Easy Amazon FBA Product Research With Jungle Scout Product Database - Review And Tutorial

Vova Even Nov 04, 2023
34 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. A Simple Guide on How to Use Jungle Scout Product Database to Find Profitable Products on Amazon
    1. Jungle Scout Top Discounts
    2. What is the Jungle Scout Product Database?
    3. Amazon Product Research Tutorial: How to Use Jungle Scout Product Database?
    4. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

A Simple Guide on How to Use Jungle Scout Product Database to Find Profitable Products on Amazon

Hello, people!

It’s Vova Even again, Amazon seller, and today, I am going to tell you how the Jungle Scout Product Database works. 

Jungle Scout Product Database is a go-to tool for many Amazon sellers because it contains hundreds of thousands of products of different categories in its database with authentic sales information.

I use it for my own product research, and in this article, I will show you how you can do the same. 

This article is part of the series in which I have been reviewing different tools that Jungle Scout has created for Amazon so far.

Last time, I reviewed Jungle Scout Product Database on my blog with Ed Carlin, who also works at Jungle Scout. It's a similar tutorial but with more insights from Ed.

Ed often joins me on my YouTube channel as well for doing tutorials on the various tools developed by his company.

However, we have separate tutorials and guides for all Jungle Scout tools – which you are welcome to watch or read!

We also have a full Jungle Scout A-Z tutorial which will help you learn about the JS in one go! 

Let’s start with today’s article.

By the way, if you are a person who learns quickly through visual representation, I have a video tutorial for the Jungle Scout Product Database for you right here!

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What is the Jungle Scout Product Database?

Jungle Scout Product Database is an advanced product research tool for Amazon that allows you to deeply analyze products by searching them on various criteria like category, sales volume, price, etc.

The tool can help you single out products that can be profitable for you.

Additionally, you can use it to track some products to see how they perform over the weeks or months and make informed decisions to grow your Amazon business. 

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Amazon Product Research Tutorial: How to Use Jungle Scout Product Database?

Let’s now see how we can operate this tool.

First of all, you will have to access the Product Database from the list of tools on Jungle Scout’s dashboard.

When you hover your arrow over the Product Research category, it will drop down a list of tools from where you can select Product Database, and a new screen will appear in front of you. 

As you can see, there are multiple options to facilitate your research.

On the top, you can select any Amazon marketplace in which you want to conduct your research.

Whether it's Canada, Germany, Spain, or India – you will find every marketplace here.

Once you select the desired market, move on to the categories list. 

You will have many options here to select from.

Amazon’s database has millions of products in these categories, so in order to do targeted research, you can select one or multiple categories based on your preferences.

If you are already an entrepreneur or someone who’s enthusiastic about the business world but just getting started on Amazon, I would recommend you only choose the categories you are already familiar with.

For example, if you have dealt in the stationary business, office products might be a good option for you. 

However, there is nothing to worry about if selling is something new to you altogether.

In fact, inexperience might add a little fun to the job, given the freedom it gives you to go with any profitable niche. 

My first product on Amazon was Kitchen Scissors, but to be honest, I didn’t even know how to cook!

I just saw that the product had some good numbers and decided to sell it on Amazon with a little investment.

In the end, everything turned out to be pretty good, and people really enjoyed my product.

I also loved selling these scissors, so all in all, if you are inexperienced like I was, this article is just for you as you will learn how you can find a profitable product using the Jungle Scout Product Database. 

Moving on, once you select the categories, you will need to pick a Product Tier for which two options are given: standard and oversize.

Let me explain what these are. 

Standard products are of the normal size.

They are easy to store, sell, and deliver and don’t cost you extra bucks for transportation.

However, oversized products are quite heavy in weight as well as costly in price, and their transportation is only possible via sea or plane.

Managing oversized products is also a challenging task.

Therefore, if you want to begin your Amazon business with less trouble, standard-size products would be an ideal option. 

The next step for you will be selecting the seller type.

You can select any of the three types based on the kind of business you want to start. 

Amazon sellers usually sell Amazon’s own products produced in different categories.

There are also different vendor programs offered by Amazon, but it is best avoided by beginners.

The best option for them is to choose Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). 

FBA gives you ease of mind and dusts many worries off your shoulders.

Through this model, sellers can send their products to Amazon, which will then store your products in its warehouses and deliver them when it receives orders from customers.

Amazon charges fees for its services.

Don't worry, it’s not a big one, but just to pique your curiosity, I will disclose it later in this very article, so please hang in there!

Lastly, Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) is a type where sellers manage everything on their own.

From storing products to delivering them, everything falls under their purview.

They can send the orders from their home or involve a third-party warehouse that will deal with everything on their behalf. 

Now, which selling model do I prefer?

Well, to be honest, I don’t have preferences, but I do use FBA, which offers me a great deal of services.

It’s reliable, worry-free, and eases your life as an Amazon seller.

I leave it to you which type of seller you want to be.

You can choose whichever serves your needs best! 

Okay, things are going to be very interesting now because it’s time to discuss Jungle Scout Product Database filters.

But before we come onto that, I want to provide you with a glimpse into the big database of this tool and why we need filters to get what we want.

Following are the criteria which I have set in the tool.

We have already discussed all the checked parameters here:

As you can see, I have picked a few categories along with product tier and seller type.

Now, let’s click the orange ‘search’ button at the bottom right corner and see what happens!

Take a look at that!

More than two million search results appeared with the minimum criteria that we had put above.

That’s really big! 

It proves two things: one, that the Jungle Scout’s database is very vast.

And second, we need to use filters in order to find lucrative products for our business.

Let’s now see which filters are available and how we can effectively use them. 

These are all filtering options available to you to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon.

You can set the price limit of the products.

For example, if you want to sell a product with a minimum of $27 and a maximum of $45, just add these numbers to the empty price filters.

You can combine these numbers with minimum and maximum reviews and other filters.

I will share a few tips with you on how to play with these filtering options to get the best out of them. 

Jungle Scout also has an accurate record of the net profit of the products, so you can see there is a filtering option for net profit as well.

Basically, net profit is the amount you earn after cutting the FBA fees and other expenses, including the cost of the product.

For instance, if your standard product is sold at $20, you will have to pay Amazon its FBA fees of around $5, and hence, your net profit will be $15.

The higher the net profit, the more lucrative a product will be, so keep that in mind!

Moving on, you can also regulate your search results by setting a limit on the rating, BSR, sales, revenue, sellers, and LQS.

If you find yourself confused about BSR and LQS, let me explain what they are. 

BSR is the Best Seller Rank that every product gets in its particular category.

The rank depends upon the sales a product generates over time.

If a product has a poor ranking besides low ratings and reviews, it will mean it requires substantial improvement to get a good BSR. 

It may sound unpleasant, but such products also present you with an opportunity to see where other sellers are failing and how you can improve these products to increase your chances of getting more sales.

It is one of the methods to identify the low-competition area in which you can exploit things in your favor. 

On the other hand, LQS or Listing Quality Score is a Jungle Scout points system that determines the quality of a listing.

The score is basically given on the richness of keywords and their usage in the titles.

The bullet points, description, number of pictures, and their resolution also greatly impact LQS.

Listings are graded between 1 to 10, with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst. 

Similarly, you can also use other filters to find more such areas.

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For example, you can set reviews to 20 to 45, ratings to 3 to 3.5, and sales to 500 in order to find the products that do not have good reviews/ratings but still are making good sales.

Once you get to these products, do more research, read the negative reviews, find out what customers do not like, introduce a few changes, and be ready to welcome great sales, revenue, and profit in the following weeks!

You can also select the number of sellers who are trading on the same product listing.

Amazon allows more than one seller for the same product listing under arbitrage or drop shipping.

However, private-label products only belong to one entity or seller, and no other seller can resell these products.

I have been selling under the private label system myself for a long time and do not have much experience or knowledge about the arbitrage or dropship system.

That’s why I would refrain from discussing them.

However, I do have a comprehensive video about how to start trading on Amazon using a private label system on my YouTube channel.

I will embed it below so that you can watch it right here:  

Now, how does this relate to the number of sellers that I was talking about earlier?

Let me explain.

Whenever there is more than one seller for a product, Amazon shows them like this:

With the exception of the primary seller, you can access all other sellers on the right side of the screen.

Once you click it, a small screen will open up, containing details of the rest of the sellers.

You can see the screenshot below just for an overview: 

It is clearly visible in the screenshot above that a few sellers have got strong ratings, while some are new and haven’t got any reviews yet.

There are also other essential points to notice.

For example, Vestaware, the company at the bottom, has a five-star rating, along with a note from Amazon that the company’s ratings have been ‘93% positive over the last 12 months.’ 

It is also important to mention that not all sellers are authentic and reliable.

Although, It is not against any law to sell a product on the same listing.

However some sellers use this freedom to sell completely fake products that perfectly mimic the original ones. 

Currently, the primary seller in the listing I showed you above is Imarku Kitchen.

With more than seven thousand ratings, it has got 4.5 stars and a buy box.

Don’t know what the Amazon buy box is?

No problem. I will tell you. 

The box that you see on the right side, along with the ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Buy Now’ buttons, is what we call a buy box.

Getting a buy box on Amazon is considered a big achievement on Amazon as most of the sales go through it. 

I specifically mentioned the buy box because it is not necessary that the primary product will always have that.

Amazon can always give a buy box to any other competitor on the same listing once their performance is enhanced than the primary seller. 

Coming back to filters, if you want to do thorough research on Amazon products, you should go for a product with more than one seller with the help of filters.

That will help you observe the ongoing competition between many of the products on the same listing and prepare you for it. 

Moving on, we have the option to set the revenue limit for a month in the filters.

This option can also help you get your coveted products quickly.

Next to it is the Listing Quality Score (LQS) which I have already explained above.

These are all the filters that we have here.

The idea of these filters is to look for products that are not the best in the world but are still selling well.

This helps us identify the low competition zones where we can improve one or two things and provide customers better value in order to get more sales and grow our business.

Here are other filter options that I wanted to quickly explain to you before we move on to our next step.

Using these filters, you can choose the date a product became first available in the market.

With its help, you can find new and old products and compare their performance.

If you want some products with or without specific keywords, you can do so by inserting these keywords in the options given above. 

For example, if you are looking for products that can be good gifts (or use ‘gift’ in their titles), mention them in the respective box above, and your desired products will show up in the results.

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The Exclude Keywords filter option will facilitate you in the same way. 

Lastly, you can choose to drop the top brands off your search results by simply checking the box, as shown in the picture above.

And if you only want to see products that are in stock, you have an option for that as well.

Once you are done filling out these filters, click the search button, and after a few seconds, the real show will begin! 

All the products based on the criteria you set above will appear just below these filters. 

There you go.

You must have noticed only nine products have appeared in the results.

That’s because when I was recording this tutorial, I set very strict criteria for my products.

Nearly two and a half million products had appeared, as you must remember from my first screenshot here.

But by setting the criteria and by setting it right, you can melt down millions of products to just a few that you actually want.

That’s the beauty of Jungle Scout. 

Anyway, let me explain what is on the table.

First of all, there’s a product title where you can see the product name in bold letters along with ASIN and the brand name.

On its left, you will find the main category the product belongs to.

In the Variant Differences, you will get to see the size and color of a product.

The monthly revenue and sales will show you how much a product earns out of its sales, but please note that these results will be based on the limits you have set on search results using the filters.

The tool will show you not more or not less than the maximum and minimum numbers you put while setting the criteria.

Other than that, you can see the price of each product along with the net profit and fee breakdown.

These details have been provided just to give you a detailed overview of the product’s price. In order to get details, click on the net profit, and it will open the FBA Profit Calculator. 

After opening the calculator, you will be able to see a detailed breakdown of the FBA fees.

In this screenshot, the total product price is $31.99, from which Amazon takes $7.67 and $4.80 from each sale as its FBA fees, totaling $12.47.

That means the seller gets a net profit of $19.52 from every sale that he or she makes, given that there are no extra costs.

Generally, the extra costs include purchasing and transportation costs.

To get the final net profit number, you can insert these costs in the product cost and click the ‘calculate profit’ button, and it will show you the final net profit.

For an example, please see the screenshot below: 

If you have no idea about how to get an estimate of the costs, I recommend you to go to Ali Baba, search for the product that you want to sell, and check out the transportation and other expenses.

That’s how you can get an accurate number of costs and your net profit.

Besides that, Amazon’s FBA fulfillment fees are usually the same, but its referral fee is 15% of the total price, which also varies with every category. 

If you just want to see the fee breakdown, click on the numbers that are next to the net profit, and a small screen like this will appear:

Apart from net profit, you can also see the BSR, reviews, and LQS of each product in the search results.

These things will provide you with more insights into the potential of a product.

Having said that, I would like to mention that if there is any column that you don’t want to see in the results, you can uncheck it from the drop-down menu lying just above the table. 

The Jungle Scout Product Database tool also allows you to select some products that you would like to track for a specific period.

It’s a simple process.

As you skim the table, you will see a few buttons on the far right side of the screen.

Click on the button with a plus sign, choose any name for the products you want to track, and click the ‘create and add’ button.

That’s it.

The products will be added for you to track them later. 


Here comes the end of this article.

I hope I have explained all the little and important details about how to use the Jungle Scout Product Database for product research in a comprehensive way.

This tool is truly one of its own kind. Its large database will help you conduct your research in an effective way.

I also welcome you to get the best discounts for Jungle Scout below.

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Lastly, I wish you the best of luck in starting an Amazon business.

If you seek more guidance, don’t forget to visit more of this blog, or simply jump onto my YouTube channel or Udemy courses.

They all will serve you well!


Vova :)

P.S. - A similar and awesome tool for product research is the Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder, learn more about it here.

Table of Contents
  1. A Simple Guide on How to Use Jungle Scout Product Database to Find Profitable Products on Amazon
    1. Jungle Scout Top Discounts
    2. What is the Jungle Scout Product Database?
    3. Amazon Product Research Tutorial: How to Use Jungle Scout Product Database?
    4. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)