Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10 Sales Estimator Review – Which Amazon Sales Estimator Is More Accurate?

Vova Even Apr 29, 2024
10 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Discover Accurate Amazon Sales Estimators: Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 Comparison
    1. A Little About Myself and My Niche
    2. Helium 10 Sales Estimator
    3. Jungle Scout Sales Estimator
    4. The Real Results from My Amazon Seller Central
    5. Conclusion (PLUS some EXCLUSIVE offers)
    6. Bonus Video About the Accuracy of Tools

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Discover Accurate Amazon Sales Estimators: Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 Comparison

Hey there, folks!

Today, I'm diving headfirst into a comparison between Jungle Scout and Helium 10 Sales Estimator.

I want to walk you through the nitty-gritty, showcasing the numbers Helium 10's Sales Estimator throws at you versus the real deal on Amazon.

Is it on the mark, or is it a little off?

We'll find out.

Plus, we're not leaving Jungle Scout out of the party.

We'll take a peek at its Sales Estimator too, comparing the results against the actual performance of my product.

Related Read: How Accurate Is Jungle Scout Sales Estimator? Review!

A Little About Myself and My Niche

But, before we dive into the meat of it, let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Vova Even, and if you're new here, a warm welcome to the channel.

I've been cruising the Amazon waves since 2016, and it's fantastic to have you on board.

Now, let me spill the beans about the products I'm in – the barbecue realm.

It experiences some serious spikes in June, a swell in May, and an upward trajectory starting from April.

But come July, it takes a dip, August follows suit, and September sees a bit more of a slide.

So, you got it right; it's a seasonal rollercoaster.

Now, why does this matter?

Well, my friends, seasonal products can throw a curveball at those sales estimator algorithms.

They might find it a tad tricky to keep up with the ebbs and flows.

So, today, we're putting these estimators to the test to see if they can handle the wild ride of my sales accurately.

Let's get on to my product page.

Helium 10 Sales Estimator

On the left side, as you can see in the screenshot above, we've got the Helium 10 Sales Estimator doing its thing.

To get it on your page, you'll need to snag the Helium 10 Chrome extension.

Related Read: How To Download & Install Helium 10 Chrome Extension For Free

Don't worry; I've got you covered with the button down below – it's free to use, though keep in mind the free version has its limits.

And, here's the exciting part.

I've also got a free trial of Helium 10 with some sweet discounts for you.

Fair heads up, it's an affiliate link.

When you use the Helium 10 trial through this button, I might snag a little commission.

No worries, though – it won't cost you a penny extra.

In turn, you'd be supporting me.

And your support always means a lot and helps keep all this content rolling out to you for free.

Now, let's take a peek at the numbers.

The price of this product is $29.99.

It's nestled in the Patio, Lawn, & Garden category with a current BSR of 12,650.

Basically, here's the option to "Launch Sales Estimator."

It's got your back on the buy box price, and keeping you in the loop on the competitive offers, displaying estimated monthly sales and net revenue estimates.

Helium 10's Sales Estimator is like your Amazon FBA sidekick, showing you the lay of the land and how many players are in the game.

Now, if you're rolling with private label selling, you're in a sweet spot because you typically stand alone as the sole seller for your product.

But if you are an online arbitrage enthusiast, you might encounter a handful of sellers in the mix.

As for me, I'm all about private labels, keeping it exclusive.

Anyways, as you hit the "Launch Sales Estimator" button, what unfolds is a set of numbers giving you the lowdown.

The Buy Box price is $29.99.

Estimated monthly sales are 955 units every month with a net revenue of over $28,000.

These are the digits we're dealing with, straight and simple.

Jungle Scout Sales Estimator

Now, let's switch gears and take a stroll over to Jungle Scout.

So, we've got things set up here, keeping it simple.

I punched in the same BSR number, flagged America as the market, and tagged it under the Patio, Lawn & Garden category.

What pops up?

A 660 monthly sales estimate.

Before we unravel the real results, here's a quick heads-up.

This particular product of mine falls into the category of a bit of a head-scratcher.


Well, as I explained earlier, it's nestled snugly in a seasonal niche.

And you know, with these seasonal goodies, it's like dipping your toes into the water – you gotta test it on more products to get a solid feel.

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of it.

These estimators, they're a bit like weather predictions – you get a range, not an exact forecast.

So, it's more like they throw you something in the middle ground.

My take?

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Instead, consider a mix of a few.

The number of sales is a crucial factor for sure, but it shouldn't be the sole dictator of your market entry decision.

Likewise, whether the estimate is a tad lower or higher, don't let that be the be-all and end-all.

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Let's say you spot 5,000 sales among the top 10 sellers on Helium 10 and 4,000 on Jungle Scout.

Keep in mind that it's not about hitting the bullseye with the exact number.

It's more like a litmus test to check the pulse of the niche.

We're essentially asking, "Is this niche alive and kicking?"

Accuracy would be splendid, no doubt, but the real game-changer here is confirming that there are indeed sales happening.

Now, let's dive into the real deal.

The Real Results from My Amazon Seller Central

As you can see in the screenshot below, the top-most is our first product, and we're venturing into the heart of it with Amazon's business reports.

For this snapshot, I've grabbed data from June 20th to July 20th.

I'm not sure whether these estimators sync perfectly with the last 30 days, but let's roll with it.

The estimators you see throw out their predictions, but thye're ballpark figures.

For example, the units ordered are 757, and the units ordered for B2B are 12.

So, we're looking at about 769 units give or take.

And the ordered product sales dance in at $22,491.

Now, for the grand reveal of the face-off.

Jungle Scout predicts 660 sales, and Helium 10 boasts a bolder 955.

The plot twist?

Jungle Scout takes the crown for being closer to the original number.

Sure, it rolled out fewer sales, but it was snugly nestled in the ballpark.

Helium 10, on the other hand, decided to overshoot the mark, surpassing the original number by a bit more than Jungle Scout fell short.

Conclusion (PLUS some EXCLUSIVE offers)

Before we wrap things up, I've got a little extra something for you.

If you want to try out Jungle Scout's Sales Estimator by yourself, I've got a special button below.

Click on it and get ready to use Jungle Scout's Sales Estimator for free.

I didn't mention it earlier, but here it is.

And, just like Helium 10, Jungle Scout also throws in the sales numbers with their Chrome extension.

Quick note, though - it's not a free ride like Helium 10; you'll need to invest a bit.

The free versions do have their perks, but for the real deal, it's worth considering the paid versions.

Now, talking about investments, fear not!

I've got the best discounts lined up for you, both for Jungle Scout and Helium 10.

You can check them out below and decide what suits your Amazon FBA journey.

-: Best Deals on Helium 10 :-

Here are your discount options:

  1. Use code VOVA10 for a 10% discount that applies every month for as long as you're subscribed. This is a great option if you plan to use the service for a long time and want to maximize your savings.

  1. Use code VOVA6M20 to get 20% off for the first six months of your subscription. This is a good option if you want to try out the service at a discounted rate before committing to a long-term plan.

-: Best Deals on Jungle Scout :-

Bonus Video About the Accuracy of Tools

And hey, if you're hungry for more comparisons, I've got another video where I pit Helium 10 against Jungle Scout and even throw in Viral Launch for good measure.

It's a bit of an older gem, but the concepts are timeless.

And here are some related blogs:

  1. Free Perks Of Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout vs Viral Launch!

  1. Choosing the Ultimate Amazon Tool - Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout vs Viral Launch

  1. Helium 10 Vs Jungle Scout Vs Viral Launch - Accuracy Test Of The Browser Extensions

Wishing you a fantastic day and good luck with your Amazon ventures! 😊

Table of Contents
  1. Discover Accurate Amazon Sales Estimators: Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 Comparison
    1. A Little About Myself and My Niche
    2. Helium 10 Sales Estimator
    3. Jungle Scout Sales Estimator
    4. The Real Results from My Amazon Seller Central
    5. Conclusion (PLUS some EXCLUSIVE offers)
    6. Bonus Video About the Accuracy of Tools

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)