How To Start Selling On Amazon (Private Label Model Explained Step By Step)

Vova Even Sep 14, 2024
18 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Discover How To Start Selling On Amazon (Private Label) With This Detailed Guide
    1. Who am I
    2. How to sell on Amazon
    3. What is private label
    4. How does it work step-by-step
    5. Why sell on Amazon
    6. What to do after you've decided Amazon is the right platform for you
    7. The Bottom Line

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Discover How To Start Selling On Amazon (Private Label) With This Detailed Guide

Hey everyone!

I've got a bit of a story for you today, along with a treasure chest of information.

Remember how I'm always talking about launching your Amazon FBA business and the private label model?

Well, a while back I recorded a video on exactly that topic – packed with some seriously valuable insights, if I do say so myself.

Unfortunately, the video went missing in action.

But fear not – I unearthed it recently, and the information inside was just too good to keep under wraps any longer!

I've embedded the video down below, but I know some of you are reading rockstars, and prefer to learn at your own pace.

So, I've decided to transform it into a written guide for y'all.

So, get ready to dive deep into the world of Amazon FBA and private label selling – step-by-step, in a way that's clear and easy to follow.

Who am I

Now, before we jump in, here's a little about me: My name is Vova Even, and I've been selling on Amazon since late 2016.

Back then, I teamed up with a partner and we started selling on Amazon US and Canada.

The business has grown quickly, and I'm excited to share what I've learned along the way.

In addition to selling on Amazon, I also create content for YouTube and Udemy.

My channels focus on helping people just like you get started with Amazon FBA.

I share tutorials, tips, tricks, and even coupon codes and deals to help you succeed in the exciting world of Amazon sales.

And now.. Let's get started!

How to sell on Amazon

The world of Amazon selling can seem complex, but there are actually different ways to approach it.

Today, we'll focus on a method called the private label system.

This article won't cover other methods like arbitrage or drop shipping, since I haven't used them myself.

Our focus is on the private label model, and we'll break down how it works in a clear and simple way.

We won't get bogged down in excessive details, but we'll provide enough information to give you a solid understanding of the system.

This will help you decide if the private label approach is a good fit for your goals.

Related Read: Which Amazon FBA Selling Model Gives You the Biggest Profit?

What is private label

In the world of private label selling, you're essentially taking an existing product and giving it your own brand identity.

Imagine a camera case – it might have no brand name or logo at first.

With the private label model, you would take that same case, add your own logo and branding, and then sell it under your brand name.

It's important to note that private label goes beyond simply slapping your logo on a product.

You can potentially customize the product itself, change the packaging, or add features that make it unique.

This way, you're creating something that stands out from similar generic products on the market.

Interesting Read: Unique Amazon Product Research Method: Find Less Saturated Products

How does it work step-by-step

Let's break down the private label process step-by-step, guiding you from a complete beginner to having your own product listed on Amazon.

First things first, it's important to be honest with yourself about whether this business model is a good fit.

While Amazon selling can be rewarding, it does require dedication and effort.

For me, even after seven years, it's my main business and there have definitely been challenges along the way.

There will be moments of difficulty, but overall, it's a fun and exciting journey.

However, it's important to manage expectations – building a successful Amazon business takes time and hard work, not get-rich-quick schemes. 

It's not simply buying existing inventory, branding it, and marking up the price.

While there is a resale aspect, private label goes beyond that.

Why sell on Amazon

There are several reasons why Amazon is a great platform for private label sellers.

Here's a breakdown of the key advantages:

  1. Massive Customer Base: Amazon boasts a huge number of active users, meaning a vast potential customer pool for your products. This translates to a higher chance of people seeing and buying your private label items.

  1. Brand Trust: Many shoppers trust Amazon as a reliable online retailer. By listing your products on their platform, you can benefit from this established trust, making customers more likely to consider and purchase your brand.

  1. Selling as a Third-Party Seller: Amazon allows third-party sellers like yourself to list and sell products alongside their own offerings. This provides a ready-made marketplace for you to reach potential customers without needing to build your own online store from scratch.

While these are all significant benefits, it's important to remember that there's more to success on Amazon than just listing a product. 

What to do after you've decided Amazon is the right platform for you

Once you've decided that private label selling on Amazon is a path you're interested in exploring, it's time to delve into the process itself.

While there's definitely a learning curve, we'll break it down into manageable steps.

Product research

For now, let's focus on the first crucial stage: product research.

This initial step involves finding the ideal product to sell under your private label brand.

It's not just about picking something you like; it's about identifying a product that has the potential to be successful on Amazon's marketplace.

Here in the US, we can use various tools and services to research different product categories and markets.

By doing this research, you can gain valuable insights to decide whether a particular market is suitable for you, especially if you're a new or smaller seller. 

This initial research phase involves what we call niche selection.

Think of a niche as a specific category or customer group within a broader market.

Here's the key question to answer during niche selection: can you, as a smaller seller, succeed in this particular niche?

This means understanding whether there's actual customer demand for the types of products within that niche in your chosen marketplace.

For example, if you're targeting the US market, you'll want to focus your research on Amazon US to see if there's a buying audience for the products you're considering.

Related Read: How to Choose the Perfect Product to Sell on Amazon

Now that we understand the importance of niche selection, let's talk about some helpful tools you can use for your research.

While there are various options available, one popular choice for Amazon sellers is Helium 10.

Helium 10 offers features that can assist you in your product and niche research.

I won't go into the specifics of the software here, but let me share my free, hour-long YouTube tutorial that will walk you through how it works.

If you're more of a reader than a visual learner, you'd be glad to know that this video is also available in the blog version.

Click on the blue link below to access it now. :)

>> Complete Helium 10 Tutorial For Beginners

Remember, Helium 10 is just one of the tools at your disposal.

The core idea here is that conducting thorough market research is crucial before diving into product selection.

By researching your chosen niche, you're essentially gathering information to understand the landscape of the market you want to enter.

Let's use the example of camera bags to illustrate niche research in action.

We'll investigate several key factors to see if this niche is a good fit for you as a seller.

Here's what we need to look at:

  1. Sales Data: This includes how many of these bags are being sold and the overall sales volume within this niche.

  1. Customer Reviews: The number of reviews a product has can indicate customer interest and satisfaction within the niche.

  1. Competition: We want to understand who else is selling similar bags. Are there many competitors, or is there room for another seller?

  1. Seller Location: Knowing where the current sellers are based (China or elsewhere) can give you insights into potential competition and production costs.

By analyzing this data, you can get a clearer picture of whether there's an opportunity for you to enter this particular niche and compete successfully.

While a full product research video would be beyond the scope of this article, I've embedded a free, in-depth 12-hour product search tutorial down below.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process step-by-step, providing valuable information to help you find the perfect product for your private label brand.

Now, getting back to our example… You've found a promising product through your niche research.


But what happens next?

How do you actually get the product and then deliver it to your customers?

Product sourcing

There are different approaches to sourcing products, and in my case, I use Alibaba.

Related Read: How To Create The Product Of Your Dreams On Alibaba

This is a large online marketplace where you can find manufacturers and wholesalers from all over the world.

They offer a wide variety of products, including things like bags and mattresses, often at competitive prices.

Remember, our ultimate goal is to run a successful business and make a profit.

By finding well-priced products on Alibaba, you can then sell them at a higher cost on Amazon US, for instance.

Once you've identified a potential product through your niche research, it's important to consider the costs involved.

This is another crucial part of product selection.

Here's the scenario: you've found the bags and they seem to tick all the right boxes.

There's good sales volume, positive customer reviews, and even manageable competition.

But then you hit a snag – the price!

The bags themselves are too expensive, which means it would be difficult to make a good profit by selling them on Amazon.

Even though everything else seemed promising – low competition, a profitable niche – the high product cost throws a wrench in the plan.

If you can't find a supplier who offers the bags at a reasonable price, it might be best to keep searching for a different product that meets your financial goals.

So, the initial stage of product research after finding a potential product involves checking prices on Alibaba.

This platform allows you to directly connect with suppliers and request samples of the products you're interested in.

Let's say you've decided to move forward with those bags.

You can contact several different manufacturers on Alibaba and ask them to send you samples.

These samples can be blank versions of the bag, allowing you to assess things like quality, smell, durability, and even functionality (like whether a camera would fit comfortably inside).

It's a good idea to reach out to a few different manufacturers to compare their offerings.

In addition to price, consider factors like minimum order quantity and production time.

For instance, one manufacturer might take a month to produce the bags, while another might be able to complete them in 20 days.

Faster turnaround times can be a plus, especially when you're just starting out.

This means you'll get your products from the supplier quicker, allowing you to launch your business sooner.

And now that you understand the importance of comparing suppliers, let's delve into how to get in touch with them.

Reaching out to potential suppliers is a crucial step in the process.

While it's ideal to contact several manufacturers (say, five to ten), be prepared for the fact that not all of them will respond to your inquiries.

But don't worry, you don't need to start from scratch when crafting your communication.

There are actually templates available online that can serve as a helpful starting point.

These templates typically include pre-written questions about pricing, minimum order quantities, and other relevant details.

In fact, to give you a concrete example, I've got a sample supplier contact letter below. You can also get another great template for supplier communication here.

📌 Template For Communication With Suppliers 📌

Hello [customer-representative-name]!

Nice to meet you :) My name is [your-name] and I am a seller on Amazon. I have a brand in the [your-niche] niche, we sell mainly on Amazon USA. Hope you're doing well!

I was interested in the [product-name] product, which seems like it has great potential to reach great sales on Amazon USA. It could be potentially profitable for both of us :) I'd be really grateful if you could kindly answer a few of my questions about the [product-name].

We are interested in a long-term and fair cooperation where both of us can grow.

Here are the questions:

1) Could you please send us your catalog of the [products]? All the sizes and models you have.

2) Are there any customization options available? If yes, which (package, logos, etc)?

3) How can we pack these products best? Any particular packing ways?

4) Any bonuses you believe can be added to this product, as a bundle?

5) Any special certificates you offer with this product, or perhaps certificates needed to sell this product in the USA (if you know such)

6) Do you know the HS code of this product in the USA?

7) What would be the lead time for this product?

8) What is the product made of, the materials?

9) What would be your minimum order quantity for this product?

10) And finally, the prices, would you kindly be able to quote 100/300/500/1000 pcs, please?

Thank you a lot for your time, I hope you'll be able to share some quotes and answers, we're ready to work and launch soon, just looking for the best supplier to work with. Thank you a lot!


[your-name] :)

This will give you a clearer idea of what kind of information to include in your communication with potential suppliers.

Remember, the goal here is to establish communication with manufacturers who can offer you high-quality products at competitive prices, ultimately helping you achieve good profit margins on your chosen items.

Now, after you've contacted several suppliers and received samples, it's time for the exciting part – comparing the options!

This comparison stage allows you to assess the quality of the products from each manufacturer.

Carefully examine the samples, looking for things like material quality, construction, and any potential flaws.

But choosing a supplier goes beyond just the product itself. It's also important to consider the communication aspect.

Ideally, you want to work with a manufacturer who is responsive, easy to communicate with, and conducts business in English (if that's your preferred language).

Essentially, you want a supplier who makes the entire process smooth and comfortable for you.

Remember, not all the suppliers you contact will respond.

Out of ten manufacturers you reach out to, let's say seven reply.

Now you have the task of comparing these seven options.

This comparison involves looking at factors like product quality, pricing, and communication style.

Ultimately, your goal is to choose the supplier who best meets your needs and with whom you feel confident building a successful business relationship.

This selection process marks the initial completion of your product research.

Informative Read: Tutorial: How to Find Profitable Amazon Products with Helium 10 Black Box

But there's more to building a strong private label brand than simply finding a good product from a good supplier.

In a competitive marketplace like Amazon, it's important to make your product stand out.

Here's where branding comes in.

Product improvements

While you might find similar products from other sellers, your branding strategy can set you apart.

This doesn't necessarily mean making drastic changes to the physical product itself (like adding a different logo).

Even subtle improvements can make a big difference.

You can enhance your product listing by investing in high-quality photos that showcase the bag's features and functionality.

Consider adding a short video that tells a story and connects with potential customers on an emotional level.

Think about it: instead of just presenting a generic camera bag, you can use creative storytelling to target your ideal customer.

In the video, you could position yourself as someone who enjoys photography, just like your target audience.

You could share your experience of searching for the perfect camera bag and how you decided to create a solution that addressed your needs (and theirs!).

By infusing your brand with a personality and a story, you create something more than just a product.

You create a connection with your customers, making them more likely to remember and choose your brand over others.

This emotional connection ultimately leads to better sales and a stronger brand presence in the long run.

Speaking of building your brand, I actually wanted to share a secret weapon I use (and you can too!): FBA Vids, a killer video production company.

They create stunning videos that will captivate your audience and skyrocket your brand.

The best part?

They've hooked me up with a special coupon code that gets you a sweet discount on their services!

Use the code VOVA to get 10% OFF!

This is the perfect chance to finally get that showstopping video you've been dreaming of. ✨

Check out my blog post for all the juicy details on FBA Vids and how to score your discount with my special code: FBA Vids Coupon Code: Save Big On Your Video.

Now, getting back to the topic, branding can also encompass improvements to the physical product itself.

Think about the problems that already exist.

You might notice a potential issue – the current design might cause discomfort when worn for long periods.

Here's where you can take action!

Work with your chosen supplier to brainstorm ways to improve the bag's comfort.

Maybe you can add a padded strap or adjust the design to better distribute weight. 

These improvements not only address a potential customer pain point but also demonstrate that you've put extra thought and care into your product.

In essence, successful private label selling on Amazon involves a two-pronged approach: finding a good niche market and then making your product even better within that niche.

By offering a product that addresses a specific customer need and solves a problem they might be facing, you increase your chances of capturing their attention and ultimately, their business.

Now, let's say that you've identified a niche, chosen a supplier, and even made some improvements to create a truly unique product.

Now you're probably wondering about the logistics – how do you actually get these amazing camera bags from the manufacturer to your customers?

Related Read: Master the Hunt: Find Your Ideal Amazon Supplier!

How to send products to Amazon

Here's the beauty of selling on Amazon: they handle much of the fulfillment process for you.

Once you send your products to Amazon's warehouses (fulfillment centers), they take care of storing them, picking them when a customer places an order, and even shipping them directly to your buyer.

This means you don't have to worry about physically packaging and mailing out each order yourself.

It's a system designed for convenience and efficiency.

Your product is readily available on Amazon, a customer sees it, clicks "Buy," and Amazon's entire fulfillment network springs into action to get that camera bag into their hands quickly and seamlessly.

Pretty cool, right?

But how to get them to Amazon's fulfillment centers?

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to payment terms with your supplier.

Here's a breakdown of the typical payment process with your supplier:

  1. Initial Payment: You'll usually pay an upfront deposit, often around 20%, when you first place the order for the bags. This serves as a kind of down payment for the manufacturer.

  1. Final Payment: Once the production is complete, the manufacturer will perform a quality check on the bags. This ensures they meet your specifications and are free of any defects. Assuming everything looks good, you'll then pay the remaining 80% of the total cost.

Once these steps are complete, and you've confirmed everything is ready to go, it's time to arrange shipment to Amazon.

For instance, let's say you've ordered 500 camera bags.

You'll need to pack them securely and ship them to a designated Amazon fulfillment center.

But how does Amazon know what's coming and where it's from?

Here's where things get interesting.

To prepare for receiving your camera bags, Amazon needs to know what to expect.

This is where you create a "shipment" within your Seller Central account.

Think of a shipment as a virtual representation of the physical boxes you'll be sending to Amazon.

When creating a shipment, you'll provide details like the origin address (usually your supplier's location in China), the number of units you're sending (those 500 camera bags!), and a description of the product itself (including size variations).

Based on this information, Amazon generates unique labels for each box in your shipment.

These labels are like a special code that tells Amazon exactly what's inside each box.

You'll print these labels and attach them to your individually packed camera bags (whether they're in smaller boxes or individual OPP bags).

Finally, you'll consolidate all these camera bags into larger cardboard boxes for easier shipping.

Each of these larger boxes will also need a label – you'll typically have around 10 labels for 10 large boxes, with each box containing 50 camera bags.

Once everything is labeled and packed securely, a shipping carrier (or freight forwarder) will pick up the boxes directly from your supplier's location.

Related Read: When to Contact a Freight Forwarder for Smooth Shipping

These are the companies that will physically transport your boxes from your supplier's location to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

Finding a reliable shipping partner is crucial.

In my experience, I've had great success working with a company called UnreaL China, specifically with Alexander Khudiakov and Sanya.

Over the past seven years, they've consistently provided reliable and timely shipping services.

As a seller on Amazon, it's crucial to get your inventory there on schedule, and Unreal China understands that urgency.

Their focus is on helping sellers like you meet those deadlines efficiently.

While their services aren't free (you'll pay for shipping), their rates are generally competitive.

More importantly, they offer excellent customer service.

Related Read: How To Create Advanced Amazon Customer Experience

You can contact them (and I recommend getting quotes from a few different companies) to discuss your specific needs.

Simply tell them the weight, dimensions, and quantity of your boxes (those 10 large cardboard boxes filled with camera bags!), and they'll provide you with a quote and discuss different shipping options.

In some cases, your product manufacturer might also have recommendations for shipping carriers.

They may even be able to offer competitive rates on their preferred carriers.

However, there's a trade-off to consider.

While the manufacturer's recommended carrier might be cheaper, you might not receive the same level of communication and updates about your shipment compared to working with a separate company like Unreal China.

So, the ideal scenario involves getting a price quote from your chosen carrier (like Sanya at Unreal China) and comparing it to what the manufacturer suggests.

This allows you to weigh the pros and cons – price versus communication and tracking.

There are also different shipping methods to consider, such as air freight, sea freight, and even train transport (depending on your location and budget).

Air freight is generally the fastest option, but it's also the most expensive.

Sea freight is a more economical choice, but it takes longer for your shipment to arrive.

Train transport can sometimes offer a good balance between speed and cost, but availability may vary depending on your route.

The point is to explore your options.

I also have a friend, Amit Rosenthal from Proboxx, who offers shipping services with a good reputation.

While I work with them too, my experience shows that Unreal China is often the most efficient choice in terms of speed and overall number of shipments I make.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to what works best for you.

Get quotes from a few carriers, compare prices and shipping times, and choose the option that best suits your budget and timeline.

Most importantly, be sure to factor in shipping costs before finalizing your order with your manufacturer.

This ensures your product remains profitable and you don't get any surprises down the line!

While we won't go into the nitty-gritty of detailed profit calculations here (it can get a bit complex!), let's focus on the next step after choosing a shipping carrier.

Once you've selected a carrier (like Sanya from Unreal China), they'll arrange to pick up your shipment from your manufacturer's location.

The shipping time will then depend on the method you chose.

Ocean freight, which is typically the most economical option, can take around 30 days to deliver your camera bags to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

Air freight, on the other hand, is much faster (think 20 days or less) but also comes at a higher cost.

Once your shipment arrives at Amazon, their internal processes take over.

Let's take a closer look at what happens next. 

What happens after the products are sent and delivered to Amazon

Remember those unique labels we generated earlier?

They come into play now.

Amazon uses them to scan and track your shipment as it arrives at their fulfillment center.

Think of it like a barcode system for your boxes.

Once scanned, Amazon efficiently moves your camera bags through their network of fulfillment centers (FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon).

These fulfillment centers are strategically located throughout different regions.

While you don't have control over exactly which warehouses your products are sent to, Amazon uses sophisticated algorithms to optimize inventory placement for faster delivery times. 

The key thing is, once Amazon accepts your shipment, your products are now officially available for sale on Amazon's marketplace. 

Creating a product listing

To grab the attention of potential customers, you'll need to create a compelling product listing.

This listing serves as your product's online storefront on Amazon, showcasing all the essential details that convince buyers to click "Add to Cart."

There are two main components to a great listing: high-quality photos and persuasive copywriting.

The photos should be clear, professional, and showcase your camera bags from multiple angles.

Include close-up shots to highlight any unique features or details, and consider lifestyle photos that demonstrate how the bags can be used in real-world scenarios.

Copywriting is all about using words to sell your product.

If you're not confident in your copywriting skills, it's best to leave it to the professionals.

I've been improving my copywriting skills for several years now, and I use those skills to create compelling listings for my own products and advertisements.

However, I understand that hiring a copywriter might not be for everyone.

So, if you're interested in learning more about it, I'm happy to point you in the right direction.

There are many influential figures in the digital marketing world, like Eugene Schwartz, who have written extensively on the subject.

Additionally, there are many talented copywriters available who can help you craft effective listings for your private label products.

The key takeaway is that a well-written listing is essential for attracting customers and boosting your sales on Amazon.

Let me tell you one more thing.

Having a clear understanding of your target audience is crucial for creating an effective Amazon listing.

Think of your target audience as your ideal customer – the specific type of person who would benefit most from your camera bags.

Here's why this matters: Many sellers make the mistake of simply listing a generic product without considering who might actually buy it.

While this approach might lead to some sales, it's far less effective than tailoring your listing to resonate with a specific group of people.

For instance, imagine your ideal customer is a 29-year-old photographer who enjoys capturing all kinds of scenery, from breathtaking landscapes to cityscapes.

By knowing this, you can craft your listing to directly appeal to them.

Here's how:

  1. Photos: Instead of generic product shots, showcase your camera bags being used by someone who looks like your ideal customer – perhaps a young photographer exploring different environments.

  1. Listing Title & Description: Use clear and concise language that highlights the features and benefits most relevant to your target audience. For example, you might mention the bag's size and weight capacity, its weatherproof capabilities, or the compartments designed to hold specific photography gear.

  1. Keywords: Include relevant keywords in your listing that potential customers might use to search for camera bags on Amazon. By understanding your ideal customer's needs and interests, you can choose keywords that accurately reflect what they're looking for.

By personalizing your listing with your target audience in mind, you create a stronger connection with potential buyers.

When someone sees your listing and thinks, "Wow, this camera bag is perfect for me!", you're well on your way to making a sale.

Just like I'm tailoring this content specifically for you, someone interested in selling on Amazon, you need to tailor your Amazon listings to resonate with your ideal customer.

Think of it like having a conversation.

When I create content, I use language and examples that are relevant to your experience level, whether you're a complete beginner or an established seller.

This way, you can easily understand the information and apply it to your own business.

Your Amazon listing needs to do the same thing for your target audience.

By understanding their interests, needs, and even their way of speaking, you can craft a listing that feels like it's speaking directly to them.

For instance, if you're selling a specific type of camera bag, avoid generic descriptions that could apply to any bag.

Instead, focus on the features that would be most important to your ideal customer.

Are they professional photographers who need a durable bag to carry heavy equipment?

Are they casual hobbyists who prioritize style and portability?

The way you present your product will depend on who you're trying to reach.

And having a well-prepared listing with captivating visuals is key to grabbing your customer's attention and sparking their interest.

This means using high-quality photos and, if possible, a product video ready to go before your camera bags even hit the Amazon shelves.

Investing in a product video can be especially beneficial.

Videos allow you to show your camera bags in action, letting viewers see how they look when carried, how much gear they hold, and their features at work.

This is more engaging than static photos.

Think about creating visuals that trigger emotions. Imagine a photo featuring someone like your ideal customer – perhaps an adventurous photographer – using your bag in a beautiful setting.

This creates a connection and makes viewers think, "This bag could be perfect for me!"

High-quality photos are still important, but remember, authenticity can be powerful too.

Consider featuring everyday people using your camera bags.

The goal is to showcase your product in a way that resonates with your target audience and makes them imagine themselves using and enjoying it.

Now, you've put in the hard work – you've identified your target audience, created a compelling listing with amazing visuals, and now your camera bags are live on Amazon, ready for purchase. But what happens next?

How do you launch your product and get those sales rolling in?

Amazon product launch

The key to product launching is focusing on optimizing your listing and generating positive customer feedback.

Think of it like this: the better your listing performs, the more likely it is that potential customers will see it, understand the value your camera bags offer, and be convinced to make a purchase.

Reviews are a crucial part of this equation.

Positive reviews from satisfied customers build trust and credibility, influencing others to consider your camera bags.

So, how do you encourage reviews?

Read Now: BoOm! Learn How to Get More Reviews On Amazon!

One way is to provide excellent customer service and a product that lives up to expectations.

You can also reach out to early buyers and politely request feedback on their experience.

Another launch strategy involves using relevant keywords throughout your listing.

These keywords are like search terms that potential customers might use to find camera bags on Amazon.

By including these keywords strategically, you increase the chances of your listing appearing in search results when someone types in a relevant phrase like "waterproof camera bag for travel."

But how to do so?

The good news is, I have a free YouTube course that can walk you through the process of finding and using keywords effectively.

In this course, I'll explain everything in plain language, taking you step-by-step through the process of finding relevant keywords and placing them effectively into your listing.

It's a comprehensive guide, clocking in at around two hours, and it's completely free to access.

The goal here is to incorporate as many relevant keywords as possible into your listing.

This increases the chances of your camera bag appearing in search results when potential customers browse Amazon using specific keywords. 

For example, consider including keywords like "small camera bag," "camera backpack," "photographer bag," and "blue camera bag."

My tutorial dives deeper into specific strategies for finding these keywords, but the basic idea is to target terms that accurately describe your camera bags and that potential customers might use when searching.

If you're not comfortable doing keyword research yourself, you can always hire a copywriter who specializes in Amazon listings.

They can conduct thorough keyword research for you and ensure your listing is optimized for maximum visibility.

Once your camera bags are live on Amazon and your listing is optimized with relevant keywords, it's time to consider promotional strategies to get your product seen by potential customers.

There are various ways to approach this, and one option is advertising on Amazon itself, also known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising.

Related Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Amazon PPC

With it, you essentially pay Amazon a small fee each time someone clicks on your listing.

This can be a powerful way to increase your product's visibility and drive traffic to your listing.

However, there's a catch: competition on Amazon can be fierce.

Even if you have a well-crafted listing, you run ads, and manage to land on the first page for good keywords like "camera bag," you might find yourself competing with established listings that boast hundreds of positive reviews.

As a seller with a new product and zero reviews, it can be an uphill battle.

That's why it's important to focus on generating those initial reviews to give your listing more credibility and attract more customers.

For this, you can also consider reaching out to friends, family, or acquaintances who might be interested in your camera bags.

However, it's important to be aware of Amazon's policies regarding reviews.

Asking for reviews in exchange for a free product or other incentives goes against their rules.

Here's a safe and legitimate strategy: politely ask your contacts if they'd be interested in purchasing your camera bag at the regular price.

If they are, you can provide them with the specific keywords and your brand name to help them find your listing on Amazon.

For instance, you could suggest they search for some keyword, like "large camera bag for photographer" and then add your brand name, like "Super Shooters."

This way, they'll easily find your listing and be able to make an informed purchase decision based on the information and photos you've provided.

The goal here is to generate genuine reviews from real customers who have a positive experience with your camera bags.

These reviews will build trust with potential buyers and make your listing more appealing, ultimately helping you attract more sales.

With PPC advertising, you don't need to directly contact potential customers.

Instead, you create targeted ads that appear on Amazon search results pages when people use specific keywords.

The goal is to entice those potential customers to click on your ad and visit your camera bag listing.

Here's where a well-crafted listing with high-quality photos and clear descriptions comes into play.

When someone clicks on your ad and arrives at your listing, the visuals and information should be compelling enough to convince them that your camera bags are the perfect solution for their needs.

This translates to a higher conversion rate, meaning more visitors to your listing will actually make a purchase.

A higher conversion rate sends a positive signal to Amazon's algorithms.

They see that people who find your listing are more likely to buy, which suggests your product is relevant and interesting to potential customers.

As a result, the algorithm might start showing your listing more prominently in search results, even without paying for PPC ads.

This organic visibility can lead to even more sales and further improve your ranking on Amazon.

In a nutshell, PPC advertising can be a great way to get your camera bags in front of a wider audience initially, and a well-optimized listing with a high conversion rate helps you convert those viewers into paying customers.

This combination can create a positive cycle that increases your visibility and sales on Amazon over time.

Interesting Read: Do This BEFORE You Turn On Amazon PPC

Remember that selling on Amazon is a marathon, not a sprint.

It takes time and consistent effort to build positive reviews, climb the search rankings, and attract a steady stream of customers.

The key here is to avoid stock outs, which happen when you run out of camera bags and can't fulfill orders.

This can negatively impact your sales momentum and disappoint potential customers.

Plan your inventory purchases strategically so you always have enough camera bags in stock.

This ensures a smooth flow of sales and keeps your listing available to interested buyers.

While it can be challenging to predict demand perfectly, there are tools available to help you make informed purchasing decisions.

Services like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout can be valuable resources for Amazon sellers.

These tools can analyze sales data and suggest optimal reorder points for your camera bags.

And the information can help you ensure you have enough stock on hand to meet customer demand without overspending on unnecessary inventory.

I've actually created a comprehensive free tutorial of Helium 10 in a form of a course, which dives deeper into its features and functionalities.

This 43-minute free course will give you a better understanding of how Helium 10 can be a valuable asset in your Amazon selling journey.

The Bottom Line

Now, you might be wondering what comes next.

The good news is that this is an ongoing process, and there's always room for growth!

If you'd like to delve deeper into specific areas, like product launches, generating reviews, or product research, feel free to let me know!

I've created a series of videos in the past that cover these topics in more detail, and I'm always happy to create more content based on your interests.

By the way, when I started, I used to handle everything myself, from recording video content to editing and publishing.

Although it was rewarding, it was time-consuming as well.

Now that I understand the system better, I'm working on building a team to help me create more content for you on YouTube.

This article serves as a quick introduction to how selling on Amazon works in general.

It's a condensed version of the entire process.

Of course, there are specific steps involved, like registering as an Amazon seller and researching potential products.

These details can get a bit technical, so I'll be happy to create a separate video that walks you through those steps.

The key takeaway here is that while selling on Amazon requires effort and isn't the easiest business model, it can also be financially rewarding.

By finding high-quality products at a good price, building a strong brand, and creating compelling listings, you can attract Amazon's eager customer base and build a successful business.

The conversion rate, which refers to the percentage of visitors to your listing who actually make a purchase, is an important metric to track.

A good conversion rate, say 40%, is a great starting point, but there's always room for improvement.

Selling on Amazon involves more than just creating a listing and hoping for the best.

To become successful, it's important to invest in learning more about sales and marketing strategies.

This could involve reading books, taking courses, or watching educational videos.

Understanding human psychology and what motivates people to buy can be extremely beneficial.

If you're looking for additional resources, I'm here to help!

Feel free to like the video this article is based on, share it with others who might be interested, and leave any questions you have in the comments section.

Thanks for joining me on this journey through the basics of selling on Amazon.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and good luck!

Table of Contents
  1. Discover How To Start Selling On Amazon (Private Label) With This Detailed Guide
    1. Who am I
    2. How to sell on Amazon
    3. What is private label
    4. How does it work step-by-step
    5. Why sell on Amazon
    6. What to do after you've decided Amazon is the right platform for you
    7. The Bottom Line

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)