How To Calcualte Profitability Of A Book For Amazon FBA Online Book Arbitrage

Vova Even Jul 01, 2024
15 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Ever Wonder How Much You Can REALLY Make Flipping Books on Amazon? (Spoiler: It Can Be a Lot!)
    1. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Ever Wonder How Much You Can REALLY Make Flipping Books on Amazon? (Spoiler: It Can Be a Lot!)

Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem at a thrift store, only to realize it's worth a small fortune online?

That's the magic of online book arbitrage, and with the right tools, you can turn your bookish passion into a profitable side hustle!

In this article, I'll take you on a step-by-step journey with Bill Jakeway, an Amazon seller and Zen Arbitrage expert.

He'll show you exactly how to calculate the profitability of a book before you buy, so you can maximize your earnings and become a book flipping boss!

Get ready to uncover the secrets to:

  1. Finding books with hidden profit potential (Imagine buying a book for $14 and selling it for $50!)

  1. Calculating your profit margin (So you know exactly how much you'll pocket)

  1. Using Zen Arbitrage to simplify the process (Save time and effort with powerful software!)

As a bonus, I'm offering an exclusive extended free trial of Zen Arbitrage.

Simply click the button below and email the team at to upgrade your trial from 14 to 30 days!

So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and get ready to discover the world of profitable book flipping!

Right below, I've got another gem for you – a Zen Arbitrage tutorial featuring the one and only Bill Jakeway from Zen Arbitrage.


Vova: Bill! Can you explain the ebay way to calcualte profitability of a book for Amazon FBA online book arbitrage?

Bill: Sure. What I usually do is, if I find a book I really like, I check its price.

If it's reasonable, I click on the ISBN and it takes me to the Amazon page. 

There, I see and compare offers.

For example, $9.21 for the book and $3.99 dollars for shipping – that totals to $13.20.

Then, I decide if I want to add it to my cart.

I can also filter to see if there are any Prime or FBA offers available.

Currently, the lowest FBA offer is fifty dollars.

So, I could purchase it for $13 and then list it on Amazon for fifty dollars.

It seems like all the FBA sellers for used items are pricing theirs around $50 as well.

But I can always double-check and confirm that it's a good deal.

I can use our built-in calculator, which automatically inserts the price I'm buying it for.

Knowing that I can sell it for fifty dollars gives me confidence.

Suppose my prep warehouse charges me two dollars to prepare that book.

Considering I'm buying it for thirteen dollars and factoring in all the fees from Amazon, my profit ends up being $21.23.

So, on top of the book cost, if it sells for fifty dollars, Amazon will send me around thirty-four to thirty-five dollars as my payout.

So, that's basically the process: finding profitable books by using the software, comparing prices between used and FBA, checking for any restrictions, calculating potential profit, and then heading over to Amazon.

I'll add this book to my cart now.

Oh, wait, there's a cheaper one as well.

It costs nine dollars and twenty-one cents.

I'll buy this one instead, spending $14 in total.

Besides all this, I can check the Keepa chart as well for additional information if needed.

Vova: Thanks, Bill! Sounds like a solid strategy.



Alrighty, that's it!

Now you've got the lowdown on how to figure out if a book is a gold mine waiting to be flipped.

Remember, Bill used a $14 book as an example, but you can use these same steps for any book you find.

Ready to start hunting for hidden profits?

Just click the button below and email the Zen Arbitrage team at to extend your trial from 14 to 30 days!

Also, be sure to take advantage of a special offer to download the Zen Check extension.

Happy flipping!

Table of Contents
  1. Ever Wonder How Much You Can REALLY Make Flipping Books on Amazon? (Spoiler: It Can Be a Lot!)
    1. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)