What Is Helium 10 Used For? Honest Review

Vova Even May 17, 2024
0 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Optimize Your Amazon Business with Helium 10's Essential Tools and Tutorials
    1. What is Helium 10 Used For?
    2. Helium 10 Freedom Ticket Course for Selling on Amazon
    3. What Tools Does Helium 10 Offer?
    4. Helium 10 Pricing
    5. The Bottom Line

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Optimize Your Amazon Business with Helium 10's Essential Tools and Tutorials

Hey there, folks!

Today, I want to break down what Helium 10 is all about.

I'll guide you through it step by step.

We'll dive into tools and nifty features that will streamline your Amazon FBA game with Helium 10, making your experience a whole lot smoother.

But first things first, check out the button below for my exclusive playlist of Helium 10 tutorials.

It's a treasure trove of over 150 videos that walk you through the ins and outs of this Amazon FBA software.

Let's also not forget about the other offers I have lined up for you.

Just click on the button below and get access to everything you need right away!

  • Free Trial: Explore the power of Helium 10 risk-free.

  • Free Account: Sign up for a free account and unlock some valuable tools.

  • Sweetest Discounts: Grab exclusive discounts on your Helium 10 subscription.

  1. Use code VOVA10 to unlock a 10% discount every month for as long as you're subscribed. That's right, ongoing savings!

  1. Choose code VOVA6M20 to snag a whopping 20% off for the first six months of your subscription. Perfect if you want to try it out at a deep discount.

Alright, now let's delve into the world of Helium 10 and what it brings to the table.

What is Helium 10 Used For?

Simply put, Helium 10 is a software solution tailor-made for sellers navigating the vast Amazon marketplace.

The thing is, as a seller looking to gain a competitive edge, having the right software in your arsenal is key, and Helium 10 is your one-stop shop for success.

It's not a one-trick pony; it's an all-in-one solution catering to various needs.

Helium 10 Freedom Ticket Course for Selling on Amazon

For those venturing into Amazon sales, Helium 10 throws in the Freedom Ticket course – a gem that used to cost a pretty penny at $997.

Lucky for you, it now comes bundled for free when you dive into the world of Helium 10 with one of their plans.

We'll explore those plans shortly, so hang tight.

Whether you're a beginner, already underway, or a seasoned player in the Amazon game, Helium 10 has different tools suited for every stage.

What Tools Does Helium 10 Offer?

Let me pull up a tab here to show you what's available for the newcomers, those already on their Amazon journey, and the veterans deeply entrenched in the Amazon scene.

First up, it's a toolkit designed to assist you with Product Research.

It includes Black Box and Xray which is a part of Helium 10's Chrome extension lineup. 

These handy tools are designed to make your Amazon selling journey a breeze.

For instance, Black Box, in itself, is a powerhouse with different branches, each honing in on specific criteria to help you uncover potential products in a unique way.

You can dive deeper into how these tools can assist you in discovering top-notch products for your Amazon venture.

Or for a hands-on guide on using them, feel free to check out my tutorial playlist – it's a goldmine of insights.

Moving on, let's talk about Keyword Research, a pivotal aspect of optimizing your Amazon game.

In this sector, Helium 10 provides two cool tools: Cerebro and Magnet (both work for Amazon and Walmart platforms) to aid you in pinpointing the best keywords for your product.

I've neatly nestled the tutorials for both of them below.

Watch them now to learn all those keyword research techniques I use for my products.

Now, onto Listing Optimization, tools including Frankenstein, Scribbles, Listing Analyzer, and Listing Builder step into play.

They help you craft a more robust product listing.

I've got a free course on my YouTube channel dedicated to guiding you through the entire process of creating a stellar Amazon product listing using Helium 10, from A to Z – no sneaky upsells involved.

Click on the button below to access it ASAP and enjoy an hour and a half of valuable content.

Trust me; this course is worth its weight in gold and could easily be priced at hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

Because Helium 10's Listing Optimization tools can literally be your go-to for fine-tuning your product presentation on Amazon.

So, dive in and make the most out of it now!

Now, shifting gears to the next section – Operations. 

Helium 10 goes beyond just product optimization; it's got your back with inventory control too.

Take a look at the first tool on the list, Inventory Management.

This feature helps you stay on top of when to replenish stock and when to hold off.

It's your trusty sidekick in avoiding stockouts and preventing overstock situations.

It's a handy tool, especially for maintaining a seamless flow of inventory.

Related Read: 5 Best Amazon FBA Inventory Management Software

Next, let's talk about Refund Genie.

This nifty tool comes into play when you need to recoup some cash from Amazon due to damaged or lost inventory.

It's like your personal genie granting you reimbursements.

If you're interested, there are similar tools like Sellerboard and Sellerise.

And then there's Getida, another solid player in the Amazon reimbursements game.

What sets it apart is its more hands-off approach compared to Refund Genie and others.

However, keep in mind that Getida takes a percentage of what they successfully recover for you.

Now, let's get back to Refund Genie. 

Amazon reimbursements essentially mean when Amazon accidentally breaks, damages, or loses your products, they compensate you for that.

Sometimes it's an automatic process, but there are instances where you might need a helping hand.

Refund Genie is a useful tool that steps in when you need assistance in reclaiming your money.

Next up, we have Alerts.

This feature is your lookout tower, keeping you informed about various activities related to your listing.

For instance, if someone else starts offering the same product on your listing, they're essentially vying for the buy box with you.

This scenario, known as hijacking, isn't something you want as a private label seller.

Alerts promptly notify you about such situations.

Additionally, Alerts keep you in the loop about any new reviews, allowing you to quickly respond, especially if there's a one-star review in the mix.

You can swiftly address it if Amazon and Seller Central provide you with that option.

In a nutshell, Alerts is a nifty tool, and Helium 10 leverages it effectively.

Moving on, Helium 10 also plays a role in the Follow-Up game.

The Follow-Up tool enables you to send post-purchase emails to your customers.

This is particularly handy because it allows you to automate the process of requesting reviews.

It's a great way to stay connected with your customers and encourage them to share their thoughts through reviews.

The next tool in the Operations section is Seller Assistant.

It's a part of Helium 10 Chrome extension that steps up its game by automating customer review requests.

When paired with Follow-Up, Seller Assistant becomes an even more efficient tool.

Although it features a level of automation, Follow-Up takes that up a notch, making it a more valuable asset.

Now, let's shift our focus to Analytics.

This part of Helium 10 helps with tracking the sales and profits of your business, conducting market research, tracking keyword rankings, and implementing market intelligence.

The Profits tool in it is your go-to for understanding whether you're in the green or facing losses.

The Market Tracker is another gem that provides insights into the percentage of your product's presence in the marketplace and the competitive landscape.

You can create a handy pie chart that breaks down the market share among competitors, offering a visual representation of your product's standing.

In my opinion, it's an excellent tool for gaining a comprehensive understanding of your market position.

Related Read: How to Track Your Amazon Market Share with Helium 10 Market Tracker

Moving on, there's the Keyword Tracker, a handy tool that sheds light on the positions of your keywords.

Imagine you're selling a stainless steel spatula – you want to know how you rank for different keywords like "stainless steel kitchen spatula" or simply "kitchen spatula."

Understanding your position, whether it's on page one or two, can be crucial.

If your sales suddenly dip, Keyword Tracker can help you figure out if it's due to changes in your keywords or missing bullet points that used to include specific keywords.

Related Read: Helium 10 Keyword Tracker Boost - Track Your Amazon Keyword Rank Every

Keyword Tracker also complements Alerts by notifying you of any alterations in your listing.

Now, it's essential to emphasize that to make the most out of these tools, you need to grasp how to navigate the software.

Educate yourself on Helium 10, and I highly recommend using the Freedom Ticket course, which not only teaches you how to sell on Amazon but also how to effectively utilize Helium 10.

In addition to these resources, you're just a click away from my playlist, which will help you get the most out of this tool.

I'm proud of the content I create, and I want it to be genuinely helpful to you

My goal is to provide valuable resources, whether I create them myself or collaborate with experts like those at Helium 10.

The secret sauce is that I partnered with Helium 10 as an affiliate because it allows me to share exclusive discounts and deals with you.

These discounts save you money, and in return, I earn a small commission that helps me keep creating valuable free content.

In other words, it's a win-win!

You get helpful resources at a better price, and I can keep making the content you find useful.

Anyways, the next tool we have in the Analytics section is Market Tracker 360.

It's an advanced feature but I haven't personally tried yet.

Priced around $500 a month as a separate tool, it provides in-depth data about the market you're operating in.

I don't have more information on it at the moment, but it seems to offer a wealth of insights.

Next up is the Marketing section that consists of Adtomic, a tool that specializes in running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns for your Amazon products.

Essentially, it aids in automating your PPC endeavors and provides suggestions based on artificial intelligence or the software's analysis.

Adtomic is your go-to for managing Amazon PPC effectively.

While PPC automation might not be part of the basic Helium 10 plans, it's available in the more advanced ones or can be purchased separately.

Now, let's explore the Free Tools that come in handy.

The first one on the list is the Keyword Tool.

It's designed to unveil keyword opportunities, offering insights into potential areas for optimization.

The PPC Audit tool lets you assess the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns, providing valuable data on their performance.

Then, there's Helium 10 Chrome extension available for free, although it comes with certain limitations.

The Sales Estimator is a nifty tool that gives you an estimate of how many sales your product is likely to achieve.

If you're on the lookout for trending products to sell, the Trending Products tool has got you covered.

Anomaly Tracker is there to help you identify any irregularities in your rankings.

If you suddenly experience a drop in rank, this tool can assist in tracking and understanding the reasons behind it.

And then there's the URL Builder (GEMS).

This tool aids in creating URLs that guide people from search engines or social media directly to your products.

It's a useful feature for directing potential customers to your listings efficiently.

Helium 10 Pricing

Now, let's briefly touch on the pricing of Helium 10.

When you take a stroll over to the pricing page of Helium 10, you'll find three tiers: Starter, Platinum, and Diamond.

The Platinum tier includes the tools we've discussed, so you can have a detailed look at them on the pricing page linked below.

Interesting Read: REAL Helium 10 Platinum Discount Code

Now, when it comes to doing Product Research, we have Xray.

It's a Chrome Extension of Helium 10 that's fully accessible in the Starter plan.

However, the catch is that Xray for Walmart isn't fully available in the Starter or Platinum plans; it's limited.

-: Related Reads :-

Helium 10 Starter Vs Platinum Plan - Compared in Depth

Helium 10 Platinum vs Diamond Plan: What's Best for You?

For optimal access to Xray for Walmart, the Diamond plan is your best bet.

But if you're confused, consider taking the quiz on Helium 10 website to figure out which plan suits you best.

It can be quite handy to navigate the options.

Yet again, before you subscribe to any plan, be sure to check out my exclusive discount offers!

They'll help you save a decent amount of money for as long as you wish. :)

Helium 10 has given me two unique coupon codes for y'all.

Use the code VOVA10 to snag a 10% discount on any plans, whether you choose to pay annually or monthly.

Alternatively, VOVA6M20 gives you a 20% discount for a 6-month subscription.

Although both discount offers are pretty cool but if you ask me, I'd suggest going for VOVA10 because it works indefinitely, providing you with more value in the long run.

Starting from the Diamond plan and up, you'll also receive the Freedom Ticket course by Helium 10.

This course – as I mentioned earlier – is a solid resource to kickstart your journey in selling on Amazon and gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the Amazon marketplace.

I highly recommend going through it for a solid foundation.

The Starter plan, while providing access to the Chrome extension, comes with limitations on many tools.

Take Cerebro and Magnet, for instance; their usage is restricted to 2-3 times a day, and you'll encounter various limitations.

It might not be the most ideal for extensive use, but it serves as a good learning ground.

Moving up the ladder, we have the Platinum plan, known for its popularity.

I started with Platinum before making the shift to Diamond, where I currently reside.

Diamond, though a bit pricier, grants access to almost all the tools with the broadest data access.

In contrast, Platinum doesn't offer all the tools and occasionally imposes limitations.

For instance, when tracking keywords, you're capped at 500, and in Walmart, it's only up to 100.

Market Tracker, on the other hand, is limited to just three markets.

However, despite these constraints, Platinum remains a solid choice, especially for beginner sellers.

Now, let's talk about a valuable addition - Adtomic.

In the Diamond bundle, you not only get Helium 10 but also Adtomic as a bundle.

Adtomic, as previously discussed, is a PPC tool.

Ordinarily, it comes as an add-on for $199 per month with any plan.

However, with the Diamond bundle, you get both Helium 10 and Adtomic at a more affordable rate.

Instead of the usual $400 to $500, it's around $400 with all the discounts applied.

That's a pretty sweet deal, especially if you're looking for PPC assistance.

Circling back to Adtomic, as we discussed earlier, it comes at $199 if you opt for it as an add-on to any plan.

However, there's a more budget-friendly bundle option.

Combining Adtomic with the Diamond plan can actually save you some bucks compared to purchasing them separately.

But if Adtomic is all you need, then the Starter plan with Adtomic as an add-on might be the way to go.

Next, there's Market Tracker 360, priced at $500 per month.

While I haven't personally dived into it, the tool promises to provide substantial insights to help your growth within your niche.

It's worth noting that, according to the information available on Helium 10 website, you need a paid Helium 10 subscription to unlock all the bonuses and features that come with Market Tracker 360.

After this, let's touch on the Elite option, an exclusive training program.

I've actually reviewed with Cassandra Craven from Helium 10.

You can watch the video down below for more detailed insights into what this plan offers.

Or, if you're more of a reader, then the written version of this video is your way to go: Helium 10 Elite Review (Great Or Sucks?).

Enjoy! :)

Essentially, Elite is tailored for those seeking a mastermind experience – providing accountability, additional support, and extra resources.

It includes the entire Diamond plan, ensuring comprehensive access to Helium 10's toolkit.

If you're curious about others' experiences with this option, you can check out reviews from individuals like Cameron James, Dan Rogers, and Sylvan Welch, a seven-figure Amazon Seller.

The Bottom Line

In essence, Helium 10 serves as a tool for not only initiating but also expanding and refining your Amazon business.

I've shared a big playlist of my tutorials with you to make the most out of it.

Plus, there are the best discount deals to leverage.

So, go ahead and explore these resources to elevate your Amazon business to new heights!

I sincerely hope that Helium 10 proves beneficial for you and aids in your Amazon business endeavors.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Table of Contents
  1. Optimize Your Amazon Business with Helium 10's Essential Tools and Tutorials
    1. What is Helium 10 Used For?
    2. Helium 10 Freedom Ticket Course for Selling on Amazon
    3. What Tools Does Helium 10 Offer?
    4. Helium 10 Pricing
    5. The Bottom Line

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)