A Beginner's Guide to Amazon Keyword Research with Jungle Scout

Vova Even Sep 23, 2023
6 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. How To Use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout For Amazon Keyword Research
    1. Best Jungle Scout Discounts
    2. What is Jungle Scout Keyword Scout?
    3. How to Use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout for Amazon Keyword Research
    4. Benefits of Using Jungle Scout Keyword Scout

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

How To Use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout For Amazon Keyword Research

Amazon is one of the biggest online marketplaces for selling products and Amazon Keyword Research is the key to unlocking higher visibility and maximizing your sales potential on the platform.

Wondering why?

Let me break it down for you!

Just keep your eyes glued and continue reading. 🤗

See, there are millions and millions of products that are sold on Amazon every day.

To improve your chances of being found by potential customers, you need to optimize your product listings with keywords that your target audience is searching for.

Finding the right keywords can be tricky, but there are tools available that make it easy for you.

In this article, I'll discuss one such tool called Jungle Scout.

Additionally, I'll explain how to use Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout feature to perform Amazon keyword research and identify the best keywords for your products.

So without further ado, let's begin!

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What is Jungle Scout Keyword Scout?

Jungle Scout Keyword Scout is a tool that helps Amazon sellers find the most relevant keywords for their products.

It is a web-based software that provides keyword research and analysis for Amazon sellers.

The software provides comprehensive data on search volume, competition, trends, and profitability of keywords.

It is an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers who want to maximize their sales and profit potential.

Somewhat similar to the Keywords On Fire tool by ZonGuru.

How to Use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout for Amazon Keyword Research

To use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout for Amazon keyword research, follow these steps:

Search For Keywords Related To Your Product on Jungle Scout

Once you have found your product, you need to search for keywords related to your product.

To do this, click here to open the Jungle Scout Keyword Scout.

If you click on a keyword, like "kitchen knife," Jungle Scout will give you all the keywords that are similar to "kitchen knife."

In general, Jungle Scout gives you similar opportunities to search for keywords as compared to other keyword research tools like Helium 10, but Jungle Scout is cheaper than Helium 10.

You can take the principles from my free video course for optimizing listings and keyword research on Amazon with Helium 10.

It's available on YouTube and has over 12,000 views to date.

The first lesson is introductory, but you can walk through the entire course.

It lasts for about two hours, and you can take the principles from this course and apply them to Jungle Scout.

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Conduct Keyword Research on Jungle Scout

As I mentioned, Jungle Scout gives you similar opportunities to search for keywords.

This means you can find keywords related to a particular product or niche.

For example, if you are selling kitchen knives, you can use Jungle Scout to find related keywords such as "chef's knife," "paring knife," "serrated knife," and so on.

Jungle Scout will show you how many searches each of these keywords receives in a 30-day period, as well as how the search volume has been trending over the past 90 days.

Jungle Scout also provides you with two types of searches: broad and exact.

Broad search shows you how many broad searches there are for a particular keyword, so if "pairing knife" is the keyword we are searching for, broad keywords will be "big pairing knife", "sharp pairing knife" etc, they contain the main keyword in it, while exact search only shows you the number of searches for that exact keyword.

In addition to keyword research, Jungle Scout also provides recommendations on how to improve your Amazon product listings and increase your sales.

For example, it suggests the amount of daily promotions to get into the top three positions on Amazon which is making 60 promotions in about 7 to 14 days to get into the top three positions.

However, it's important to note that the number of promotions needed may vary depending on the competition in your product's niche.

Jungle Scout also has a good tool for Amazon listing optimization called Listing Builder.

Analyze Sponsored Brands in Keyword Research

A sponsored brand on Amazon is a type of advertisement that appears at the top of the search results page for a specific keyword.

When a user types a keyword into Amazon's search bar, the search results page displays both organic and paid search results.

Sponsored brands are those brands that have paid to appear at the top of the search results page for specific keywords.

Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout tool can help you identify sponsored brands for specific keywords.

You can also see how much the bid is worth (I will explain bidding in a bit) and the estimated cost for one click.

Jungle Scout provides an estimated cost for sponsored brands based on its algorithm.

However, this is not a fixed value as the cost can vary depending on various factors such as the competition for the keyword, the time of day, and the season.

It's important to keep in mind that the estimated cost provided by Jungle Scout is just an approximation and not a definite value.

Now let's talk about Pay-Per-Click (PPC) bidding.

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, understanding the cost of PPC bidding is crucial.

It can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but I'm here to break it down for you.

With Jungle Scout Keyword Scout, you can easily find out how much it will cost you to advertise on a particular keyword.

For instance, let's say you want to advertise your product in the "kitchen knife" niche.

Jungle Scout Keyword Scout can tell you that it will cost approximately $1.64 for a regular advertisement to appear in the sponsored results for this particular keyword.

This information is particularly helpful when it comes to budgeting and planning for advertising campaigns.

By knowing the cost of bidding on certain keywords, you can create a more effective and efficient advertising strategy for your product.

But please know that these are estimated numbers.

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Use Keyword Filters to Speed Up Keyword Research

Jungle Scout Keyword Scout also has some pretty cool filters to help you find the perfect keywords for your product – at the speed of light.

It's true!

For instance, if you're looking for keywords related to "kitchen knife," and you want them to be a little more specific.

You can use the "Number of Words" filter to narrow down your search to only show keywords with four or more words.

But wait, there's more!

Jungle Scout also lets you filter keywords by categories.

So if you're selling a kitchen knife, you can use the filter to only show keywords related to kitchen and dining.

This can really help you get more targeted with your keyword research and improve your chances of showing up in relevant searches.

So next time you're using Jungle Scout Keyword Scout, be sure to take advantage of these handy filters!

Benefits of Using Jungle Scout Keyword Scout

There are several benefits to using Jungle Scout Keyword Scout for Amazon keyword research:

  1. Saves time: Searching for relevant keywords can be a daunting task, but Keyword Scout can save you time and effort by providing you with a list of relevant keywords in just a few clicks.

  1. Improves search rankings: By using relevant keywords in your product listing, you can improve your search rankings and increase visibility. This means more potential customers can find your product and increase your chances of making a sale.

  1. Increases sales: The more your product appears in search results, the more chances you have of making a sale. Keyword Scout helps you find the right keywords to optimize your product listing and get more exposure.

  1. Provides valuable data: Keyword Scout provides you with valuable data about search volume, competition, and other metrics. This information can help you make informed decisions about your Amazon business and stay ahead of the competition.

So, why not give Jungle Scout Keyword Scout a try and see how it can benefit your Amazon business?

Jungle Scout Keyword Scout is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers who want to improve their search rankings and increase sales.

By using Keyword Scout to perform Amazon keyword research, you can identify the best keywords for your product and optimize your product listing for maximum visibility.

With the right keywords and a well-optimized product listing, you can increase your chances of success on Amazon.

That's it for today and I'll see you next time!

Best regards,

Vova :)

P.S. - I have a full tutorial of ALL the Jungle Scout tools, it's a banger, and it's a detailed step-by-step guide, wanna read it? :)

Table of Contents
  1. How To Use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout For Amazon Keyword Research
    1. Best Jungle Scout Discounts
    2. What is Jungle Scout Keyword Scout?
    3. How to Use Jungle Scout Keyword Scout for Amazon Keyword Research
    4. Benefits of Using Jungle Scout Keyword Scout

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)