How To Find Best Keywords For Amazon Products With ZonGuru Keywords On Fire

Vova Even Sep 02, 2023
10 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. The Effective Tools and Strategies to Find the Best Keywords for Amazon Products
    1. ZonGuru Keywords on Fire Tutorial
    2. ZonGuru Chrome Extension Tutorial
    3. ZonGuru Keywords on Fire (Continued)
    4. ZonGuru Listing Optimizer Tutorial
    5. ZonGuru Love-Hate Tool Tutorial
    6. What Does ZonGuru Launch Mean?
    7. The Summary

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

The Effective Tools and Strategies to Find the Best Keywords for Amazon Products

Hey, people! Welcome to my other blog where we are going to discuss how to do keyword research on ZonGuru, a tool for Amazon sellers.

In this blog, you are going to discover a lot of things like how to do keyword research for your listing, how to find the best keywords, how to optimize your listing with these keywords, and how to leverage these keywords for your Pay-Per-Click campaigns in order to be ranked in as many places as possible and get a lot of traffic and hopefully, get a lot of sales as well.

Luckily, I’ll be accompanied by Eugene Chang from ZonGuru throughout this article. He is a senior developer at the company and also has a YouTube channel for Amazon sellers.

He’s also made his name as a reliable counselor. You will find all the links related to Eugene and ZonGuru in this article. 

I am Vova Even, I've been selling on Amazon since 2016. Still active in the trenches.

I entered the selling business after quitting my life-guarding job, and since then, there’s been no looking back.

After building my dream business, I now help new and seasoned sellers furnish their businesses to start living their dreams.

I do so by offering FREE Udemy courses and sharing reviews, tips, tricks, and my secrets to success on my YouTube channel.

I've also prepared some goodies for you!

Special ZonGuru free trial and 50% OFF ZonGuru discount.

Enjoy it via the button below.

Also, here's a 50% off discount for ZonGuru.

Now, before I invite Eugene to introduce himself, I want you to know that I have got the video version of this blog right here if you would prefer watching that than reading this long blog. 

Eugene, over to you, man! Please start by introducing yourself to my readers. 

Eugene Cheng: Thank you so much, Vova! Being here really means a lot. I hope your readers will enjoy reading about ZonGuru. 

Guys, my name is Eugene Cheng. Here’s a little bit of my background. I used to work as an engineer-turned-entrepreneur 10-15 years ago.

I was living what we can call a digital nomad lifestyle. Then I started selling on Amazon, starting from FBA, and eventually branched out to coaching and then consulting.

Currently, I am busy helping sellers boost their sales on Amazon, scale their reach, reach their goals, and live their dreams. Besides that, I am working as a Biz Dev with ZonGuru which is a really useful tool that I use for myself and all my clients.

Through this article, there are a lot of tips and other stuff related to ZonGuru that I'll share with you guys later, especially on finding short and long-tail keywords and also on how to optimize your product listing, even PPC, as well so you get the most out of your research.  

Vova: It's so good to have you here, Eugene! Thank you for coming today, I really appreciate that.

Let's show the stuff to our people here without further ado. To help people understand better, you can share screenshots and show people a glimpse of how things are done on ZonGuru.

I believe this is going to be a wonderful conversation as you mentioned that you are a Biz Dev with the best development team of ZonGuru which is an excellent tool for Amazon sellers for product research and keyword research.

Readers can directly access ZonGuru from the links shared on this blog.

Not to mention, these are affiliate links, and if you go through these links and make a purchase, it’ll mean we get a little commission as a result of your support of my free content.

I thank you in advance for that. Now, let's see how we can find some good keywords using ZonGuru. Over to you, Eugene!

One last thing, if you want to see a full tutorial of ZonGuru with Veronica from ZonGuru, enjoy the video below.

ZonGuru Keywords on Fire Tutorial

Eugene: I'll start by giving you guys an overview. The main tool I'll start with is Keywords on Fire.

I use this tool to do all my keyword research, and then once I have all the keywords, I'll start my Product Listing Optimization. I'll use the Love-Hate tool together in conjunction with that as well.

But let’s leave the discussion on these tools for another day. Let's start off with Keywords on Fire. 

As an example today, I'll use ‘egg poacher’ as a keyword.

To start your research, click on the Add Products by Phrases button and a tiny screen will ask you about the phrase and the marketplace you want to research.

Let’s say we put ‘egg poacher’ in the phrase and select the United States for the marketplace.

Though Australia is also full of potential, let’s just stay with the US for now. After you select the phrase and the marketplace, click on the search button.

Once you click it, many listings using the keyword egg poacher will appear on that screen.

Here, you can select up to 25 listings which you can research later.

What I usually do is I will find the ones that are ranked higher with a lot of ratings just to see what keywords they are using in the back end for the listings.

You can also know the search volume and other information, and get a lot more keywords from the main competitors that you find here.

I would advise you against selecting the listing with a low rating because the low rating tells us something is not good with these listings. So I usually go for the top ones.

Please select the ones that are relevant to your product because sometimes you might get random ads and random products that are irrelevant to what you offer.

Vova: So, the idea is to find the most relevant keywords for our products.

For example, we choose the product egg poacher, and we as sellers want to have the most relevant keywords as many of them as possible so that we can reach our potential buyers.

By the way, I've also discussed Keywords On Fire with Veronica.

I'll share the video tutorial below.

This tool makes that process very easier.

Using Keyword on Fire, we're able to find these keywords from the best competitors.

What you just mentioned above is that after selecting the marketplace and keyword, you're selecting the relevant competitors with high ratings.

I know it is important to do so because sometimes there might be an irrelevant product appearing in the search.

So, if we want to choose from the best listings for egg poachers, the ones where we're going to be pulling the best keywords off, we would definitely want to avoid picking irrelevant listings.

I like the readiness and ease of using this tool.

Eugene: Yeah, that’s true!

So once I select products by phrase, another thing that I like to do here is go back to search and try to use synonyms for my keyword.

For example, if I search for ‘egg poacher’, I’ll also try to add ‘egg cooker.’

The process for it is pretty similar.

When you add products in the first step, click on Add Products by Phase again and insert whatever synonym you want.

Just make sure it is not irrelevant and must be something a customer might search for while looking for your product.

Vova: Okay, so if I get it right, you mean to say that if, for example, my product is Kitchen Scissors, then I can add a synonym like Kitchen Shears?

Because the main category of both products is the same and people might search for these products interchangeably. 

Eugene: Spot on, Vova!

And as you know some people prefer to search for trousers and others with pants, based on their origin country, a seller should also be careful about that too.

You never know what customers are searching for.

So, you can add more relevant listings for the keyword analysis just like that. I usually select up to 25 products, but you can select as per your preference.

After adding all the listings, give them a name in the Session Name bar. Once you get all these requirements done, click on the Run Keyword Analysis button.

You might have to wait for a couple of minutes here, so patience is going to be your only choice. 

Now we'll cover the ZonGuru Chrome extension, and then we'll get back to Keywords On Fire.

ZonGuru Chrome Extension Tutorial

We can also run keyword or niche analysis on ZonGuru’s Chrome Extension as well.

But before we come onto that, Vova, let me throw a quick question toward you: do you do Yoga?

Vova: No, man! I am more of a gym person.

I think I did a little bit of acro-yoga while I was at a festival a few weeks ago. That was my first time, and it really was interesting! What about you, Eugene?

Eugene: Interesting! Yeah, I also tried acro-yoga while I was in Bali (Indonesia). It was truly an unforgettable experience! 

Anyway, so first, let me show you how does the ZonGuru’s Chrome Extension look like: 

As you can see in the screenshot above, with the Chrome Extension, I'll get all the data that I need – search volume, price, avg. price, average rating, BSR, monthly sales, etc. – in one place.

For some reason, I just chose a random niche which seems like a pretty good niche. Its average price is $16, which I also prefer. 

Here’s something your readers might find helpful – I like to go for high or mid-high search volume and prefer the price between 10 to 15 dollars because of impulse buying.

As you know, Vova, when you buy a ten-dollar product, you don't even think twice compared to if you buy a hundred-dollar product.

Also, customers prefer products that have 2K or even 1K ratings, so I would be careful about that too.

ZonGuru’s Chrome Extension gives you all the details in a very easy-to-understand way. All you have to do is install the extension, go to Amazon, and search for any keyword. You will quickly see ZonGuru’s extension floating at the bottom with all the essential stats. 

Vova: That’s great if we can see all the data scraped from the given search page with this extension.

For example, if we search for Egg Poacher or Kitchen Scissors, we would be able to see the details of all the products present on the search page, no matter if they are fifty or hundred. It gives you the price and avg. price, sales revenue, average ratings, and average price –  so overall, this can be an excellent tool for general product research as well as niche analysis. 

Eugene: Yeah, exactly!

Just one more thing which I would like to mention here is the Launch Budget.

It tells you an estimated budget required to launch a similar product and get ranked on page one.

The estimate it guesses is based on COGS as 30% of the sales price and enough inventory for three months of organic page one sales volume.

The one I searched to give you an example has $13K in the Launch Budget, which is not bad, considering that the estimate is based on three months of inventory.

However, it won’t necessarily cost you this much. I think here the estimate considers other charges as well, like manufacturing, supply, etc. So, overall, ZonGuru’s Chrome Extension analysis can help you conjure up a niche image and see if it's really worth a try. 

Let’s now get back to Keywords on Fire to start where we had left it!

ZonGuru Keywords on Fire (Continued)

All right, so previously, we had added phrases and their synonyms to this tool.

I had told Vova that it would take a couple of minutes, and perhaps more than that sometimes, based on the number of phrases you select for analysis. But the wait would seem worth it to you when the analysis is finally ready. 

When the tool has finished analysis, you will see its status changed to complete from working. On its far right side, click on the eye icon to open the analysis. It will look somewhat like this: 


When you click on this button, it will open a sheet replete with different keywords and their stats.

The sheet shows you the search volume, ratings, price, and the number of competitors that are using a specific keyword that is ranking for.

Here, my goal as a seller should be to find keywords that have fewer competitors and high search volume.

A certain red flag on this list would be a keyword with 10+ competitors and a search volume of 5K – this explicitly implies that competition is too tight for a new seller to enter the niche.

Moreover, another useful data that I get from here is on the far right. You will see all the products/ASINs we had added previously while searching for the listings.

Now, I said useful because here, you will see the specific keywords these product listings include.

If there is a hyphen in the column of any product, that means an opportunity for you to use that keyword in your listing.

When sellers are not using these keywords, I feel like they are leaving a lot of money on the table – an apparent mistake that we can exploit in our favor.

Vova: I agree with you, Eugene.

Now, let me quickly sum up whatever we have done so far here in regard to keyword research  – we selected listings via a phrase (that might be our product).

After that, we found more listings with the help of ASINs and ran keyword analysis on Keywords on Fire.

It took some time, and in the meantime, we reviewed ZonGuru’s Chrome Extension.

We got back to our keyword analysis and ran through the stats produced by our tool.

Now, one thing I would like to reiterate here is that please make sure that while you are adding ASINs, they must be relevant to what you are offering.

Similarly, you have to ensure that you use relevant keywords in your listing in order to achieve your desired goals.

Irrelevant keywords bring you the wrong audience, which results in less traffic, fewer sales, and less profit for you, which is not good at all. 

Eugene and I are trying to emphasize the importance of using the right keywords in your listings. Of course, reading one blog or watching one video won’t make you an expert keyword researcher.

That is why I suggest you take your time and find keywords that are relevant, have a high search volume, and have few competitors.

An Egg Poacher is not the same product as Egg Steamer.

I know both have shown in the screenshots above and might also have high search volume, but that doesn’t qualify them for your listings.

Also, the far right section of the sheet presents you with a great opportunity to know what keywords aren’t being ranked for your competitors so that you can use them.

Eugene: You raised some absolutely valuable points, Vova.

Although sellers should certainly go for high search volume keywords, they have to make sure these are also relevant to what they are selling.

For example, if you are selling Egg Boiler, you should not use Egg Poacher or Egg Steamer in your listing. It will only negatively impact your overall performance.

Another important thing to highlight here is the filters.

If you want to see any specific aspect of products, like rating, price, units, etc., in a prescribed limit, you can do that easily with the filters.

For example, you may want to see the keywords with ratings below 2000 or the keywords with ratings only above the same amount, filters are there to help.

Vova: All sellers reading this should know – we recommend going through all the lists that you find here and removing all the unnecessary keywords and irrelevant keywords.

There's a possibility that some might appear even if you put all the relevant ASINs.

Sometimes irrelevant keywords might appear because these ASINs are probably ranking on irrelevant stuff.

So, from what I have understood so far, we have to gather all the ASINs that must be relevant to our product, and then we start checking their keywords. After that, we can remove all the unnecessary keywords.

Eugene: You said it accurately, Vova. So, once I get the relevant keywords, I like to export them to .csv or excel file. I copy all such keywords that I feel have good potential.

I simply select them all and make a file directly from here. It’s super easy.

I don’t go for too low search volume keywords, nor do I always look for high volume.

I try to find relevant keywords that can have at least 2000 search volumes, and there’s no special preference for the maximum number of search volumes.

Also, I try to keep a balance between short and long-tail keywords.

Your success on Amazon is not determined by how long or short keywords you use or how much the search volume for these keywords is.

Your success depends on how smartly you play with all these factors. 

Vova: I couldn’t agree more with you. Just because one finds a keyword with a 5000+ search volume doesn’t guarantee anyone’s success.

Also, readers need to understand that the numbers such tools give us are mere estimates, not exact numbers.

They tell us that this particular keyword generates substantial or low traffic and leave up the rest to the seller if he or she would like to add that keyword to their listing.

If you are a seller, you should recheck your listing and see if there are any irrelevant keywords.

There are various tools as well where you can perform this action. 

ZonGuru Listing Optimizer Tutorial

Eugene: Exactly! So, when I have all the keywords, I'll go to ZonGuru Listing Optimizer, which is also a pretty cool and super useful tool.

Somewhat similar to the tool that's called Jungle Scout Listing Builder, by Jungle Scout suite of tools.

To start it, go to the listing optimization tab from the left menu and click on Listing Optimizer.

When it opens, write any name you want in the Session Name bar and then click the Start New Session button.

You will need to select the top products to compare them with your chosen keyword listing via Keywords on Fire.

The Listing Optimizer tool allows you to add up to 8 ASINs, but while adding them to the tool, please make sure you are selecting the right marketplace.

Once you copy all the ASINs you want to compare with your keywords, please click the Add button on the left side and select import a listing from Keyword on Fire (KWOF).   

So, what will happen after that?

The tool will tell you the optimization score of your listing as compared to the ones being used by ASINs you added, the combined search volume, and the revenue of the niche.

Listing Optimizer compares the keywords you choose with the ones your competitors are using and gives you a particular score on behalf of that.

These keywords can be in their title, bullet points, description, or the main search term which is in the back end. 

As you can see, some keywords are highlighted, and some are dimmed. The highlighted keywords imply that we don’t have those in our listing, while the dimmed ones are already part of our listing.

This is further elaborated by the ‘Included in Listing’ column in the keywords section on the left side, where the star given to a keyword means it is present in our listing.

Similarly, you can compare the efficacy of your listing against each ASIN simply by selecting them.  

Vova: So, what we have done so far is we've loaded a few ASINs from Amazon that we wanted to compare with the listing we created in the Keyword on Fire tool.

The Listing Optimizer evaluated our listing and compared it to the ASINs we had picked from Amazon and told us which keywords are being used in these top product ASINs and gave us an idea about which keywords we should include in our listing to make it more searchable.

Eugene: Yeah, exactly! You can also make changes as per your requirements.

For example, if there’s an irrelevant term/keyword in the title or bullet point and you don’t want to see it there, you can simply remove it and put it in the search term bar at the bottom.

After you do this, you will see the optimization score will increase (or decrease).

Similarly, clicking on the highlighted keyword will add them to your listing and simultaneously increase your optimization score as well.

We can play with all these tools the way we deem fit; however, we’ll have to stay wary about the relevancy of the keywords with our product, or otherwise, everything will go in vain. 

Vova: Absolutely, being relevant is one of the essentials to success on Amazon.

So, to sum up, what you said above, I can say that when sellers don’t have to use any irrelevant keywords in their title, bullet points or description because it might turn customers away rather than bring them closer.

Relevant keywords act as magnets and automatically attract the audience toward you.

However, if you still want to keep that keyword on the pretext of getting some sort of traffic, you can simply put it on the back end. This will resolve everything. 

Eugene: You got it right there, man!

Also, I wanted to mention that there are thousands of new keywords being searched on Amazon. If the egg poacher keyword is a popular one today with the highest search volume, tomorrow, it can be an egg boiler or egg steamer.

The point is: that you never know.

That’s why I always emphasize that sellers should always keep checking and analyzing keywords and change them at least once every month to stay up to date. 

I now wanted you all to get to know about one of the amazing tools on ZonGuru, the Love-Hate tool.

ZonGuru Love-Hate Tool Tutorial

I particularly love this tool at ZonGuru because it has some very interesting terminology that is also very interactive.

To keep it short and simple, the Love-Hate tool is the easiest tool for sellers to analyze Amazon customer reviews in one go. 

Somewhat similar to the Helium 10 Review Insights tool.

It is a tool by a suite of tools for Amazon sellers called Helium 10.

Here, you can see I have picked a listing named face masks where I added 25 products.

What the Love-Hate tool did was analyze all the customer reviews for these products and categorize the negative and positive ones into hate and love.

In the hate section, you can see the common words customers have used in their below 2-star reviews, and similarly, the love section includes what they love about the product. Now, how can this tool be extremely useful for you to increase sales? 

It is simple. All you need to do is find the common issues customers are facing with these products and address them in what you offer.

For example, if the majority of buyers are complaining about weak ear loops, bad quality ear straps, etc., you can start by providing masks with strong ear straps. You can also write this in the title of your product to attract more customers i.e., unbreakable ear strap masks, etc. 

You can also read the general or specific reviews in the tool to expand your research. Just click on any keyword in the Love or Hate section and scroll down to find all these reviews where that word has mostly been used. 

Vova: That’s lovely. And I think we can also exploit the keywords in the Love section in our favor.

What I mean is if one of the commonly used words in the positive reviews is masks fit or wear glasses, it means customers love it when the masks fit them better and also when they can wear it with glasses. Hence, we can somehow add these keywords in the title to make it more attractive. Or to our pictures.

I think face masks for glass wearers can be a perfect keyword to attract a significant number of customers who wear glasses and are looking for face masks. 

Eugene: You mentioned a very important point, Vova.

I have another thing that I wanted to bring to your readers' attention. It's actually a strategy that I implement myself, and that is using visuals in my products.

What I do is extract some common praising words from positive reviews using the Love-Hate tool and use them in my images.

For example, I use an image lineup strategy where I present benefits to my customers first and then I introduce them to the application of my product. Keep in mind that Amazon only lets you show 7 images in your listing so that’s why I use collages of four pictures to market my product in a detailed manner.

The last thing I would like to explain to our readers is the ZonGuru Launch.

What Does ZonGuru Launch Mean?

ZonGuru Launch is something very important for a new seller to take note of.

It tells the number of sales that he or she will have to make initially during the product launch period in order to rank on the first page.

The ZG Launch’s estimated number includes all kinds of sales – giveaways, organic, PPC, external traffic sales, etc.

This figure varies with the search volume, number of competitors, and various other factors. 

The Summary

Vova: Thank you for bringing it up, Eugene!

So let’s wrap up whatever we have done so far. We hunted for keywords in ZonGuru’s Keyword on Fire tool.

We extracted keywords using different phrases and selected a few products, and we also used top products’ ASINs to drag a couple of keywords.

We then created a listing with relevant and highly-searched keywords. After that, we used Listing Optimizer to polish our listing while comparing it to the top listing on Amazon. It was really a fun way to do it, let me be honest! 

But that wasn’t all. I loved the way we discussed simple but important strategies while dissecting ZonGuru’s Love-Hate tool.

Besides these primary topics of the day, I believe we have put a lot of random things here between these lines, which are also essential for every seller to try. Thank you so much, Eugene, for being with us today! 

Eugene: It was fun to interact with you and your audience this way, Vova! I believe we will have more to discuss and I really look forward to meeting your readers once again! 

Vova: We all are looking forward to seeing you again here between us. Have a great life ahead, man!

This was quite a lengthy article, but I hope it was worth your time. If you really liked it, you will find more interesting articles here on my blog on numerous other tools and techniques to perfect your Amazon FBA business.

I also have my very own Udemy courses, which you will find full of basic knowledge about selling on Amazon. With my best wishes for you all, goodbye from this side! 


Vova :)

P.S. - If you are interested in seeing a full ZonGuru tutorial in the form of a free course on Udemy, you'll find it here.

P.S.S. - Learn more about other ZonGuru tools below.

ZonGuru Mobile App

Which Amazon marketplaces ZonGuru supports

ZonGuru Easy Source review

ZonGuru Keyword Tracker review
ZonGuru Product Pulse review

Table of Contents
  1. The Effective Tools and Strategies to Find the Best Keywords for Amazon Products
    1. ZonGuru Keywords on Fire Tutorial
    2. ZonGuru Chrome Extension Tutorial
    3. ZonGuru Keywords on Fire (Continued)
    4. ZonGuru Listing Optimizer Tutorial
    5. ZonGuru Love-Hate Tool Tutorial
    6. What Does ZonGuru Launch Mean?
    7. The Summary

Disclosure:   Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)