AccountsBalance Review: Bookkeeping Service For Small Business, Coaches, Consultants, Agencies, SAAS

Vova Even Sep 23, 2024
35 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Discover How AccountsBalance is the Ideal Bookkeeping Service for Small Businesses, Coaches, Consultants, Agencies and SaaS Providers
    1. Introduction
    2. How AccountBalance Works
    3. How to Get Started with AccountsBalance
    4. How to Pay AccountBalance
    5. Why Work With Nathan and His Team
    6. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Discover How AccountsBalance is the Ideal Bookkeeping Service for Small Businesses, Coaches, Consultants, Agencies and SaaS Providers

Ever wondered how you can make bookkeeping a breeze for your small business, coaching practice, or Software-as-a-Service company?

If keeping your finances in check feels like a never-ending challenge, you're not alone!

I’m Vova Even, an Amazon FBA seller and content creator who’s been navigating the world of e-commerce since 2016.

Over the years, I’ve teamed up with amazing entrepreneurs and shared tons of tips, success stories, and tool reviews on YouTube, Udemy, and my blog.

In a recent video, I chatted with Nathan Hirsch, the founder of AccountsBalance — a premier bookkeeping service designed specifically for small businesses, coaches, consultants, agencies, and SaaS providers.

Nathan’s service promises to simplify your bookkeeping so you can focus on what you do best.

Whether you're managing an agency, running a coaching business, or working with SaaS, AccountsBalance has got you covered.

And guess what?

I’ve got an exclusive offer for you — a special two-month free trial with AccountsBalance.

Click on the button below to grab this offer and see how AccountsBalance can make your bookkeeping easier than ever!

Now, let's delve into my chat with Nathan and see how AccountBalance can change the accounting game for you!



Vova: Hey, welcome to the AccountsBalance review!

AccountsBalance is a bookkeeping service tailored for SaaS businesses, coaches, consultants, and agencies.

Today, we’re diving into how this service can benefit you if you fall into one of these categories.

Nathan’s here to share what AccountsBalance is all about and how it can support your business.

Nathan, welcome, man!

Great to have you here again.

Nathan: Yeah, thanks for having me!

Always a pleasure to chat with you.

I feel like I'm here taking care of my son, which I love, while you're out there traveling the world and enjoying yourself, but life’s good.

Vova: Yeah, man, that’s the way!

I’m glad to hear that.

It’s great to have you with us again.

So, let’s roll!

Let’s dive into what AccountsBalance is and how it can help people.

Please, tell us more about it.

How AccountBalance Works

Nathan: Yeah, so, as you know, we’re former Amazon sellers, and we launched EcomBalance to help eCommerce sellers with their bookkeeping.

E-commerce bookkeeping can be complicated.

You need to use tools like Link My Books or A2X Accounting to connect everything.

There’s inventory, cost of goods sold, and a lot of other variables, with different marketplaces having different fees.

But when we launched EcomBalance, we started getting interest from non-e-commerce businesses.

Agencies, coaches, real estate, property managers, lawyers — you name it — pretty much every kind of non-e-commerce business reached out to us.

So, we launched a sister brand, AccountsBalance.

It’s the same great monthly bookkeeping service as EcomBalance, but at a lower price point.

Running an agency is a lot less complex than running an e-commerce business, so we can offer this service more affordably.

We focus on one thing — monthly bookkeeping.

We charge you on the first, and your books are ready by the 15th each month.

Easy, on-time reports that are accurate every single month, with great customer service.

Interesting Read: How To Create Advanced Amazon Customer Experience

We don’t offer add-ons like sales tax or regular tax or AR/AP.

It’s strictly monthly bookkeeping, and we’re focused on perfecting the service so entrepreneurs can concentrate on growing their business and making informed decisions based on their numbers.

Vova: Pretty cool, man.

And what would be the onboarding process with you?

So, maybe someone who's listening is thinking, "Alright, that might be something I'd like to do."

Maybe they already have another bookkeeping service, or maybe they’ve never used one.

How should people approach you?

Should they have anything ready, or what’s the best way to get started?

How to Get Started with AccountsBalance

Nathan: Yeah, so if you go to and click "Get Started Today" on our website, you’ll fill out a quick pricing form with some information about your business.

If you have current books, you’ll give us access to them, and we’ll provide instructions on how to do that.

My pricing team will get you a quote within a day.

That quote will be two parts: a fixed price for any setup, catchup, or cleanup work we need to do — everything on a yearly basis.

So, if you come to us in August, unless you bought the business in August or started it in August, we’ll need to handle the entire year’s worth of bookkeeping.

The entire year has to match, so there’s an upfront amount for the catchup, cleanup, and setup work, and then a monthly price going forward.

Oh, and if you mention this video, you get two months free as well.

Once you sign up, you’ll add a payment method.

We charge you for the upfront amount, and we offer payment plans too.

We’ll start what we call "integration."

This means we’ll get view-only access to your banks, credit cards, and any necessary documents and statements.

We’ll make sure everything’s connected in QuickBooks, and we’ll simplify that process for you.

You can follow our instructions to do it yourself, or you can schedule a call with our integration team, and we’ll handle it with you.

After everything’s integrated and set up, you’ll have a kickoff call with our controller.

Next, you’ll meet your assigned bookkeeper, who you’ll work with throughout your time with us.

From there, we’ll start catching everything up, and it’s pretty hands-off for you.

We’ll update you every Thursday until your books are current.

Then, going forward, you’ll get your books by the 15th of each month like clockwork, every single month.

We aim to make it as easy as possible.

Vova: Pretty cool. I’ll remind everyone reading that we have a special link for the extended two-month free trial.

Let me share links to all the other videos of Nathan’s companies as well, so you can see if they might help you with other parts of your eCommerce or entrepreneurial journey.

-: EcomBalance – A Reliable Monthly Bookkeeping for the eCommerce Industry :-


EcomBalance Review

Best Free Bookkeeping Resources By EcomBalance


-: OutSource School – Helps Everyone Find and Hire Amazing Virtual Assistants :-


OutSource School Review


-: TrioSEO - Creates SEO Content that Drives Quality Traffic & Leads :-


TrioSEO Review

You'll also find some great bonuses for these projects in their video descriptions.

But for now, let's focus on AccountBalance.

How to Pay AccountBalance

Vova: Nathan! How can people pay you?

When they decide to become a customer, should they pay monthly, or is it once per year?

And is there a difference in payment based on whether it’s a bigger or smaller business?

Nathan: Yeah, so we actually have a pricing estimator on our site.

Keep in mind this is just an estimator, so our team will provide a custom quote.

If you go to, you can use the estimator to get an idea of the price range, within a few hundred dollars per month.

When you get an actual quote from us, you can pay via credit card or ACH.

If you choose to pay via ACH, we offer a 1% discount on everything.

And like I said, the upfront amount — we’re happy to break that into monthly payments with no interest if you prefer.

For the monthly amount, you pay on the first of the month going forward.

We also offer a 10% discount if you pay for the entire next 12 months (full year) upfront, but that’s completely optional.

Most of our clients just pay monthly.

Vova: Pretty cool, I understand, man.

Everything’s pretty clear to me.

Why Work With Nathan and His Team

Vova: Is there anything else I should have asked you and haven’t asked regarding AccountsBalance?

We’ve covered how you guys work, the pricing model, payment options, and how people get their books done.

Is there anything else you think we should mention, or do you think we’ve covered it all?

What’s your take?

Nathan: I think the cool thing about us is that I’m not a bookkeeper, nor is my business partner.

We have a great team of bookkeepers led by our controller, who has over 30 years of experience.

But we’re entrepreneurs — we’ve run SaaS, agencies, and e-commerce businesses.

We understand what entrepreneurs need from a bookkeeping service.

While our bookkeepers handle the bookkeeping, we support them with strong systems, processes, customer service, and marketing.

We aim to make everything as easy as possible.

Many bookkeeping companies struggle with this, but we excel at creating a process that’s straightforward for you.

We’re system and process experts, and everything we do is focused on the client.

That’s what sets us apart from a traditional bookkeeping company that just speaks “bookkeeper.”

Vova: Yeah, pretty cool.

Let me share the extended two-month free trial offer again.

Nathan, thanks for being a guest, and have a great day!

Nathan: Thanks. One last thing — if you want to see a sample report of what you’ll get every month, visit

You can view the same report that all of our clients receive each month.

Vova: Awesome. Thank you for mentioning it, and you have a good day. 

Nathan: You too!


So, that’s a wrap on our chat about AccountsBalance. 

We’ve covered a lot, from how their service works to the easy pricing options.

Nathan and his team have designed a straightforward bookkeeping service perfect for agencies, coaches, consultants, and SaaS businesses.

They focus on making things simple and efficient, so you can concentrate on growing your business.

If you’re interested, don’t forget about the special two-month free trial link we mentioned.

Thanks for tuning in, and a big thanks to Nathan for sharing all this valuable info.

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out or check out the links I shared.

Have a great day!

Table of Contents
  1. Discover How AccountsBalance is the Ideal Bookkeeping Service for Small Businesses, Coaches, Consultants, Agencies and SaaS Providers
    1. Introduction
    2. How AccountBalance Works
    3. How to Get Started with AccountsBalance
    4. How to Pay AccountBalance
    5. Why Work With Nathan and His Team
    6. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)