Does Jungle Scout Work on Amazon Spain? My Detailed Review

Vova Even Aug 22, 2024
12 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Is Jungle Scout Available In Spain? Does It Work In Amazon Spain? Which Tools Work In Spain – España
    1. Does Jungle Scout work in Spain - Let's See
    2. Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Spain Marketplace

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Is Jungle Scout Available In Spain? Does It Work In Amazon Spain? Which Tools Work In Spain – España

Hey there! Looking to conquer Amazon Spain with Jungle Scout?

You're in the right place.

Let's dive in and see which Jungle Scout tools are your secret weapons for the Spanish marketplace.

Jungle Scout offers a range of tools to help you succeed on Amazon, but not all are available in every country.

To clear things up, I'll walk you through Jungle Scout's list of supported countries.

Meanwhile, you can check it out here:

I'll also share some exclusive discount deals and a playlist packed with tutorials to help you master Jungle Scout and dominate Amazon Spain.

Now, let's dive deeper into Jungle Scout's support for Amazon Spain.

Does Jungle Scout work in Spain - Let's See

Jungle Scout says that how well their tools work on different Amazon marketplaces depends on what you're trying to do.

Currently, it works really well with a lot of Amazon marketplaces, including Spain.

You can see it on their list of supported countries; Spain is number eight.

But the thing is, while Jungle Scout works great for most things on Amazon Spain, there are a few tools that don't work as well.

We'll talk about that in a minute.

For now, let's see exactly what Jungle Scout tools work on Amazon Spain.

Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Spain Marketplace

Look at this table below.

We can use it to break down which Jungle Scout tools work on each Amazon marketplace.

You see "ES" at the top?

That's Spain. 

I'm going to go through each tool and tell you if it's available for sellers in Spain.

I'll also explain what each tool does.

And, if you want to learn more about a specific tool, I'll link to an article you can read.

So, the first one is the Home Dashboard.

This is basically your main control center when you log into Jungle Scout. It's fully available for Amazon Spain and it's pretty useful.

Next up is the Sales Estimator and Listing Grader, part of the Jungle Scout Toolbox.

The Sales Estimator helps you figure out how many products are sold each month on Amazon Spain.

This is super helpful for finding good products and market niches.

Listing Grader, on the contrary, helps you figure out how good a product listing is.

It checks things like how many pictures a listing has, if it has all the important details, and if the title is the right length.

Both of these tools are available for Amazon Spain.

If you want to learn how to use these tools, check out my Jungle Scout tutorial playlist by clicking the button below.

Next up is Product Research.

Jungle Scout has a few tools for finding great products: the Product Tracker, Product Database, and Opportunity Finder.

You can use these tools on Amazon Spain, but the Category Trends tool isn't available there yet.

Let's break these down.

The Product Tracker is like following a product's journey.

You can watch a competitor's product or your own to see how it's doing, check out new reviews, and learn more about the market.

The Product Database and Opportunity Finder are for discovering new products.

You can search for products on Amazon Spain based on things like price, weight, number of reviews, and how much they sell for each month.

Jungle Scout has millions of products in its database, so you can find exactly what you're looking for.

The Category Trends tool is only available for the US marketplace.

This tool shows you which products are selling best in different categories and how those sales are changing over time.

While it's not available for Spain, you can still find this information by checking out the best sellers list on Amazon Spain directly.

Let's move on to the next tool.

Jungle Scout has two tools related to suppliers: the Supplier Database and the Supplier Tracker.

The Supplier Database is a great tool for finding potential suppliers, but unfortunately, it's only available for the US marketplace right now.

It works by letting you search for suppliers based on a specific product.

For example, if you love a competitor's product, you can plug it into the database and sometimes find out who their supplier is.

This can be a great way to find high-quality suppliers.

The Supplier Tracker, on the other hand, is available for Amazon Spain.

This tool helps you organize and keep track of all your supplier information, like contact details and purchase orders.

It's really useful for staying on top of things, especially when you're working with multiple suppliers.

Next, let's talk about keywords.

Jungle Scout has a whole suite of tools to help you find and use the right keywords: Keyword Scout, Keyword Lists, Listing Builder, and Rank Tracker.

Great news, all of these tools work on Amazon Spain!

Keyword Scout helps you discover the best keywords for your products.

Once you have your keywords, you can organize them into lists using the Keyword Lists tool.

Then, you can use the Listing Builder to create compelling product listings that include your carefully chosen keywords.

Finding the right keywords is crucial for getting your products seen, so these tools are essential for Amazon sellers in Spain.

Finally, let's talk about the Rank Tracker.

This tool is also available for Amazon Spain.

It helps you keep an eye on how well your products are ranking for specific keywords.

For example, if you're selling rose seeds, you can track how your product ranks for keywords like "rose seeds for garden" or "red rose seeds."

Tracking your rankings is important because it shows you how well your marketing efforts are working.

If you're running ads and your product starts ranking higher, you know your ads are effective.

You can also use the Rank Tracker to watch your competitors.

If you see their rankings changing, it might give you clues about their marketing strategies.

Next up, let's talk about marketing.

One helpful tool is Review Automation.

This feature is available for all Amazon marketplaces, including Spain.

It automatically sends review requests to customers who've purchased your products.

Don't worry, it's smart!

Review Automation skips orders that were refunded or canceled.

While there's always a chance of getting a negative review, this tool increases your chances of getting positive feedback.

The review requests are formatted according to Amazon's rules, so you don't have to worry about getting in trouble.

Next up is Sales Analytics.

Jungle Scout offers tools like Profit Overview, P&L statements, and other financial reports.

Great news: these are all available for Amazon Spain.

These tools help you understand your profits, margins, and overall financial health.

You can input information like product costs, and Jungle Scout will calculate your earnings based on your sales, refunds, and returns.

This is super helpful because Amazon's built-in financial tools are pretty limited.

With Jungle Scout, you get a much clearer picture of your business's performance.

Now, let's talk about advertising.

Jungle Scout offers Advertising Analytics, a tool designed to help you manage your Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

This tool is available for Amazon Spain.

Many sellers use Amazon's built-in Seller Central for PPC, but some prefer using third-party tools.

Advertising Analytics can be a great option.

I've also created a tutorial to help you get started with this tool, which you can find in my Jungle Scout tutorials playlist.

Don't forget to check out the buttons below for the best Jungle Scout discounts!

The final piece of the Jungle Scout puzzle is managing your products.

This is where the Inventory Manager and Product Settings & Costs tools come in.

Both are available for Amazon Spain.

These tools are essential for keeping your inventory levels just right.

Running out of stock can hurt your sales and damage your Amazon seller reputation.

On the other hand, having too much inventory ties up your money and can lead to storage fees.

Jungle Scout’s Inventory Manager helps you strike the perfect balance.

It connects to your Amazon Seller Central account to track your sales.

You can also input information like production time and shipping time for each product.

Based on this data, the tool predicts when you'll run low on stock and sends you alerts.

For example, if you have 20 days of stock left for a particular product and it takes 30 days to replenish your inventory, the tool will tell you to reorder now.

This way, you can avoid stockouts.

Similarly, if you have a surplus of a product, the tool can help you identify slow-moving items and adjust your ordering strategy.

This is a game-changer for managing inventory.

It takes the guesswork out of deciding when and how much to order.

Trust me, as an Amazon seller, staying in stock without overstocking is a huge challenge.

Inventory management tools like Jungle Scout's can be a lifesaver, especially with seasonal products.

Now, let's scroll down a bit on the Jungle Scout website.

Here's some great news!

The Jungle Scout Chrome Extension is fully functional for Amazon Spain (

This means you can use this extension for product research and validation to find winning products to sell.

If you're new to the extension, don't worry!

I've created this comprehensive tutorial that walks you through everything you need to know.

And that brings us to the end of our deep dive into Jungle Scout's features for Amazon Spain.

Phew, that was a lot of ground we covered!

We explored everything from product research and keyword scouting to inventory management.

Jungle Scout equips Amazon sellers in Spain with a powerful toolbox for success.

Thanks for joining me!

Here's to a fantastic Amazon selling journey in the Spanish marketplace.

Happy selling!

P.S. Don't forget to check out the best deals on Jungle Scout and my playlist packed with tutorials to help you become a pro!

Table of Contents
  1. Is Jungle Scout Available In Spain? Does It Work In Amazon Spain? Which Tools Work In Spain – España
    1. Does Jungle Scout work in Spain - Let's See
    2. Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Spain Marketplace

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)