Best Jungle Scout Chrome Extension Free Alternative

Vova Even Jun 11, 2024
147 People Read
Best Jungle Scout Chrome Extension Free Alternative
Table of Contents
  1. Best Jungle Scout Chrome Extension Free Alternative
    1. Best Free Chrome Extensions For Amazon Sellers
    2. Best Free Amazon Product Research Tools
    3. 3 Free Alternatives to Jungle Scout Chrome Extension
    4. Best Free Chrome Extensions For Amazon Sellers
    5. Best Free Amazon Product Research Tools to Try

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Best Jungle Scout Chrome Extension Free Alternative

Looking for Jungle Scout Chrome extension FREE alternative?

Here you go!

In this article, I share the top three alternatives to the Jungle Scout Chrome extension.

I've also shared detailed a step-by-step process on how to use them for maximum benefit.

So, before you spend any money on Jungle Scout, don't forget to try these completely free extensions.

Who knows, maybe one of them is your perfect fit.

Now, if you are seeking a free alternative to Jungle Scout because it is out of your budget, I have one good piece of news.

Jungle Scout has launched a limited-time offer to save you more than $250 on plans and a Chrome extension to build and scale on Amazon.

Click here to gain instant access to the best Jungle Scout discounts.

Jungle Scout Offers

Later on, if you don't like it for any reason, utilize Jungle Scout's 7-day money-back guarantee that allows you to cancel your membership anytime within this duration and receive a "full" refund.

Correspondingly, let me introduce myself.

My name is Vova Even, and I have been an active Amazon seller since 2016.

I also share tutorials, hacks, and trade secrets on YouTube and Udemy to help you save money and grow consistently as an Amazon FBA seller.

Jungle Scout Chrome extension Free Alternatives:

  1. Helium 10 Chrome Extension

  2. Viral Launch Chrome Extension

  3. AMZScout Chrome Extension

Key Resources I Share in this Article:

  1. How To Download & Install Helium 10 Chrome Extension

  2. How To Use Helium 10 Chrome Extension

  3. How To Use Helium 10 Cerebro For Easy Keyword Research On Amazon

  4. Free Helium 10 Listing Optimization Course

  5. Helium 10 Review Insights Tutorial

  6. How to Get Viral Launch Free Account and Trial

  7. Best Free Chrome Extensions For Amazon Sellers

  8. Best Free Amazon Product Research Tools

Freebies & Additional Resources for Amazon FBA Sellers:

  1. 3 eBooks, 3 courses, valued at over $1200

  2. Amazon FBA Community on Facebook

3 Free Alternatives to Jungle Scout Chrome Extension

In order to talk about the three free Chrome extensions that can be used instead of Jungle Scout, I have picked up a random niche called "garden decorations outdoor."

I'll explain to you how these extensions work for it and what they can do for you. 

Helium 10 – The 1st Free Alternative to Jungle Scout Chrome Extension

Helium 10 Chrome extension is composed of five unique tools.

You can download and install it for free through this link, or for a step-by-step demo, refer to the video below:

Ah, so you're more of a reader, huh?

Not to worry!

Here is an article version of this video ready for you: How To Download & Install Helium 10 Chrome Extension For Free.

Once you've installed the extension, go to the Amazon page where you did generic product research like I searched "garden decorations outdoor."

Click on Helium 10 extension and launch the first feature, Xray.

Here's what it will look like:

Helium 10 Xray

Xray will scan all pages for products that you're looking for and provide the following top metrics:

  • Total Revenue of the scanned products, excluding the sponsored ones.

  • Average Revenue that virtually all products made in the particular niche you are searching.

  • Average BSR, aka Best Seller Rank, that Amazon allocates based on the number of units sold.

  • Average Price of most products in the niche you searched.

  • Average Reviews most products have in the niche.

  • Success Score that gives you a glimpse of if the niche is good. There are a total of three parameters that impact this score, including review count, rating, and price.

  • An average number of reviews implies a mature market where products have been available for a long time and have acquired several reviews. In most cases, it is difficult to penetrate mature marketplaces because there are stronger vendors with more reviews.

  • Likewise, an average rating suggests the need for a high-quality product. If a market has an average rating of five stars, it is preferable to explore another niche because there will be more competition.

  • In the same way, average pricing indicates moderate expenses and a low entry barrier niche where you don't need a great deal of money to get started. However, there may be many sellers competing in such markets, so you must review all three parameters before making a purchase decision.

One thing I often emphasize in my videos as well is that the Success Score gives you a general idea of if a niche is a good fit for you or not.

You can always use it but never rely only on it because, in the end, machines are machines — not smarter than you (for now XD).

Besides main metrics, Helium 10 Xray also extracts the following details for all scanned products:

ASIN aka the Amazon
Standard Identification Number

Brand name the product belongs to

Product listing title

Product category

BuyBox that shows the name of the dominant seller

Total number of active sellers

Fulfillment method


Amazon fees

Estimated monthly sales

Sales graph

Estimated monthly revenue


Review rating

Review count and velocity



Size tier

Number of images

All of these additional metrics are pretty straightforward, so I'd like to dig a bit deeper into only three.

The first one is the Sales Graph.

The Helium 10 sales graph depicts the sales trend over various time periods, including 30 days, 90 days, one year, and all time.

The more the patterns ascend, the more lucrative the product is anticipated to be.

Below is a screenshot of a sales graph from my video:

Helium 10 Sales Graph

Sales graphs allow you to track a product's performance over time.

In my opinion, it's best to review all patterns to determine if the trend is upward or downward because they may change unexpectedly for different timeframes.

For instance, even if a 30-day sales trend is positive, there is no guarantee that the 90-day or one-year trends would likewise be positive.

The second metric is Review velocity, which indicates the number of reviews a product has received over the past 30 days.

Learn more about review velocity here. Conversely, the third is a Size Tier.

In this regard, remember that larger product sizes incur more costs than smaller ones.

I have a full-fledged tutorial on how Helium 10 Xray extension works.

It is around 50 minutes long and covers all you need to know about this addon and how to use it to its full potential.

You may also view it below.

Or just read my how to use Helium 10 Chrome extension post.

The next part of the Helium 10 Chrome extension is ASIN Grabber.

As the name suggests, this tool allows you to grab ASINs from a page.

You may also download the results to create a CSV report.

ASIN Grabber is helpful in that it is compatible with Cerebro, which is also a feature of Helium 10.

Cerebro is a reverse ASIN research tool that allows you to get the keywords your competitors are ranking for so that you can utilize them in your own listings to capture their market share and stand out.

I have a video for Cerebro as well, embedded below, so you can watch it here.

This video is a part of my Helium 10 Listing Optimization free course.

It's a playlist on YouTube comprising 13 lessons where I teach you how to optimize a listing with Helium 10.

It's completely free, with no upsells, just value.

My Related Blog Post: New Helium 10 Magnet & Cerebro Feature - Keyword Search Volume History

For the next three parts of the Helium 10 Chrome extension, i.e., Profitability Calculator, Inventory Levels, and Review Downloader, you have to open up a specific listing.

In my video, I opened up a random wind spinner as an example.

Wind Sniper - Amazon Product Page

Using the Profitability Calculator on this or any other product listing will give you all the information you need to assess if selling this product will benefit you or not.

The metrics it scrapes from Amazon include:



Size tier


Estimated time in storage

Estimated Unit manufacturing cost

Estimated freight cost

Unit freight cost

Storage fee

FBA fee

Referral fee

Other costs

You may modify the variables to determine what your net profit, margin, and ROI will be if you source this product at different pricing.

Inventory Levels, as its name suggests, helps you see the inventory levels of a product in stock.

It might also not work sometimes; it depends on the product and if the seller has canceled different parts in the Seller Central.

I don't really rely on it. 

There is also another helpful strategy called "999" — add the item to your cart, and enter the quantity as 999.

It will give you the maximum number of products in stock.

For instance, if the number is 541 today and 530 the next day, that reflects there were 11 sales in a day.

Routine inspections allow you to determine the average number of units sold on a daily basis.

However, sometimes, sellers block the maximum amount of units, restricting you to buying only 7-10 products per purchase.

This renders the 999 technique ineffective.

Next, the Review Downloader allows you to download all the reviews from a given listing.

It also shows popular phrases used within multiple reviews, but what's the idea here?

Why do you need to download reviews and sift through them?

Here's the reason: you can use Review Downloader to sell a better product than your competition. For example, seeing all the competitor reviews with a one-star rating will let you see what type of problems people generally face with this product and why they complain.

For the wind spinner, I checked in my video; there were two issues, "missing hook" and "lame spin."

That means, if you want to source this product, you must make sure that the people who pack it put the hooks in.

For the lame spinning issue, you can probably put the spinner in a windy area to see if it actually works or not. 

Likewise, you may check other star ratings.

For example, three-star reviews might help you find opportunities to improve.

Customers might have left some suggestions like the product was good, but it could be nicer if there was a different feature or the colors were different.

You may export the reviews for later use or to have a deeper analysis on your desktop — especially if the list is long.

The wind spinner I checked in my video had only 59 reviews, so I analyzed them on the spot.

There were various phrases used in different star reviews, such as very pretty, wind spinner, and well made.

You can provide the listing copywriter with these suggestions for terms to utilize in your own product listing.

Here's a detailed tutorial for you to take advantage of this very strong and free feature that comes with the Helium 10 Chrome extension.

Or just read it here; how to use Helium 10 Review Insights.

Other benefits you get with this Jungle Scout Chrome extension alternative include Helium 10 Pro Training and some features that you can utilize on any given listing page, such as listing score, BSR graph, inventory levels, and profitability calculator.

This was a Chrome extension by Helium 10.

It is 100% free and a suitable alternative to the Jungle Scout Chrome extension.

I've already provided the download link above, but just in case you missed it, go here.

Besides that, if you ever decide to invest in Helium 10 or are already using it but want savings, I have two discount codes: VOVA10, which grants a 10% discount for a lifetime, and VOVA6M20, which grants a 20% discount on your first six Helium 10 purchases.

Click on the image below to get discounts now.

helium 10 50 off discount code

Viral Launch – The 2nd Free Alternative to Jungle Scout Chrome Extension

The next alternative to the Jungle Scout Chrome extension is the free Viral Launch Chrome extension, often called the Viral Launch Market Intelligence.

Here's a video that shows you how to download and install it for free.

Anddd, if you prefer reading to watching, this article got you completely covered: How To Download and Install Viral Launch Chrome Extension For Free.

Once you've downloaded Viral Launch extension on your browser, all you need to do is go to the search page on Amazon and click on it.

The extension will give important information about all products on the page.

Here's what it looked like for the keyword "garden decorations outdoor" that I searched in my video:

Viral Launch Chrome Extension

Similar to Helium 10, Viral Launch consists of various components, but it allows you to access them all from a single screen with a single click.

Also, take note that Viral Launch is not fully available with the free plan.

For example, in order to see the estimated search volume, you must invest in it.

To help you assess how it looks and what it gives, I've attached screenshots of each section below.

Starting off with the first, Top Sellers section, which further comprises two parts — Standard View and Detailed Statistics.

The standard metrics include:





Best Seller Rank (BSR)

Monthly Revenue


Monthly Sales

Review Quantity

Review Rate

Review Rating


ROI Ratio

Date Listed

Estimated Net Profit

Sales Last Year

Revenue Last Year

Sales Next Year

Revenue Next Year

As you might have guessed, they are essentially the same as Helium 10, except for a few distinguishing features, such as the last four; they intrigue me a lot.

Viral Launch Chrome extension allows you to see the sales and revenue of last year and get predictions on how they may vary in the following year.

The Detailed Statistics part gives you deeper insights into the top five listings, top 10 listings, and the first page.

Viral Launch Chrome extension - Top Sellers Detailed Analytics

The data shown here will help you determine what you will need to acquire these positions.

For instance, to rank among the top five listings for the keyword "garden decorations outdoor," you must have between 6-20 daily giveaways, 200-900 monthly sales, and 175-450 reviews.

It's all an estimate, although quite accurate, so keep that in mind.

The next part is the Market Trends which provides you with information on current market trends.

It's a pretty nice feature to have because it shows you exactly when sales go up or drop down.

Viral Launch Chrome extension - Market Trends

For the "garden decorations outdoor" category, the best period for sales was May, most likely because of the holidays.

You may notice in the screenshot above that sales also surge in December — undoubtedly owing to Christmas.

That indicates the products in this sector are giftable.

In any case, based on the month you get, you may contemplate why the sales might increase in this particular month and make a more informed decision on whether it will be a lucrative market or not.

Other information you get through Viral Launch's Market Trends section includes:

Average price over 90 days

Rate of review increase

Annual sales trend

Price trend

Average review count trend

The next part of this free alternative to the Jungle Scout Chrome extension is VL Analysis.

It's essentially the same as Helium 10 suggestions, but just by Viral Launch.

Here's what I discovered for my search term:

Viral Launch Chrome extension - VL Analysis

The last part of the Viral Launch Market Intelligence extension is the Cost Calculator, which allows you to see your profit per unit.

Viral Launch Chrome extension - Cost Calculator

You can click on the "Edit Dimensions" button to modify the dimensions or "Edit Advanced Settings," as shown below, to play with additional settings.

I highly recommend checking out the free Viral Launch Chrome extension as it provides you with more criteria for your product research and is entirely free.

For unlimited access, you may also subscribe to it by using my Viral Launch discount code VOVA.

Read more about the Viral Launch discount and free trial here.

It offers a lifetime 20% OFF monthly discount (or 40% OFF yearly) plus savings on other Viral Launch services, such as listing creation and product photography.

AMZScout – The 3rd Free Alternative to Jungle Scout Chrome Extension

The next Chrome extension that can be used as an alternative for JungleScout is AMZScout Pro.

Click here to get it for free as well!

Or, if you want a step-by-step tutorial of how to download AMZScout Pro Chrome extension, here you go.

If you want a post that shows you how to use AMZScout Pro Chrome extension, here you go.

Here's what it scraped from Amazon when I ran it on a search page for "garden decorations outdoor."

AmzScout Chrome extension

As you can see, the information is nearly the same as scraped by other JS alternatives, but there are a few unique features.

I have summarized each of them below.

The first one is the Saturation Score, which indicates the popularity of a certain niche in a typical month.

It does so by informing you of the number of AMZScout users who landed into this niche in the same month you looked for it.

Not to mention, if the Saturation Score is higher, it suggests that the niche is more stable.

The second interesting feature of this free Jungle Scout Chrome extension alternative is Niche Score.

Here's what it looks like for the "garden decorations outdoor" niche:

AmzScout Chrome extension - Niche Score

Niche Score provides you with a far deeper insight into whether a particular niche will make you a profit or not.

It also suggests additional keyword ideas that are pertinent to the term you searched for.

The information is helpful, indeed, but I'd advise you to take it as a drop in the ocean.

Don't completely rely on it.

It just gives you the general criteria of why and how a given niche is likely to succeed.

The third feature is Niche History which allows you to visualize how a given niche has been performing based on three factors – sales, rank, and price.

AmzScout Chrome extension - Niche History

  • Sales are represented by the orange bars. As we saw in Viral Launch's Market Trend graph, the peak sales time is May and then December.

  • Rank, aka the BSR, reveals where the product falls in the overall rankings. If you have fewer sales, your rank will be higher, and vice versa.

  • The gently sloping gray line at the top of the graph represents Price. This indicates that the market for these products is increasingly becoming more competitive. If it's moving up, it's also a good sign since it implies that you're making progress toward entering the niche.

As you hover over the list of products, AMZScout also shows the images of each product.

Other distinguishing features include:

  • Product Score that gives you a glimpse into the strengths and weaknesses of each product.

  • The ability to mark products as favorite

  • Net margin that indicates the potential profitability of a product

  • RPR aka revenue per review that's calculated as estimated revenue divided by the review count

  • LQS, aka, listing quality score — a low score for a product that is otherwise of high quality provides you more space for improvement.

  • The ability to see when a particular product launched

The buttons at the bottom of the extension window allow you to interact with it further.

The first Next Page is intended to load the findings of subsequent pages.

The second option, Refresh, allows you to reload the statistics.

The third option, Filters, allows you to narrow down your searches.

AmzScout Chrome extension - Filters

You can play with these factors to curate good results without having to sift through all of them.

Likewise, the Trends option allows you to view Google search trends for your phrase in your own demography for the previous five years.

Following Trends, the next option is Niche Keywords, which reveals all of the words used in your niche's product listings.

It also allows you to see how frequently these terms are used.

For instance, for my niche — garden decorations outdoor — here are the keywords AMZScout suggested:

AmzScout Chrome extension - Niche Keywords

You can also export all the information as a CSV file.

Next, there is a button labeled Tutorial that, when clicked, will take you to a video presentation from AMZScout showing how to use it to its full potential.

There's also an option to give feedback, and another button, titled Niche Ideas.

As its name suggests, every time you click on it, Niche Ideas picks an absolutely random niche to explore.

You can also refer to my full tutorial on the extension here:

That's it for AMZScout.

If you found this extension interesting, you can invest it in with a lifetime plan!

Unlike other extensions that require recurring payments on a monthly or yearly basis, AMZScout can be purchased just once and then used forever.

Doesn't that sound intriguing?

Click here to get this special deal now!

Must also check the two videos that I've embedded down here.

The first one is an additional video where I deep dive into five different Chrome extensions for Amazon FBA sellers.

The second, on the other hand, introduces you to five distinct Amazon product research tools that you will love using.

Best Free Chrome Extensions For Amazon Sellers

Best Free Amazon Product Research Tools to Try

Now, it's time to bid farewell.

I'll catch up with you in the next article; until then, take care!

Oh, and don't forget to check out my work on YouTube and Udemy.

There are several courses and playlists available to help you become a successful Amazon FBA seller.

Vova :)

P.S - There are other Jungle Scout alternatives as well, alternatives to the software itself, not only the extension.

Table of Contents
  1. Best Jungle Scout Chrome Extension Free Alternative
    1. Best Free Chrome Extensions For Amazon Sellers
    2. Best Free Amazon Product Research Tools
    3. 3 Free Alternatives to Jungle Scout Chrome Extension
    4. Best Free Chrome Extensions For Amazon Sellers
    5. Best Free Amazon Product Research Tools to Try

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)