SoStocked Pricing and Price Review: The Cost of SoStocked (Amazon Inventory Management Software)

Vova Even May 03, 2024
8 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Sellerboard Enterprise Pricing: Fits Your Big Amazon FBA Business Needs
    1. A Quick Heads Up…
    2. SoStocked Pricing: A Pay-as-you-Grow Model
    3. Finding the Perfect Fit: SoStocked Pricing for Different Needs
    4. Beyond the Price Tag: The Value Proposition of SoStocked
    5. Free Trial and Onboarding Support with My Exclusive Offer
    6. The Verdict: Is SoStocked Right for You?

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Sellerboard Enterprise Pricing: Fits Your Big Amazon FBA Business Needs

As an Amazon seller, you know the importance of inventory management.

It's the key to keeping your products in stock, fulfilling orders on time, and ultimately, happy customers.

But with so many inventory management software options available, figuring out which one is right for you, and how much it costs, can be a challenge.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at SoStocked, a popular inventory management solution specifically designed for Amazon sellers.

It helps you streamline tasks like forecasting demand, optimizing inventory levels, and managing fulfillment fees.

Recently, SoStocked became part of Carbon6, a company that offers a variety of tools for Amazon sellers.

Today, we'll break down its pricing structure, explore the value it offers, and help you decide if it's the right fit for your business.

A Quick Heads Up…

In a recent YouTube video, I had a chance to chat with Chelsea Cohen, the co-founder of SoStocked and a seasoned Amazon seller herself.

This article draws from our conversation, which is part of a more detailed SoStocked tutorial embedded right below. :)

-: Video Version :-

-: Blog Version :-

How To Use SoStocked - Amazon Inventory Management Software - A to Z Tutorial

SoStocked Pricing: A Pay-as-you-Grow Model

SoStocked takes a unique approach to pricing.

Unlike some software solutions that charge a flat monthly fee, SoStocked utilizes a pay-as-you-grow model.

This means your monthly/annual bill is directly tied to the number of orders you fulfill.

Here's a simplified breakdown of how it works:

  • Head over to the SoStocked website and navigate to the pricing section.

  • You'll see tiers based on the number of monthly orders you fulfill. For instance, there might be a tier for businesses processing up to 1,000 orders monthly, another for 3,000 orders, and so on.

  • When you select your order volume range, SoStocked displays the corresponding monthly price.

  • If you're looking to save some money upfront, SoStocked also offers a discount for annual subscriptions. By choosing to pay for a year at once, you can typically reduce your monthly fee by 20 percent. This can be a significant saving, especially for high-volume sellers who are already on a higher pricing tier.

Finding the Perfect Fit: SoStocked Pricing for Different Needs

The beauty of SoStocked's pricing is that it caters to businesses of all sizes.

Whether you're a new seller just starting out or a seasoned pro managing thousands of orders, there's a plan that aligns with your needs.

For instance, if you're a new seller with a lower order volume, you won't be paying the same price as a high-volume seller.

This ensures you're not shelling out extra cash for features you might not be using yet.

Beyond the Price Tag: The Value Proposition of SoStocked

SoStocked goes beyond just being inventory management software.

While managing your inventory is certainly a core function, SoStocked offers additional features designed to improve your profitability and streamline your workflow.

Here are some key features to consider:

  • Free Audit (Coming Soon)

SoStocked is planning to introduce a free audit service that analyzes your profit margins and identifies areas where your inventory management might be impacting your bottom line.

This can be a valuable tool for identifying potential cost savings.

  • Resizing Recommendations

SoStocked can analyze your products and suggest adjustments to optimize your storage space.

This can lead to reduced fulfillment fees by potentially qualifying you for lower storage tiers within Amazon's fulfillment centers.

  • Improved Cash Flow and Scalability

By keeping your inventory levels optimized, SoStocked helps you avoid overstock fees and ensures you have the right amount of product on hand to fulfill orders.

This translates to smoother cash flow and the ability to scale your business more effectively.

Free Trial and Onboarding Support with My Exclusive Offer

SoStocked also offers a free trial, allowing you to test drive the software and see if it's a good fit for your business.

Even better, as a special perk for my followers, Sellerboard has provided an exclusive 20% discount code and coupon on SoStocked!

This offer will give you the chance to try out the software risk-free and potentially save money on your subscription.

Once you invest in a plan, you'll also receive one-on-one onboarding support to help you get started and leverage the software's full potential.

The Verdict: Is SoStocked Right for You?

Choosing the right inventory management software depends on your specific needs and budget.

SoStocked's pay-as-you-grow pricing makes it an attractive option for sellers of all sizes.

The free trial and onboarding support further sweeten the deal.

Here are some questions to consider when making your decision:

  • What is your current order volume?

  • What features are most important to you?

  • Are you comfortable with a pricing model tied to your order volume?

If you're looking for a scalable inventory management solution that grows with your business and offers valuable features to optimize your profitability, SoStocked is definitely worth considering.

Their pay-as-you-grow pricing structure ensures you only pay for what you need, while the valuable features like soon-to-come free audit consultations and storage optimization recommendations can contribute to significant cost savings.

P.S. - Don't forget to take advantage of my exclusive offer – the free trial combined with a 20% discount on SoStocked (courtesy of Sellerboard) allows you to test drive the software at a reduced rate and see the difference it can make for yourself.

P.S.S - Check out other Amazon FBA inventory management software tools.

Table of Contents
  1. Sellerboard Enterprise Pricing: Fits Your Big Amazon FBA Business Needs
    1. A Quick Heads Up…
    2. SoStocked Pricing: A Pay-as-you-Grow Model
    3. Finding the Perfect Fit: SoStocked Pricing for Different Needs
    4. Beyond the Price Tag: The Value Proposition of SoStocked
    5. Free Trial and Onboarding Support with My Exclusive Offer
    6. The Verdict: Is SoStocked Right for You?

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)