For Those Who Procrastinate On Starting Amazon FBA (How Long Does It Actually Take To Start?)

Vova Even Sep 27, 2024
22 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. How Long Does It Take to Start Amazon FBA? Honest Timeline for Beginners
    1. Amazon FBA Course Recommendations
    2. Product Research
    3. Product Development
    4. Product Production and Shipping
    5. How Long Does it Take to Start FBA
    6. Why Should You Stick to it and When Do You See the First Sales

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

How Long Does It Take to Start Amazon FBA? Honest Timeline for Beginners

Hey everyone! Today, I want to chat with you about something super important, especially if you're just starting out with Amazon FBA: patience.

Now, patience is a valuable skill for any seller, but it's especially crucial for those new to the game.

So, let's delve into why patience is such a big deal for Amazon beginners.

While the excitement of launching your Amazon FBA business is definitely real, it's important to remember that success doesn't happen overnight.

Building a thriving business takes time and dedication.

There's a lot to learn, from product research and sourcing to listing optimization and marketing.

By being patient and taking the time to learn the ropes, you'll set yourself up for long-term success on Amazon.

In this article, we're focusing on Amazon FBA, which involves selling physical products you create for your own brand (private label).

Now, let's be realistic: getting started with this model takes at least a few months.

The exact timeframe can vary depending on the specific product you choose and your own experience.

For example, if you already have experience with online business, you might be able to move a little faster.

You might have a well-developed plan in place, allowing you to jump in and take action quickly. 

Perhaps you'll even consider hiring a team to help you out.

If you're entirely new to online business, launching an Amazon FBA business might take a bit longer to get comfortable with.

This is especially true if it's your first venture into any kind of business ownership.

There's a period of discovery involved, where you're figuring out if this path is the right fit for you.

This exploration stage can take anywhere from a short time, like ten minutes, to several months.

Think of it like this: you're trying on a new pair of shoes.

You need to walk around in them for a while to see if they feel good and fit you properly.

The same goes for starting a business.

It takes time to get your feet wet, learn the ropes, and decide if this is the right direction for you.

For instance, before I became an Amazon seller, I dabbled in various other business ideas.

Honestly, I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do.

Even though I started a travel blog, I wasn't completely convinced it was the perfect fit for me at the time.

Let's face it, starting a new business can be intimidating.

There are a lot of questions swirling around in your head.

Is this the right business model for me?

Is now a good time to jump in?

Maybe I should wait a few more months to see what happens in the market?

Read More: 10 Popular Questions Amazon FBA Beginners Ask

These are all perfectly normal concerns.

It's a big decision, and it's natural to feel a little hesitant before taking the plunge.

There might be times when you find yourself putting things off a bit, not necessarily out of laziness, but because you want to be extra sure you're making the right choice.

This is completely understandable!

Starting a new venture requires an investment of both time and money, so it's important to feel confident about your path.

As we mentioned earlier, the time it takes to get started with Amazon FBA can vary from a quick "Yes, I'm doing this!" moment to a more extended period of exploration.

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, in my experience, taking action sooner rather than later can lead to quicker results.

This is the advice I would offer to both you and myself – jump in and get started!

Interesting Read: Successful Amazon FBA Business Mindset

I know I just mentioned starting sooner can lead to faster results, and that's definitely true.

But I also understand it's not always a simple decision.

Here's a way to think about it that might be helpful.

Imagine it takes you about a month to fully grasp the Amazon FBA business model.

During this time, you might be reading articles, watching free videos online, or even taking a course to deepen your understanding.

Essentially, you're taking small steps and learning bit by bit.

This initial learning phase could take a month, or it could be a little shorter or longer depending on your pace.

Absolutely, taking a course that walks you through the entire process of starting an Amazon FBA business from beginning to end (like point A to point Z!) can be a great way to get started.

While it's definitely possible to find the information you need for free online, a course offers a structured approach, breaking down the steps into manageable chunks.

Think of it like a roadmap that guides you on your journey.

Of course, you can also opt to go the free route and piece together the information yourself.

There are many helpful articles, videos, and other resources available online.

Ultimately, the best approach depends on your learning style and preferences.

Let's say you decide to take a course, and it takes you about a month to complete it.

So, between the initial research and completing the course, you've invested roughly a month in getting yourself prepared to launch your Amazon FBA business.

Read Next: How To Start Selling On Amazon (Private Label Model Explained Step By Step)

Amazon FBA Course Recommendations

If you're looking for some great Amazon FBA courses to help you get started, I've got a few options for you.

I'll list them out below:

  • Freedom Ticket by Helium 10: This is a popular course that covers a wide range of topics related to Amazon FBA.

Related Read: Start And Learn Amazon FBA with Helium 10 Freedom Ticket

  • Freedom Builder Boot Camp by Jungle Scout: Another well-regarded course that can help you build a successful Amazon business.

Cool Read: Freedom Builder Bootcamp Course Review (Great or Sucks)

  • FBA Startup by the Zab Twins: This course offers a unique advantage with access to mentors who can guide you along the way. The Zab Twins are my friends, and they're experienced Amazon sellers themselves. I'm even part of their Ecom Brand Builder Mastermind group.

Don't Miss: The FBA Start-Up Course Review (Great Or Sucks?)

Another important factor to consider when choosing a course is the level of support offered.

Some courses provide more support than others.

  • Freedom Builder Boot Camp by Jungle Scout: Includes weekly calls with the Jungle Scout team to answer your questions.

  • FBA Startup by the Zab Twins: Offers both support and coaching to help you succeed.

  • Freedom Ticket by Helium 10: Doesn't include dedicated support as part of the course itself. However, you can get access to the Freedom Ticket by signing up for one of Helium 10's higher-tier plans. Helium 10 is a popular software tool with a range of features to help Amazon sellers.

It might take you about a month to complete any of these courses.

Freedom Ticket and Freedom Builder Boot Camp courses are around 30 hours in length.

I can't remember the exact length of the FBA Startup course by the Zab Twins, but I know it's quite in-depth with lots of modules to cover.

Now, back to how long does it take to start Amazon FBA…

So far, we've talked about spending a month getting familiar with Amazon FBA and another month taking a course.

Let's assume it takes two months total to complete the course, including your initial research and learning phase.

Some people prefer to dive right into the tasks and exercises provided in the course as they go along.

This can be a helpful way to learn and apply what you're studying.

Let's say you're learning about product development in your Amazon FBA course.

You might decide to pause the course at that point and complete the related tasks before moving on.

This step-by-step approach can be helpful for some people.

Another way to learn is to watch the entire course from beginning to end without stopping to do the exercises.

You can take notes as you go along, writing down important points or action steps for later.

This method can give you a good overview of the entire process before diving into the details.

The main goal is to understand how the entire Amazon FBA business works.

You can go through the course completely to get a clear picture of the process.

You can also break it down into stages and focus on specific tasks.

For example, if you're learning about product research, you might pause the course and spend some time finding your first product before continuing.

It's also possible to combine these approaches.

You can work on a specific task while continuing to learn about other aspects of the business through the course.

You can work through the course at your own pace, combining learning with taking action on specific tasks.

Let's say it takes about a month to prepare and understand the basics of Amazon FBA, and then another two months to complete a course.

That's already three months right there.

Remember, I mentioned patience is key earlier, and this is why.

Once you finish the course, you'll need to start finding your first product to sell on Amazon.

This is a crucial step in the process.

Product Research

Back in 2016, when I started my Amazon FBA journey with my business partner (who's still my partner today), it took us about three weeks to find our first product.

It was kitchen scissors, and it turned out to be a good choice at the time.

The market wasn't crowded, and there was growing demand for that type of product.

During the course we were taking, we were asked to come up with around 50 product ideas.

I don't remember the exact number we found, but it was probably around 30.

Kitchen scissors stood out as a good starting point because it was a small, easy-to-manage product, and we didn't have a huge budget to work with.

Back then, I was working as a lifeguard and my business partner worked in a factory in Israel.

We didn't have a lot of money to invest.

Our first product, kitchen scissors, and the course cost us around $2,000 in total.

We bought 500 units of the scissors, which cost about $1 each with shipping.

It took us about three weeks to find the kitchen scissors product.

Remember, this was our starting point, and we didn't have a huge budget to work with.

Now, product research is an ongoing process on Amazon.

You can keep searching for new products as much as you like, or you can hire someone to do it for you.

Ask me why.

See, one key to success on Amazon is to continually launch new products.

Products tend to have a limited lifespan on Amazon.

While a product might do well for a while, competition can eventually catch up.

This doesn't mean your business will fail, but it's important to be prepared to adapt and introduce new products.

Imagine your product starts selling really well, maybe 30 items a day.

Over time, things can change, and your sales might drop to 10 items a day.

Even if you try your best, strong competitors might come in and take over.

That's why launching new products is so important.

It helps you keep growing your business.

Of course, creating new products takes time and effort, especially if you're starting from scratch and designing your own product.

We'll talk more about that in a minute.

Let's say you've spent a month finding your first product.

That means you're already about four months into your Amazon FBA journey.

Remember, you have a regular life too, so this process might take longer or shorter depending on your situation.

Now, let's assume you've found a product and a good market for it.

You're ready to start developing your product.

I have a playlist with over 50 videos on product research that you can access by clicking on the button below.

I use different methods, both software tools and manual research, to find products.

Once you've found a product, it's time to start developing it.

Product Development

Product development involves designing the product itself, creating packaging, and maybe making some adjustments to the product based on your initial design.

You'll also need to get samples of your product made.

Creating a product takes time.

Even getting samples can take a week or more.

You'll need to communicate with factories, negotiate details, and test different things.

This whole process takes time.

If you have a clear system in place, called a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), things can go faster.

An SOP is like a step-by-step guide for how to do something.

If you're just starting out, you probably don't have SOPs yet, and that's okay.

As a beginner, you're learning about all the different aspects of product development.

You're figuring out things like packaging materials, colors, and designs.

There are many choices to consider, like the thickness of the packaging, the colors you want to use, and whether to have plain or colorful packaging.

There's a lot to learn and figure out during product development.

You'll be communicating back and forth with the factory, doing research, and making decisions about the final product.

This process can take several weeks.

You'll need to consider things like packaging materials, design, and even how the product feels when you hold it.

You'll work closely with the factory to make changes and improvements based on your feedback.

You'll be deciding on things like what to write on the box, like the product name or your email.

You might also want to add a design.

Usually, you'll work with a graphic designer to create the design.

The factory will send you the measurements of the box so you can share them with the designer.

The designer will create the packaging design based on your ideas, and then you'll send it back to the factory for them to create the actual packaging.

Communicating with the designer and making changes takes time.

Let's say it takes about a month to finalize the product development.

This includes things like deciding on the packaging design, working with the factory, and getting samples.

Keep in mind that we're currently developing three new grill brushes, so this is an ongoing process for us.

We also created those little cards that go inside the product packaging.

These cards can include information about how to use the product and offer special deals, like an extended warranty.

To claim the warranty, customers might need to scan a QR code on the card and register their product.

Creating all this takes time.

You need to design the packaging, including things like the text and any logos you want to use.

You might work with a graphic designer for the logo.

Then, you send the design to the factory so they can create the packaging.

After all this, you'll get the final product and want to check it out to make sure everything looks good.

Maybe you'll notice something you want to change about the packaging.

Things don't always go smoothly.

For example, we once ordered 1,200 boxes for a product, but they arrived without the color we wanted.

It was a mistake on the factory's part, but they were helpful and agreed to pay for new boxes.

This kind of thing happens, and it's just one example of the challenges you might face.

You also want to think about things like adding a special message inside the box.

It could be a thank-you message or something else to surprise the customer when they open it.

You might include a special offer or a way for customers to sign up for your email list.

Sometimes things can go wrong, even with the final product.

For example, we once had an issue where the printing on the inside of the box was upside down.

Again, this kind of thing can happen, and it's important to be prepared for unexpected problems.

Let's recap.

It can take about a month to get familiar with the process and decide to start.

Then, plan on spending two months taking a course.

Product research might take another month.

And finally, product development can take around a month as well.

So, in total, we're looking at about five months before you have a finished product ready to sell.

Now, you have a finished product ready to be produced in larger quantities.

The production time depends on the product, but let's say it takes about 20 to 30 days to produce your first batch.

So far, we've spent about five months on product development and preparation.

Now, it's time to start producing your product.

Product Production and Shipping

Depending on the product, production can take around 20 to 30 days.

Let's say you ordered 10 boxes of your product, with 50 units in each box, totaling 500 units.

Shipping these products to the United States can take time.

If you choose air shipping, it might take around 5 days.

But if you use sea shipping, it could take 30 to 40 days.

Air shipping is faster but more expensive.

So far, we've talked about one month for getting familiar, two months for the course, one month for product research, and one month for product development.

Now, you've waited about 30 days for the products to be made.

That adds up to a total of seven months before your products are ready to be sold on Amazon.

I started learning about Amazon FBA in October 2016.

By January 25th, 2017, I made my first sale.

That's about four months.

Remember, this timeline includes the time you spend deciding if you want to start.

For me, it might have been a bit less than four months.

So far, we've talked about one month for getting familiar, two months for the course, one month for product research, and one month for product development.

Now, you've waited about 30 days for the products to be made.

That adds up to a total of seven months before your products are ready to be sold on Amazon.

It took me about seven months to start making sales on Amazon.

During that time, you might wonder if it's all worth it, especially since you're not making any money yet.

There's no secret formula for success.

It's about staying consistent, learning as much as you can, and being patient.

So, you've waited about seven months to get your products ready to sell on Amazon.

Now you might be wondering when you'll start seeing sales.

How Long Does it Take to Start FBA

If you start running Amazon ads right away, you could potentially get sales on the very first day.

This is possible if you have a well-made product, a good product listing, and you start advertising immediately.

However, if you don't run ads, it might take longer to get your first sales.

Sometimes, you can get sales even without running ads.

We had a product that we hadn't advertised at all.

We only got some reviews through Amazon Vine, which is a program where you can get honest reviews from other Amazon customers.

We didn't do anything else, but we still got around 20 reviews.

This shows that it's possible to get sales without ads, but it's not always easy.

Interesting Read: How To Get Your First Sales On Amazon (And Become The Best Seller)?

We also added information about the new product to our email list.

People who buy our other products and sign up for our emails can learn about the new product.

We do this by offering a warranty and asking customers to scan a code to register for it.

Once they sign up, we send them emails with information, including details about the new product.

You can also add the new product to your email list.

People who buy your other products and sign up for emails can learn about the new product. 

For example, you could send a series of emails.

The first one might explain how to use the product and any warranty information.

The second email can go into more detail about how to use the product.

The third email could be about product care tips.

After providing helpful information, you can offer the new product in the fourth email.

We had a product that sold really well without much effort.

It was a variation of an existing product, and we didn’t even run ads for it.

We got around 20 reviews through Amazon Vine, which helped a lot.

This product made a good profit.

Each unit sold for about $15, and it only cost around $1 to make and ship.

So, we were making about $50 a day on this product.

It was surprising because we didn’t put much effort into promoting it.

So, it took about seven months to get our first product ready to sell.

Why Should You Stick to it and When Do You See the First Sales

It's important to be patient during this time, even though you won't be making money right away.

Remember, there's no secret formula for success.

You just need to keep working hard, learning, and trying new things.

I hope this article was helpful.

If you want to learn more, you can check out my YouTube channel.

I have over 600 videos about Amazon FBA.

All my content is free.

I don't have any paid courses or programs.

You can also find 19 free Amazon FBA courses on Udemy.

Thanks for reading!

Table of Contents
  1. How Long Does It Take to Start Amazon FBA? Honest Timeline for Beginners
    1. Amazon FBA Course Recommendations
    2. Product Research
    3. Product Development
    4. Product Production and Shipping
    5. How Long Does it Take to Start FBA
    6. Why Should You Stick to it and When Do You See the First Sales

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)