Does Jungle Scout Work on Amazon Brazil? My Honest Review For JS Brasil

Vova Even Aug 27, 2024
25 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Is Jungle Scout Available In Brazil? Does It Work In Amazon Brazil? Which Tools Work In Brasil
    1. Does Jungle Scout work in Brazil - Let's See
    2. Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Brazil Marketplace
    3. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Is Jungle Scout Available In Brazil? Does It Work In Amazon Brazil? Which Tools Work In Brasil

Hi there! I’m Vova Even. Today, let’s talk about Jungle Scout and its availability in Brazil.

Jungle Scout is a tool that helps Amazon sellers find success.

In this article, we’ll go through which Jungle Scout tools work in Brazil and how they can be useful for you.

If you're wondering whether Jungle Scout works for the Amazon Brasil marketplace, you're in the right place.

I will explain each tool and what it does.

Plus, you’ll find the best deals for Jungle Scout and a playlist with over 100 helpful tutorials on Jungle Scout.

Jungle Scout has a page on the site that lists supported countries for different Amazon marketplaces.

Access the Page Here: List of Jungle Scout Supported Countries (Amazon Marketplaces)

This page includes a chart showing which Jungle Scout tools are available in different marketplaces.

I’ll make it easier for you to understand right here.

But that's not it! 

To sweeten the deal even more, I'll also give you easy-to-follow guides on almost every tool.

So, let’s dive in.

Does Jungle Scout work in Brazil - Let's See

Jungle Scout helps people use different Amazon stores, but how well it works depends on the tool you're using.

Right now, it works great with many Amazon marketplaces, but not fully in Brazil.

Brazil is listed as number nine on the limited support countries list.

So, while Jungle Scout works in many places where Amazon sells products, it doesn't work perfectly in Brazil yet.

Now, let’s look closer at which Jungle Scout tools are available in Brazil.

Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Brazil Marketplace

To see what does work for Amazon Brazil, look for the "BR" label on the list.

We’ll check which features are available and which ones are not.

Let’s talk about the Home Dashboard.

The Home Dashboard is the main screen you see when you log into Jungle Scout.

It’s available for all Amazon marketplaces, including Brazil.

This dashboard helps you navigate through the different features of Jungle Scout.

So, whether you’re using Jungle Scout for any marketplace, you’ll find the Home Dashboard ready and easy to use.

Next, let’s talk about two tools from the Toolbox: the Sales Estimator and the Listing Grader.

The Sales Estimator helps you find out how many sales a product makes each month on Amazon.

Listing Grader shows you how good or bad a product listing is.

Unfortunately, these tools are not available for Amazon Brazil right now.

If you’re looking for alternatives, there’s a tool called Helium 10.

It’s also being updated and supports Amazon Brazil, but only in a limited way.

You can start with a free trial and access discounts by clicking on the button below.


Use the coupon code VOVA10 to get 10% off for life, or VOVA6M20 for 20% off your first 6 months.

For a full list of supported marketplaces, check out my blog post: Helium 10 for Global Sellers: Supported Countries (Updated List).

Let’s move on to Product Research.

Currently, none of Jungle Scout’s Product Research tools work for Amazon Brazil.

This includes tools like Product Tracker, Product Database, Opportunity Finder, and Category Trends.

Product Tracker is a tool that helps you follow the sales and details of a product over time.

Product Database and Opportunity Finder tools help you find good products on Amazon based on the criteria you set.

For example, you can use Product Database to search for products that make over $20,000 per month, have fewer than 10 reviews, and weigh less than 1 kilogram (or about 2.2 pounds).

You can check out my playlist of all Jungle Scout tutorials below to see how these tools work.

However, keep in mind that they are not available for Amazon Brazil.

Now, let’s talk about Category Trends.

It shows you the top sellers in specific categories on Amazon.

This tool only works with Amazon US.

So, if you want to find popular products in Brazil, you can check the 'Best Sellers' section on Amazon Brazil.

Next is the Suppliers section. It includes Supplier Database and Supplier Tracker.

The Supplier Database helps you find good suppliers for your products based on competition and other factors.

For example, you can search for a product on Amazon and find its supplier using this database.

However, it only works with the United States market and is not available for Brazil or any other marketplace.

I do have a tutorial on how to use this tool in my playlist, but again, it's not available for Brazil.

Next up is Supplier Tracker that helps you keep your suppliers and invoices organized all in one place.

This tool is fully available for Amazon Brazil, so you can use it to manage your business more easily.

Now, let’s talk about Keywords.

Tools in this section include Keyword Scout, Keyword Lists, Listing Builder, and Rank Tracker.

Keyword Scout helps you find keywords for different products, but it doesn’t work with Amazon Brazil.

Keyword Lists is another tool that helps you organize the keywords you find into lists.

From these lists, you can use the Listing Builder to create a product listing based on those keywords.

But again, this tool is not available for Amazon Brazil.

Next, let’s look at Rank Tracker.

This tool helps you check the rank of specific keywords on Amazon.

For example, if you have a keyword for a product, like a gardening shovel with a big handle, Rank Tracker shows you where this keyword appears in search results.

You can see if it’s on page number one, position number 10, for example.

You can use Rank Tracker to organize and track the best keywords for your product or your competitor's products.

Sadly, Rank Tracker is also not available for Amazon Brazil at this time.

Now, let’s talk about the Marketing section that offers a Review Automation tool.

It's really awesome and the good thing is it's available for Amazon Brazil.

Here's how it works: If you sell products on Amazon Brazil and want to get reviews from your customers automatically, it will send an automatic email to your customers using an Amazon-approved template.

This email asks customers to leave a review after they have bought your product.

So, if you are looking to get more reviews, Review Automation is a useful tool for you in Brazil.

Next, let’s discuss Sales Analytics.

Jungle Scout offers tools like Profit Overview and P&L Statement to help you see your final profits from selling on Amazon, including Amazon Brazil.

Yes, these tools are fully available for Amazon Brazil.

You can input the costs of your products, and Jungle Scout will use its algorithms to connect with your Seller Central account to show you your total profits.

On Amazon, you can see your sales, but the details are limited and you can’t enter your product costs.

With tools like Profit Overview and P&L Statement, you get a much clearer view of your profits.

This helps you understand if you are making money or not. 

If you want detailed results about your business, these tools are very helpful.

Let me remind you that you can find tutorials on how to use different Jungle Scout tools in my playlist.

I also have videos on the juiciest Jungle Scout discount coupons.

So, be sure to check it out.

Now let’s talk about Advertising.

Jungle Scout offers a tool called Advertising Analytics.

This tool helps you manage your pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Amazon.

It’s more advanced than the standard Amazon interface for PPC.

Some people use only Amazon’s built-in tools, while others prefer using specialized tools like Advertising Analytics.

I've got a tutorial on it in my playlist. You can check it out anytime using the button below. :)

Let’s move on to Manage Products now.

This section includes tools like Inventory Manager and Product Settings and Costs.

These tools help you keep track of your stock so you don’t run out or have too much.

You can check how many products you’re selling and get alerts about if you’re running low or have too many.

Simply enter details like how long it takes to make and ship your products.

Jungle Scout connects to your Seller Central account to check your sales and then advises you when to order more stock.

It’s a very useful tool for managing your inventory.

I highly recommend using it to keep your business running smoothly.

Next, let’s talk about the Jungle Scout Chrome extension.

This tool is great for researching and checking products on Amazon.

You can use it with several Amazon marketplaces, but right now, it doesn’t work with Amazon Brazil.

If you’re reading this article in the future, maybe things will have changed.

Amazon Brazil might be supported by then, so be sure to keep checking the list of supported countries on Jungle Scout's official website. 

Next, let’s talk about the 'exclusive' discount deals that I've got for you.

-: 50% Off! :-

That's right! You can get Jungle Scout for half the price. It's like finding a super cool toy and getting it for half the cost!

-: Special Deals :-

Sometimes, Jungle Scout has special offers. You might get a bigger discount, extra stuff with your order, or a chance to try it out for a short time. It's like finding surprise goodies in a cereal box!

-: Yearly Deal :-

If you want Jungle Scout for a whole year, you can save money. It's like buying a big pack of your favorite snacks and getting a discount. You’ll keep using Jungle Scout without paying as much each month.


I hope you found this guide helpful.

If you have any questions or need more details about using Jungle Scout in Brazil, feel free to explore my playlist of Jungle Scout tutorials.

I wish you a fantastic day and the best of luck with your Amazon selling journey!

Table of Contents
  1. Is Jungle Scout Available In Brazil? Does It Work In Amazon Brazil? Which Tools Work In Brasil
    1. Does Jungle Scout work in Brazil - Let's See
    2. Jungle Scout's Features Breakdown by Amazon Brazil Marketplace
    3. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)