Things to Know Before You Buy or Sell an Amazon Seller Account

Vova Even Nov 09, 2023
63 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Things To Know Before You Buy Or Sell An Amazon Seller Account
    1. Is It Legal and Allowed to Sell or Buy an Amazon Seller Account?
    2. How Does the Amazon Seller Account Transfer Work?
    3. What is the Advantage of Working With A Professional for Amazon Seller Account Transfer?
    4. What Should We Do Before Buying An Amazon Seller Account?
    5. How is the Payment Being Made?
    6. What Other Services Does Omer Sidi Provide?
    7. Key Takeaway

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Things To Know Before You Buy Or Sell An Amazon Seller Account

Are you considering buying or selling an Amazon seller account? Buckle up and dive into the rest of the article! 😉

Hi, my name is Vova Even, and I have been an active Amazon seller since 2016.

I also share tutorials, hacks, and trade secrets on YouTube and Udemy.

In this post, I will provide a detailed rundown of things you should know before you buy or sell an Amazon Seller account

If you would rather watch the video, you can do that below. 

I will address new questions after the previous video posted on YouTube, where Omer Sidi and I from SellerSpot discussed buying and selling Amazon accounts. 

Omer has been a guest on my Amazon FBA blog and YouTube channel many times.

Omer can help you buy or sell an Amazon seller account.

The links below lead to forms that can help you buy or sell an Amazon seller account.

Buy an Amazon seller account

Sell an Amazon seller account

There were a lot of discussions regarding different things that arose from the previous video on YouTube and many new comments and questions, and I wanted to address them. 

Amazon is not getting easier. It's getting much more complex and way more expensive than it was in the past.

People need to know that their Amazon account is worth something rather than not doing anything with it.

If you don't intend to use it in the future, you are better off selling it. 

Now, let's talk about the first question.

Is It Legal and Allowed to Sell or Buy an Amazon Seller Account?

So is it legal and allowed to buy and sell Amazon seller accounts?

This question was repeated a lot because people are concerned about whether they should be buying or selling an account.

This is a great question, and the simple answer is yes. 

You are allowed to sell and buy an Amazon account.

However, you cannot hold two Amazon accounts under the same name.

I'm sure many sellers have received related charges in the past and continue to do so to date.

This is basically when you have multiple accounts and credentials are identical. 

Amazon will continue to work like that, and you will probably get both accounts suspended.

That's something important to know. Now, regarding the actual question of whether it is allowed?

So yes, it's allowed.

There's a certain way that it needs to be done.

This process is done by notifying and getting confirmation from Amazon before doing anything on the account.

It's allowed as long as you do it the right way. 

You can learn more about the safety of buying and selling Amazon accounts.

How Does the Amazon Seller Account Transfer Work?

So let's say it is permitted; how does it work? If you’re a seller or a buyer, and Amazon is notified that there is a transaction of account coming from here to there, it does make it legal then because Amazon knows it.

There are multiple cases opened, basically asking for this permission.

In some instances, they either don't allow it, or there is a need to address something that needs to be addressed.

But nothing happens before receiving this confirmation.

It's written confirmation so that if anything in the future happens, there's a track record for it on the existing account.

The process involves updating all new credentials, whether a legal entity, text identification, bank account, credit cards, new emails, passwords, phone numbers, indicator apps, etc. 

The old seller, when they sell the account, they don't want anything to do with it anymore.

You don't receive emails, OTPs, etc. so that also has to be done because sellers will often keep getting different notifications and things like that.

And then, you can get many notifications that must be turned off on the account.

There have been hundreds of these done already.

It is essential to mention that it does not always go smoothly initially.

It's such a thing known as a rollback. Sometimes you make changes to the account, and Amazon identifies this as suspicious activity.

They do what we call a rollback and change everything back to the original details on the account. So that's also worth knowing.

However, you must remember that if you do the process right, the chance for rollback is lower.

I recommend you learn more about the safety of transferring an Amazon seller account.

What is the Advantage of Working With A Professional for Amazon Seller Account Transfer?

This question will discuss the advantage of working with a professional in your Amazon account transfer process for someone who thinks they want to sell or buy an account themselves.

Omer is a legit person to help you with it.

Here's our previous full video with Omer and the process of buying and selling Amazon seller accounts.

But if you're going to use the service of somebody who has done it hundreds of times, you need to know how you will benefit.

The experience would be a significant factor in this, but there is much more to it.

Professional clients have always been told it is not just the price.

You need to know who you are selling your account to; if something happens tomorrow, do you have anyone to contact? 

You know, a lot of the time, many fishy things are going on with Amazon, including scams, plenty of them.

Everyone who sells on Amazon knows this.

I don't think it's worth risking it for some time to receive a little more than what you expect. 

Next, if you're unable to reach the person you sold to or bought from, and they did not change the information as you agreed, it would cause trouble.

There have been cases where the buyer account was used to purchase different things because they forgot to update the credit card information.

With all these things, it's not worth risking it. 

Sellers on Amazon have always been told that if you use someone you trust, ensure you get the full explanation of everything.

Another vital thing that sellers are advised is that before they transfer the account, they need to download all the reports they might need, even if it's something for the future.

If it's business reports, monthly or yearly statements, or inventory reports, your accountant might ask for this, so better to have it upfront.

Since these professionals have done many such transfers, they believe that working alone is an option, but it can be risky because the sellers don't know what they are doing.

You may want to sell or buy an account as a viewer, but have you done that before?

If you have done that successfully, then sure, that makes sense.

But if not, many hardships can be faced.

In such instances, SellerSpot professionals can help people like yourself.

Buy an Amazon seller account

Sell an Amazon seller account

What Should We Do Before Buying An Amazon Seller Account?

The next question focuses on what you should make sure of or what you should do before you buy an account. 

There are a few things that I always advise.

First of all, have a look at the account, the actual account, not screenshots.

Anyone can create false screenshots these days.

Even if it's a legit screenshot, you’ll have no idea where it was taken.

Professionals do this step as well; they have an actual look at the account.

They usually do it together with the other side.

The professionals use some screen sharing software like, you know, Any Desk or Zoom, and they check everything.

You want to see that there's no negative balance.

There are no future charges on the account.

A lot of the time, there was old inventory in the account.

There have been many cases where someone bought an account and got a significant charge a few weeks later.

Since they didn't check properly, there were old inventory charges.

When you buy an account, you want a clean account. It's a clean slate with no future surprises. 

Also, it's very important to point out performance notifications.

Was there anything shady with this account, even in the past?

Amazon documents everything.

What was this account used for?

Was it selling private labels?

Was it dropshipping?

Was it doing arbitrage?

What's the account health look like today and in the past?

When an account is observed by a professional, the process takes anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes; they go over everything.

I can tell you that most Amazon sellers are not 100%.

They don't know everything in Seller Central.

There are lots of different tabs there, and Amazon changes the interface every once in a while.

You need to be updated on everything.

The professionals at SellerSpot are here to ensure it's a safe process for both sides.

It's not just for the seller but for both sides. 

The seller wants to get paid.

They want confirmation that they don't own the account anymore.

And they're not responsible for any future issues that might arise.

On the other hand, the buyer also wants to be sure that what they're doing is to be confident with the process, that they receive a legit account, that there are no future charges or activations, and that it is working.

Everything is clear.

The buyer wants to get the account without any problems.

If we sum it up briefly, the seller wants to sell the account without any issues and vice versa.

How is the Payment Being Made?

Now the payment, how is it done?

Do you provide the account details before?

That's a huge question people ask.

How do I know that I'll receive my payment?

So the way that professionals work today is they either work with an external grantor, who you transfer the funds directly to.

Once you receive the account details and confirm everything is okay, give them an OK to release the funds. 

And the second way they work is that everything goes through them.

They first receive confirmation of the payment from the buyer.

At the same time, they make sure that the seller has prepared everything for transferring the account.

They forward that to the buyer.

They will release the amount once the payment's print confirmation is confirmed.

And this way, there's no possibility of anyone scamming one another.

The professionals are in the middle of this.

They are with you together in this process.

This is the safest way to do it.

What Other Services Does Omer Sidi Provide?

I asked if Omer does any other services for Amazon sellers, and the answer is yes.

Omer does consultations for Amazon sellers.

They also help open up categories and brands you want to sell, and they also have an appeal service for deactivated listings and accounts. 

So yeah, I will leave the forms below for those who want to buy and sell an account.

There's an option for those who wish to sell or buy accounts.

Sell Your Amazon Seller Account 💸

Buy Premium Aged Amazon Seller Accounts 🤝🏻

These are two different forms.

So, if you want to sell, use the selling form, and if you want to buy, use the buying form.

You are also welcome to contact them at SellerSpot, please mention my name, Vova Even, and they'll get the best deals for you.

Key Takeaway

So, before I wrap up this post, I hope to get new questions, and of course, I will answer them, and I need to make another video to cater to them.

You can ask questions in the comments section for those who will watch my full video on YouTube, and I will get to answer them.

Again, the buying and selling forms are given to you above, along with the complete guide for buying and selling Amazon accounts. 

See you in the next post! 


Vova 😊

Table of Contents
  1. Things To Know Before You Buy Or Sell An Amazon Seller Account
    1. Is It Legal and Allowed to Sell or Buy an Amazon Seller Account?
    2. How Does the Amazon Seller Account Transfer Work?
    3. What is the Advantage of Working With A Professional for Amazon Seller Account Transfer?
    4. What Should We Do Before Buying An Amazon Seller Account?
    5. How is the Payment Being Made?
    6. What Other Services Does Omer Sidi Provide?
    7. Key Takeaway

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)