Jungle Scout Listing Builder + AI = ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Vova Even Jan 25, 2024
26 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. AI Assist for Amazon Sellers: Boost Your Listings with Jungle Scout
    1. Introduction
    2. Meet My Guest Lenny Smith
    3. Jungle Scout Tutorials and Discount Coupons
    4. Jungle Scout Listing Builder AI Assist Review
    5. The Bottom Line

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)ย 

AI Assist for Amazon Sellers: Boost Your Listings with Jungle Scout

Hey there, awesome people!

I'm Amazon seller Vova Even, and guess what?

If you've ever wondered how to make selling stuff on Amazon easier, then you're in for a treat.

Today, we're diving deep into one of the coolest tools out there โ€“ Jungle Scout's Listing Builder!

And guess what's even more exciting?

It's now loaded with AI aka Artificial Intelligence.

Yep, you heard that right!

This is the tool that's like your super-smart best friend, helping you create awesome Amazon listings in no time. ๐Ÿš€

I also have some awesome Jungle Scout discounts for you! Also, I'd recommend you reading our full tutorial of all the Jungle Scout tools later on.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "What's AI?" or "How can it help me?"

Well, if you've ever played a video game with really smart characters or have talked to Siri or Alexa, you've interacted with AI.

It's like a computer program that learns and gets better over time.

In the case of Jungle Scout, AI helps sellers by generating important information like product titles, bullet points, and descriptions, making your product look irresistible on Amazon and ultimately encouraging prospects to people to buy it.

AI is not just about doing the work faster; it's about doing it smarter.

And trust me; by the end of this article, you'll be just as pumped as I am about it.

And I have a special guest to make all of this even more exciting.

Drumroll, please... ๐Ÿฅ It's Lenny Smith from Jungle Scout!

Yep, the actual expert who knows this tool inside out.

We're going to have an AMAZING chat that you won't want to miss.

I've kept everything super conversational, just like in our video chat, to make sure you get every bit of wisdom Lenny has to share.

So, it's going to be like listening to two friends geeking out about a cool new technology that could make you big bucks! ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Oh, and for all you video lovers out there, don't worryโ€”I've got you covered!

If reading's not your jam, there's a video embedded right below that's chock-full of all the awesome info you'll find in this article.

Just click play and enjoy. ๐ŸŽฌ

But if you're all about the written word, then hang tight, because we're about to dive into a sea of super useful info.

From how to make your Amazon product stand out to why AI is your new best friend, we'll cover it all.

So get ready to become an Amazon-selling superstar!

Before we dive in, a quick heads-up: I've shared some super helpful resources within the article.

Think of them as the cheat codes to level up your Amazon game! ๐ŸŽฎ

Plus, there are five exclusive discount offers hidden inside to sweeten the deal.

So what are you waiting for?

Buckle up because we're about to take off.

Ready to delve into my super-fun and insightful conversation with Lenny?

Let's go!!! ๐ŸŒŸ



Vova: Hey everyone, welcome to today's exciting episode!

We've got something super cool to share with you.

We're diving into Jungle Scout's Listing Builder tool with Artificial Intelligence.

This means you can create Amazon product listings in a snap.

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Meet My Guest Lenny Smith

Vova: Joining me is Lenny from Jungle Scout, who's the expert on this tool.

Lenny, how's it going, my man?

Pumped to have you here!

Lenny: Hey Vova, I'm doing great and super excited to be here!

Vova: Thanks for being here, Lenny.

As you mentioned, you've been a part of the Jungle Scout team for years now.

Can you tell us more about yourself?

Lenny: Sure, yes!

I've been with Jungle Scout for close to seven years, leading the video marketing team.

Apart from that, I'm also an Amazon seller and have been applying my insights to make Jungle Scout's content even more useful.

And of course, I manage Jungle Creations, one of our own Amazon brands.

It's going to be a blast showing off what this tool can do!

Vova: Awesome to hear, Lenny!

Jungle Scout Tutorials and Discount Coupons

Vova: And hey folks, if you're interested in Jungle Scout tutorials, check the playlist through the button below.

I've made around 80 videos to help you out.

Plus, I've got these exclusive discounts just for you.

  1. Jungle Scout Discount Code 50% OFF

  2. Jungle Scout Special Deals

  3. Jungle Scout Yearly Deal

  4. Jungle Scout Price Page

  5. Download Jungle Scout Extension

Just a heads up, those are affiliate links, so if you make a purchase through them, you'll not only get 'exclusive' discounts but you'll be supporting my premium-quality free content at no extra cost to you.

Jungle Scout Listing Builder AI Assist Review

Vova: Alright, Lenny, let's get into it and show everyone how this AI-powered tool works!

Lenny: Absolutely, let's jump right in.

Today we're discussing a really neat feature called "AI Assist," part of Jungle Scout's Listing Builder tool.

You know, AI is all the rage these days, and we thought, Why not bring its magic to Amazon sellers?

It's all about making your life easier as an Amazon seller and helping you create listings more efficiently.

Vova: Makes total sense.

AI can be a game-changer for sure.

So, how do we kick things off with this feature?

Lenny: Great question!

First, you need to be in the Listing Builder.

Just hit "Create New Listing," and you'll start with a draft.

For this, select the first option that says "Draft a Listing."

Go to next step.

Now, pay attention folksโ€”before you go any further, you'll need a solid keyword list.

We're talking about a list of relevant, quality keywords.

If your list is full of random or irrelevant keywords, you're going to get some wonky results.

Vova: Got it, a top-notch keyword list is crucial. What's next?

Lenny: Well, we at Jungle Scout also sell some products, like washable pee pads for dogs.

So, I'm going to pick the keyword that is highly related to our product โ€“ Pee Pads.

As you can see, selecting this keyword means I've selected a list of 34 highly related keywords.

Once you've picked your list, just click on the "Next Step."

And voila, you're in the Listing Builder.

Essentially, much of this screen would look familiar if you've previously used Jungle Scout Listing Builder.

However, we've now got this new shiny button that says "AI Assist" โ€“ that's where the real magic happens.

Over on this left panel, you'll see what we call the "Keyword Bank."

This bank displays the keyword list I've chosen, sorted from highest volume keywords down to the lowest.

Now, let's dive into the title โ€“ arguably the most crucial part of your listing.

You could start by entering something like your brand name if you want it front and center.

Once you hit the "AI Assist" button, the system will automatically craft a title using your top keywords.

For instance, just now, it gave us "Jungle Creations Reusable and Washable Potty Buddy Pads for Dogs - Extra Large Waterproof Pet Rugs and Mats for Training, Travel, and Comfort."

Pretty neat, right?

Vova: Totally! And if you arenโ€™t 100% satisfied, you can play around with it?

Lenny: Absolutely! You've got the power to discard or replace the content.

I'll select the "Replace Content" option and my product title section will be updated.

Now, clicking "AI Assist" again will regenerate the title.

Just to give it another shot and this time, we got "Reusable Washable Potty Buddy Pads for Dogs - Extra Large Waterproof Dog Training Mats, Pet Rugs, and Comfort Pads with Washable Puppy Pads and Reusable Dog Pee Pads."

While it's close to what I might draft, the fact that it was generated in seconds is impressive.

Vova: I'm curious, Lenny.

How does the AI decide which keywords to use?

I mean, we've got this list here, right?

From Keyword Scout, divided into highest, medium, and low volume keywords.

Does it always prioritize the most relevant ones?

Because ideally, in the title, we want the major hitters, right?

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Lenny: Great question, Vova!

The AI does prioritize keywords with the highest search volume, but here's the catchโ€”your keyword list needs to be spot-on.

If you have high-volume keywords that aren't super relevant to your product, the AI might still pick them up.

So yes, it's super important to ensure you're balancing both search volume and relevance in your keyword list.

Vova: So, if there's a keyword I don't want included, I should remove it from the list before using AI Assist, right?

Lenny: Exactly. Tweak your list first to make sure it's just how you want it.

Once it's perfect, then let the AI do its thing.

Vova: Nice, that's clear.

And the AI also crafts titles that are readable, which I love.

I mean, it would take time to manually check each keyword for relevance, but the fact that we get a good starting point in seconds is fantastic.

Lenny: Absolutely, you've nailed it.

Whether you're a seasoned writer or someone who finds staring at a blank screen intimidating, this tool offers an excellent jumping-off point.

It's always easier to edit existing content than to start from zero.

This tool saves time and, more importantly, gives you that first push, especially if copywriting isn't your strong suit.

As you can see, the title we got is pretty solid, but you can always fine-tune it to your liking.

If you want to highlight a specific phrase like "Washable Pee Pads for Dogs," you can easily rearrange it.

Now, let's shift gears and talk about the Feature bullets.

I'm just gonna hit "AI Assist" again, and it will generate all five bullet points for us โ€“ that too, in a jiffy.

As of now, we can't generate them individually, so it's a full package deal for our beta release.

Vova: Got it. So it creates a full set of bullet points in one go.

That sounds super cool!

Can we dive into what they look like?

Lenny: Exactly, let me read a couple for you.

The first one goes, "Our Jungle Creations pads are both Reusable and Washable - conveniently machine washable, they're an ideal choice of pee pads for dogs to last throughout continued use."

Pretty cool, right?

It sounds human and touches on features like washability and reusability.

Vova: I'm impressed; it sounds really natural.

Lenny: The second one puts emphasis on the waterproof design and extra-large size of the pee pads.

Plus, it highlights that Jungle creations pee pads are going to make for a comfortable fit for any sized pet.

Again, the AI has made it sound just like something a human would write.

There's even one that mentions an antibacterial back coating to prevent any liquids from seeping into indoor floors.

So once you've got those bullet points generated, hitting "Replace Content" will insert them into your listing.

My recommendation?

Hit the "AI Assist" button to try generating a new set of bullets and then compare and pick the best of the bunch.

It's that simple, and you've got a great starting point in a matter of seconds.

Vova: That's incredibly quick.

I can clearly see it uses features and benefits in these bullet points.

Where does it get these ideas?

Is it pulling them from other Amazon listings, or how does that work?

Lenny: Great question, Vova.

While I can't go into all the technical details, I can say that it's not pulling this information directly from Amazon listings.

Instead, it uses OpenAI models to understand what the product is based on the keywords you've selected. 

So it's gathering information from the web at large, not just Amazon.

Think of it like asking ChatGPT about a product; it's got a certain level of understanding based on a wide array of online information.

Vova: Ah, I see.

So it's more like a general understanding of the product, not a copy-paste from Amazon listings.

Makes sense!

Lenny: You're right, Vova.

So it's probably sourcing from everything or from the internet as far as I'm aware.

Vova: Nice, so, as we can see on the left, the keywords that were used are crossed out.

This helps us keep track of which high-priority keywords have been used and which haven't.

What I personally would do, especially if I like a specific bullet point or title that the AI generated, is to incorporate any remaining relevant keywords.

These are the keywords we've identified as important through tools like Keyword Scout.

I'd make sure to weave these additional keywords into the bullet points or even into the product description if we're looking to optimize that section as well.

This way, we get the best of both worlds: AI efficiency and human expertise in keyword optimization.

Lenny: Exactly! Let's actually move on to the Description part.

You can absolutely fill it in.

I'll just hit "AI Assist," and give it a moment.

This takes a few extra seconds, especially because we have up to 2,000 characters to work with here.

Vova: Makes sense.

Lenny: Okay, it's done.

Let's see what we have.

"Welcome to Jungle Creations reusable and washable pads for dogs. Keeping your house clean and mess-free does not have to be a challenge anymore. Our extra-large pee pads are perfect for training your pup, long travels, and providing them comfort. Made from premium quality materials, our pee pads are super absorbent, odor-resistant, and waterproof. Our washable and reusable pee pads let you save money while still using comfortable and functional potty solutions for your dog. With our generously sized 36 by 36 inch doggy bathroom rugs, you won't need several disposable potty pads anymoreโ€ฆ"

As you can see the complete text in the screenshot above, it does a great job pointing out the slip-proof backing feature.

It seems like it's capturing the essence of the product.

It's really giving us a fantastic starting point.

Vova: Absolutely.

So, as we can see, it covered around 1,200 characters out of the 2,000 maximum, which is a solid foundation.

We can always incorporate the extra keywords that haven't been included.

And yes, we definitely have to review what the AI suggests just to make sure everything aligns perfectly with our product.

Speaking of A+ content, I presume the tool doesn't cover that?

Lenny: That's right, Vova.

At the moment, the tool isn't set up for A+ content.

Due to the diversity of A+ content, it's a bit more challenging.

However, you can certainly repurpose some of this generated content in conjunction with images for your A+ content.

Vova: That's a good point.

I think it's also essential to ask, even though the tool seems pretty intuitive and straightforward to me, are there any aspects or features that you think I might have missed or overlooked?

Lenny: That's the beauty of it โ€“ it's designed to be user-friendly and straightforward.

Our aim is to make it as seamless as possible, while understanding that it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

The real value comes from the time it saves you.

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To put it into perspective, we did an experiment contrasting the time it takes for an expert Amazon seller, Jake, to write a listing versus using "AI Assist" with a beginner seller.

They both had the same keyword bank, and although they could get to a similar end result in terms of quality, the time difference was staggering.

Jake took significantly longer to create his listing.

Vova: That's pretty revealing.

It's not just about the final product but also the efficiency of getting there, especially if you're not an expert in the product you're trying to sell.

Lenny: Precisely. Jake knew what keywords to use, but crafting readable and flowing sentences around those keywords is no small feat.

It's a friction point for many sellers.

They might have done the keyword research but are procrastinating on actually optimizing their listings simply because weaving those keywords into coherent sentences is daunting.

The "AI Assist" feature gives you a great starting point within seconds, and then you can fine-tune it as needed.

Vova: That's a game-changer, especially for those who might not be comfortable with copywriting.

Lenny: Absolutely, and let's not forget the educational aspect of it.

By using this tool, people can also learn how to become better at writing listings, how to weave in keywords, and how to focus on the features and benefits that truly matter to their potential customers.

Vova: Good point. So it's a tool that not only saves you time but also helps you improve your skills in a real-world setting.

By the way, I'd like to remind our readers not to forget checking the my playlist of Jungle Scout tutorials I shared above.

Here's it in case you missed it:

It includes over 80 Jungle Scout tutorial videos.

You can get a full walkthrough of all the tools Jungle Scout offers โ€“ product research, suppliers, keyword tools, and more.

And I also encourage you to check out my Jungle Scout Freedom Builder Bootcamp course and must avail of the special offers for our Suite and Professional plans. 

Lenny: That's great, Vova.

It sounds like a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to get the most out of Jungle Scout's features.

We've tried to make Jungle Scout a comprehensive platform that's both user-friendly and valuable for both new and experienced sellers.

Vova: That's awesome to hear, Lenny.

It's exciting to think about how AI will evolve over time, learning from its previous outputs.

Lenny: You're spot on, Vova.

We're currently in the beta phase, but we're eagerly collecting feedback from our users.

That information is vital as we refine and improve the system.

AI is a learning model, so it's going to keep getting smarter and faster.

The goal is to continually make the platform more efficient and effective for Amazon sellers.

Vova: It sounds like you guys are on an exciting journey with this technology.

Lenny: Indeed we are, and we're just scratching the surface.

The potential applications for AI in simplifying and automating processes for Amazon sellers are vast.

Right now, we're focused on the Listing Builder, but the scope is much broader.

We're exploring various ways AI can be utilized to assist in other aspects of the selling process, whether that's inventory management, customer interactions, or even market research.

Vova: That's a promising outlook.

Any hint on what users can expect in the near future?

Lenny: Without giving too much away, let's just say we're committed to making continuous improvements based on user feedback and AI advancements.

The aim is to deliver tools that make every part of the Amazon selling journey easier and more efficient.

We're constantly innovating to stay ahead of the curve and provide value to our community.

Vova: That's encouraging. It was an enriching conversation, and I'm sure our readers found it as insightful as I did.

Lenny: I hope so, and thank you for having me.

It's always great to share what we're working on and to hear what sellers are looking for.

The end game is to make their lives easier, and we're fully committed to that mission.

Vova: Fantastic.

Have a great day, Lenny, and to all our readers, have a wonderful day as well.

Lenny: Thank you, Vova. It was a pleasure, and I wish everyone a fantastic day ahead.


The Bottom Line

And that's a wrap!

What an exciting conversation about all the cool things Jungle Scout is doing, especially with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

If you've ever thought selling stuff on Amazon is tricky, you're not alone.

But with new tools like Jungle Scout Listing Builder's AI Assist, it's getting a whole lot easier and faster.

Even if you're new to this, you don't have to start from zero.

You get a head start, and who doesn't love that?

So what's the big deal with AI Assist?

Well, by now you're probably quite familiar with it.

It's like having a really smart helper that gives you a strong starting point for your product listing.

Sure, it's not perfect and you'll still need to make some tweaks, but think of the time you save!

Instead of staring at a blank screen wondering what to say about your product, you have something to start with.

Now all you have to do is make it even better!

Jungle Scout is not just stopping there.

They're collecting feedback from people who are using their tools to make them even smarter and more helpful.

They're in the 'listen and improve' mode, and that's awesome because it means they care about what you think.

They're also looking at how AI can help in other parts of selling on Amazon, not just creating listings.

Could be anything from helping manage your inventory to figuring out what customers really want.

The future looks bright, and it's just the beginning!

But let's not overlook the wealth of resources I've shared.

From detailed tutorials to expert-led courses, my YouTube channel has it all to help you utilize Jungle Scout without hiccups.

Plus, take advantage of the exclusive offers on Jungle Scout, curated by yours truly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So whether you're just getting started or you're a pro looking to step up your game, there's something for everyone.

Thanks for tuning in, and here's to making life easier and more successful for everyone.

The world of Amazon selling is full of opportunities, and with Jungle Scout's new tools and resources, those opportunities are getting closer than ever.

Have a great day, everyone!


Vova :)

Table of Contents
  1. AI Assist for Amazon Sellers: Boost Your Listings with Jungle Scout
    1. Introduction
    2. Meet My Guest Lenny Smith
    3. Jungle Scout Tutorials and Discount Coupons
    4. Jungle Scout Listing Builder AI Assist Review
    5. The Bottom Line

Disclosure: ย Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)