Real Talk About How To Start Selling On Amazon

Vova Even Nov 22, 2023
12 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. How To Get Started On Amazon? – Essential Tips And Tricks For New Sellers
    1. Tal's Story And Failures
    2. Why Choose Amazon As Your eCommerce Platform?
    3. All About Amazon FBA And How It Works
    4. Implementing A Revised Game Plan On The Second Attempt
    5. Can Beginners Thrive On Amazon With Basic Knowledge, Or Is Extensive Training Required?
    6. Amazon: The Biggest Mall In The World
    7. The Power Of Not Giving Up!
    8. Invest In Your Education To Get Help With Your Journey
    9. Tal’s Last Words For Us
    10. Conclusion

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

How To Get Started On Amazon? – Essential Tips And Tricks For New Sellers

Are you eager to learn how to get started on Amazon and launch your successful online business?

Stay tuned and read on. :)

Hey there, eCommerce enthusiasts and aspiring digital entrepreneurs!

Welcome to the exciting world of online business, where dreams turn into reality and success is just a few clicks away. 

Now, in general, if you look around, you see people eagerly searching for avenues to kickstart their Amazon selling journey, yet finding themselves clueless about where to begin.

This happens because starting off on a platform as huge as Amazon is no child's play! 

Today, we're going to dive deep into the process of starting your own Amazon business.

We'll embark on a captivating journey alongside my friend, Tal Farber, who has ventured into the arena of Amazon selling.

If you're reading this article, I assume you're a beginner who's out to explore how everything works.

No worries, I'm here to help you out, as long as you're ready to plot strategically, of course. ;) 

And oh, before we dive in, you might as well want to know about my YouTube video, which comprehensively covers all the contents of today's blog.

So if you're someone who prefers visuals over text, here you go: 

Tal's Story And Failures

Alright, let's kick things off with Tal's entrepreneurial adventure.

So, around two years ago, Tal made the bold move and entered the world of Amazon selling.

His first product seemed promising at first glance, but as he delved deeper, he encountered some roadblocks.

And as it turned out, the product wasn't really profitable, to begin with. 

Yep, they were thrilled with the sales they were generating – a solid 20 to 30 products per day.

However, it's crucial for aspiring sellers to understand that when conducting Amazon product research, mainly when using tools like the Helium 10 extension, you don't necessarily need to hold onto the numbers you see (I'll explain what I mean soon).

helium 10 promos

When you actually start selling and engaging with suppliers, you'll come to realize that these figures are variable and may not align precisely with what you initially observed.

The truth is, when using tools like Helium 10, or Jungle Scout, you might come across tempting figures, such as $40,000 in monthly sales.

jungle scout seasonal discounts

But hey, it's essential to understand that this isn't the whole picture.

Finding a successful product goes beyond the surface-level sales numbers.

To truly succeed, you need to seek out products that can be sourced at a low cost.

Moreover, make sure the product itself is of high quality, accompanied by compelling packaging, an optimized Amazon listing, and captivating images.

All these elements work together to create a winning formula for success in the competitive world of Amazon selling.

Taking a step back here, let's see what actually made us begin in the first place.

If you were to ask me, it all boils down to your mindset and the driving force behind your decision to start.

Speaking from my own experience, I embarked on this journey a few years back for various reasons, but primarily because I wanted freedom.

I yearned to break free from the chains of my job, which eventually led me to build up the courage to bid farewell to the 9-to-5 grind.

If you've been on my blog before, perhaps you're already familiar with my story.

But what made Tal take the leap? Well, despite being 35 now, Tal had spent a significant portion of his life working the typical nine-to-five job.

And in case you're curious, he was into designing websites and graphics, but deep down, he yearned for something beyond a traditional job.

Yep, you guessed that right - the predictable routine of a monthly paycheck no longer satisfied him.

He craved more—a sense of financial independence and the freedom to lead his own life without a boss breathing down his neck.

His journey into the world of entrepreneurship wasn't a walk in the park, of course.

And Tal knew it wouldn't be easy.

It posed challenges far different from a regular day job.

However, it was a challenge more manageable and perhaps even enjoyable.

Why Choose Amazon As Your eCommerce Platform?

Here's perhaps the most popular question that pops up in the minds of beginners.

Contrary to popular belief, diving into the world of Amazon doesn't require extensive prior knowledge.

In fact, you can start with little to no knowledge at all.

Oftentimes, outsourcing is at your disposal,  as you can delegate tasks such as listing creation, product sourcing, and image design.

Yep, a certain level of investment is indeed necessary, but it's not an unbeatable hurdle.

It's a manageable amount, and the returns can be huge! 

I firmly believe in the potential of Amazon because, when approached ethically and with the right strategies in place, it has the power to yield huge profits within a relatively short period.

Whether you choose the "white hat" approach or "black hat" techniques (though I recommend sticking to ethical practices), you can make a good profit pretty fast. 

In just a matter of a couple of months, it's entirely possible to generate a profit of $1,000 or even $2,000.

This remarkable potential is precisely what inspired Tal to embark on his selling journey on Amazon. 

Having said that, when it comes to running a business, it's crucial to stay connected to the numbers.

It's natural to come across information about Amazon through various sources, such as videos or individuals selling courses.

While there's nothing wrong with investing in educational resources, it's important to manage your expectations and understand that the reality may differ from your expectations. 

But now that we're successfully over the beginner phase, everything works pretty well for us.

And guess what?

The sales keep rolling in, and we're successfully managing our business. Kirill is still based in Thailand, while I currently reside in Israel.

Interestingly, alongside our Amazon venture, I've ventured into another company.

Despite this, our Amazon business continues to be a significant source of income for us, sustaining our livelihood.

It's an incredible feeling, living off the success of our business, and I must say, it's pretty cool.

Speaking of Tal, the guy sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of products, and that too, just about 1500 units!

That's no small feat, considering that many individuals who aspire to start their own businesses often struggle to take their first step forward.

Sadly, many never get started at all.

However, for those who are currently reading this and thinking about their own entrepreneurial journey, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the leap and make it happen because it's absolutely within your reach.

You can't let fear hold you back.

Trust me when I say what you're dreaming of is totally achievable!

By already surpassing this milestone, you've already outperformed a considerable majority of people who dream but never take action.


I, along with my partner, started in Canada this year, and we're about to cross 100,000$ in sales there.

Yep, you guessed that right - the market is alive..

All About Amazon FBA And How It Works

Before you ask, the key to our success lies in leveraging the Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) service, which has been incredibly beneficial throughout.

And here's how it works: When you order the goods, you simply ship them to an Amazon warehouse, and you're done.

From there, Amazon takes care of the rest.

They handle the storage, packaging, and delivery of the products to your customers.

But hey, let's not forget that you need to enlist in the FBA program first.

And just like you might have guessed, it isn't half as simple as it sounds.

In fact, our guest, Tal himself, ran into some difficulties with that when he launched my first product.

And not just that, he faced profit-related issues with his first product, especially with refunds.

The guy had to deal with around 90 refunds per month, which is A LOT of money, right?

Exactly! Yet, so many people tend to overlook this aspect and its financial implications.

An equally important aspect to consider is the FBA fees.

It's crucial to keep these fees in mind, along with all the necessary steps involved moving forward.

While neglecting, these might let you sell on Amazon, but remember - you're here to make a living out of the platform!

So, you need to make sure you're on the right track.

And that was perhaps the biggest mistake Tal made with his first product, as he mentioned in the discussion. 

Quite obviously, when you've been working a traditional nine-to-five job all your life, it's only natural to suck at organizing your finances.

Trust me, it's never a walk in the park, but it's all a part of the valuable learning process. 

Just like Tal, who's been in this business for almost three years now, he doesn't fear admitting that his first product didn't perform well.

But woah, he's currently in the process of launching his second product. And guess what?

It took the man a whole year to finally find a good product that he thought had the right potential! 😳

Well, the truth is, finding the perfect product is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride.

The process involves reaching out to suppliers, going over product dimensions, assessing the quality, and more.

But the good news is that it is achievable.

Yes, it is indeed possible! The key is to prioritize and focus on the numbers because that's precisely what makes the process so doable. 

So, just to take a quick look at the FBA model for those who may be unsure, what we essentially do is called private labeling.

This means creating products under our own brand.

In our case, we have sourced these products from China, but it's important to note that you can source from various parts of the world.

Whether you are from the United States or any other country, you have the flexibility to source domestically or internationally, such as from China, Portugal, Brazil, Israel, or anywhere else. 

The basic concept of the model is – we start by creating a product.

We buy a huge chunk of this product, and then we search for a market to target, which means identifying a niche that presents an excellent opportunity for our product.

For example, let's consider one of my products, a grill brush, which is a cleaning tool for grills.

We conducted research to determine a suitable niche for the product.

And let's not forget that the market for grill brushes is quite competitive these days, but since we began selling them in 2018, we're able to pull off more customer reviews and feedback.

Once we've identified the right niche and created a product in that, the next goal is to stand out from the crowd and look different in the market.

In the meantime, we strive to address and improve upon the existing problems within that niche.

This process requires quite a lot of time and effort, just as mentioned before.

You know, it involves conducting thorough research on the product and working closely with people like Tal to understand the specific issues and challenges.

And, of course, the geographical distance between Israel (where I reside) and China (where the product is sourced) is just an additional layer of complexity that needs to be dealt with.

Anyone who has had the issues of "Time Difference" knows that it's just as frustrating as it gets.

So, remember – these hurdles require a good amount of patience and a willingness to invest your time to make things work for you! 

For example, once we are creating the product, we focus on adding value and differentiating ourselves from competitors.

For this, we package the products in a unique and appealing way, as well as incorporate branding elements to establish our own identity.

Also, it's crucial to position the product to target a specific audience or market segment.

And yes, I've got to admit - this process can be quite comprehensive and intricate, diving beyond surface-level discussions that may be covered in some courses.

While certain Amazon FBA courses may provide a thorough A-to-Z understanding, many times, it's not even spoken about. Believe it or not, that's quite a bummer! 

Next up, once we've set ourselves aside from the fierce competition, the next step is to ship them from China to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

Btw, for this, I'd recommend UnreaL China, or Unicargo, for example. They are reliable freight forwarders for Amazon sellers.

Right after, Amazon takes charge of handling and delivering the products to customers.

And that's just about how our products become visible on Amazon's website, allowing potential buyers to make purchases.

Ultimately, this streamlined process enables our products to reach customers. 

But, oh man, if you think it's simple, you need to rethink.

It's more than just shipping your products to Amazon.

For instance, you've got to create the listing, capture high-quality pictures, create product videos, and whatnot!

To top it off, it also involves handling technical aspects like setting up an Amazon seller account and managing pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns to promote the product.

But let's not forget the stand-out element - you don't have to touch the products! 

So, for instance, as you're reading this, I have some sales happening across different channels on the internet, such as Amazon or YouTube.

It's mind-blowing, isn't it? The best part is that this opportunity is not limited to a specific profession or a specific group of people.

Anyone, and yes, I mean anyone, can dive into this exciting journey!

All you need is a spark of entrepreneurial spirit, a strong desire to transform your life, and a genuine commitment to making it happen.

Because let's be clear - this is what real business is.  

Tal's first product didn't quite hit the mark for various reasons, and one of them was the lack of sufficient attention to the numbers.

During our chat, he mentioned that he rushed the process instead of taking the time to negotiate for a better price.

But as he wisely pointed out, it's all part of the learning process, isn't it? 

Next up, the most crucial step is "Product Inspection." UnreaL China can also help you with that. This link will further explain how it works.

Let's say when sourcing products from China; you've got to book an inspection with a specialized inspection company.

They will thoroughly examine the products to ensure they meet the desired quality standards and specifications.

Once the inspection is complete and the products pass the quality check, then only you can ship them from China to your destination, such as the United States.

And before you begin to wonder, it's typically done with the help of a freight forwarder, who manages the logistics and transportation of your products. Pretty cool, right?

Implementing A Revised Game Plan On The Second Attempt

As Tal embarked on his second attempt, I inquired about the changes he had made since the last time that his product failed.

Now, with a fresh start, I was curious to know what he plans to do differently this time around. 

Although we have touched upon some aspects earlier, I wanted to delve deeper into Tal's approach.

Given his belief in the Amazon FBA model and selling on Amazon, I asked Tal to share specific adjustments he plans to make on his second try and what he would do differently this time around. 

Well, here's a quick rundown of all the tips and tricks Tal shared for the 

second triers, or precisely what he'd be doing differently for the second try: 

  1. Avoid rushing and give yourself ample time to make well-informed decisions throughout the process.

  1. Pay close attention to the numbers and ensure a thorough understanding of the financial aspects involved.


  1. Invest the necessary effort in researching and understanding the market, competition, and customer preferences. Yep, outsourcing specific tasks is an option, but make sure you're actively involved in the process to improve the product.

  1. Add value to the product. This could mean enhancing the product by incorporating additional features, packaging improvements, or inserting value-added items to make it stand out in the market.

  1. Choose an Amazon niche carefully, considering factors like market saturation and competition. Tal acknowledges that even within a supersaturated niche like grill brushes, you can still explore some sub-niches and find them to be pretty valuable.


  1. And finally, his biggest tip is to never give up and be persistent. Of course, it may feel challenging and discouraging at times but don't forget - your perseverance will eventually generate the results you've always dreamed of. In fact, Tal wholeheartedly promises you that your efforts will pay off! 

Let's be honest; most people fall into the trap of thinking that success is guaranteed when they see impressive numbers through tools like Helium 10 (software for sales analysis).

But hey, the reality is nothing like it. Hence, the point here is, that you need to do the legwork to make these numbers work in your favor. 

Being his second attempt, Tal claims he has gained knowledge and experience in the workings of Amazon.

Also, he even chooses to outsource certain aspects, such as creating my product listing, optimizing product images, and managing Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns.

For that, he has enlisted the help of professionals and companies who specialize in these areas to ensure the best results. 

Indeed, that's the beauty of selling on Amazon.

Even with minimal knowledge in these areas, you can still navigate the platform and find success by seeking the support of professionals who are well-versed in these areas.

Pretty cool….I know!

Can Beginners Thrive On Amazon With Basic Knowledge, Or Is Extensive Training Required?

Just as I mentioned earlier, it only takes minimal knowledge to be able to thrive on Amazon.

But that raises the question - what exactly does this level of knowledge cover? 

Well, if you intend to sell in the United States, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of English.

Because that's what decides how well you're able to communicate with your customers.

Moreover, you need to have basic computer skills, such as knowing how to operate a web browser.

And that's pretty much all you need to know to get started.

Yes, you read that right!

How Much Money Do You Need to Start Selling on Amazon?

When we compare selling on Amazon to other types of businesses, it's crucial to consider the monetary aspect just as much as anything else.

For instance, if we want to begin selling on Amazon today, we have various options beyond private labeling, including wholesale, dropshipping, and different forms of arbitrage, such as online arbitrage and retail arbitrage.

You just need to find the path that works best for you, and you're good to go. 

Now, suppose that you're interested in private-label products.

Let's consider the comparison between starting a private label business and opening a local bar in New York.

Honestly, you'll need tons of money for the latter; for instance, you might need to invest around half a million shekels or potentially even more, depending on your needs for necessary equipment and machinery.

Additionally, expenses like rent and electricity need to be accounted for just so you can get your bar running.

And if you were to ask me, that's insane. 

On the flip side, when it comes to selling products on Amazon, it's essential to invest in your product.

You may also need to consider additional services to enhance your listings, such as hiring professionals like photographers or PPC experts

If you are considering starting a private label business, the required investment can vary depending on different opinions.

Some suggest around $5,000, while others say $10,000.

However, if you want to approach the business with a solid determination to succeed and establish a long-lasting presence, I'd recommend setting aside at least $3,000.

This amount will allow you to cover expenses for your initial batch of products (if they are cheap) and have some funds available for the second. 

Let's say you purchase 500 products for your private label business.

Suppose that they start selling well and generate the need to create additional products, but you don't have money from your sales yet.

Well, that's where the need for those extra funds kicks in.

This implies that even if you have great profits, make sure you still keep some money aside.

In the initial stages of your business, it's common not to have any ongoing projects.

Typically, you would purchase a batch of 1,000 units, sell them, and then reinvest the profits to keep the cycle going. It can be 100, 300 units as well.

It may take you quite some time till you're finally able to keep the profits.

These reinvestments then lead to long-term profitability - your end goal. 

However, it depends on the product.

There are instances where you can find products that have a low production cost, such as purchasing them for a dollar in China and factoring in shipping costs, resulting in a landed cost of around $1.

Now, let's say it sells for $20.

This means your return on investment is enormous, and you make a lot of money, right? (If Amazon fees are not high for this one).

But hey, don't let this fool you because not all products work that way. 

Much in the same way, for some products, after accounting for PPC ads and other marketing expenses, the return on investment can reach around 200% to 300%.

This means that for every dollar invested, you can expect to get $3 out.

So, for example, if you invested $10,000, your pure profit is going to be 30, which I believe is pretty cool.

And as you would've guessed already, this allows you to reinvest the profits quickly by purchasing more of the successful product and arranging its shipment.

Yep, it's essential to allocate funds for investment purposes, regardless of the type of business.

Amazon: The Biggest Mall In The World

In the discussion, Tal also mentioned looking at Amazon as the biggest mall in the world.

And the sellers are mere individuals running a store there.

Let's take the example of money, as we discussed previously.

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario where you desire to rent a store in one of the largest malls in the US.

Well, that's going to cost you TONS of money. 

In the same way, if you're a seller who wishes to rent a store, i.e., set up a business on Amazon, the biggest selling platform in the world, you're saving up more money than you think.

Sure, setting up your business on Amazon isn't cheap, but it's super affordable compared to renting a store in a US mall. 

Every year, a massive number of new sellers flock to Amazon, with approximately 4,000 sellers being added daily.

The competition can be intense, but if you look at it the other way, you'll realize that the market is expanding, and the traffic on Amazon is truly remarkable.

And the best part?

Anyone can participate by treating it as if they were renting a store on Amazon.

That's exactly what strengthened Tal's faith in the platform, as he mentioned to me earlier in the chat. 

Now that may raise another question - how did Tal begin selling in the first place, and what compelled him to take the first step?

Well, it was none other than the course, Helium 10 Freedom Ticket by Kevin King that encouraged him to embark on the venture.

Also, you might look up my YouTube Channel for countless helpful videos or simply navigate your way through my free Udemy courses.

Also, if you're actually serious about getting started right away, I'd advise investing in a course.

Obviously, when you put your money into something, it often indicates a higher level of commitment, right?

Just as I mentioned earlier, the best example of such a course is the Freedom Ticket by Helium 10.

This way, you not only gain access to a comprehensive A-to-Z course for free but also receive the added advantage of using the software itself.

What's more, you can simply access the free course using this link.

It's an affiliate link, meaning that if you make a purchase through it, I will receive a small commission, but at no extra cost to you! :)

I also have superb Helium 10 discounts for you.

The Power Of Not Giving Up!

Among the tips Tal gave us, we think it's the best tip to never give up.

Having said that, let's take things ahead a bit.

Let's be real; throughout your journey with Amazon, it's totally expected to encounter various glitches or minor hiccups along the way.

But you can't give up because that won't take you anywhere.

And that's the last thing you want, I bet! 

And, oh, did I mention Tal's determination not to give up?

Let me share that part of the story.

Well, a couple of months ago, while browsing on his computer, Tal received a red notice upon attempting to access his Seller Central account on Amazon.

The notice stated that his seller account had been blocked.

On reaching out for help, Amazon requested him to provide his credentials and passport as part of the verification process.

Not to forget, his Amazon account was linked to a Payoneer account (it's an online bank), so Amazon asked for proof of his association with Payoneer as well, such as certificates or documents illustrating his working history and income generated through the platform.

He gathered the requested information and submitted it to Amazon's support team on the first day of contact.

However, to his disappointment, he received no immediate response.

Amazon's support team seemed to be rather difficult, as they failed to communicate any specific reasons for the account blockage and only requested additional details.

Yet, he didn't give up.

In fact, the man consistently provided the requested details, submitting them multiple times over the course of three days.

Finally, after some patience, he got his account restored by Amazon.

Yes, the delay was pretty frustrating, but that's when Tal realized the key is to accept things as a part of the process.

Now, think about it - what if he had given up?

Would he be launching his second product on Amazon today?

Absolutely not! Well, that just goes to show us that you need to be consistent if you want to land a good spot in life.

Similarly, when you're selling on Amazon, you're going to encounter different situations, sometimes ones you never even expected.

But the key is to take it easy and understand that it's all a part of the business journey, just as I illustrated using Tal's example of account blockage.

In the world of business, anything can happen, so it's crucial to be prepared.

For instance, during his initial product sales, Tal encountered a setback caused by COVID.

They imposed shipping limits, allowing him to ship only 200 units, while his business required a larger volume.

As a result, he had to abandon the first product. It was a challenging experience, but in the end, that's what unforeseen circumstances are like; they can disrupt plans in the business.

Again, you need to take it easy, just like Tal did here!

But what makes you take things easily?

First things first, take a step back and find your calm.

You might just breathe, take your time to process things, or even reach out to a friend for support.

And trust me, it helps!

Then, remind yourself that no matter the challenge or obstacle that arises, anything can be fixed in business.

Whether it's dealing with a negative review, a blocked account, or hijackers, there's always a solution out there for you.

The key is to approach these situations with a calm and composed mindset. 

Ah, I remember experiencing my first negative review on a pair of kitchen scissors, and it was quite disheartening.

It's always disappointing to receive a one-star review.

But for my case, the review was pretty extreme.

Typically, one would expect a negative review for a product that says, "The product doesn't work well" or "It's not good enough," right?

But the guy in my case wrote a super long review criticizing the scissors.

And as you might have guessed already, I panicked over it for quite some time.

Well, I guess we all learn it the hard way, don't we? 

Here's a pro tip - when faced with a negative review, it's important to take the time to read and understand the feedback.

Next up, make sure you don't take it too personally or let it affect your well-being and sleep.

Remember, incidents like this are bound to happen in business, and it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective. 

That said, another little piece of advice from my side for anyone facing challenging situations is to recognize and acknowledge your emotions when they arise.

Whether it's anxiety, fear, or pressure, allow yourself to feel and accept those emotions.

By acknowledging them, you can better deal with them and find ways to navigate through the situation.

It's important to remind yourself that it's okay to experience these emotions and let them come through. Just deal with it head-on! 

Then, ask yourself if this review will have a severe impact on your life or if it will completely hinder your income.

The reality is that it may vary.

Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, focus on finding solutions and taking the next steps forward.

Remember, one review does not define the entirety of your business or personal well-being. So, the more you let things flow, the better! 

Invest In Your Education To Get Help With Your Journey

One significant suggestion I have for anyone who is serious about any kind of business is to invest in their education.

By continuously learning and expanding your knowledge, you can stay updated with industry trends, acquire valuable skills, and make more informed decisions.

Perhaps the best way to do this is by reading books because you've got to be constantly learning. 

Ever since I began my journey as an online entrepreneur back in 2016, I've been on a constant quest for knowledge.

I've read over 250 books, delving into various topics and gaining valuable insights.

Not only this, but I've also invested my time in more than 20 courses to sharpen my skills and spent hours watching thousands of YouTube videos, absorbing information from experts in the field. 

And once you've consumed the knowledge, you need to force yourself to act upon it too.

If you don't invest in education, in my opinion, you're setting yourself up for a tougher journey.

Without the proper knowledge and skills, you'll struggle to navigate the challenges that come your way. 

Another piece of advice is to seek help whenever it's needed.

For instance, when it comes to tasks like creating a compelling product listing or capturing high-quality product images, it's beneficial to recognize your limitations.

Sure, you can try to do it yourself, but I highly recommend considering the value of investing in professional assistance.

Hiring a skilled copywriter or photographer can make a huge difference in the presentation and appeal of your products.

For example, when we launched our kitchen scissors for the first time, we decided to invest in professional photography and listing creation.

This was back in late 2016, and it cost us around $600 to create high-quality product images featuring models and compelling copy.

At that time, we didn't have much knowledge about keyword research or the art of writing effective listings.

But as we progressed, I learned more about copywriting and how to craft engaging listings.

In the end, though, the decision is yours to make! 

Another concept here is about stacking knowledge and abilities.

Think of it as building a solid foundation for success.

Each skill you acquire adds another layer, which in turn enables exponential growth.

Whether it's PPC, copywriting, branding, or staying calm, combining these skills propels your business forward.

So, if you're serious about financial prosperity, invest in education.

It's the key to unlocking remarkable growth and success!


Tal’s Last Words For Us

I recall Tal telling me that they ran into hazmat issues with his first product.

It was a challenging four-month process to get it resolved and listed with FBA.

However, they persevered and fixed it.

That's why he encourages you all to take action, invest in yourselves, and invest in your business.

And again, it's a recommendation I strongly endorse. 

Remember, don't let fear hold you back.

Investing in your business doesn't require a fortune, just some basic computer skills and language proficiency to handle customer service in different regions.

And yes, don't hesitate to seek help when needed.

Tal mentioned that he relies on external companies for tasks like photography, listing creation, and PPC because he knows his limitations.

So yes, take action and go for it! 


And that's a wrap for today.

Business on Amazon is a world of endless possibilities, but it's also a world of unexpected challenges.

But don't let that stop you from hustling for more!

There's so much you're capable of that you've yet to find out.

Just don't be afraid to take the leap and see yourself doing wonders. 

Also, remember - when things go off the course, take a deep breath and face them head-on.

Let your emotions flow, but don't let them get the better of you! 

No more 9-5 grind.

The world of Amazon awaits! 😀

Until next time,


Vova 🙂

Table of Contents
  1. How To Get Started On Amazon? – Essential Tips And Tricks For New Sellers
    1. Tal's Story And Failures
    2. Why Choose Amazon As Your eCommerce Platform?
    3. All About Amazon FBA And How It Works
    4. Implementing A Revised Game Plan On The Second Attempt
    5. Can Beginners Thrive On Amazon With Basic Knowledge, Or Is Extensive Training Required?
    6. Amazon: The Biggest Mall In The World
    7. The Power Of Not Giving Up!
    8. Invest In Your Education To Get Help With Your Journey
    9. Tal’s Last Words For Us
    10. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)