Is Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder Any Good? Honest Review With Detailed Tutorial

Vova Even May 24, 2023
108 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. An Expert Opinion on Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder – Is it Worth a Try or Risky Business?
    1. Jungle Scout Discounts And Coupons
    2. How to Use Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder?
    3. Final Words

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

An Expert Opinion on Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder – Is it Worth a Try or Risky Business?

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by my Amazon sales blog once again. 

Today, I have Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder on the list of tools to review. 

I have been quite fascinated lately by the tools Jungle Scout is developing for Amazon sellers, and my regular readers would know I have written comprehensive reviews of almost all of them, and I’ve done many videos of the JS tools. 

I will provide links to these articles and videos below so that the new readers don’t feel like missing out on them. 

I 100% would recommend you to read my complete Jungle Scout tutorial with Ed from JS.

It covers ALL the tools of Jungle Scout.

As usual, this is your Vova Even.

I have a firm grasp of various tools for Amazon sellers because I myself have been utilizing many of them to grow my business. 

This gives me an opportunity to expand my experiences with all of you and help you achieve your dreams.

I started selling in 2016, and today, I have a successful business with an ever-growing YouTube channel and Udemy courses where I offer my FREE tips and tricks to my viewers. 

That’s enough about me. Now, let’s start unraveling Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder thread by thread and discover what wonders it carries! 

Now, before you scroll down to the review, I am attaching my video review of JS Opportunity Finder, just in case you might prefer that over reading this blog.

With me the video Ed from Jungle Scout.

Jungle Scout Discounts And Coupons

  1. 50% OFF discount

  2. Seasonal discounts

  3. Yearly discount

How to Use Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder? 

I have found Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder one of the most accessible remedies to find a productive niche, along with keywords to start selling your first product on Amazon. 

If you are confused about which product to land on Amazon first, I recommend you use JS Opportunity Finder.

Its in-depth analysis and simplistic graph will help even a novice seller to understand the potential a niche carries. 

With a user-friendly user interface and seller-friendly dynamics, it is not different from the famous Jungle Scout Product Database

The Product Database is another product research tool by Jungle Scout.

When you open the Opportunity Finder, you will find the same categories as in the Product Database’s dashboard.

It is the filters where the tool distinguishes itself from the latter. 

Here, you will find only a few relevant filtering options.

After selecting a category or categories, you can enter the average monthly units sold, as per your research requirements. 

The next option will be the average monthly price where you can add minimum and maximum prices to narrow down search results.

You can play with these options smartly to search for the niche you are looking for. 

For example, if you want a niche that has a higher number of sales but a lower price, you can enter 800 in average monthly units sold and $25-30 in the price bar.

Similarly, you will also have the option to enter a monthly search volume of a niche.

Inserting a higher number will bring a highly-searched niche and its top products in the results.

On its right side, you have the option to look for search volume trends.

This will tell you how a niche has been doing in the trends domain. You can see the trends of the last 30 or 90 days. 

Below this option, you can enter a niche score from 1 to 10 with 1 being the very unproductive niche and 10 being the niche with great opportunities.

Other filtering options are Competition and Seasonality. The tool uses the latter to measure the competitiveness of a niche based on keywords and the number of reviews, while the former will only show you how much a niche is seasonable. 

Although you have options like ‘very low to very high’ to choose from for competition, I would highly recommend you set the bar to ‘very low to medium.’

This will present you with niches where the competition is low, and opportunities are plenty upon which you can capitalize on.

Moving forward, you have the option to include or exclude any specific keyword, or top brands, for that matter. 

That’s all about the filters Opportunity Finder offers you to compress your search results as much as possible.

Once you get all these spaces filled, click on Search and wait for a few seconds.

The search results will appear in no time, which is another thing I like about this tool. 

Your search results will appear in a table.

The niches will be represented by a keyword, i.e Halloween Blowups, Diesel Generator, etc. Sometimes, there will be brand names in the niches’ list as well; for example, Pit Vipers and Nike. 

Moving from left to right, you will see the category of every niche as well as all the parameters we discussed above while going through filters. 

Moreover, a clickable Amazon icon will be attached to every niche.

Clicking on it will fly you to Amazon where you can see all the top products in that specific niche. 

Before going further deep into the tool, I would suggest you keep an eye on the 30-day and 90-day search trends. 

If there is a significant increase in the trends and the competition is low, then perhaps there is a viable opportunity waiting for you in that niche. 

However, be wary of the seasonality. If a niche is trending and has very low competition, but its seasonality is high or medium, that niche might not be easy to compete in. 

I sell in a seasonal niche myself, BBQ niche, it’s not easy, but doable.

During the pandemic, I observed that the sales in Hula Hoops for Adults Weight Loss niche skyrocketed, but after one good year, they dwindled instantly. 

This means if you find yourself impressed by high sales of a product or niche, it is essential first to check the product’s sales history to know its background.

Any decision taken in haste may incur a heavy cost. 

Let’s now explore more insights offered by Opportunity Finder.

You can find them by clicking any niche. It will open a set of different graphs that will occupy most of your screen.

It is the most important part of the tool as it offers crucial data in graphical form. First of all, you will see a one-year history of Average Units Sold in that niche. 

The big and small towers will demonstrate in which month the niche got the highest and lowest sales.

The two-year data is also available, but you can only access it via the Jungle Scout Professional plan

By the way, it’s quite a popular question, which Jungle Scout plan should I choose? There are 3 of them.. So I have prepared detailed blog posts and videos that help you choose.

This video here and a blog post that compares the Jungle Scout Basic Vs Jungle Scout Suite plans.

This video here and a blog post that compares the Jungle Scout Suite Vs Jungle Scout Professional plans.

Back to the topic! :)

Similarly, you can explore the average price of any niche in the same fashion. 

Just select the Average Price tab from above, and a line graph will appear, showing you the price drops and raises throughout the year. 

You can also check the history of search volume a niche gets in a year.

It will tell you how many people are searching for a particular product.

I personally love seeing stable graphs here, meaning stats that remain constant and don't fluctuate suddenly.

The continuing fluctuation in prices, sales, or search volume signifies instability and hence, it doesn’t make for a perfect choice.

The same is my suggestion for you all!

What’s more, the seasonality tab represents the performance of a niche throughout different seasons.

This will give you an idea about the reliability and usefulness of a product in all seasons.

If a product is only usable in winter or summer, it means you may make it a primary option to sell.

Lastly, the Top Products tab inherits all the best-performing products in that niche.

The good thing about it is you will be able to see monthly sales, revenue, price, reviews, and ratings of each product in one place!

You shall also have the option to see the product on Amazon for further information. 

Final Words

To summarize today’s tool in just a few words: Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder is not about finding products; it's about unveiling opportunities cloaked under billions of products on Amazon. 

I have pretty much covered everything about this tool, but if you think I missed something, you know where to reach out!

I’ve prepared the best Jungle Scout discounts for you right below.

  1. 50% OFF discount

  2. Seasonal discounts

  3. Yearly discount

I have also prepared a big playlist of Jungle Scout tutorials for you, so you can make the most out of this tool.

Don’t forget to visit my selling on Amazon FBA blog for more reviews and tutorials for Amazon sellers.

You can also take my Udemy courses for FREE and learn to grow on Amazon directly under my supervision! 

Take care of yourself and have a great life!


Vova :)

P.S - Ed and I have covered all the Jungle Scout tools in one video, and I’ve got it right here for you! Enjoy!

Table of Contents
  1. An Expert Opinion on Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder – Is it Worth a Try or Risky Business?
    1. Jungle Scout Discounts And Coupons
    2. How to Use Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder?
    3. Final Words

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)