only look at the data provided by Amazon, it would underestimate your actual sales potential because it doesn't account for those missed opportunities.

By factoring out events like stockouts and sales spikes, we get a more accurate representation of your sales velocity.

This prevents you from operating based on misleading data and helps you make informed inventory decisions.

Sales Spikes

Vova: Ah, I see.

So, if I understand correctly, by turning on the sales spikes feature, the tool will also take into account days where there are significant increases in sales, like if one day I sell double or more than my average daily sales.

Chelsea: Exactly.

If, for example, your average daily sales are 100 units, but one day you sell 200% of that, which is 200 units, the tool will recognize that as a sales spike.

It's a useful feature because it provides insights into sudden increases in demand.

Most users opt to turn on this feature.

The only time it might not be practical is if you regularly run lightning deals or other promotions that result in consistent sales spikes.

In such cases, leaving the sales spikes feature on makes sense.

You also have the option to customize the data you include in your calculations.

For instance, while you may typically experience regular sales spikes due to monthly promotions, events like Prime Day or Black Friday are unique occurrences that you might want to factor into your analysis separately.

Vova: That's really neat.

Chelsea: Exactly.

Seasonal Spikes

Chelsea: So, once you've established your sales velocity, the next step is to consider seasonality.

While your recent sales data is important, it might not accurately reflect future sales, especially during peak seasons like the fourth quarter.

Therefore, it's essential to adjust your analysis accordingly.

Looking at sales data from the past 30 or 90 days may not provide an accurate forecast for holiday sales.

So, within the tool, you can set up seasonal spikes to account for fluctuations in sales throughout the year.

You can set these spikes to occur on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

For demonstration purposes, let's focus on monthly spikes, which are typically the easiest to understand.

Here's how it works: we establish a baseline of 100%.

For example, if your average daily sales are 10 units, selling 15 units would be 150% of your average.

This feature allows you to see how your sales compare to your average each month.

So, if you're selling fitness products, you might notice a spike in January due to the New Year's resolution season.

Conversely, many sellers experience spikes in sales during November and December due to holiday shopping.

By analyzing these patterns, you can better understand the sales trends throughout the year.

Moreover, you have the flexibility to adjust your projections based on historical data.

For instance, let's say you anticipate November sales to be higher this year compared to last year.

You can input your projected sales alongside your historical data.

This allows you to fine-tune your forecasts based on your insights and expectations.

Vova: So initially, every month starts at 100%, and then you adjust based on your sales data or historical patterns?

Chelsea: Exactly.

We gather sales history to understand how a specific product performed over the past year.

Then, we analyze this data to determine the average sales for the entire year and compare each month to this average.

Vova: Got it.

So, for example, if we had a total of 12,000 sales in a year, with each month averaging 1,000 sales, then each month would start at 100%.

It's like a flat line initially, but as sales patterns change, we adjust accordingly.

Chelsea: Exactly.

Some months may have lower sales while others have higher sales.

Even though the average for the year was 12,000, one month might only have 10,000 in sales while another month might have 14,000.

So, the tool shows these patterns based on actual sales data.

Moreover, it also takes into account trends.

For instance, if last year you were selling at a certain volume and this year you're selling five percent more, the tool adjusts for this trend.

Let's say your baseline last year was 10 units a day, but this year it's increased to 10.5 units a day.

The tool adjusts the sales pattern to reflect this higher level, incorporating the five percent increase into its calculations.

In our tool, whenever you make adjustments to what we call variable variables, you have the flexibility to apply those changes to individual products or across your entire catalog.

We offer filter options, allowing you to make changes based on specific criteria such as supplier or marketplace.

Additionally, we have tagging features.

For example, if you want to apply changes to all your Christmas products or products tagged as best sellers, you can do so efficiently in bulk.

Vova: That sounds incredibly useful.

With this functionality, we can improve our forecasting accuracy, especially for seasonal products.

For instance, I sell barbecue products in the grill niche, so I know that June is a significant season for us.

If I don't have a forecast, I might think, "Okay, we're selling hundreds of units a day, so I need to order thousands of units."

However, forecasting becomes more complex, especially in the first year or during the initial launch phase.

But then there's the aspect of competitors, right?

We can observe their sales velocity.

However, I'm assuming, Chelsea, we can't input competitor data directly into SoStocked for accurate insights, can we?

Chelsea: That's correct.

Currently, we're only able to pull data from your own storefront, your own sales data. 

However, there are alternative approaches.

For instance, you can use tools like Keepa to analyze trends.

By installing the Keepa Chrome plug-in, you can track trends and adjust your strategies accordingly to mimic successful trends.

So, if I use it, I can monitor my competitors' trends on a monthly basis and try to replicate their success by making adjustments to my own product strategy.

For example, if I've previously sold grill brushes and now have new ones without sales data, I can leverage the data from my existing grill brushes to inform my decisions.

By inputting the ASIN, I can borrow the sales pattern from that product.

Additional Sales Growth

Chelsea: Another useful feature is the ability to adjust sales forecasts based on sponsored ad campaigns.

For instance, if I'm running ads for my best-selling products, I can increase their forecasted sales by five percent to account for the impact of the campaign.

This is especially helpful for products tagged as new or for specific campaigns targeting certain products.

For example, I added the Best Seller tag.

Vova: Got it, makes sense.

Chelsea: One common issue I've observed when talking to many sellers is the lack of communication between marketing and inventory management.

Ideally, these two aspects should work hand in hand.

Marketing should provide data to inventory, and vice versa.

That's where best practices come into play.

We assist in setting up reports and systems to facilitate this exchange of information.

Lightning Deals

Chelsea: Another important feature to mention is our Lightning Deals feature, which is particularly relevant with Prime Day approaching.

While we call it Lightning Deals, it can be applied to various sales campaigns, including email campaigns, influencer promotions, and of course, Prime Day.

For example, if you anticipate selling 500 units during Prime Day, you can input this forecast into the tool.

However, it's crucial to monitor the impact on your inventory, as excessive sales could lead to stockouts.

So, by using our tool, you can make proactive decisions based on available data.

For instance, if you realize that you urgently need to send inventory, you can adjust your orders accordingly.

Let's say you have 15 days to send inventory, but you don't have enough stock on hand.

In such a situation, you might opt to rush your order and choose express shipments to get it in faster.

With our tool, you can simulate different scenarios to see how they would impact your inventory.

For example, you can input that you could potentially receive inventory in just five days through express shipping and assess the feasibility of this option.

This approach empowers you to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis.

Failure to coordinate between inventory and marketing departments can lead to internal stockouts.

Our tool helps mitigate this risk by ensuring that all relevant data is considered, enabling smoother operations and more effective decision-making.

Once you input the forecasted lightning deal units, our tool will automatically highlight any potential stock-out days, allowing you to address any issues promptly.

Order Schedule

Chelsea: Another useful aspect to consider is your ordering frequency.

For example, if you typically order inventory every two months, the tool will recommend placing your order on a specific date to ensure you have enough stock to last until your next order.

Vova: So, just to clarify, the tool doesn't explicitly tell us when to ship.

Instead, it provides insights into our daily velocity and indicates when we might run out of stock based on certain dates.

So, if I notice that I only have 20 days left until potential stock-out, and the only way to top up inventory in time is through air shipping, then I know I need to take action accordingly.

Chelsea: Exactly.

Once you've configured everything in the system, it will automatically generate orders or transfers based on your settings.

For example, you might have arrangements where your supplier ships directly to Amazon FBA, or perhaps you first send inventory to a warehouse.

In either case, you need to know when to initiate these actions: when to place an order and when to transfer inventory.

This simultaneous forecasting is crucial because it's not just about knowing when to order more inventory; you also need to consider when you have inventory available in your warehouse to transfer.

By analyzing these different factors and settings, our tool guides you on what actions to take.

For instance, it helps you determine when to order new stock, when your FBA inventory is expected to run low, and when it's time to transfer inventory between your warehouse and FBA.

Transfer Schedule

This feature is called the Transfer Schedule.

Many users prefer the "As Needed" option, which means the tool transfers inventory based on specific rules rather than on a fixed schedule, such as every two weeks.

By setting rules, users can determine when transfers should occur based on their inventory needs.

For example, someone might need to transfer inventory when it reaches a certain threshold, like 300 units.

However, the significance of 300 units can vary depending on the time of year.

In June, 300 units might only last two days, while in winter, the same amount could last two weeks.

To accommodate these variations, we use days as a unit of measurement.

This allows us to calculate how many units are needed to cover a specific number of days.

By setting minimum and maximum thresholds, users can ensure their inventory levels stay within desired ranges.

To ensure I never run out of stock, I check the "in Days" option and always maintain a buffer of at least 30 units or 30 days' worth of inventory.

This buffer is crucial because falling below this threshold increases the risk of stockouts, which can be detrimental to sales.

Additionally, Amazon prefers sellers to maintain a certain level of inventory across different locations to meet two-day shipping requirements efficiently.

To manage my inventory effectively, I set up a buffer stock, which includes a minimum threshold that I never want to drop below, as well as a maximum limit.

This strategy helps me strike a balance between avoiding stockouts and preventing overstocking.

I always aim to keep my inventory levels between 30 and 90 days to optimize storage space and cash flow.

The tool then calculates when I need to initiate transfers based on my inventory needs and shipping times.

For example, if it takes 10 days for inventory to arrive, I'll need to place an order at least 40 days before I anticipate running out of stock to ensure it arrives in time.

When the inventory arrives, it initially provides me with a 30-day supply.

As sales occur, the inventory levels decrease until reaching the 30-day mark, at which point I replenish it back to a 90-day supply.

This cycle repeats, creating a consistent pattern that adjusts according to ongoing sales.

Vova: Ah, got it.

And regarding warehouse buffer stock, is that similar to ensuring stock levels at the warehouse?

Chelsea: Exactly.

You may keep more inventory in your warehouse than just a 30-day supply, but maintaining a buffer of 30 days ensures safety in case of any unforeseen issues.

Many sellers opt to have buffer stock both at FBA and their warehouse.

Vova: That makes sense.

Chelsea: Right, exactly.

It's not just about having the tool; it's about knowing how to use it effectively.

That's why we emphasize best practices and provide extensive training.

We're constantly refining processes to ensure optimal utilization of the tool.

For example, lead times are crucial.

Lead Times

Chelsea: You can customize lead times based on your specific workflows.

If your production takes 30 days and shipping by ocean adds another 30 days, followed by five days of ground freight, and then warehouse processing, you can input these lead times accordingly.

This flexibility allows you to set up default lead times for different suppliers or products.

When to Order So We Don't Go Out of Stock

Chelsea: For example, if your lead time for production and shipping totals 67 days, the software ensures you place your order in advance to avoid stockouts. 

It calculates this by considering your lead time plus the buffer stock of 30 days. 

Therefore, it prompts you to place your order 97 days before your inventory runs out. 

So, it always takes care of your timeline.

This timeline view spans a year, showing planned orders and transfers, enabling proactive inventory management.

Vova: I see those numbers under "Take FBA Action" column - do they mean you need to send that amount on that day?

Chelsea: Exactly, those numbers indicate the quantity of inventory you should send on those specific days, based on your transfer time and other settings. 

For instance, if the transfer time is 15 days, and we adjust the transfer frequency to 7 days to speed up the process and choose to send inventory immediately, it reshuffles the schedule to prevent stockouts.

Otherwise, the tool will tell you to send a certain number of items on a specific day, as shown in the screenshot below.


It's because we've planned to ship things every Monday.

So, as you spot these prompts, you can tweak things to avoid stockouts.

For example, if you find that a significant portion of your budget is going towards advertising, yet you're experiencing inventory shortages, it's essential to reassess how you allocate your advertising funds.

You gotta shift gears to ensure timely deliveries.

This is where teams from your inventory and marketing departments can pitch in by adjusting ad spending to prevent stockouts.

We've set up different processes and checklists for when we spot an issue. 

So, you can coordinate all your teams effectively.

And that's all about forecasting.

Purchase Order

Chelsea: Let's quickly walk through what to do next.

Once everything's forecasted, how do we place orders to ensure we're on top of things and keep track of everything we've got on order?

Because losing track can lead to unnecessary orders or missing ones, which can result in stockouts. 

So, we organize orders by supplier.

I see that there are two things to order by supplier.

I'll click on the "Order All 404 Units" button and select the second option "Send On The Same Date."

It will generate a purchase order based on lead times and what's needed for each SKU.

For example, if there's a seven-day lead time, it'll show up in the shipment.

Then, for items going to a warehouse, we create a work order.

It's a report notifying the warehouse about the incoming inventory.

When we create these orders, SoStocked tells us what we need to do next – either stock the inventory or ship it to Amazon. 

And it does this automatically for your ease. 

Let's take a look at one that's already made. 

Then, you'll see a list of all purchase orders and the items they include.

Click on any of them to see its details.

Vova: So, does the purchase order go to the supplier automatically, or is it just for internal use?

Chelsea: Yeah...

Vova: So, for example, when we need to order 500 grill brushes, how does it connect with the supplier?

Chelsea: Well, when you create a purchase order or a work order, it's designed to send emails. 

So, when you click on "Submit Order" you'll have an email ready with the order attached. 

Here's how a typical template would look like:

You can then email it directly to your supplier or send it to your warehouse. 

Also, let's quickly go through the next few sections. 

Order Tracking

Chelsea: Our order tracker is divided into different phases like In Production and Enroute. 

If it's shipped by ocean, you'll see a ship icon; if it's by air, you'll see a plane icon.

Likewise, we can tell if the inventory is headed to a warehouse by the warehouse symbol, or if it's heading straight to Amazon by the Amazon symbol. 

This tracker shows what's currently checking in and what's being checked in at FBA, helping you stay organized. 

You can customize filters to view items from specific suppliers. 

For example, selecting a supplier like "123 Supplier" will filter the view accordingly. 

You can create custom views based on the filters you set.

Vova: Do we have to move the cards manually or automatically like changes based on what's going on?

Chelsea: Exactly. 

The system adjusts based on your lead time, but you can also make manual changes if needed. 

For instance, if there's a delay in production, you can update the information manually. 

Or you can just comment that there's a 10-day delay, and the shipment is stuck in production.

Or, you can simply change the arrival date to reflect the new timeline, like arriving by the 23rd.

Product Tracking

Chelsea: Now, let's talk about tracking. 

We've set up various dashboards for this purpose. 

But while we provide default dashboards, you can also customize them with filters.

For instance, if you want to see products selling fewer than five units a day, you can apply that filter.

This way, you'll get a list of ASINs showing those products.

It's a handy way to identify items that might need to be liquidated.

We even have a default report for liquidation.

Additionally, you can track how many times you've run out of stock and the associated costs.

This report helps you understand the impact of stockouts on your sales.

It shows the revenue lost due to stockouts, highlighting the areas where you need to focus.

To prevent future stockouts, we've developed a stockout assessment checklist.

It covers various reasons for running out of stock, such as supplier issues, shipping delays, or problems with Amazon check-in.

It also provides practical tips to address these issues effectively.

Overstock Fees

Chelsea: Recently, we added a new feature called the stockout fees report.

This report is particularly helpful for sellers facing challenges with stockouts.

It analyzes Amazon's storage fees, including the newly introduced aged inventory fees.

By assessing your inventory against these fees, it estimates your monthly and yearly expenses if you maintain the current business strategy without increasing sales.

Vova: Yeah, I get it. It's easy to lose track when you've got a bunch of products.

Chelsea: Exactly. That's why this tool is handy.

Vova: Right, even with just a dozen or so products, it's easy to overlook things.

It's good that SoStocked highlights when higher fees might kick in.

Being able to see the details product by product is crucial.

Chelsea: Yeah, exactly.

Amazon introduces new rules where after 180 days, they start charging extra fees on top of our regular ones.

It starts at 50 cents per cubic foot and increases every 30 days, starting from $0.5 to reaching up to $6.9 per cubic foot.

So, if you're aware of which products will incur these charges, you can decide whether it's better to sell them off.

I might need to create a lightning deal, lower my price, or take other actions to avoid these escalating fees.

It could end up costing me more to keep the inventory than to sell it off with a discount.

So, as I mentioned, you can customize all of these settings.

We offer various data points and filters that you can utilize.

That pretty much sums up our dashboard feature.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


Vova: I wanted to ask about the Vendor's part.

The vendors are warehouses, I believe, right?

Chelsea: Warehouses or suppliers.

It helps you keep track of all the different vendors and their information.

You know, who's your main contact, their address, and which marketplaces they serve.

For instance, if I have a warehouse and sell in multiple countries, I don't want its inventory to count for all those countries.

By toggling settings, we can specify which countries the warehouse serves.

If I have inventory in the US, it shouldn't be counted as available for Europe.

We can pull a lot of this info from Seller Central if you connect your storefront, and anything else can be added here, like a vendor or lead time, with plenty of customization options.

Vova: Pretty cool!

SoStocked Special Offer

Vova: I'll remind our readers that I have a special offer for SoStocked.

It's an exclusive free trial and a 20% discount deal that you can grab now by clicking on the button below.

For those new to them or are maybe using another tool and are still not sure, I'll remind them that SoStocked offers personalized onboarding assistance where everything will be explained step by step.

SoStocked Pricing and Price Page

Vova: Before we wrap it up, Chelsea, could you touch on the pricing of SoStocked?

I'm curious to understand how much it costs for smaller sellers versus bigger sellers.

Is it based on order volume?

Maybe you could show us the pricing page if you have a minute?

Chelsea: Sure, yeah. Let's take a look at the pricing page.

Here, you'll find different pricing plans based on your business needs.

For example, if your business sells around 3,000 units a month, you can select that option to see the corresponding rate.

We offer exclusive deals, like reduced rates or extended trials, as part of our special offers too.

SoStocked Free Audit

Chelsea: We soon plan to introduce a free audit service.

This audit will help you understand how your inventory management impacts your overall profit, considering factors like overstock fees and stockouts.

Those are important points to consider.

On the flip side, there's something called resizing.

This involves analyzing your products to see if adjustments can be made to fit into a lower-sized tier, potentially reducing your fulfillment fees.

Our focus is always on optimizing your profit, cash flow, and scalability.

As you mentioned, if your cash flow is tight or your profit margins are slim, it becomes challenging to invest in inventory for your current products, let alone expand your product line.

So, inventory management plays a crucial role in your ability to grow.

Vova: Pretty cool.

SoStocked Pricing Based on Orders + Monthly and Annual Plans

Vova: I'd like to add that there is an option to pay annually or monthly…

It means people have the option to choose between paying annually or monthly, depending on what works best for them.

You can enter your order amount or simply click on the pre-set options provided.

And once you decide to invest in the tool, you'll get one-on-one onboarding support to get started smoothly.

Chelsea: Exactly.

Vova: That sounds great!

So, again, if anyone has more questions, feel free to ask.

And I highly encourage you to get the one-on-one onboarding once you sign up for the tool.

It's a great way to get started.

Chelsea: Yeah, exactly.

Vova: So, some people might understand how to access this free...

Chelsea: Yes, precisely.

Everyone who signs up will be guided through the initial setup steps, connecting your account, and a few other essential tasks, including booking their onboarding call.

Plus, we'll assist in analyzing your business from a profit standpoint because our goal is to enhance your investment.

So, if you're investing in SoStocked, it should not only make your life easier but also save you time – which can be hard to measure like, 'I used to spend 20 hours, now it's only five…'

It's fantastic but that's not all.

You can also save money by using Vova's offer or getting annual subscription.

That way, having the software is more valuable than what you're paying for it.

Vova: I get what you're saying.

Yeah, it's a great approach for sellers.

They're happy to invest when they see growth.

So, pretty cool!

Chelsea, thanks again for joining us today and sharing your insights.

And to all the readers, thank you for tuning in.


First, I invite you to get the SoStocked free trial with a 20% OFF recurring discount.

Second, today's chat with Chelsea from SoStocked has been eye-opening

We delved into the world of inventory management and learned how her software can help sellers like us stay on top of our game.

From forecasting inventory needs to avoiding stockouts, SoStocked seems to have it all covered.

I found it fascinating how their system can analyze data and provide valuable insights into our inventory management practices.

It's not just about saving time but also about saving money and maximizing profits.

Chelsea explained how their software can identify areas where we can cut costs, optimize inventory levels, and ultimately improve our bottom line.

What stood out to me the most was the personalized approach they offer.

From onboarding assistance to one-on-one support, SoStocked seems dedicated to helping sellers succeed.

I appreciate how they take the time to understand our unique business needs and tailor their solutions accordingly.

Overall, today's chat has left me feeling empowered and excited to explore what SoStocked has to offer.

Thanks again to Chelsea for sharing her expertise.

Here's to better inventory management and greater success ahead!

P.S. - discover other awesome inventory management software tools in this post here.

Table of Contents
  1. Learn Amazon Inventory Management Software SoStocked - A Comprehensive Tutorial & Review
    1. Introduction to SoStocked
    2. Chelsea Cohen and Her Story
    3. SoStocked Tutorial
    4. Forecast Dashboard
    5. Velocity
    6. Adjusted Velocity
    7. Stockouts
    8. Sales Spikes
    9. Seasonal Spikes
    10. Additional Sales Growth
    11. Lightning Deals
    12. Order Schedule
    13. Transfer Schedule
    14. Lead Times
    15. When to Order So We Don't Go Out of Stock
    16. Purchase Order
    17. Order Tracking
    18. Product Tracking
    19. Overstock Fees
    20. Vendors
    21. SoStocked Special Offer
    22. SoStocked Pricing and Price Page
    23. SoStocked Free Audit
    24. SoStocked Pricing Based on Orders + Monthly and Annual Plans
    25. Conclusion

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