Step-by-Step Seller Locker Review & Tutorial – with Joe The CEO

Vova Even Jun 15, 2024
21 People Read
seller locker review tutorial
Table of Contents
  1. Why Is Seller Locker An Important Tool For Amazon Reimbursement and Why Should You Know About It? Joe the CEO Answers All The Questions Here!

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Why Is Seller Locker An Important Tool For Amazon Reimbursement and Why Should You Know About It? Joe the CEO Answers All The Questions Here!

Hey there! Welcome to the Seller Locker overview tutorial and review. 

It's a great tool to help you get reimbursed by Amazon.

Our guest is Joe Abitbol, the CEO and founder of Seller Locker.

And I am Vova Even, I’ve been selling on Amazon since 2016.

My career started back in 2016 when I left my lifeguarding job and jumped into the selling on Amazon business. 

Since then, I have successfully been earning my dream life.

Easy? Not really.. Hard? Not really.. Just life :) Life is great!

Anyhow, I am also an instructor on Udemy where I offer FREE Amazon FBA courses. 

In the last four years, I have also created an active presence on YouTube where I share guides, tutorials, and reviews of the tools and software that have helped me succeed.   

I've used Seller Locker myself as well and I was really happy to contact Joe to review his unique creation for our audience. 

I was also able to get a great Seller Locker discount for you from Joe.

Your first $1,000 in reimbursements are free. No charges.

seller locker discount coupon code

It was really nice of him to accept my invitation to come to this blog and share it all with us.

I often review these tools and software for you myself here, but in this case, undoubtedly, Joe is the best person to do the review because he’s the creator. 

Here, he is going to tell you why Seller Locker is one of the best tools for Amazon reimbursements.

I am pretty excited as it's going to be really fun. 

So, I will disappear from this page for a while now as Joe will be sharing with you all his story and why he actually created Seller Locker.

See you later in this article!

P.S - I have also got a video for the same topic if you would rather prefer to watch that: 

Key Offers I Share in This Article

  1. Free Seller Locker Account + $1,000 Free Reimbursements

  2. YouTube Playlist About Amazon Reimbursements

Freebies & Additional Resources for Amazon FBA Sellers

  1. Free 3 eBooks, 3 courses, valued at over $1200

  2. Our Amazon FBA Community on Facebook

  3. Helium 10 Refund Genie Vs Seller Locker Vs Refund Sniper [Review Of Amazon Reimbursement Services]

  4. Seller Locker Coupon Code | Best Discount - video

  5. Seller Locker Coupon Code And Discount - blog post

Joe: Thank you so much, Vova.

Honestly speaking, it’s awesome to review my own creation here with your readers. 

I'm also happy to hear that you're getting some good reimbursements with the tool.

I think you only signed up just a few days ago so it's pretty exciting for me.

Way to go, man!

Seller Locker has been in business for about three years now.

We have about 3,000 sellers using our platform at this point. 

What's different about Seller Locker is the fact that we have software as opposed to just being a service company.

We have software where sellers can interact, gain full transparency into their accounts, identify the leaking points that are draining their profits, and recover FBA fees. 

We can really be a lot more thorough than just a typical service company.

Vova: Man, I apologize for interrupting you, but I’ve prepared an article for our viewers that compares your software vs some other products, such as Refund Sniper, and Refund Genie by the Helium 10 set of tools.

I’d recommend reading it later on.

It’s right below.

Helium 10 Refund Genie Vs Seller Locker Vs Refund Sniper [Review Of Amazon Reimbursement Services]

You can also see a video for the same topic below.

I know that
GETIDA is also one of your competitors, people might want to learn more about it as well.

Back to you, Joe!

Joe: Cool, thank you! Back to the topic :)

I am going to review a few significant features of Seller Locker here for your readers, starting with the dashboard. 

It will give you an insight into how many potential reimbursements are sitting there in your account.

And with just a few clicks, sellers can actually submit a very accurate claim to Amazon for reimbursement right from here.

For example, Amazon lost 10 of your items but only found two and is willing to pay reimbursement for only these two items.

It happens most often with almost every seller. 

However, Seller Locker goes after all these 10 items of yours.

It prepares accurate data files that you can send to Amazon to file a strong case.

The process is very easy and can be done individually, but if you need someone else, we have virtual assistants to carry this task for you.

This way, the process gets expedited and your claims are submitted fastly.

But submitting claims is not the only cool part of Seller Locker.

What makes it unique is the follow-up with Amazon.

Service companies or individual sellers have always a difficult time dealing with Amazon because the company always has a response for you when you're opening a small or big reimbursement case. 

More recently, they've been denying cases upfront or throwing all these different policies at you so as to complicate and weaken your case.

They want you to read these policies and then they drop different terms and expect you to be familiar with them. 

Now, most Amazon sellers get confused here and do not know how to respond to this.

Even if you are a service company, this can take you about 10 to 15 minutes to craft the perfect response and push this to the next step. 

This is where Seller Locker arrives for rescue.

We have fed millions of cases into our system and built a machine-learning tool that is capable of picking up what the case is. 

With the help of our advanced system, we instantly know that Amazon reimbursed you less than what you expected; you were thinking of $2,000, but they only gave you a thousand. 

Many companies out there might not go after the rest of the money, or sellers might not be able to even know that Amazon only reimbursed half of the actual amount. 

But Seller Locker knows it.

With just one click, sellers can actually take their case to the next level, disproving Amazon with their own policies.

This has been our biggest achievement in helping sellers take cases all the way to the end, making sure every single dollar is going into their pockets. 

What we really did is we built a case management tool that wasn’t only about submitting, but also following up on every single case using technology. 

It is only with the help of technology that we have been able to respond to tens of thousands of cases every day.

What happens generally is you just forget about these items. 

But sellers have access to our case management tool all the time and they can see the details including the progress of their case anytime they want. 

Last September, we released a new feature and as a result, reimbursements increased by about 40 percent.

We were reported that too many cases were not ending up successful, but since implementing this new feature, we have been able to address and close this matter too.

That’s why we are so unique in this area. 

My Related Blog Post: Seller Locker Coupon Code And Discount

Another feature that I wanted to talk about is FBA Fees.

You see, Amazon’s dimensions on a product are constantly remeasured because of which the fee is increased by one, two, or more dollars.

It depends.

Sometimes it even touches five, ten, or twenty dollars of increased price every time a unit is sold. 

Because of no check on this over-charging, sometimes a product gets too costly because the fees go crazy high.

In these specific scenarios, Seller Locker audits every single order and prevents any overcharge it detects.

It quickly alerts sellers about it, or a virtual assistant resolves this issue by itself.

If sellers want to open an old case because they were not reimbursed properly, they can do so by simply clicking the ‘Open Case’ button on the dashboard. 

They will have the option to download an Excel sheet with all the details of prices and dimensions.

You can use that sheet to make your case stronger as well as get thousands of dollars that you might not have got otherwise. 

It's not only important to fix the over-charging issue caused by automated changes in dimensions and get back the money that's owed to you but going forward, every time you sell a product, you're going to be making maximum profit.

The other day, a seller sent me a watch whose actual price was $19.97 but Amazon was charging the seller $20 in fees.

Now just imagine how large the sum that seller was losing every day. 

He reached out to us and using Seller Locker, we solved his issue and he was back on track.

This has been a recurrent issue with almost all the sellers. 

I am not sure why this happens, but I know the issue mostly occurs with high-volume items.

Gladly and proudly, we have been able to tackle this issue with Seller Locker now and such issues can now be resolved by the sellers themselves. 

I would also like to mention that we have got Knowledge Base in Seller Locker where users can learn how the tool works. 

Besides that, another thing that makes Seller Locker unique is that it allows sellers to create a hub where they can manage their shipments.

Using this feature, you can keep a record of your shipments so that later, you can use these documents to request a strong claim from Amazon. 

The importance of this cannot be mitigated in any way possible.

Just look at the success rate of making a claim without any proper documentation and you will know how important it is to keep a record of all your shipments and other things. 

Seller Locker customers get a Shipment Hub where they can prepare cases with documents and get accurate claims, not more, nor less. 

I know a lot of people who were using different platforms, including my today’s host here on his blog, Vova, but after realizing gaps in their service, they jumped on to Seller Locker which has not disappointed them so far. 

Vova: I agree. I have been absolutely amazed at the ease Seller Locker has brought to sellers.

For those interested in more tips about Amazon reimbursements, read here :)

I have been using this platform and what I really love about this is you can essentially recover your money with just a few clicks! 

In comparison to the other tools I have used for the same purpose, I have found Seller Locker very flexible and an instant tool to get your reimbursements.

I did recover money from other platforms, but it was more of a hustle.

Seller Investigators is also a strong tool similar to Seller Locker that can help you recover more $, in an easy way.

Now, Joe, could you please enlighten our readers on how long you can go back with Amazon, with the help of Seller Locker to make your claims? 

Joe: That’s a very good question. In this regard, I would like to inform your readers that Amazon has changed its rules now. 

First, you could make your claim for 18 months old items.

However, now the company has limited this facility to only 90 days.

That’s why I emphasize that sellers should act right now because, given this short period, every day may later cost them heavily. 

Vova: 90 days are really not that much time, but I guess if sellers act proactively, they can still save themselves from unnecessary cutoffs.

Moving forward, Joe, you earlier mentioned something about Virtual Assistants who are there to help sellers.

Could you please elaborate more on that?  

Joe: All sellers get Virtual Assistants.

They have really been above and beyond to help.

Sometimes especially enterprise-level sellers get bogged down in too many tasks.

But our team of VAs loves to take some burden off your shoulders and complete some tasks on their own. 

However, I would still like to ask sellers to add your product dimensions properly and keep a record of everything so that we can use them in the future to recover your money if something bad happens.  

Vova: Now, isn’t that nice?! I have used Seller Locker so I can attest to what Joe said above. 

Also, I would like to tell you that Seller Locker offers you a free account Seller Locker,  which is sort of a collection of walkthroughs or tutorials of the application.

You only pay if the guys actually help you recover money.

Joe: Absolutely, you are right, Vova.

We have a customer support team who will take you through every step during the onboarding process. 

We also offer custom pricing to every customer so that they can make the best use of the applications as per their needs and resources.

Other than that, we also offer a discount code which is pretty exciting and helps buyers save money. 

$1,000 on the house.

The first $1,000 we recover for you is free. We won’t take a penny from that sum.

Get the discount here.

It automatically applies to your account.

Vova: Thank you Joe for sharing this with my audience here because I know the discount, the software, and the services that come with it – all of these things are really, really a big deal! 

Because I have been in the best and the worst in this business, I have seen many ups and downs so I know how important these offers are.

Also, I would like to let my readers here know that I have tried and tested the services of Seller Locker and interacted with the team members, and I can testify that these are really committed people who want to do some good for you!

Now, before we drop the curtain on everything we are discussing here, Joe, I would like to ask you one last question that is not exactly about Seller Locker. 

I am the kind of person who is always curious and excited whenever I interact with entrepreneurs. 

And I have had this question in my mind, which I would also like Joe to answer: what moves you as an entrepreneur?

What made you create a renovating system like Seller Locker?

And more recently you've also created

Which is a cool software and service for lowering the percentage of returns you get on Amazon.

Coupon code: VOVA50 = 50% OFF the onboarding fees with On-Site Support.

Here's a vid for those who are interested in learning more.

Joe: What really moves me as an entrepreneur is the renovation and the miracles it brings to everyone. 

It all started some time ago when I was managing a pretty large Amazon account that grew big so instantly that I could hardly manage everything on my own.

Honestly speaking, who would know this better than you, Vova?

So, gradually doing things manually turned out extremely demanding and matters came to the point where I could not do it all on my own, and neither could I outsource important things and put the company at risk.

To make matters worse at the time, Amazon used to be very strict about its reimbursement policy. 

The automation and outsourcing of that process seemed a distant dream.

That’s what prompted me to do something about it.

I said to myself, “you know what?

Let’s make it easy!” 

I partnered with a software developer and we together built a system to automate the process I was doing manually. 

I personally saw to it that it should be done with one click or either it wasn’t worth anyone’s time.

And now, here we are, discussing the magnificent success of the dream I saw a few years ago. 

I am glad that it has ushered in a huge success.

Sellers in big numbers are getting their reimbursements quickly. 

One seller told me that he had recovered a million dollars in just one year using Seller Locker. 

So far, we have successfully completed 7,000 cases, and as you know it’s never easy to do that without an effective system. 

So basically, my mindset behind Seller Locker was: how can I utilize my time in the most efficient way and make things easier for myself as well as thousands of sellers out there. 

After bagging enormous personal success with the tool, I decided to turn it into a proper business, and I am happy that it has helped thousands of people so far, a number that is ever-growing!

Vova: Yeah, man. I know how hard it is to do all things by yourself and I know the feeling of finally getting something you can rely on.

You deserve all the credit for going our of your way to create such a thing and to help do business effortlessly, not only for you but for thousands of sellers like me as well. 

So thank you so much, once again!

I wish we could prolong this discussion but as is the reality that everything has to come to an end, I guess it’s time to say goodbye, but for now only.

I would love to, and in fact, my readers will love to have you back on my blog.

Have a great time innovating things in the future, Joe!

And I would also like to thank you all for reading this all the way to this point.

I’ve also prepared a full playlist of videos on YouTube on the topic of reimbursements.


I keep having such discussions with experts, entrepreneurs, innovators, and senior sellers all the time on my Amazon selling and seller blog so if you want, keep visiting it for more treasures.

You can also head to my Udemy where I am offering FREE Amazon FBA courses for all of you!

Wishing you all the best!


Vova :)

P.S - Don’t forget to grab your free Seller Locker trial and account, with a special discount of $1,000 on the house.

Get it here.

Or get it by tapping the image below.

Good luck!

seller locker deal

Table of Contents
  1. Why Is Seller Locker An Important Tool For Amazon Reimbursement and Why Should You Know About It? Joe the CEO Answers All The Questions Here!

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)