How To Create The Product Of Your Dreams On Alibaba

Vova Even Apr 20, 2024
18 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Discover the Step-by-Step Process for Creating Your Dream Product on Alibaba
    1. Insights Covered in This Article
    2. A Little About Me and My Experience with Alibaba
    3. Free Alibaba Account with "Exclusive" Bonuses
    4. The Alibaba Website…
    5. Product and Supplier Search
    6. How to Find a Good Supplier
    7. How to Talk to the Suppliers (PLUS Free Template for Your First Message)
    8. How to Get Product Samples
    9. How to Negotiate with the Suppliers
    10. Creating the Final Version of the Product Sample
    11. Paying Through Alibaba (PLUS Trade Assurance Explained)
    12. Mass Production of Products
    13. Quality Check And Product Inspections
    14. Shipment to the Destination Point
    15. What to Do After You've Completed the Workflow on Alibaba

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Discover the Step-by-Step Process for Creating Your Dream Product on Alibaba

Hey there!

Welcome to my article where I'll walk you through using Alibaba to bring your product ideas to life.

Ever dreamed of turning those brilliant concepts into tangible, high-quality goods that your audience will love?

Well, stick around because I'm about to show you exactly how to make it happen using the Alibaba website.

Insights Covered in This Article

Today, we're diving deep into the world of Alibaba, covering everything from A to Z.

We'll kick things off with a general overview of what Alibaba is all about and how it can help you bring top-notch products right to your doorstep, whether it's for your personal use, stocking your marketplace warehouse, or filling up your store shelves.


Interesting Read: How to Choose the Perfect Product to Sell on Amazon


We'll unravel all the details step by step.

We'll start by breaking down what Alibaba is and what it offers in simple terms.

Then, we'll delve into the nitty-gritty of finding the right product on the Alibaba website.

We'll discuss how to find an ideal supplier for your chosen product, providing you with practical tips to distinguish between good and not-so-good suppliers.

I'll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you understand how to effectively communicate with suppliers and establish a productive dialogue to create a top-notch product.

We'll also cover strategies for securing attractive prices, followed by a detailed discussion on communicating effectively with suppliers.

I'll walk you through the process of ordering product samples to evaluate the quality and offerings firsthand.

Additionally, I'll guide you through the payment process on the Alibaba website and how to ensure a smooth transaction when placing your order.

Furthermore, I'll share insights on quality control measures to implement to guarantee high-quality products.

From inspecting your products to prevent any quality issues to navigating the logistics of shipping your goods to your desired destination, whether it's directly to Amazon warehouses or to your own doorstep, I'll provide you with all the necessary information to streamline the process.

P.S. - There is a user-friendly Table of Contents available on the right side of your screen for easy navigation through the article. Enjoy! :)

A Little About Me and My Experience with Alibaba

Now, if you're not familiar, my name is Vova Even.

It's great to have you here. :)

I've been navigating the Amazon marketplace since 2016, and I've been utilizing the Alibaba website for just as long.

Let me give you a quick peek into my Alibaba account right here on my screen.

As you can see, I've completed over 83,226 transactions through this account alone.

That's a lot of goods ordered, not just on Alibaba, but also from other sources.

With years of experience under my belt, I'm excited to share my insights and help you navigate the process of ordering top-notch products.

Free Alibaba Account with "Exclusive" Bonuses

Oh, and here's a sweet deal waiting for you on the platform.

Below is a button that will direct you to my affiliate page on Alibaba.

Click on it and you'll be able to create a free account.

But what does being an affiliate mean?

Well, if you register through me on the Alibaba website and conduct business, I'll receive a small commission.

It won't cost you a penny, but it's a way for you to support the free content I provide on YouTube and Udemy, for which I'm incredibly grateful.

Moreover, I'll strive to secure some good discounts from the folks over at Alibaba, exclusively for those who sign up through this link.

So, thank you very much for considering it.

Now, without further ado, let's begin!

The Alibaba Website…

So, let's break down what the Alibaba website is all about.

Essentially, it's a platform where you can order goods, typically in bulk quantities.

These goods can then be sold on various marketplaces like Amazon, other online platforms, or even in physical stores, whether it's a bike shop, fishing store, or right at home.

When you order through Alibaba, you're often buying wholesale in large quantities.

What does that mean?

Well, bulk quantities allow you to negotiate better prices.

Now, take a look at the screenshot of the Alibaba website below.

Product and Supplier Search

You can use the search bar to easily look up specific products.

However, if you're still brainstorming ideas, you can explore the various categories available on the platform.

Typically, though, users already have an idea in mind when they come to Alibaba.

But let's say you're still in the ideation phase.

It's crucial to consider who your target audience is and where you plan to sell your product.

This is fundamental for anyone looking to create goods.

So, ask yourself: Who will buy it? And where will they buy it?

Typically, folks visit Alibaba already armed with an idea and knowing where they intend to sell their product.

Take me, for instance.

As an Amazon seller, I usually scout for product ideas directly on Amazon's website. 

Once I've identified a potential product, I head over to Alibaba to check out the prices and source it for selling on Amazon.

My partner and I operate under a private label system, where we create our own brands and sell them on Amazon.

Let's dive into an example to make things clearer.

Say we want to have a brand specializing in barbecue products.

Our journey on Alibaba would start with category exploration.

Beginning with a broad overview, we'd navigate through various categories.

Specifically, delving into Home & Garden, we'd pinpoint the perfect fit – Garden Supplies – for my barbecue product line.

We'll click on BBQ and there will be a variety of options, including barbecue products like different types of grills.

Here we have a grill mat.

A grill mat is a handy barbecue accessory used for cooking meat, vegetables, and various other foods.

It offers a versatile cooking surface suitable for a wide range of dishes.

While you can certainly explore different products and categories on the Alibaba website, we've already arrived here with a clear idea of what we're looking for.

Let's consider an example of one of my product ideas.

Here's a real product that I successfully sold online - kitchen scissors.

This is the type of product we were dealing with.

Now, if you're looking for similar products on Alibaba, you can simply type "kitchen scissors" into the search bar.

By doing so, you'll be presented with a variety of options, just like these kitchen scissors here.

As you can see, there are plenty of different results to explore.

Here's a helpful tip when you're searching for products on Alibaba: you can search not only by Products but also by Suppliers.

Sometimes, a single supplier may offer various types of the same product, like different types of scissors from one supplier.

So, instead of sifting through multiple product listings from different suppliers, it might be more convenient to search for suppliers directly.

For instance, if we're looking for kitchen scissors, we can simply type that into the search bar and then choose the "Suppliers" option.

How to Find a Good Supplier

Now, take a look at the screenshot above - we have a whopping 2,669 suppliers for this product, which might seem overwhelming at first glance.

You might be thinking, "Wow, that's a lot! But how do I know which ones are reliable?"

Well, let's break it down and discuss how to distinguish between good and not-so-good suppliers.

One way to streamline your search is by understanding how to assess suppliers based on certain criteria.

And guess what?

We can start by refining our search by the product's name.

Let's break it down.

So, we've got an idea for a product, and now we're here on Alibaba to find a supplier.

What greets us?

So many suppliers!

It's natural to wonder, which ones are reliable.

What should we even be looking at?

Well, let's start by dissecting what we see.

We've got some pictures, supplier names…

Let's take a closer look at each aspect.

Now, let's focus on the first supplier listed: Yangjiang Justa Industry and Trading Co., Ltd.

The line on the top that showcases a supplier's title and years of experience is referred to as a "supplier card."

Besides this, you can see two cool options: Trade Assurance and Verified Supplier.

These options are quite handy, and let me tell you why.

First, let's talk about trade assurance.

When you select this check mark, it filters and shows only those suppliers who offer trade assurance.

Trade assurance is a valuable service provided by Alibaba to protect you as a buyer.

Here's how it works:

Imagine you've agreed with a supplier to produce a thousand scissors with red handles and boxes.

But when the products arrive, they're not what you expected – perhaps they're green-handled scissors without boxes.

In such a situation, you can file a request with trade assurance to get your money back.

If a supplier offers trade assurance, it means they're willing to abide by this arrangement.

It's a crucial feature to look out for when selecting a supplier.

Now, let's talk about the second option: Verified Supplier.

This indicates that the suppliers have been verified by Alibaba as legitimate entities.

This verification process involves meeting certain criteria set by the platform.

What I typically like to do is select both options – Trade Assurance and Verified Supplier.

Let me show you how it works:

For instance, when we started, we had 2,669 suppliers.

After selecting the Trade Assurance option, it narrowed down to 2,498 suppliers.

Then, when we added the Verified Supplier option, we ended up with 637 suppliers.

These are the suppliers that have both trade assurance and verification.

I highly recommend working with suppliers who have these options turned on because it adds an extra layer of trust to your transactions.

Another crucial aspect to consider is how many years the supplier has been doing business on Alibaba.

Let's take a look at an example: this supplier has been on Alibaba for 10 years, which is impressive.

Why does this matter?

Well, it's a sign of stability and reliability.

A supplier with a longer track record on the platform is generally more trustworthy.

However, it's important to note that being a new supplier doesn't necessarily mean they're bad or untrustworthy.

They may just be starting out.

Let's consider this scenario: you come across a supplier who is verified by Alibaba and offers trade assurance, but they've only been in the market for one year.

At first glance, this might raise some doubts about their experience.

However, it's essential to keep an open mind.

Being new to the market doesn't necessarily mean they're inferior to suppliers with longer tenure.

It's possible that they've quickly gained traction and earned Alibaba's verification within a short period by delivering excellent service.

Now, I often get questions from people like, "Vova, how can I avoid losing money? Who should I work with?"

My advice is simple: pay attention to the supplier's work history.

The longer a supplier has been in business, especially if they have all the necessary certificates and qualifications, the more likely it is that they're reliable and trustworthy.

Generally, I prefer suppliers with at least 3 to 5 years of experience.

However, there are exceptions.

For instance, recently we came across a supplier who had only been in business for two years.

While this initially raised some doubts, we decided to give them a chance and communicate with them instead of dismissing them outright.

After communicating with the supplier, we felt confident that they were a good fit for us.

The combination of their verification status and offering trade assurance gave us added trust in them.

So, despite their relatively short two-year tenure compared to others, we decided to proceed with them.

Surprisingly, we found that not only did we receive better prices from them, but also better communication compared to suppliers with more experience, some even with 13 years under their belt.

Sometimes, it just goes to show that experience isn't the only factor to consider.

Now, let's talk about the names of the suppliers.

Here, we can notice names like Yangjiang, Jiangsu, or Shenzheng.

These names typically indicate the city where the supplier is located.

For example, if we take "Yangjiang" as an example, I've actually typed it into the search before.

Yangjiang is located in Guangzhou, as you can see in the screenshot above.

It's marked in red here.

Understanding where the supplier is located is crucial for a few reasons.

For instance, if the supplier is situated near a port, it means that goods can be delivered more quickly from the factory to the port, and from there, shipped to their destination, such as America.

Likewise, if your factory is located far away, such as in Luzhou, as shown in the screenshot below, it will take longer to transport goods to major ports like Shenzhen or Shanghai.

These ports are crucial hubs for shipping goods, and the distance from Luzhou means longer transportation times.

For example, if it takes a day to transport goods from Yangjiang to Shenzhen, it could take up to four days from Luzhou.

This extended transportation time lengthens your supply chain, from production to shipping.

This delay can be problematic if you urgently need goods for Amazon in America.

If your inventory is running low, the longer transportation time from Luzhou could impact your ability to restock in a timely manner.

Additionally, the longer transportation time increases the risk of potential issues during transit.

While I haven't personally experienced such issues, there's always a possibility of complications during extended transportation due to various factors.

That's why it's essential to consider the location of your factory when sourcing products.

For instance, if your products, like bicycles, are exclusively manufactured in Nanchang, then you'll have to work with suppliers in that area.

However, if there's flexibility in sourcing and you have the option to choose factories closer to major ports, it's advisable to explore that possibility.

Moving on, let's take a closer look at the Yanjiang Keyhome Hardware Factory.

From the name, it's evident that this is indeed a factory.

However, sometimes you might come across entries like "Trade Co.," which signifies a trading company.

These companies typically buy products from manufacturers and resell them to customers like you.

While working with resellers isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's essential to understand the dynamics.

In some cases, dealing with resellers might even lead to better prices and more comfortable transactions.

Personally, I've had experiences where resellers offered more competitive prices than actual factories.

However, it's generally advisable to prioritize dealing directly with factories whenever possible.

Now, let's talk about adding suppliers to your favorites.

When you find a supplier you're interested in, you can add them to your favorites for future reference.

But why is this useful?

Well, imagine you've added several suppliers to your favorites list.

Instead of reaching out to each one individually, you can simply send a message to all your favorites at once with just a click.

This saves time and streamlines your communication process, making it more efficient and convenient.

Next, let's take a closer look at the "Verified Supplier" option.

When you select this, you gain access to more detailed information about the supplier.

You'll find their contact details, such as the name of the contact person.

For example, for Yangjiang Keyhome Hardware Factory, we can see the following details. 

Ms. Fanny Zhong, their phone number, and the company's location…

This information is crucial for establishing direct communication with the supplier.

Moreover, you'll notice a verification tick, indicating that the supplier has been verified by Alibaba.

This adds a layer of trust and assurance to the reliability of the supplier.

Additionally, at the top of the page, you'll see the type of company it is.

For example, it may be listed as a manufacturer, meaning they produce goods, or as a trading company, indicating they're involved in the resale of goods. 

What kind of products does this supplier specialize in?

Their main focus is on baking tools and kitchen utensils.

They specialize in creating items for kitchen use, particularly for cooking and baking purposes.

For example, they excel in crafting tools for making pies and other baked goods.

Now, why is this important for us as buyers?

When we're searching for a supplier, especially for a specific product like scissors, it's beneficial to choose a supplier whose main products align with what we need.

In this case, if scissors are our target product, we'd want to see that scissors are listed as one of their main products.

This ensures that the supplier has expertise in producing the item we're interested in, increasing the likelihood of quality and efficiency in manufacturing.

Take, for instance, the Jiangsu Smile Tools Co., Ltd company.

As you can see, scissors are their main product, which is great if we're in the market for scissors.

However, not every supplier specializes in the product we're looking for.

Let's look at the Shenzhen Youyue Technology Co., Ltd company as an example.

Scissors aren't among their main products; instead, they focus on items like leather placemats, leather covers that can accommodate scissors, and tissue boxes.

This explains why their products show up in our search results – it's likely due to keywords associated with the leather covers.

Now, look at this:

Here, we have scissors listed, but the supplier primarily specializes in shakers, tumblers, blenders, pizza boxes, and barbecue tools.

It seems like the Yangjiang Keyhome Hardware Factory might also operate as a reseller.

So, it's essential to identify their main product line.

This information can typically be found under "main products" or on the supplier's page.

By checking the name and main products section, you'll know if they specialize in kitchen utilities or specifically in kitchen scissors.

Additionally, you can view details like the number of employees and any patent rewards they've received.

Clicking on the Company Overview provides even more insights into their operations.

Here, we have various photos that are verified, ensuring authenticity.

Additionally, you can read a bit about the company.

Everything displayed here has been verified for accuracy.

Furthermore, if they possess any certificates, those can also be viewed.

For instance, you might see certifications like ISO9001 or BSCI, which could be crucial for your goods.

Moreover, you can ascertain where the goods from this factory are typically sent.

For instance, this factory dispatches 40% of its products to the domestic market, meaning within China.

Another important thing here is that if a product is popular in North America, it usually reflects the quality of both the factory and its goods.

This implies that the products from this factory are of high quality, as North American consumers prioritize quality.

Now, let's look at the establishment date of this company.

It was founded in 2010, and its presence on dates back to around the same time.

Information about the number of employees and their total annual revenue is also available, although they may choose to keep this information confidential.

However, you can still view recent transactions, providing insight into their business activity.

For instance, as shown in the screenshot above, in the past six months alone, transactions totaling over $70,000 have occurred with this factory.

These transactions vary in amount, ranging from a few thousand dollars to a few hundred, reflecting the diverse nature of business conducted.

It's a good practice to add promising manufacturers to your favorites list.

This ensures that you can easily revisit and further evaluate them, rather than concluding your search prematurely.

You can delve deeper into the company's profile to explore their range of products.

For instance, they offer various items like cookie cutters and kitchen tools, catering to different needs.

Upon returning to their Home page, you might notice the availability of multiple languages, although the quality of translation may vary.

The essence lies in understanding the supplier's credibility.

In this case, the supplier appears reputable, with certifications and a lengthy presence on the website spanning 11 years.

Personally, I'd add this factory to my favorites and continue exploring other potential suppliers for our scissors products.

Once we've compiled a list of preferred companies in our favorites, we can revisit them later for further evaluation.

Navigate to the Favorites section and select Favorite Suppliers.

Here, you have the option to message multiple suppliers simultaneously.

Simply check the boxes next to the suppliers you want to contact, or manually select a few.

For instance, I'll choose these two.

Once you've made your selections, click on Contact Supplier to send them a message.

This approach streamlines communication by allowing you to reach out to several suppliers at once.

Instead of messaging each one separately, you can contact them all simultaneously, saving time and effort.

Moving on to the next important step: what should we say to these companies?

Essentially, the purpose of reaching out to these companies is to establish communication and potentially initiate a business relationship.

Once we've identified the companies we're interested in based on factors like their reputation, years in business, and other details, we need to craft a message.

After considering all these aspects and determining that these suppliers align with our needs, we'll focus on the North American market.

While the total revenue information is available, it's not a crucial factor for me personally.

It's crucial to note the turnover of these companies.

If it's over a million dollars, that's impressive because it indicates a high volume of transactions.

For instance, if it falls between 2.5 to 5 million dollars with 50% going to North America, it suggests excellent quality.

Take, for example, the second supplier, with a turnover above 100 million dollars.

Their large turnover, like 963 million dollars, demonstrates they handle significant transactions, particularly with North America and Europe.

Such figures indicate reliable and established factories.

How to Talk to the Suppliers (PLUS Free Template for Your First Message)

Here, we have the option to send a message to all selected suppliers simultaneously.

But what should we include in this message?

Well, I have a helpful template prepared for this purpose.

You can access it by clicking on this link: and entering your email address.

I'll send you this template via email as a file attachment.

Rest assured, I won't try to sell you anything or offer any courses through email.

My sole intention is to provide you with this template so that you can effectively communicate with suppliers.

Additionally, in the future, I may reach out to share some of my new videos or offer advice.

In this next step, we'll access a template that provides helpful hints on what to write to suppliers.

Let me show you how it looks like.

You can easily access this template for free on the RapidTables website using the link I'll provide.

So, what's the purpose of this template?

It allows us to create a standardized message that can be tailored to suit the needs of each company we're contacting, based on the specific details of our products.

The content of the message will vary depending on the type of products we're interested in sourcing.

In this step, it's crucial to recognize that the questions we ask in our message will vary depending on the type of products we're interested in.

Whether it's hand cream, skincare products, or kitchen scissors, each requires specific inquiries.

However, the main goal of the message remains the same: to gather essential information about the quality of the products and the supplier's reliability.

So, what do we typically include in this message?

It's essentially a standardized template that can be adapted based on the company we're contacting.

If you're writing to a particular company, you can tailor the message accordingly by considering their specific details.

Let me explain how we can do that.

Let's take a look at Shenzhen Youyue Technology as an example.

Here, we can see the name of the contact person, which in this case is Lacey.

When reaching out to Lacey individually, it's a good practice to address them by their name in the message.

So, instead of a generic greeting, we can personalize it by saying "Hello Lacey."

This personal touch can make the communication more engaging and build a better rapport.

However, if we're contacting multiple people at once, it might be more appropriate to start with a general greeting like "Hello."

For instance, you could begin with "Hello, my name is [insert your name]."

There's no need to mention specifically that you're a seller on Amazon unless it's relevant to the context of the conversation.

When writing about yourself, it's essential to provide some context about your business or brand.

For example, you can mention that you have a brand in the barbecue niche.

If you're still in the process of establishing your brand, you can say something like, "I'm currently in the process of creating a brand in the niche of [insert niche]..."


The Secret to Becoming a Best Seller and Niche Leader on Amazon


You can specify that your main sales platform is Amazon USA, and you may mention any plans you have for expanding to other platforms in the future.

The key is to tailor the message to reflect your unique situation and goals.

This template serves as a guide to help you structure your communication effectively.

Next, you can start your message with a friendly greeting like "Hope you are doing well." 

Then, express your interest in the specific product you're inquiring about.

For example, if you're interested in kitchen scissors, you can say, "I'm interested in kitchen scissors because they have the potential to achieve great sales on Amazon USA."

You can further explain why you're interested in the product and mention any relevant details about your business or market.

After that, politely request the supplier's help by asking if they could answer a few questions.

Finally, introduce your questions, ensuring they are clear and relevant to the product and your business needs.

The key is to tailor your questions to suit your specific product needs.

For instance, in my case, where I'm interested in scissors, I ask the following questions.

Firstly, I inquire, "Could you please send me a catalog of your scissors? Are there various types available?"

This helps me understand the range of options they offer.

Secondly, I ask about customization possibilities: "Are there any options for customization? If so, what logos and packaging options are available?"

This question helps me ascertain if I can personalize the product to fit my brand.

Thirdly, I seek information on packaging: "How do you typically package these products? What packaging options do you offer?"

This question helps me understand how the products will be presented and shipped, whether it's in a box or an OPP bag, for example. 

Moving forward, another important question is, "Are there any additional items you recommend bundling with this product?"

This helps explore the possibility of offering bonus items alongside the main product.

For instance, some sellers may pair scissors with a scissor sharpener for added value. 

Additionally, it's crucial to inquire about certificates required for selling the product in America.

Thus, I ask, "What specific certifications do you provide to ensure compliance with American regulations?"

This is particularly pertinent for products that necessitate certifications like FDA approval for the American market or other certifications for European markets. 

Moving on to the sixth question, we inquire, "Do you know the HS code for this product in the USA?"

The HS code, or Harmonized System code, is a unique classification code used for importing goods into a particular country, such as the USA.

For example, while scissors may not have a specific HS code, other products do.

Understanding the HS code is crucial because it determines the import tax rate imposed on the product.

For instance, a product may incur a 20% import tax if its HS code falls under a certain category.

This information can be easily found by searching "HS codes kitchen scissors" on Google or by consulting the supplier directly.

Knowing the HS code beforehand saves time and prevents unexpected expenses.

That's because certain products, like specific types of carpets, may have higher import tax rates, resulting in significant additional costs when importing them into the USA from countries like India.

You can learn more about HS code in the video below:

It's the seventh lesson of my FREE course on shipping to Amazon FBA from China.

With Amit Rosenthal, founder of Proboxx (one of the best freight forwarders that I recommend for Amazon sellers and generally e-commerce sellers).

There is a great discount for Proboxx as well. $100 OFF your first shipment.

You can access the entire playlist by clicking on the button below:

Moving forward, we proceed with the next set of questions.

The seventh question is, "What would be the lead time for this product?"

This refers to the time it takes from placing an order to receiving the product.

The eighth question is about the product's composition: "What is the product made of, the materials?"

Understanding the materials used in the product is essential for quality assessment and compatibility with regulations.

The ninth question, as shown below, revolves around the minimum order quantity (MOQ) for the product.

Knowing the MOQ helps determine the feasibility of ordering from the supplier.

Finally, the tenth question concerns pricing: "What are the prices of this product for per 100/300/500/1000 pieces?"

By specifying different quantities, such as 100, 300, 500, and 1000 pieces, we can gauge pricing flexibility and discounts for bulk orders.

Additionally, we include a note of gratitude: "Thank you for your time and cooperation."

This message serves as a courteous closing for our inquiries and can be customized to be sent to all selected suppliers simultaneously, streamlining communication.

After finalizing our questions, we proceed to click on Contact Supplier to send our inquiries.

This initiates the communication process with the selected suppliers.

Now, we patiently await their responses.

It's important to tailor your message based on your specific product requirements.

For instance, if you're selling beads, you might need to inquire about the quantity per bead or per chain.

Consider what details are crucial for your product and frame your questions accordingly.

So, take some time to think about the specifics of your product and draft your message accordingly.

This ensures that you gather all the necessary information to make informed decisions moving forward.

When reaching out to suppliers, it's crucial to introduce yourself and clarify your intentions clearly.

Instead of just asking, "Can you sell this product to me?" it's beneficial to provide a brief overview of who you are and what you're looking for.

This concise approach signals to the suppliers that you're a serious seller, increasing the likelihood of receiving a response.

Crafting a well-structured message following a proper format is key.

While there's no guarantee that every supplier will respond, a clear and professional message improves your chances.

You can address suppliers with a generic "Hello" if you're contacting multiple companies simultaneously.

Once you establish communication with them, our aim is to gather feedback and information directly from the suppliers to inform our decision-making process.

Let's return to this page for now.

Once we start receiving responses from suppliers, it's important to be prepared for varying types of replies.

Not everyone will respond promptly, and some may provide brief or odd answers.

For instance, I once received a simple "okay" in response to a detailed list of questions, which didn't leave a positive impression.

Ideally, we want to engage with suppliers who communicate clearly, promptly, and professionally.

This ensures smooth and productive communication moving forward.

You have various options for communication on the Alibaba website.

You can engage in conversation directly within the platform, or you can communicate through external channels like Skype or Telegram.

It's often helpful to ask the supplier their preferred method of communication to ensure efficient interaction.

For instance, you can include a message such as "Please contact me on Skype," followed by your Skype username.

This allows for flexibility and convenience in communication, making it easier to discuss details and negotiate effectively.

Another convenient communication option is WhatsApp, which many suppliers use for business purposes.

While I haven't personally communicated with them via Telegram, it's possible they might also be available on that platform.

You can engage with them through various channels like WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, or directly on the Alibaba messaging system.

After receiving initial responses, you can transition to your preferred communication method, such as suggesting, "Let's continue our discussion on Skype."

The goal is to establish a comfortable and effective communication channel with suppliers, ensuring smooth interaction and fostering a productive working relationship.

Pay attention to how they respond and whether the communication style aligns with your preferences, as this will contribute to a successful partnership.

How to Get Product Samples

Once we've reached out to multiple suppliers, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone will respond.

Our aim is to keep the process moving forward.

Our next step involves requesting product samples, particularly for the scissors we're interested in.

If the communication with a particular supplier appears promising and they seem reliable, we can proceed to discuss pricing and material details.

However, it's premature to finalize pricing at this stage.

Personally, I prefer to negotiate after reviewing the samples as they provide valuable insight into the quality and specifications of the product.

There may be situations where a supplier has initially quoted high prices, but there's still room for negotiation.

I'll share more about negotiation strategies later on.

But, in general, now we need to order samples.

For example, out of the ten factories we contacted, let's say we establish good communication with three of them.

We engage in conversation, they provide information about their products, and then we express our interest in obtaining samples.

We might say something like, "Alright, John, we're interested in ordering a sample from your company. We'd like to receive a sample of these scissors along with the packaging for them."

This allows us to assess the quality of the product firsthand and evaluate how well it meets our requirements.

Right now, we're not looking for the final customized box that we envision for our product.

Instead, we need a basic box to package the scissors for sampling purposes.

So, in our communication with John, for instance, we would express our pleasure in conversing with him and request a sample of scissors.

We might specify, "John, I'm enjoying our communication. Could you please send me a sample of scissors with blades that close with a bleed? We prefer them with red and black handles, and we'd also need the standard box you use for packaging these scissors. Additionally, please include an insert card so that we can easily identify your package."

Occasionally, when suppliers send samples, they might not clearly indicate who they're from.

You could end up with three samples, but two of them lack any identification.

To avoid this confusion, it's crucial to request that they include an insert card with their name on it.

For instance, you might ask John, "Please include an insert card with your name on it so we know the sample is from you."

This simple step helps ensure clarity, especially when dealing with multiple suppliers.

Typically, samples are sent directly to your home for evaluation.

Once you receive the samples, it's essential to thoroughly examine them.

You'll want to assess their comfort, weight, odor, and durability.

Test them out by using them for their intended purpose; for instance, if they're kitchen scissors, try cutting chicken or other materials.

This hands-on approach allows you to understand the product better and evaluate its suitability for your needs.

Now, when it comes to payment for these samples, you can do it conveniently through the Alibaba website.

Simply request the supplier, such as these people from Yangjiang, to provide you with the option to make payment for the samples on Alibaba's platform.

Occasionally, suppliers may offer to send samples for free, but if you're having them shipped to your home or another country, expect to pay around thirty dollars for standard shipping.

For instance, sending samples from China to Israel or Thailand typically costs about thirty dollars.

However, there's a cost-effective way to manage this.

Instead of having each supplier send individual parcels, consider consolidating your samples into one package.

You can enlist the help of a contact in China, a friend, some family member, or even a shipping company that specializes in this service.

By combining the samples into a single shipment, you'll save on shipping costs, making it more economical for you.

Although the weight and volume of the parcel won't change much, combining them will ensure you pay a similar price as sending individual parcels.

Instead of spending thirty dollars per parcel, you can significantly cut down on expenses.

To find someone who can assist with this, reach out to different groups or communities where such services are offered.

For example, if you're an Amazon seller, inquire within Amazon-focused groups on platforms like Telegram and Facebook.

Even if you're not specifically involved with Amazon, these groups can still be valuable resources.

In my Telegram and Facebook groups dedicated to Amazon sellers, we often discuss various topics, and members are always willing to assist with finding solutions like this.

So, feel free to join us, and we'll help connect you with someone who can accept and consolidate your sample orders efficiently.

We can instruct the supplier in China to send the samples to a designated address within China.

From there, a third-party service can handle the consolidation and forwarding of the samples to your home country.

While this step is optional, it can result in significant cost savings.

Let's break it down.

If you were to send five samples individually, each costing around $30 to ship, the total would amount to $150.

However, by centralizing the shipment to one location within China, the cost could be minimal or up to around $5 per parcel, depending on the size and weight of the items.

With this approach, you could potentially reduce the total shipping cost to about $40 for all five samples, compared to $150 for separate shipments.

Once we've received our samples, it's time to thoroughly inspect and test them.

We'll handle them, checking their build quality, durability, and overall feel.

For instance, we might toss the scissors into the sink to see if they rust after a week, or we might apply pressure to see if they break easily.

In this process, let's say we discover that John's and Jack's samples stand out – they boast sturdy construction and high-quality materials.

Conversely, Crystal's handle breaks off easily, and Susie's scissors are made of flimsy plastic.

With this knowledge, we politely decline further engagement with Crystal and Susie, thanking them for their samples.

Instead, we focus our attention on more promising prospects, such as John and Jack.

Not only do they offer superior products, but they also exhibit professionalism and clear communication.

Now, the question is, what's our next step?

How to Negotiate with the Suppliers

Now that we've established positive communication with two suppliers, namely Jack and John, and confirmed the quality of their products, our next step is to delve deeper into negotiations to determine which one can offer us the best deal.

We continue our discussions with both suppliers, seeking detailed information about their products and pricing.

This involves clarifying factors such as the unit cost, minimum order quantity, lead time, and any additional expenses involved in the procurement process. 

As we move forward in our negotiation process with both John and Jack for the production of 1000 scissors, we understand that both offer high-quality products and maintain effective communication.

At this stage, it's important to discuss the details of the arrangement.

Now, let's talk a bit about negotiations.

While we engage with both suppliers, we can also begin the process of creating a customized box or a logo for our product.

This proactive approach allows us to streamline the production process and move things forward efficiently.

By initiating the design phase early on, we can ensure that we're well-prepared to proceed with the final sample once negotiations are finalized.

This final sample will include a ready-made box with a paper insert inside the product, featuring a message like "Thank you for the purchase," along with the logo prominently displayed on the scissors themselves.

Around this time, it's advisable to start collaborating with different designers who can assist in creating the box design and logo for the scissors. 

These designers can be found in various online groups related to marketplaces, or through freelancing platforms like Fiverr.

By reaching out to designers on Fiverr or similar platforms, you can explore their portfolios and select individuals whose style aligns with your vision for the product packaging and branding.

It's essential to communicate your requirements clearly and provide any specific guidelines or preferences to ensure the designs accurately represent your brand.

Simultaneously, while engaging with designers, you can continue negotiations with the suppliers regarding the production details and pricing for the scissors. 

What you need to do next is approach the negotiation process with kindness and clarity.

Begin by understanding your target price, which is the amount you aim to sell the product for to ensure a profit.

This target price should encompass all costs, including delivery from the warehouse in China to, for instance, your Amazon warehouse.

For example, if your target price is $1.50, you'll want to communicate this clearly to the suppliers.

However, if they propose prices higher than your target, such as $2 from both John and Jack, or $2.50 from Jack, it's essential to navigate the conversation tactfully.

Despite their offers, your target remains at $1.50, and you'll need to convey this firmly but respectfully.

For the next step, we need to clearly communicate our target price to the suppliers and express our desire to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

For instance, if John offers $2 for scissors with a box and Jack offers $1.80, but our target price is $1.50, we need to negotiate accordingly.

We can inform John that Jack is offering a lower price of $1.80 while acknowledging the quality both suppliers offer.

Politely, we can request John to match or come closer to Jack's offer, perhaps suggesting $1.70 or $1.60.

Emphasizing our eagerness for long-term cooperation and expressing willingness to start working promptly can strengthen our position.

If John agrees to reduce the price to $1.70, for example, we can then use this information to renegotiate with Jack, informing him that John has lowered his price.

This method allows us to negotiate effectively and strive to achieve the best possible rate from both suppliers.

When negotiating, it's important to maintain a friendly tone and emphasize mutual benefit.

We can express an understanding of the supplier's business needs while highlighting our own objectives for long-term collaboration.

For instance, we might say, "I understand that your business goals are important, and ours are too. We're looking for a partnership that can grow over time. If we can agree on this price, we're ready to start working together immediately and build a strong relationship."

Negotiations can involve back-and-forth communication where we politely ask if they can improve the price. 

This process may require patience as we navigate different responses.

It's helpful to document each step of the negotiation, perhaps by exchanging messages or even sending photos of agreed terms to ensure clarity and transparency.

While this approach works for me, it's worth exploring different negotiation strategies to find what works best for you.

There are various resources available to learn negotiation techniques, and experimenting with different approaches can help refine your negotiation skills.

It's crucial to have a clear target price in mind and strive to achieve it during negotiations.

Let's say we've negotiated a favorable price with either Jack or John.

Now, we can leverage this progress when communicating with the other supplier.

We shouldn't completely cut ties with either one because having multiple suppliers for the same product can be advantageous.

For instance, if we've finalized the price with John at $1.50, we can approach Jack and say, "Jack, I appreciate our discussions so far. However, John and I have agreed on a final price of $1.50. Is there any possibility of improving your offer? We're close to finalizing our order with John, but we value your partnership and would like to continue working with you if we can align on the price."

Occasionally, suppliers may be willing to further reduce prices to secure ongoing business.

It's important to note that prices listed on the Alibaba website might be higher compared to those offered by suppliers with intermediaries.

These intermediaries, often referred to as sourcing agents, can facilitate negotiations directly in Chinese, potentially resulting in better prices.

If you have access to sourcing agents, consider leveraging their services.

They possess the language skills and local expertise to navigate negotiations effectively.

In my experience, working with sourcing agents has yielded more favorable prices than negotiating independently.

For instance, let me share a recent experience we had with a barbecue product.

We initially received an offer of 85 cents per unit from a supplier who also sells scissors.

While I didn't negotiate much with her at the time, later we discovered that someone in China was able to source the same product for around 50 cents per unit.

The price disparity was quite significant, highlighting the potential cost savings that can be achieved through effective negotiation.

If you have the opportunity, it's worth seeking out such sourcing agents.

However, there's a slight challenge when collaborating with them.

Typically, sourcing agents require full payment upfront for the entire order.

On the other hand, when you deal directly with the factory, you often have the option to pay a deposit of, say, 30 percent upfront, with the remaining 70 percent due later.

Let's get to that now.

Understand that there are individuals who specialize in assisting with business dealings in China.

These professionals can negotiate directly with factories in Chinese, potentially securing better prices for you.

It's important to be aware of this option, although it may not always be accessible to everyone.

Therefore, oftentimes, it's necessary to engage in negotiations ourselves.

Creating the Final Version of the Product Sample

Then we create the final sample, we use ready-made designs that we receive from the designer, for example, PDF.

Some files are sent to the factory to create these products.

They create it, for example, to make a logo on the box such as such dimensions of the box, they'll explain it all to you, it's pretty simple.

And the logo on the scissors, for example, somewhere here

Next, we move forward by preparing the final sample.

Utilizing the designs provided by the designer, usually in PDF format, we furnish the factory with the necessary files to produce the products.

This includes specifications for the logo placement on the box and the dimensions of the box itself.

The process is straightforward, with the factory guiding us through each step and ensuring that the final sample meets our requirements.

Additionally, we outline the placement of the logo on the scissors, ensuring that all details are clear and precise.

In China, they have the capability to produce samples tailored to your specifications.

Typically, the cost for such a customized sample varies depending on the complexity of the product.

For simpler items like scissors or kitchen utensils, the sample may cost around $30, whereas more intricate products could be priced higher.

In my experience, a specialized sample with a logo, custom packaging, and a box usually costs around $50.

Throughout the process, it's important to request photos or videos to ensure that the sample aligns with our expectations. 

Before the factory sends us the final sample, they usually provide us with photos or videos of the product.

This allows us to review the details closely before proceeding.

For instance, if we notice any errors in the print or design, we can promptly request corrections.

Once we are satisfied that everything looks correct in the visual documentation, we request a physical sample to be sent directly to our home from the factory.

This last sample allows us to physically inspect the product, ensuring that everything meets our standards and specifications.

Once we confirm that everything is correct and all issues have been addressed, we give the green light to proceed with mass production.

Paying Through Alibaba (PLUS Trade Assurance Explained)

Now, let me explain how the payment process works.

Previously, I hadn't mentioned it, but you can make payments directly on the Alibaba website. 

Once the supplier creates an order for you, you'll have the option to pay for it through the Alibaba platform.

Let me demonstrate.

For instance, I've placed an order here, and when I click on "Pay the balance," it directs me to the payment options.

You can settle the payment not only for the product itself but also for the sample using this method.

Payment can be made via credit card or through a wire transfer.

When it comes to payment methods, it's similar to sending funds directly to the bank, often with lower commissions.

There are various options available, such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Western Union, and online transfers through platforms like Deal, Trustly, and Klarna.

Personally, I typically use PayPal, credit card, or direct bank transfers for payments.

If we opt for Trade Assurance through Alibaba or any other platform, it's similar to entering into a contract that can be modified or created before finalization.

This process allows for familiarization with the terms and conditions and offers the flexibility to make adjustments if needed.

When we utilize Trade Assurance via the website, our transactions are safeguarded.

This means that if, for instance, we ordered scissors with black handles but received ones with white handles instead, our agreement is protected.

In such a scenario, we have the assurance that either our funds will be refunded, or the supplier will replace the incorrect order with the one we initially agreed upon. 

Recently, I encountered an issue with an order.

The boxes were supposed to have a gold logo, but they arrived in black and white.

I promptly informed the supplier about the discrepancy, emphasizing our agreement on gold boxes.

Thanks to clear and effective communication, they acknowledged the mistake and assured me that they would rectify it.

This incident highlighted the importance of open dialogue in ensuring that expectations are met.

As for payment methods, options include credit card, debit card, PayPal, wire transfer, and Apple Pay, offering flexibility to suit different preferences and needs.

Another payment option is Payoneer, an external payment system.


Related Read: What Is Payoneer And How It Works - Review


However, I suggest initially sticking to Alibaba for payments.

This ensures a smoother transaction process and allows you to establish trust with your suppliers.

Once you've built a strong relationship, you can consider using Payoneer for its benefits, such as receiving money from platforms like Amazon and transferring it to suppliers.

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It's a convenient option for managing transactions, but it's wise to start with Alibaba for the sake of reliability.

The reason for initially preferring Alibaba's payment system is the reliability and security it offers through its Trade Assurance program.

While other options like direct bank transfers may have lower transaction fees, they also come with added risks since transactions are conducted outside the platform's framework.

However, as you build trust and rapport with your supplier over time, you may explore alternative payment methods like direct bank transfers.

In my experience, I only began using direct bank transfers after establishing a strong relationship with my supplier in Thailand.

Ultimately, there's no one-size-fits-all approach, but it's essential to prioritize secure transactions, especially in the early stages, by utilizing Alibaba's Trade Assurance.

Once we've approved the final sample through Alibaba's platform and received it at our doorstep, it's time to move forward with bulk production.

We'll communicate with our suppliers to initiate a larger order, typically for a thousand scissors.

Once again, they'll create an order for us on Alibaba, and we'll discuss the payment terms.

It's common to negotiate payment conditions, such as paying 30% upfront and the remaining 70% upon completion of the order, or other mutually agreed-upon terms.

Negotiating payment terms allows for flexibility and ensures a smooth transaction process.

For instance, when negotiating payment terms for our bulk order, we can propose various options.

We might suggest paying 30% upfront and the remaining 70% upon completion of the production.

Alternatively, we could opt for a 25% initial payment, with the remaining 75% due only when we require the products, within a specified timeframe, perhaps within three months.

Another approach could involve paying a percentage based on the quantity produced.


For instance, if we're creating 5000 units, we might pay 20% upfront for the first batch of 1000 units and pay the rest as we need them, gradually, ensuring we only pay for what we use.

This strategy not only keeps more money in our hands but also fosters stronger relationships with our suppliers, potentially leading to more favorable terms in the future.

Typically, payment terms often revolve around a 30/70 split.

This means you pay 30% upfront, and the remaining 70% upon completion of production.

Once the products are ready, they can be shipped directly to Amazon or to your designated location.

Building a strong relationship with your supplier can yield better negotiation outcomes.

Presenting yourself professionally as a reputable company can enhance your credibility and leverage during discussions.

Suppliers are more likely to accommodate your needs and offer favorable terms, especially if you're perceived as a significant and reliable business partner.

Imagine you're a big player like Apple.

When you approach a supplier, they're likely to be eager to collaborate.

If you say, "We're Apple and we want to work with you," they'll be inclined to accommodate your requests.

For instance, you might propose paying zero percent upfront and settling the bill 30 days after the products are on Amazon.

Now, you might wonder, "Would they really start creating products for free?"

Well, if you're representing a trusted brand like Apple, the supplier may agree, knowing that Apple's products will sell quickly.

However, reaching this stage requires building your brand's reputation.

Initially, you'll likely start with standard terms, such as paying 30% upfront and the remaining 70% upon completion.

Mass Production of Products

After setting up the payment terms, the next step is to wait for production to begin.

During this time, it's crucial to stay informed about the progress.

We regularly communicate with our supplier, requesting photos and videos of the production process.

For example, we might ask John, "Could you please send me a photo or video showing how the scissors are being made? Also, could you send me a picture of a finished pair of scissors?"

This ensures that there are no surprises later on.

We want to avoid a situation where we've approved a sample, but by the time production starts, there are unexpected changes in the product design or quality.

It's common for Chinese suppliers to communicate differently, often preferring to provide updates through comments rather than direct messages.

To ensure we stay informed, we actively request photos and videos from our suppliers.

For example, we might reach out to John and ask, "Hi John, could you please update me on the progress of the goods? When do you expect the product to be ready?"

This proactive approach helps us anticipate when the goods will be completed and ensures that we're prepared for the next steps in the production process.

After we've awaited the production period, the next step is crucial: quality control.

While the factory typically performs its own checks, it's prudent for us to conduct our own inspection as well.

Around one week before the production is set to conclude, we contact the company to arrange for a quality check. 

Take, for instance, our longstanding partnership with UnreaL China since 2017, spanning seven years.

If you ever decide to work with them, use the coupon code VOVAEVEN for discounts!


Related Read: UnreaL China Review - Amazon Freight Forwarder + Inspection Service


How does this collaboration benefit us?

Well, UnreaL China offers a valuable product inspection service.

We simply reach out to them, expressing our intent to schedule a product inspection on specific dates.

This involves coordinating with both the factory and the inspection team.

We communicate with the factory, informing them of our plans for inspection, and then liaise with the inspection team directly to arrange the details.

We inquire about the cost, the suggested procedures, and the quantity of products they can inspect.

The primary aim here is to ensure that the products undergo a thorough examination before shipment, minimizing the risk of any defects slipping through the cracks.

Quality Check And Product Inspections

While it's true that factories typically conduct their own quality checks, I highly recommend arranging for third-party inspections regularly.

Even if you've built a solid relationship with your factory, investing in these inspections is crucial.

By scheduling inspections consistently, you're taking proactive steps to safeguard against receiving subpar products.

It's a small investment upfront that can save you from potential headaches down the line.

That's because when customers receive defective products, they're likely to leave negative reviews on the marketplace or complain directly to you.

Imagine ordering a thousand scissors for your store only to find that 50 of them have broken handles upon arrival.

Not only does this cost you money, but it also damages your reputation.

It's far better to establish clear agreements beforehand, including provisions for replacing defective goods at no extra cost. 

During the inspection process, professionals like those from UnreaL China can provide live videos, take photos, and communicate with you directly, ensuring thorough oversight.

Together, you'll confirm the specifics of your order, whether it's 50 boxes containing 20 scissors each, or perhaps 20 boxes with 50 scissors each.

The packaging configuration can vary, from smaller boxes to larger ones, depending on your shipping preferences and logistical needs. 

When shipping products to Amazon, it's crucial to adhere to their specific box sizes and packaging requirements.

To ensure quality control, we rely on professionals like the team at UnreaL China to conduct thorough inspections.

They meticulously examine each box of scissors, providing detailed feedback through photos and communication.

If any defects are found, we have an agreement with the supplier to replace faulty items at no additional cost.

Upon completing the inspection and confirming the product's integrity, UnreaL China seals the boxes with their branded duct tape, signifying that they have passed the quality check. 

If the tape is torn upon arrival, it indicates potential tampering with the product.

This added layer of protection ensures that as buyers, we can trust the integrity of our shipments.

While inspecting the boxes, we make sure to document any defects and promptly request replacements from the supplier if necessary.

Although it may only take a day or two for the supplier to address these issues, we maintain constant communication and ask for updated photos throughout the process.

While defects may not always be present, conducting thorough inspections is essential to safeguarding the quality of our products.

Shipment to the Destination Point

After ensuring the quality of our products, the next step is arranging their transportation to their final destination, whether it's an Amazon warehouse or another facility in the United States.

We typically rely on either a carrier service or assistance from the factory to handle this task.

We simply reach out to the factory and inquire if they can facilitate the shipment from their location to the designated warehouse in California, for instance.

This involves asking John or our contact at the factory about the feasibility and cost of such a service. 

There are various options available, such as air freight or sea freight.

Each option has its own pros and cons in terms of speed and cost.

For instance, air freight is faster but typically more expensive, while sea freight is slower but more cost-effective, with different speed options available within sea freight as well.

Additionally, there's even the option of shipping by train, especially for routes between China and Europe.

The choice of shipping method depends on factors like the destination and urgency of delivery.

To find a suitable carrier company, we can explore options both on Alibaba and through recommendations from other sources. 

For example, let's say we're working with a trusted partner like the team at UnreaL China, with whom we've had a working relationship since 2017.

When we need to arrange transportation for our products, we simply reach out to them.

We provide details like the number of boxes, their dimensions, and the desired destination, such as a warehouse in America with a specific zip code.

We inquire about the cost of shipping via different methods, whether by air or sea, and ask for a breakdown of all available transportation options.

Typically, the main options are air freight or sea freight, though there are instances where train transportation might be applicable, especially for routes within certain regions.

However, for shipping between China and America, trains are not yet a viable option.

The team at UnreaL China then provides us with quotes from various shipping companies, allowing us to compare prices and services.

Based on their recommendations and our own research, we select the carrier that best suits our needs and budget. 

To arrange transportation for your goods, you can reach out to various companies specializing in logistics.

For instance, there's UnreaL China, Proboxx (formerly known as Rosenthal Logistics), Unicargo, as well as Chinese-based companies like FBABEE and ForwarderOne.


Related Read: 3 Best Freight Forwarders For Amazon FBA (I Worked With All Of Them


Having personally worked with all five, I can vouch for their reliability.

Once you contact them and provide details about your shipment, such as the quantity and destination, they'll offer you quotes for the transportation costs.

Among these, I've had the most experience with UnreaL China, so I'd recommend them based on our positive interactions.

After you receive the quote and agree to the terms, you'll need to make the payment to the chosen logistics company. 

Certainly, when it comes to paying UnreaL China, using Alibaba's trade assurance isn't an option.

However, you can still locate them on Alibaba and proceed with payment through alternative methods.

If the seller, like UnreaL China, is verified, you have various payment options at your disposal.

These could include Payoneer, different types of cards, or other methods they might accept.

It's worth checking with them directly to confirm their preferred payment methods, which could even extend to cryptocurrency.

Despite the limitations with trade assurance, working with established sellers like UnreaL China ensures reliability.

Once payment is arranged, they'll manage the process of picking up your products directly from the supplier on Alibaba, streamlining the logistics according to your requirements.

What to Do After You've Completed the Workflow on Alibaba

In this article, we've covered the entire process from start to finish, outlining each step involved in production.

Once your products arrive, the communication with the factory doesn't end there.

It's essential to maintain ongoing communication to foster a strong relationship and potentially make improvements to the product.

This could involve adding new features, removing unnecessary elements, or making other adjustments based on feedback.

Continuously enhancing your relationship with the supplier is key to securing the best prices and potentially increasing your order volume.

Additionally, nurturing your relationship with the carrier ensures smooth logistics and favorable shipping rates.

As your business grows, you may even consider transitioning away from Alibaba and establishing direct payment arrangements with your suppliers.

However, this carries its own risks and requires careful consideration.

I recommend sticking with Alibaba for your transactions.

However, if you're curious about exploring other payment methods, it's certainly an option.

Generally, factories value their reputation and are unlikely to engage in dishonest practices, even if payment occurs outside of Alibaba's platform.

Still, it's essential to recognize that paying directly to a bank doesn't offer the same level of protection as Alibaba does.

With Alibaba, you have safeguards in place in case of any issues or disputes.

If you have any further questions or if there's anything I might have overlooked, feel free to leave a comment on my YouTube video, which serves as the basis for this article.

You can find the link here in case you missed it.

I've done my best to cover everything, but human error is always a possibility.

If you found this article helpful, please consider sharing it with others and giving the accompanying video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.

Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more valuable content.

Having been deeply involved in this field since 2016, I've amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Everything I share on my YouTube channel, Udemy courses, blogs, and social media platforms is based on genuine expertise and insights gained over the years.

My sole aim is to assist you in improving and succeeding in your endeavors.

While today's discussion mainly focused on Amazon trading, the insights provided in this article are beneficial for anyone engaged in trading, regardless of the platform.

I hope you have a fantastic day and wish you all the best in your endeavors.

Until next time, take care, and goodbye!

P.S. - I welcome you to read more articles on my blog for Amazon sellers here.

Table of Contents
  1. Discover the Step-by-Step Process for Creating Your Dream Product on Alibaba
    1. Insights Covered in This Article
    2. A Little About Me and My Experience with Alibaba
    3. Free Alibaba Account with "Exclusive" Bonuses
    4. The Alibaba Website…
    5. Product and Supplier Search
    6. How to Find a Good Supplier
    7. How to Talk to the Suppliers (PLUS Free Template for Your First Message)
    8. How to Get Product Samples
    9. How to Negotiate with the Suppliers
    10. Creating the Final Version of the Product Sample
    11. Paying Through Alibaba (PLUS Trade Assurance Explained)
    12. Mass Production of Products
    13. Quality Check And Product Inspections
    14. Shipment to the Destination Point
    15. What to Do After You've Completed the Workflow on Alibaba

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