Jungle Scout Professional Plan Review - Detailed

Vova Even Jun 15, 2024
17 People Read
Jungle Scout Suite Vs Professional Plans - Detailed Review
Table of Contents
  1. Jungle Scout Professional Plan – Is It Really Worth It, Or Is It A Waste Of Money?
    1. How Much Does The Jungle Scout Professional Plan Cost?
    2. Product Research
    3. Industry Leading Data
    4. Advanced Seller Features
    5. Support and Training
    6. The Takeaway

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Jungle Scout Professional Plan – Is It Really Worth It, Or Is It A Waste Of Money?

Hello! As you must have guessed from the title of this article, I am going to introduce you to the Jungle Scout premium subscription package today and will help you know if the Jungle Scout Professional Plan is right for you or not.

Nice to meet you! My name is Vova Even.

I've been an active seller on Amazon since 2016.

My YouTube channel is devoted to guides, tips, and tricks for selling on Amazon where I have got over 500 videos now.

I also share my recipes for success (and how to avoid failure) via my Udemy courses that are currently being taken by thousands of students all over the globe.

So, let’s come straight to our topic of the day – Jungle Scout Professional Plan and what it has got for you.

Simply put, this premium plan has all the features the company offers.

Because of that, it costs you more than the other plans but it certainly provides you means to grow and scale your business. 

However, one needs to keep in mind that this plan, I believe, is best-suited for teams only.

I don’t think an individual seller would need a substantial amount of tools and the unrestricted features that come along with this plan.

Down here, I am going to discuss each and everything in detail so that you can make a decision without any hesitation.

If you’d rather watch my video on the Professional plan (against the Suite plan), you can watch it below.

You are also welcome to read the Jungle Scout Suite Vs Professional review post.

Key Offers I share in This Article

  1. Jungle Scout 50% OFF

  2. Jungle Scout Seasonal Deals

  3. Jungle Scout Yearly Deal

Freebies & Additional Resources for Amazon FBA Sellers

  1. Get All Of My Amazon FBA Resources For Free (Get 3 eBooks, 3 courses, valued at over $1200, all free for a limited amount of time)

  2. Our Free Amazon FBA Community On Facebook (with over 1300+ active Amazon sellers)

  3. Complete Jungle Scout Chrome Extension Tutorial For Beginners (Step By Step)

  4. Jungle Scout Keyword Scout Tutorial - How To Find Great Keywords On Amazon

  5. AMZScout Vs Jungle Scout Sales Estimator

  6. Jungle Scout Academy Review - Amazon Training Academy Course

  7. Jungle Scout Basic Vs Suite Plans | Detailed Review

How Much Does The Jungle Scout Professional Plan Cost? 

The subscription prices for the Jungle Scout Professional Plan vary for a month and year-based billing plan.

The Jungle Scout pricing page is located right here, you can also read my JS pricing plans review.

If you are someone who likes to take it slow and feels comfortable paying monthly, you can get this plan for $129 per month.

But in case you want to feel at peace for the entire year by paying only once, you are welcome to pay $999 to buy the professional plan and save $549 every year!

I also have some awesome discounts for the Professional plan.

You can save even more! :)

Anyhow, here are a few basic things you need to take note of:

7 Days Money-Back Guarantee

After buying the plan, if you feel unhappy about it, you can simply write them an email and get your full refund without having to go through a tiring process.

During the first seven days, you can unsubscribe from the plan and they won’t charge you for the next month.

Included Seats

Included seats mean the number of users you can add to your account without an additional charge. 

In the professional plan, you can add up to six seats without paying separately for them.

I personally like this because sometimes, when you have a lot of things on your plate, you want to distribute your tasks.

Give access to Jungle Scout to your virtual assistants, partners, etc, without sharing your password!

Eligibility for Additional Seats

The Jungle Scout Professional Plan also allows you to increase as many seats as you want.

Each seat will cost you $459 per year, or $49 per month.

Let’s now start reviewing the main features of the professional plan one by one:

Product Research

Chrome Extension

In Product Research, you have the Chrome Extension by Jungle Scout, which has many amazing product research and production validation features.

This extension has been an integral part of my product research on Amazon and I really love using it.

Below you’ll find a full video tutorial of the extension.

I'd recommend you learning about similar Amazon FBA extensions that can help you on Amazon, such as the one by AMZScout, or the one by Helium 10.

Opportunity Score

Next, we have the Opportunity Score which allows you to quickly check the competitive potential of a given niche.


It gives scoring points to niches from one to ten – 10 being the easiest to compete in and 1 being the hardest.

Based on these results, you can know which niche is easy and which is not.

I don’t recommend you rely on this parameter only.

However, it does seem like those 9-10 niches have some good opportunities.

Product Tracker

Next, we have Product Tracker. With this, you can organize and compare product ideas over time.

You can add products to the Product Tracker to check their sales performance over time and other things.

The Professional plan allows you to track a thousand products. 

Opportunity Finder

Opportunity Finder empowers you to uncover profitable product opportunities by searching for high-demand and low-competition keywords.

In the Opportunity Finder, you will have the option to find niches through keywords.

You can use this tool with unlimited access with the Professional plan.

This tool is a part of the full Jungle Scout tutorial that I created with Ed from Jungle Scout.

Watch it below.

Time stamps are available in the description if you want to find a tutorial for a specific Jungle Scout product.

Product Database

In the Product Database, you will find a catalog of products from every niche and category on Amazon.


You can use this massive product catalog for your product research.

This tool is so easy to use, that even a novice can find good products with it.

Fully available with the Professional plan. 

It’s also part of the tutorial that I’ve shared above.

That tutorial actually covers all the tools of Jungle Scout. 

Keyword Scout

Keyword Scout helps you discover the relevant keywords for your product.

Once you find these essential keywords, you can easily add them to your listing from this tool.

You have unlimited searches for keywords in the Professional plan.

Wanna know how to use it?

Here’s a video, enjoy!

Supplier Database

The next one is the Supplier Database which helps you find and verify suppliers to source your products. 

With the professional plan, you get unlimited access to this tool as well.

Review Downloader

Review Downloader enables you to download specific reviews of any product. Suppose, you only want to read below 3-star reviews for a water bottle and find what are the common things people are complaining about. 

However, the Review Downloader makes this effortless for you.

Based on this data, you can improve the products you want to create.

You can use this tool with no restrictions using Jungle Scout Professional Plan. 

A similar tool is Review Insights by Helium 10.

Amazon Sales Estimator

With the Jungle Scout Sales Estimator tool, you can get an idea about how many sales a product is doing per month using this tool.

The Professional plan gives you 1500 estimates every month. 

Disocver how to use the JS estimator in my short and detialed post.

Below you’ll find a video of Jungle Scout’s estimator compared to AMZScout’s estimator.

I compare their accuracy and features.

I welcome you to read my AMZScout Vs Jungle Scout estimators review, I compare them and share the results with you.

Industry Leading Data

AccuSales™ Estimates

This is Jungle Scout’s algorithm for Amazon sales estimates.

This algorithm will help you find the estimated sales of the product per month.

The Professional Plan gives you full access to the magic of this algorithm.

Historical Product Tracking Data

This tool will guide you through the history of a particular product.

It will allow you to see how a product has performed over the last few months, what months its sales reached the top and when they dropped. 

You can track up to six months of the history of any product with the Professional plan. 

Historical Keyword Data

The function of this tool is similar to that of Historcial Product Tracking Data, except this tool brings you the history of keywords rather than products. 

It's a pretty amazing tool because it provides you with a peek into the performance of a keyword over the last two years with the Professional plan. 

See for example how the keyword ‘grill brush’ performed over the last 2 years.

Is it seasonal?

Is the trend going up or down?

This data will help you learn more about specific niches, and hopefully, you’ll make better decisions when you’ll be starting new products.

Similar to the Search Volume History by Helium 10.


Jungle Scout Professional plan allows you to tap into 17 Amazon Marketplaces.

I expect more markets in the near future, but for now, ten are not bad at all.

Advanced Seller Features

Manual Review Requests

This tool helps you request reviews from your past orders.

The downside? It’s manual.

But the tool below (Review Automation) solves it for you with easy automation.

Similar to the Helium 10 Seller Assistant extension.

Review Automation

This tool helps you set automated requests for your orders on Amazon.

It will automatically send requests to your customers.

Set it and forget it.

Good stuff!

Sellerboard has review automation, here's a full tutorial and review of Sellerboard for you. Helium 10 also has this feature.

Ads Analytics

The Ads Analytics helps you up your Pay Per Click (PPC) game on Amazon.

You can learn more about it in the video below (again, this vid is a part of that big tutorial video that I’ve embedded above for you).

Listing Grader

The Listing Grader tool gives a score to a given listing on Amazon.

Your listing, or any listing you want to check. 

The score helps you understand if a listing is well-optimized, or not. 

Good for understanding basic optimization parameters, such as the number of characters in a product title, or bullet points.

Is it too big, or too small?

500 uses a month with the Pro plan.

Should be more than enough for you.

Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker allows you to see the positions of your keywords (or keywords of a competitor).

It's important to have this tool because, with its help, you will know which of your keywords are performing well, and which are not.

Let’s say you are running a PPC campaign and targeting a set of keywords.

Track their positions to see if the PPC campaign has an impact on the ranking.

The Professional plan gives you a full-fledged package of 5000 keywords to track. 

Listing Builder

With the Listing Builder, you can flexibly make your data-driven listings with the highly-searched keywords that you get through Keyword Scout. 

The tool offers a comfortable way, perhaps even more than Excel or any other software, to compile your listing and strategize your keyword placement.

The Professional plan incorporates unlimited usage for this tool.

Sales Analytics

Sales Analytics will show the monetary side of your business.

In this tool, you can put the cost of your products and other marketing expenses and it will show you the net profit you will be making. 

There are no restrictions in using this tool under the Professional plan.  

Inventory Manager

The Inventory Manager helps you to keep track of your inventory. 

It helps you to NOT go out of stock, and it helps you to NOT overstock.

You can put details of your inventory, like how many days it takes you to create and ship your products, and the tool will tell you the estimated date when your inventory will run out of products. 

This prior knowledge will help you make advanced preparations to get your business going. 


As can be perceived from the name, Alerts will send you alerts about any changes in your listing that weren’t carried out by you.

Sometimes things change on your listing (as a glitch, or as a malicious act by a competitor).

Price changes, dimension changes, category changes, etc.

This is especially the case when you are selling many products simultaneously. 

Getting this feature is like hiring security personnel over your products who will closely watch them and alert you should any suspicious thing happen. 

There is no limited number of alerts in the Professional plan.


With Promotions, you can have a great launch of your product and increase your chances of getting higher sales in the first place.

You can do so via coupons and various offers that you can create using this tool.



Supplier Tracker

Supplier Tracker (and Database) helps you with supplier communication, comparing quotes, and generating purchase orders. 

You have all your suppliers in one place.

You can do the same on Alibaba as well, but Jungle Scout Supplier Tracker is easier to use and has more options to get more organized with the suppliers that you are in contact with.

Support and Training

Academy Training

Jungle Scout has ensured proper training of its subscribers, which is why they offer training courses like Academy Training. 

In this course, which is available for Professional plan subscribers, sellers will learn the basics of the Jungle Scout and the features it offers. 

It also helps you in crossing the threshold of selling on Amazon and prepares you to be a champion seller later in your career. 

Here’s a quick overview of the course with Ed.

Similar to Helium 10 Academy.

Jungle Scout also has the Freedom Builder Bootcamp advanced course, similar to Freedom Ticket by Helium 10, or the Amazing Selling Machine.

Priority Onboarding

Priority Onboarding is a special and advanced onboarding that is only reserved for the Professional Plan subscribers.

Once you invest in the Professional plan, you’ll have a dedicated Jungle Scout professional walk you through all the tools, and answer any questions you might have.

Good stuff!

Customer Support

The Professional plan gives its subscribers access to 24/7 customer support experts from whom they can get any help needed.  

The Takeaway

So, how does the plan sound?

Pretty exciting, right?

Yes, it sure does sound wonderful!

And it does deliver.

If you are not sure if this plan is for you, or maybe you don’t need all the goodies that come along with it.

Consider the other Jungle Scout plans, Basic or Suite.

My Relevant Blog Post: My Jungle Scout Basic Vs Suite Blog

My 2nd Relevant Blog Post: My Jungle Scout Suite Vs Professional Blog

Anddddd, here are the best discounts for Jungle Scout for you!

Jungle Scout 50% OFF discount

Jungle Scout Seasonal discounts

Jungle Scout Yearly discounts

I would like to take my leave now.

I think I have put down all the nitty-gritty details about the Jungle Scout Professional plan above. 

But if you want to know more about it, you can watch my YouTube videos on the same topic that I have placed above.

You have my Amazon FBA blog and Udemy courses at your disposal as well!

Till next time then!


Vova :)

P.S - find different Jungle Scout alternatives here.

Table of Contents
  1. Jungle Scout Professional Plan – Is It Really Worth It, Or Is It A Waste Of Money?
    1. How Much Does The Jungle Scout Professional Plan Cost?
    2. Product Research
    3. Industry Leading Data
    4. Advanced Seller Features
    5. Support and Training
    6. The Takeaway

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)