Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial

Vova Even Aug 19, 2024
13 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial: Master Your Amazon Keyword Research
    1. Helium 10 Goodies
    2. Meet My Guest: Carrie Miller
    3. Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial
    4. Key Takeaways in Your Pocket

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial: Master Your Amazon Keyword Research

Hey everyone! Ever feel like you're constantly playing catch-up with Amazon keyword research? 

New keywords pop up all the time, and keeping your listings optimized can feel like a never-ending battle.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a tool that automates this process, suggests hot new keywords, and even keeps an eye on your competitors?

Well, guess what?

There is such a tool, and it's called the Helium 10 Insights Dashboard!


In this article, I'm sharing an insightful conversation I had with Carrie Miller from Helium 10 on my YouTube channel.

We unpacked all the cool features of the Insights Dashboard and showed you exactly how to use it to dominate your keyword research.

Get ready to discover hidden keyword gems, stay ahead of the competition, and watch your sales soar!

Related Read: Discover How to Use Helium 10 Insights Dashboard: Comprehensive Tutorial and Review


Vova: Welcome everyone! Today, we're going to take a deep dive into a handy tool called Helium 10 Insights Dashboard and show you exactly how to use it.

Imagine having a central hub for managing your entire Amazon business.

The Helium 10 Insights Dashboard does just that!

It helps you with things like:

  1. Finding the right keywords to target

  1. Identifying what your competitors are up to

We'll be walking you through the process step-by-step, so you can be confident using this tool to grow your Amazon business.

But before we begin, let me share something exciting with you!

Helium 10 Goodies

Vova: Down below are some special offers Helium 10 has given me for all my followers. 

I've got two exclusive discount codes to help you maximize your savings:

  1. VOVA10: Use this code to unlock a 10% discount every month. That's right, ongoing savings for as long as you're subscribed! Perfect if you're looking for a long-term commitment with Helium 10.

  1. VOVA6M20: Apply this code to get a whopping 20% off for the first six months of your subscription. This is a great option if you want to test drive Helium 10 at a discounted rate before committing to a full year.

I've also got a playlist with over 150 videos that show you how to use all the different features of Helium 10.

Besides, we've also been working on some Walmart tutorials.

Hopefully, they'll be helpful for y'all as well.

Meet My Guest: Carrie Miller

Vova: Now, let's meet our guide for today!

Joining me is Carrie Miller who's not only a successful Amazon seller herself, but also part of the Helium 10 team.

Carrie, welcome to the channel!

How are you doing today?

Carrie: Thanks, Vova! I'm doing fantastic. How about yourself?

Vova: Great, yeah. I'm definitely excited to be here and share another tutorial with you.

Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial

Vova: So, Carrie, can you tell us a little bit more about this Insights Dashboard tool?

What exactly is it, and how can it help Amazon sellers like us?

Carrie: Absolutely, Vova.

The Insights Dashboard is a fantastic tool designed to simplify managing your Amazon business.

We all know there are a lot of different details to keep track of, and this tool brings everything together in one central place.

It saves you time and gives you a clear, visual overview of your business health.

You can see important information like your overall profit and revenue, with the option to break it down by specific product.

But that's not all!

One of the features I find particularly helpful is the ability to monitor your competitors and research keywords.

Let's talk about the competitor tracking features first.

With Insights Dashboard, you can see what your competitors are up to with just a few clicks!

Simply set up the parameters you're interested in, and the tool will automatically provide valuable insights.

This is a huge timesaver compared to the old way of doing things.

Imagine having to visit each competitor's listing one by one to check their prices, images, product descriptions, and see if they've made any changes.

Insights Dashboard eliminates that tedious process!

The competitor insights and alerts keep you informed about your competition's activity, especially during peak sales seasons when things get really competitive.

This allows you to stay ahead of the curve and make strategic adjustments as needed.

We also have a keyword section, another valuable feature of the Insights Dashboard.

Here, you can set up specific parameters to automatically pull in relevant keyword information.

This information is gathered from Helium 10's Cerebro tool, saving you time and effort.

The dashboard then suggests new keywords each day, including ones that your competitors might be using but you're not.

This helps you stay on top of current trends and identify potential opportunities to expand your reach.

So, that gives you a brief overview of the tool's capabilities.

Now, let's take a closer look at the competitor tracking features.

Here, you can see your revenue breakdown, along with your top-selling products.

Now, if you're also using Helium 10's Adtomic tool, the Insights Dashboard can also display your advertising campaigns alongside your latest orders.

This gives you a central location to see how your ads are performing and how they impact your sales.

Feel free to explore this section and see what insights you can glean.

On the top-left corner, you'll see the "Insights."

This is where you can access a variety of valuable data points about your business.

Down below is the Insights Settings section.

This is where you'll choose which specific insights you want to track.

As you can see, there are a wide range of options available, but today we'll be focusing on competitor tracking to show you how to monitor your competition's activity.

Still, remember that the great thing about this tool is you can tailor it to suit your needs.

For example, you can set up alerts for PPC campaign suggestions, inventory management, listing optimization, product performance metrics like sessions and page views, and even track refunds.

However, to keep things focused, let's delve into the competitor tracking section.

I'll show you exactly where to set up competitor monitoring for your products.

Now, this is gonna be a list of all your products.

You can choose to view them at the parent category level, child category level, or by individual SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).

For this example, we'll use the child category level so you can see all the variations within a specific product category.

But of course, if you have a large number of listings, it might be easier to group them by parent category.

Let's take a look at our "coffin shelf" product, for instance.

We can expand this category to see all the individual child listings. 

As you expand it, you'll see a tab labeled "Competitors."

This is where the magic happens!

We can enter the names of our competitors here.

Generally, when you log in to the Insights Dashboard, you might find that some competitor information is already filled in for you, based on what Helium 10 knows about your products.

That's a handy timesaver!

But don't feel limited by these suggestions.

You can easily edit the competitor list to include your top five rivals.

Just copy and paste their ASINs into the designated fields.

The Insights Dashboard also offers a helping hand by suggesting potential competitors based on similar product features.

In this example, we've already identified five relevant competitors, so there's no need to add any additional information here.

This section gives you a quick snapshot of each competitor's performance.

Here you'll see their current price, estimated monthly sales, revenue, listing quality score, and more such details.

You can even see if they're currently running any promotions with coupons.

But the real power of the Insights Dashboard comes from its ability to dive deeper.

By clicking on the "Competitors" tab (which looks like a little sword icon) from the side menu, you'll be taken to a dedicated page that displays all the information you need about your competitors in one place.

Here, you can easily track price changes and receive other types of alerts.

Let's actually take a look at some of the specific alerts you can set up for your competitors.

In this example, we wanted to be notified if a competitor's review count increased by a certain percentage.

Sure enough, the Insights Dashboard sent an alert when that happened!

We've also set up alerts to track other important changes.

For instance, we received an alert when a competitor updated their main product image (they've actually changed it a few times now).

And here's another helpful alert to let us know if a competitor adds a coupon to their listing.

Besides this, you can also stay informed about a competitor's BSR (Best Seller Rank) and see if they've added their product to a new subcategory.

All this valuable information is conveniently displayed right on the screen, keeping you up-to-date on your competition's every move.

Also, as you can see, the competitor information is neatly organized in a table format.

This lets you easily compare key metrics like monthly sales and revenue for all your competitors at a glance.

To customize the information displayed here, head over to the Insights Settings section.

Click on it, and then find the "Competitors" section.

Here, you can adjust the settings to show the specific details you're most interested in.

Let's customize the "Competitor changed price or coupon" settings.

This section allows you to track price and coupon activity.

For example, you can set an alert to notify you if a competitor increases their price by a certain percentage or a specific dollar amount.

This way, you can adjust your own pricing strategy accordingly to stay competitive.

The tool can also monitor competitor price decreases, which are particularly common during busy sales periods like Q4.

By being aware of these changes, you can make informed decisions about your own pricing.

Finally, you can use the alert system to track competitor coupon usage.

The Insights Dashboard will notify you if a competitor adds a new coupon or removes an existing one, allowing you to adapt your promotions accordingly.

Once you've configured your competitor change alerts, they'll be conveniently displayed in this section, giving you a central location to monitor everything.

We'll continue focusing on competitor settings for now.

The next option allows you to customize alerts for listing changes.

Here, you can choose to be notified if a competitor updates their product title, main image, category, or subcategory.

This can be incredibly useful.

For instance, if you suspect a competitor is running A/B tests aka split tests on their main image to see which one performs better, you'll be the first to know!

So these competitor listing change alerts can be a goldmine of information.

By monitoring them, you can gain valuable insights into your competitor's strategies.

Let's take another example.

If you see any of your competitors making small tweaks to their product descriptions or adding new details, you might consider incorporating similar improvements into your own listings.

This way, you can stay competitive and ensure that your product stands out in the market. 

The final customization option here deals with competitor performance.

We've got a few options within this insight.

First, you can set up alerts to track changes in a competitor's BSR.

This allows you to see if their ranking goes up or down by a specific amount or percentage.

Second, you can monitor their review count and receive notifications if there's a significant increase or decrease.

This could be due to a surge in positive reviews, or it might indicate that some of their reviews have been removed.

By staying informed about these metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your competitor's overall performance.

For example, imagine this: you see a competitor's review count suddenly jump by a thousand.

The Insights Dashboard can notify you of such dramatic increases, prompting you to investigate further.

This might reveal a new marketing campaign they've launched or a surge in positive customer sentiment.

Whatever the reason, you'll be in the loop and be able to adjust your own strategies accordingly.

These alerts can also keep you informed about unexpected sales surges.

If a competitor's sales increase by a significant percentage in a single day, you can use the Insights Dashboard to explore potential reasons behind this jump.

Did they launch a successful marketing campaign?

Are they benefiting from unexpected viral exposure? 

The beauty of competitor performance alerts lies in their ability to give you a heads-up on what your competitors are doing well.

Imagine having to manually investigate each competitor every time you see a sudden change in their sales or reviews.

That would be incredibly time-consuming!

The Insights Dashboard eliminates that hassle.

With these alerts, you can quickly launch a mini-investigation into your competitor's activity whenever something significant happens.

This allows you to identify potential reasons behind their success, such as a new marketing campaign or a product update that resonates with customers.

In the past, as I mentioned earlier, keeping tabs on competitors was quite chaotic.

It used to require manually checking each listing one by one.

The Insights Dashboard streamlines this process by providing a central location to track everything in one place.

This makes it incredibly easy to stay informed about what's happening within your niche and adapt your strategy accordingly.

I don't know about you but for me, the competitor tracking features are a real highlight of the Insights Dashboard.

The ability to receive instant alerts keeps you up-to-date on your competition's moves, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.

Vova: That's true. It's an incredible feature but it sounds a bit like the Market Tracker tool. Is there much difference?

Carrie: That's a good question.

There are some key distinctions between the two.

Market Tracker focuses primarily on tracking competitor revenue and identifying new players entering your market.

This information is valuable because it helps you discover potential competitors you might not have been aware of before.

Once you identify these new competitors in Market Tracker, you can easily add them to the competitor tracking section in Insights Dashboard to monitor their activity in more detail.

So basically, Market Tracker focuses on the bigger picture, helping you identify new competitors entering your market and track their overall revenue growth.

This can be a great way to discover potential rivals you might have missed.

Insights Dashboard, on the contrary, allows you to monitor their activity in more detail.

You can track specific metrics such as price changes, review growth, and listing updates.

It's important to note that Insights Dashboard currently allows you to track up to five competitors per product (ASIN).

Market Tracker, on the other hand, lets you monitor a wider range of competitors across your entire market.

This gives you a broader perspective on what's happening within your niche and helps you identify potential threats early on.

So, think of Market Tracker as a great tool for scouting new competitors and keeping an eye on the overall market landscape. 

Once you've identified those promising competitors, you can then add them to your competitor tracking list in Insights Dashboard for more in-depth monitoring.

Next, let's explore the keyword research feature.

Many sellers struggle with keeping their keyword research up-to-date.

We all know it's an important task, but it can be time-consuming.

The good news is, the Insights Dashboard helps automate this process for you!

This feature leverages the power of Cerebro to identify potentially profitable keywords that your competitors might be using to their advantage.

By bringing this valuable information directly into the Insights Dashboard, you can easily discover new keyword opportunities you might have missed.

Let me walk you through the steps on how to set up this automated keyword research function.

Navigate back to the "My Products" tab and expand the product you want to focus on.

I'll go with our new product which is an egg tray.

This is where you'll see your keywords.

The list displays all the keywords you've already included in your Keyword Tracker.

Related Read: Helium 10 Keyword Tracker - How to Use This Tool to Track Your Amazon Keyword Rank

However, you can also add new keywords directly here.

Simply tap on the "+ Add Keywords" button, type in the desired keywords, and click "Start Tracking" to begin monitoring their performance.

The goal of this section is to provide a central location for all your keyword related needs.

You can easily see all your existing keywords at a glance and add new ones as you discover them.

In essence, this section functions as your keyword rank tracker.

It lets you see how your product ranks organically (without ads) and for sponsored keywords you've chosen to track.

But here's the exciting part: Suggested Keywords!

I'll walk you through a simple customization process in a moment, and once that's done, the Insights Dashboard will automatically suggest new keyword opportunities every day.

These suggestions can be based on keywords your competitors are using or even variations of your own existing keywords.

Let's take a look at an example.

Here, the Insights Dashboard recommends the keyword "fresh egg holder countertop" for my egg tray product.

This keyword has a search volume of 1,204, which is a promising sign.

You can tap on the check box to add this keyword to your tracking list and start monitoring its performance.

So, in a nutshell, the Suggested Keyword feature is a goldmine for discovering new opportunities.

It helps you identify keywords that your competitors might be using successfully, potentially giving you a leg up in your search ranking.

These suggestions can spark new ideas for optimizing your product listings and reaching a wider audience.

Don't worry though, you're not stuck with every suggestion the tool provides.

Feel free to remove any keywords that don't seem relevant to your product.

The Suggested Keyword metrics also include the Relative Rank column, adding another layer of value.

By hovering over your keyword ranking, you can see how you stack up against your competitors for that specific term.

In this example, you can see that we're currently ranked 83rd for the keyword "fresh egg holder countertop" compared to the competitors added.

The ranking is typically displayed out of five, but since we only have three competitors listed, it shows 83rd out of three.

This relative rank information is incredibly helpful because it allows you to quickly gauge your performance against your rivals and identify areas for improvement.

For sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry and who have connected their Helium 10 account, it offers even more insights.

You'll be able to see your click share and conversion share for each tracked keyword.

FYI, click share refers to the percentage of clicks your listing receives compared to all other listings for that keyword.

Conversion share, on the other hand, indicates the percentage of those clicks that convert into sales.

This additional data provides valuable information about how well your listing is performing and helps you identify areas for optimization.

Now, let's take a look at how to customize the Suggested Keyword feature.

Navigate back to the Insights Settings and click on the "Keywords" section.

This section allows you to configure various insights based on your preferences.

For example, you can receive notifications if your organic or sponsored keyword ranking drops for specific terms.

Most importantly, you can customize the suggested keyword recommendations to better suit your product.

This ensures the suggestions align more closely with your product and target audience.

As you can see in the screenshot above, there are several customization options available.

You can set filters based on your current keyword ranking.

For instance, you might choose to see only suggestions for keywords where you already rank within the top 10 positions.

This can be helpful for identifying opportunities to improve your ranking for keywords you're already somewhat competitive for.

The next filter lets you focus on keywords with a specific estimated number of sales.

This can help you prioritize keywords that have the potential to drive significant sales volume.

When you see a suggestion with a high estimated sales number, it might prompt you to take a closer look at that particular keyword and consider optimizing your listing accordingly.

Next, here's the most valuable customization option – filtering suggestions based on your competitors' keywords.

This is where you're most likely to discover hidden gems: keywords that your competitors are using successfully but you might have overlooked. 

One way to personalize your suggestions is by setting a minimum search volume threshold.

This means you'll only see recommendations for keywords with a search volume exceeding a certain number.

For instance, I've chosen a minimum search volume of 500, but you can adjust this value depending on your preferences.

The goal is to identify keywords that are relevant to your product and have a decent number of people searching for them. 

The next filter, Position (Rank), lets you specify a range for your competitor's organic ranking.

For example, you might choose to see suggestions for keywords where at least one of your competitors ranks between 1 and 10.

This can be a great way to find keywords that your competitors are already seeing success with, potentially indicating terms you should also target.

The Advanced Rank filter is another powerful tool that helps you identify keywords where your competitors might be vulnerable.

With this filter, you can specify that you want to see suggestions for keywords where at least one competitor has recently dropped in ranking to a specific position (within the top 40, for example).

This can be a golden opportunity to swoop in and claim better ranking for those keywords while your competitors are struggling.

By adjusting the minimum competitor rank threshold (perhaps changing it to 20), you can narrow down the suggestions to focus on the most competitive keywords. 

Let's take another example.

Say that you want to target keywords where your competitors might be showing signs of weakness.

With this filter, you can specify that you only want to see suggestions for keywords where at least one competitor has recently seen a significant drop in ranking, maybe falling within the top 10 positions.

This can be a golden opportunity for you to seize the moment and improve your own ranking for those keywords while your competitors are struggling.

You can adjust the minimum competitor rank threshold to narrow down the suggestions and focus on the most competitive terms.

Once you've set up your desired filters, the Insights Dashboard will automatically populate your keyword suggestions every day.

These suggestions are pulled from Cerebro and include valuable information like search volume.

You can easily review each suggestion and decide whether to add it to your Keyword Tracker.

If the keyword seems relevant to your product and has decent search volume, but you're not currently indexed for it, you might consider adding it to your listing to improve your discoverability.

The beauty of the Insights Dashboard is that it automates a significant portion of your keyword research.

This saves you a considerable amount of time and effort compared to having to do everything manually.

By keeping all your competitor and keyword data in one central location, the Insights Dashboard gives you a clear picture of what's happening within your niche and empowers you to make informed decisions about your keyword strategy.

Vova: I definitely agree.

Keeping my keyword research current is something I should do more often.

New keywords can emerge for the same product all the time, simply because people's search habits evolve and they might start searching for products in slightly different ways.

Traditionally, you'd update your keywords through a tool like Cerebro.

However, the exciting thing about the Insights Dashboard is that it automates this process for you.

New keyword suggestions will automatically appear on your dashboard every day or so, ensuring you stay on top of the latest trends.

Carrie: Absolutely!

Vova: And then, once you see the new keyword suggestions, you can easily review them and decide whether to keep them or remove them.

Adding relevant keywords to your listing is crucial because search habits can shift over time.

The keywords that were perfect for your product two years ago might not be the most effective today.

The Insights Dashboard helps you stay ahead of these changes by automatically suggesting new keywords that you might have missed.

Carrie: That's the beauty of the Insights Dashboard!

It's a fantastic tool that streamlines the keyword research process and helps you keep your listings optimized for the latest search trends.

Many sellers have told me it's been a game-changer for their business, and I wholeheartedly agree.

It's a valuable resource that can give you a significant advantage in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.

Vova: Perfect! So, if any of you would like to try out the Insights Dashboard for yourself, below is your opportunity to claim a free trial of Helium 10 along with two exclusive discount codes.

First, take advantage of the free trial offered by Helium 10.

This lets you play around with the tool and see if it meets your needs.

If you decide Helium 10 is the right fit for you, then you can use any of these coupon codes to subscribe at a reduced price:

  • VOVA10: Use this code to save 10% every single month. That means ongoing savings as long as you're a subscriber! This is perfect if you're looking to stick with Helium 10 for the long haul.

  • VOVA6M20: Apply this code to grab a hefty 20% discount for the first six months of your subscription. This is a great option if you want to try Helium 10 at a discounted rate before committing to a full year.

Hopefully, you'll find this tool to be a valuable asset in your Amazon selling journey.

For those who want to delve deeper into Helium 10, I've created a playlist on my channel that features tutorials for all the various tools it offers.

Carrie has also put together a playlist specifically focused on using Helium 10 for Walmart sellers.

And, if you're looking for a comprehensive guide that covers all of Helium 10's features in detail, we have a complete A to Z tutorial available as well.

-: Blog Version :-

Complete Helium 10 Tutorial For Beginners

-: Video Version :-

These resources should provide you with everything you need to become a Helium 10 power user!


Key Takeaways in Your Pocket

So there you have it!

This walkthrough unpacked the competitor tracking and keyword research features within the Helium 10 Insights Dashboard.

By now, you should have a clear understanding of how to use this tool to discover new keyword opportunities, monitor your competitor's ranking, and keep your listings optimized for the latest search trends.

The Insights Dashboard can be a real time-saver, helping you stay on top of your competitors without the need for manual updates every few months.

Give it a try and see how it can streamline your workflow!


Vova :)

Table of Contents
  1. Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial: Master Your Amazon Keyword Research
    1. Helium 10 Goodies
    2. Meet My Guest: Carrie Miller
    3. Helium 10 Insights Dashboard Tutorial
    4. Key Takeaways in Your Pocket

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)