Does Jungle Scout Work in the Netherlands? Which Tools Work in Amazon Netherlands?

Vova Even Aug 23, 2024
15 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Is Jungle Scout Available In The Netherlands? Does It Work In Amazon Netherlands? Which Tools Work There
    1. Does Jungle Scout work in Netherlands - Let's See
    2. Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Netherlands Marketplace
    3. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Is Jungle Scout Available In The Netherlands? Does It Work In Amazon Netherlands? Which Tools Work There

Hey there, fellow Amazon seller!

Ever wondered if Jungle Scout is the right tool to boost your Amazon Netherlands sales?

Let's find out together.

As someone who's been navigating the Amazon world since 2016, I know firsthand how important the right tools are.

Today, we're diving into Jungle Scout and seeing how it can help you win the Dutch marketplace.

I'll explain which Jungle Scout features work in the Netherlands and share what I've learned from using them.

Plus, I've got some sweet deals and a treasure trove of tutorials to share.

To make things super easy, we'll start with Jungle Scout's official page called: "List of Supported Countries (Amazon Marketplaces)."

It lists all the countries where the platform works as well as the tools available there.

You can count on this page to provide you with the latest and most accurate information available.

The good news is that my article will give you brief overviews of each Jungle Scout tool.

I’ll also include links to detailed articles for more information.

This comprehensive approach will give you a solid understanding of the toolset and how it can benefit your Amazon business.

So, are you ready to see if Jungle Scout is your Dutch Amazon secret tool?

Let's get started!

Does Jungle Scout work in Netherlands - Let's See

Take a look at the screenshot below.

It shows the marketplaces that Jungle Scout supports, and how that support varies depending on the specific tool.

Here, you can see two key lists:

  1. Fully Compatible Marketplaces: This is the good news! These marketplaces have full access to all of Jungle Scout's features. While the Netherlands isn't on this list, there's still hope…

  1. Limited Support: This list includes marketplaces where Jungle Scout offers some, but not all, of its features. And guess who's number three on this list?

That's right,! This means Jungle Scout can still be a valuable tool for your Amazon Netherlands business.

Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Netherlands Marketplace

Now, let's get down to business.

Check out this table.

Think of it as a roadmap.

It shows which Jungle Scout tools are effective in various Amazon marketplaces.

"NL" is listed as number seven.

That means Jungle Scout can definitely help you with Amazon Netherlands.

Now, let’s find out which tools will be your secret weapons.

First up, we've got the Home Dashboard.

This is basically your main control center when you log into Jungle Scout.

Good thing is that you can use it on Amazon Netherlands.

Next, we have the Toolbox.

Inside the Toolbox, you'll find two useful tools: the Sales Estimator and the Listing Grader.

The Sales Estimator helps you guess how much a product sells each month on Amazon.

The Listing Grader, on the contrary, checks how good a specific Amazon listing is.

Unfortunately, you can't use these tools for Amazon Netherlands yet.

But don't worry!

There's another tool called Helium 10 that you can try.

It's like Jungle Scout, but it works on Amazon Netherlands.

You can even get a free trial and some sweet discounts by clicking the button below.

By the way, remember that Amazon Netherlands is still a growing marketplace, so not all tools are available yet.

The Product Research tools – Product Tracker, Product Database, Opportunity Finder, and Category Trends – also seem to be unavailable for Amazon NL.

They are all important tools though.

The Product Tracker is like a spy for your products.

You can track what they’re doing on Amazon.

See how many sales they’re making or read what people are saying about them.

The Product Database and Opportunity Finder tools are like treasure maps for finding hot products.

They let you search through a massive collection of products based on specific rules.

For example, you could say, "Show me products that weigh less than 100 grams. They should make over $50,000 a month and have fewer than 200 reviews."

These tools would then find products that match your exact criteria.

It's a fantastic way to discover hidden gems and start your product research.

Likewise, the Category Trends tool helps you spot hot categories in the market.

Unfortunately, it only works for the US market at the moment.

So, here’s a simple way to get inspired: go to

They have "Best Sellers" and "Most Wished For" lists that show the most popular products in different categories.

This can help you find new ideas quickly.

The next part is about finding suppliers.

Jungle Scout has two tools related to suppliers: the Supplier Database and the Supplier Tracker.

Unfortunately, the Supplier Database isn't available for Amazon Netherlands.

It's a useful tool that helps you discover who supplies products for your competitors.

For example, let's say you find a product you like and want to know where your competitor gets it.

With the Supplier Database, you might be able to find that information.

This can be a great way to find reliable suppliers for your own products.

But since this feature isn't available for Amazon Netherlands.

Thus, you'll need to use other methods to find suppliers for your Amazon NL business.

The Supplier Tracker tool is available for Amazon Netherlands so that's good.

This tool is like a digital filing cabinet for all your supplier information.

You can keep track of purchase invoices, communication, and other important details in one place.

It's a great way to stay organized and manage your supplier relationships effectively.

Next up, let's talk about keywords.

Unfortunately, Jungle Scout's keyword tools aren't available for Amazon Netherlands yet.

These tools include the Keyword Scout, Keyword Lists, Listing Builder, and Rank Tracker

The Keyword Scout helps you find the best keywords for your products, while Keyword Lists lets you organize them.

The Listing Builder then uses these keywords to create compelling product listings.

Rank Tracker helps you keep tabs on your product's ranking for specific keywords.

For example, let's say that you sell baby diapers. 

You can check how your product ranks for keywords like "baby diapers" or "best baby diapers."

Tracking your rank is crucial. It helps you see how well your marketing is working and shows where you can improve.

It helps you see what’s working and what needs a bit of tweaking.

You can also use it to spy on competitors and learn from their strategies.

It's a bummer that the keyword tools aren't available for Amazon NL, as they're essential for optimizing your product listings.

The next section is Marketing and we have Review Automation in it.

Trust me, this tool is a real lifesaver.

It automatically asks customers who bought your products on Amazon Netherlands to leave a review.

Imagine selling ten sets of baby diapers; with a single click, you can ask all ten customers for a review.

Jungle Scout even gives you ready-to-use review templates that Amazon likes, making it really easy to ask for reviews.

Next, there are sales analytics tools that help you see how much money your business is making.

These tools include Profit Overview, P&L statements, and other financial reports.

They work perfectly with Amazon Netherlands.

Just add your product costs, and Jungle Scout will link to your Seller Central account.

It tracks sales, refunds, and other financial info for you.

This gives you a clear view of your profits. Amazon’s own tools might miss some details, so this extra insight is really helpful.

Next, we have Advertising Analytics – part of the Jungle Scout's advertising section.

This tool is also available for Amazon Netherlands and helps you manage your pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

If you're into Amazon ads, this tool can be a game-changer.

We've got a dedicated tutorial and even a playlist to guide you through it.

Plus, don't forget to utilize my exclusive Jungle Scout discount offers.

The next set of tools helps you manage your products and inventory.

These include Inventory Manager and Product Settings & Costs.

With them, you can manage product details, track stock levels, and adjust settings and costs.

The best part?

They integrate seamlessly with Amazon Netherlands, making them essential for keeping your business running smoothly.

Imagine never running out of stock or having too much inventory sitting around.

Jungle Scout's inventory management tools make this possible.

By connecting to your Seller Central account, you can input details like production time and shipping time.

Based on your sales data, Jungle Scout will then predict when you need to reorder stock.

It's like having a personal assistant for your inventory!

Now let's talk about the Jungle Scout Chrome Extension.

This tool is designed for product research and validation.

Unfortunately, it currently doesn't support Amazon Netherlands.


To sum it up, many tools don’t support this marketplace yet, but I believe Amazon Netherlands has great potential.

It’s exciting to see Jungle Scout investing in tools for this marketplace, and I think it’s just the beginning.

Thanks for reading, and happy selling on Amazon Netherlands!

Table of Contents
  1. Is Jungle Scout Available In The Netherlands? Does It Work In Amazon Netherlands? Which Tools Work There
    1. Does Jungle Scout work in Netherlands - Let's See
    2. Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Netherlands Marketplace
    3. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)