ZonTools Review – It This Amazon PPC Software Any Good?

Vova Even Sep 01, 2023
27 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. What is the Difference Between Zon.Tools and Other PPC Automation Tools – Zon Tools Review
    1. ZonTools 1$ Month Trial
    2. What is ZonTools and How to Use it?

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

What is the Difference Between Zon.Tools and Other PPC Automation Tools – Zon Tools Review

Hello, guys! I am here to review another wondrous tool for Amazon PPC that has been talked about a lot in the past few months.

As you would’ve guessed from the title of the article, I am going to review ZonTools, which is considered an all-in-one Amazon PPC software.

I recently had the pleasure of having Clayton Atchison from Carbon6 (the company that owns ZonTools) as my guest on my YouTube, where we talked about new tools coming in to support and facilitate Amazon sellers, including ZonTools.

So, I thought, why don’t I do an article on this tool and share it with my readers? 

That’s why, here I am!

I am Vova Even, an active seller on Amazon since 2016.

I started my business on Amazon while working as a lifeguard, and ever since then, my life has been surrounding the Amazon business and everything related to it.

Not to mention, I also love to travel around the world and am a passionate instructor.

I have my own YouTube channel where I share reviews and tutorials of Amazon tools besides little tips and tricks for new and advanced Amazon sellers.

I also offer Udemy courses for product research and many other aspects of Amazon-ing! 

So, let’s start, shall we? 

By the way, you can watch my conversation with Clayton Atchison from Carbon6 right here on my YouTube channel if you don’t want to read to entire blog: 

ZonTools 1$ Month Trial

Enjoy this special 1$ ZonTools trial, which will only cost you 1$ for a whole month.

What is ZonTools and How to Use it?

ZonTools is a PPC automation tool that is unique from many other PPC automation tools on many fronts.

Another Amazon PPC tool you should read about is Jungle Scout Ads Analytics.

According to the company, after conducting research with their users, they found out that a lot of people really like that it's not a black box.

ZonTools is extremely transparent with what they are doing. It has 9 different engines, running at all times to optimize your bids and campaigns, and move keywords where they need to be. 

I know It's quite a complicated process but you can read about all of it on the ZonTools website.

Also, unlike any other software, where you just put it in a black box and you can't really see what's happening, and it just runs and they say, “We're using your money and advertising to the best of our ability” and ask you just trust them, ZonTools stands out perfectly.

I think other tools really do justice to their claims to some extent, but people like transparency.

They like to take the wheel and steer it a little bit when they decide it's important because they know their business best at the end of the day.

Hence, even though ZonTools is an AI-driven, smart technology, you can program it to suit your own needs, which a lot of our users do. 

ZonTools is a really smart boy in the town.

There are many PPC automation AI software that are running on machine learning, but they don't tell you if your delivery got held up in customs.

Their algorithms are limited to a certain extent where they don't know if a big holiday is coming up, and that's where ZonTools jumps in and helps you make some adjustments.

They know for a fact that the real world and AI don't always work together seamlessly, so that's why the software has allowed user input.

It can be as automated as you want it to be.

It can completely go hands-off if you like.

Most of the customers that are using ZonTools love that they can jump in when they need to do so. 

That’s all the basic stuff you need to know about ZonTools.

Grab your 1$ ZonTools trial while it's still available! 

It’s Vova, signing off for today. My blog is your free space to learn, apply and earn so don’t forget to pluck more gems of knowledge from here.

You can also register for my Udemy courses for FREE, right now!


Vova :)

P.S. - Other tools by Carbon6 that you should know about are AMZAlert, and Seller Investigators. I have reviews for both of them here: AMZAlert review, and Seller Investigators review.

Table of Contents
  1. What is the Difference Between Zon.Tools and Other PPC Automation Tools – Zon Tools Review
    1. ZonTools 1$ Month Trial
    2. What is ZonTools and How to Use it?

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)