Full Review of Helium 10 Price and Pricing Packages

Vova Even Jun 13, 2024
110 People Read
helium 10 price and pricing plans review
Table of Contents
  1. Helium 10 Price and Pricing Packages: Which Plan is the Best Suited to Your Needs and Wants?
    1. How to Create a Helium 10 Account for FREE?
    2. Helium 10 Pricing Plans
    3. Helium 10 Subscription Plans
    4. Special Helium 10 Discount Coupon Code Guide
    5. The Difference Between the Helium 10 Subscription Plans
    6. Account Features
    7. Product Research
    8. Keyword Research
    9. Listing Optimization
    10. Operations
    11. Analytics
    12. Marketing
    13. What Do I Think?

Disclosure: Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :) 

Helium 10 Price and Pricing Packages: Which Plan is the Best Suited to Your Needs and Wants?

Hey, welcome to the complete Helium 10 pricing guide and review.

In this post, I will answer one of the most commonly asked questions about Helium 10 – 'what is the best plan for me to invest in Helium 10'?

I'll do my best in this post to answer this question in depth, and we'll go through all the available plans.

I'm going to show you all the packages; what they include, and which package is better for you since they are all diverse for different levels of sellers ranging from beginners to experts.

My name is Vova Even. I have been an active seller on Amazon since late 2016.

I made a bunch of mistakes and eventually enjoyed success on Amazon (I am still actively selling on the plaform), and I have been using Helium 10 for a few good years, so I know what I'm talking about.

I share my experience and knowledge via my YouTube channel and Udemy courses to prepare novices for the Amazon marketplace.

I want to share my experience with you, so you make the best purchase decision for yourself.

Below I have the link to the page, where you can find all the prices.

Key Offers I share in This Article

  1. Helium 10 Free Trial + Discounts (Use code VOVA6M20 to get 20% OFF your first six months, or use code VOVA10 to get 10% OFF forever)

  2. Helium 10 FREE Tutorials Playlist

Some Free Resources For Amazon FBA Sellers

  1. 3 eBooks, 3 courses, valued at over $1200

  2. Our Amazon FBA Community on Facebook

How to Create a Helium 10 Account for FREE?

In order to create a Helium 10 FREE account, go to their website.

Once you get to the main page, you can create a free account, if you don't already have one.

Visit the page through the link, click on sign up for free and create your 'free account'.

On the next screen, fill out the form, put your name, email, and password, and tick mark ‘agree’ to terms and conditions.

And that’s it! Your Helium 10 free account is created.

You can start using Helium 10 in just a minute.

Here is my detailed blog post that will help you create FREE Helium 10 account (and deeply understand what it offers to you):

Helium 10 Free Account And Trial (How To Get Free Access & What It Gives You)

Now, if you already have one, just log in. 

Also, I invite you to get the best discounts for Helium 10 by clicking on the image below.

Oh, they are pretty good.

helium 10 discounts

Helium 10 Pricing Plans

There are multiple pricing plans for Helium 10.

We'll discuss Free, Starter, Platinum, Diamond, Elite, A La Carte today.

I'll sum up A La Carte qucikly, it allows you to invest in different Helium 10 tools separately.

There are different ways to pay for the tool as well.

The first option is a monthly plan, meaning that if you subscribe today, you will get billed on the same day in the next month. 

In the yearly plan, you will be charged only once a year.

Choosing this plan will mean that you are paying for the next 12 months in advance.

You might start wondering how big amount you will have to pay for this, and technically, you are not wrong.

You will be putting lots of bucks in one go if you opt for an annual subscription. 

However, there’s a silver lining to it.

The yearly plan saves you a certain percentage of money.

While I discuss this in detail ahead, I’ll give you an example. 

Among the four subscription plans that Helium 10 offers, the Starter plan is available at $39 for a monthly subscription.

This will cost you $468 per year.

However, the company offers the same plan at $348 for a yearly subscription, which means you will be paying $29 per month and saving $120 in total every year.

Now, isn’t that cool? 

You are welcome to watch the video version of this article through the vid below.

You can enjoy a whopping discount on other plans as well if you subscribe to the yearly plan; not to mention my exclusive and exciting Helium 10 discount coupons that I am going to reveal ahead!

Helium 10 Subscription Plans

Free Plan

The Helium 10 Free Plan lets you enjoy most of the tools and their features without paying a single penny.

However, its access is quite limited and may create hindrances for new sellers to explore Helium 10. 

If you want to watch the video that sums up this plan.

Check it out below.

Starter Plan

I have mentioned the price of the Starter Plan above.

It is available for subscription at $39 monthly, or $29 with the yearly plan.

Unlike the Free Plan, this one gives you more access to various Helium 10 features.

But it’s still limited in its scope.

The primary feature of this plan is the Freedom Ticket course by Kevin King which subscribers can take for FREE, instead of paying $997 for it.

You also get full access to the Helium 10 Xray Chrome extension, and the the Profits tool (that helps you understand your profitability on Amazon).

The Profits tool is similar to the Jungle Scout Sales Analytics tool.

Starter Plan can be the best pick for those who just want to grasp the know-how of business on Amazon.

They can easily transition to other premium plans once they feel ready to fly. 

Discounts apply to this plan.

Platinum Plan

The next one is the Platinum Plan, which I also use and is suitable for both advanced sellers and newbies.

The plan has a balanced approach when it comes to features.

That’s why some consider it the best plan for learning and earning purposes.

You can subscribe to it for a monthly plan at $99, but if you want to save money, I would recommend going with the yearly plan which will cost you $84/per month. 

It's $76/per month if you use my coupon code VOVA10 or VOVA6M20.

My Related Blog Post: Helium 10 Starter Vs Platinum Plan – Compared in Depth

Diamond Plan

Diamond Plan is a high-end package that is mainly for expert sellers.

This plan is the most advanced one that Helium 10 offers.

You get all the features with almost unlimited access.

It's good for advanced sellers, but even newbies will get great benefits from it. 

Platinum Plan is indeed the most popular one on Helium 10, but the Diamond adds more richness to the features offered in the former.

For instance, Platinum grants you 150 uses of Index Checker, a tool that lets you check if your products are properly indexed or not against your keywords.

But with the Diamond plan, you can use the same tool 300 times in a month.

Pretty much all the tools get more data and benefits with the Diamond.

I have a blog post that compares Platinum vs Diamond.

It's here; Helium 10 Platinum Vs Diamond review.

Or just watch the vid below.

Elite Plan

The highest tier plan of Helium 10.

It has all the tools that the previous plans have to offer, with extended usage, plus:

- Network with other world-class sellers at Elite-only events
- Learn high-level hacks at our monthly expert trainings
- Crush your goals with quarterly in-person workshops
- Enjoy exclusive access to our Elite Facebook Group & Slack channel

The registration to this plan opens once in a while, it's a closed high level sellers group.

Special Helium 10 Discount Coupon Code Guide

I have something very special for you to offer.

As I discussed earlier, you can save a big amount by opting for Helium 10 yearly subscription for any plan.

However, if you want to save more, my discount coupon codes – “VOVA6M20” and “VOVA10” – will help you substantially.   

By using the VOVA6M20, you will save 20% off your first six months on Helium 10, and VOVA10 will help you get 10% off every month for a lifetime.

Or simply click
here to learn more about these cool offers and how to apply them.

The Difference Between the Helium 10 Subscription Plans

Helium 10 subscription plans do not only vary in pricing but also contain a huge difference in their offerings.

Although each plan has more or less the same features, there are certainly some limits to their extent.

Let’s discuss the primary differences in plans and the scope of their features. 

Account Features

Freedom Ticket FBA Training

This is an Amazon FBA training course that includes all the content necessary to help a novice get started on Amazon.

Based on 100+ modules from industry experts, this course is, just as its name suggests, a ‘Freedom Ticket’ for those who want to establish an empire in the marketplace.

This feature is FREE and available in all four subscription programs.

Except the free plan. It does not include Freedom Ticket.

An alernative is the Freedom Builder Bootcamp by Jungle Scout.

Monthly Expert Training

Monthly Expert Training is a recurrent event attended by all Helium 10 subscribers.

Many industry experts and top Amazon sellers join this training program to share their knowledge and insights with participants and answer their live questions.  

Unfortunately, this program is not available for Starter and Platinum Plan subscribers, and only sellers with Diamond & Elite Plans can attend this training. 

Multi-user Login (Number of Users)

With this feature of Helium 10, you can invite your virtual assistants or partners to work alongside you on a single account.

Up to three people can join you using their unique credentials with the Diamond plan, and even more on Elite.

Although generally, it is possible to allow people to work with you without this feature.

Yet it is risky because you have to give away your password.

I generally don't recommend it, unless you truly trust these individuals.

But now with the Multi-user feature, you need not worry about that anymore. 

The only pitfall is: this feature is unsupported with Free, Starter and Platinum plans.

Amazon PPC Academy

This intermediate-to-advanced PPC training, Amazon PPC Academy, will positively impact your sales performance and other aspects of your Amazon business.

It is based on over 30 modules and is officially presented by Helium 10.

Only the Platinum, Diamond, Elite Plan subscribers can avail of this training.

The Platinum users can attend this by connecting a token while the Starter Plan doesn’t support Amazon PPC Academy. 

Connected Seller Accounts

The Stater and Platinum plans grant you to connect up to two Amazon and Walmart accounts with Helium 10 while the Diamond plan has a limit of five.

Product Research

Black Box

Black Box tool is a perfect remedy for product research on Amazon.

It has tons of products saved in its database and can bring you essential information in seconds. 

You can search these products by different criteria you input into the tool.

Interestingly, the Starter plan grants you only 20 uses/month while Platinum and Diamond plans offer unlimited access for Black Box.

Here's a full tutorial of the tool.

Step by step.

You can also read my Helium 10 Black box tutorial.


Trendster is a kind of Sherlock Holmes of Helium 10.

It finds you the emerging trends on Amazon and empowers you with sufficient information to make an informed decision.

If you are indecisive between two products and can’t choose one to go with on Amazon, Trendster is here to help. 

Simply search these products in the tool and it will show you their performance in the market, based on which you can doubtlessly and confidently choose the best product for yourself. 

As for the plans, the Starter gives you 30-day limited access, but Platinum, Diamond, Elite let you enjoy full access without restrictions.

Xray for Amazon and Walmart

Helium 10 Xray Chrome extension is a Chrome extension that is a must-have tool for all Amazon sellers.

It enhances your search results by bringing the best-selling products into the results, allowing you to validate the products you want to sell. 

I have a blog post that helps you get it for free.

Learn how to download and install the Helium 10 extension.

Also, watch how to use the extension from A-Z via the video below.

Enjoy! Or read about and learn how to use the Xray extension.

Another good thing about this tool is you get to enjoy unrestricted usage on Amazon via Starter, Platinum, Diamond & Elite plans, while Starter & Platinum plan subscribers are restricted to using 50 launches per month on Walmart. 

My Related Blog Post: 5 Best Free Amazon FBA Chrome Extensions to Use This Year

Keyword Research

Cerebro for Amazon and Walmart

Cerebro shows you all the keywords that a specific product is using on Amazon or Walmart.

Cerebro is known as the best tool to analyze your competitor’s keyword strategy. 

In the Starter plan, Cerebro is only available for two usages a day for both marketplaces, while Platinum gives sellers unrestricted access on Amazon.

However, Platinum does restrict access for Walmart up to two usages, unlike Diamond, Elite Plans which don't impose any limit.

Here's a full A-Z tutorial of Cerebro for you.

Magnet for Amazon and Walmart

With the help of Magnet, you can search high-volume keywords for your product by entering relevant keywords.

Unlike Cerebro, you don’t need to enter your ID or ASIN to get the keywords you want. 

The usage restrictions for Magnet are the same as Cerebro for Walmart.

Limited usage on Walmart with Starter/Platinum.

Full usage on both marketplace with Diamond, Elite. Full usage on Amazon with Platinum as well.

I also have a full free course on YouTube which shows how to use these tools for keyword research and listing optimization on Amazon.

Click Free Amazon Listing Optimization Course to watch it.

It has over 10,000+ views.

You can also go through it on Udemy, it has over 8000+ students and 364 reviews (4.6 rating) there.

The link? Here.



This is one of the unique tools in Helium 10’s suite.

Misspellinator helps you identify misspelled keywords and add them to your listings. 

The Platinum, Diamond, and Elite plans support full access to Misspelinator while the Starter Plan offers 20 usages per day. 

Listing Optimization


Once you get the relevant keywords using Magnet and Cerebro, Frankenstein enters the scene.

You can use this tool to further polish your keyword list.

You'll be able to remove duplicate keywords, and generally process the keywords you found, so you'll have only the most relevant keywords to build your listing from.

I'd highly recommend you going through my course mentioned above (in the Magnet section).

It also covers Frankenstein.

However, if you want to enjoy full access to Frankenstein, you will have to subscribe to the Platinum, Diamond, or Elite plans, as the Starter Plan is limited to 30-day usage. 


Scribbles lets you build strong listings with refined keywords from Frankenstein.

Its easy-to-use dashboard allows you to create keyword-rich titles and product descriptions in a smooth way.

Just put the keywords into the tool and see the magic unravel in front of you!

Just like Frankenstein, Starter plan subscribers can use this tool for 30 days only, but Platinum, Diamond, Elite users will have full access.

Here's a vid from the course mentioned above.

It shows you how to use Scribbles.

Index Checker

Index Checker helps you ensure that your keywords are appearing in the Amazon search.

Sometimes, we may do everything right; inserting highly searched keywords in our listing, but still lag in being searched on Amazon.

This tool is a guarantee that you do not sit complacent until you don’t get it right.

You only have to enter your product ASIN and the relevant keywords in Index Checker and it will tell you if your keywords are indexed or not.

The Starter plan provides a thin number of usage – only six – but Platinum’s usage counts at 150 and Diamond’s at 300 uses per month.

Elite gets 500.

Here's a video with
Tomer Levin from BlazeCopywriting about indexing, and what to do if you don't index. We also mention the Index Checker tool there.

Tomer can help you get a dynamite listing on Amazon.

The code VOVA10 will save you $10 with his services.

Listing Analyzer

The Listing Analyzer tool gives you essential analysis of your and your competitor’s listing.

It tells you the shortcomings between the listing of your competition and how you can perfect your listing game on Amazon.

It’s important to have this tool in your quiver to be sure you are not treading blindfolded. 

As far as the usage of this tool is concerned, the most suitable plan for big teams would be diamond as it offers 50 uses a month.

Starter offers 2, Platinum 25.

Listing Builder

This is a new tool Helium 10 has just introduced.

Similar to Scribbles, Listing Builder's core function is to build listings, but Listing Builder comes with more rich features than scribbles. 

You can use this tool for limited access of 30 days with the Starter Plan.

However, if you want more, you can go with the Platinum plan which grants an unlimited period with limited features, or the Diamond with unlimited features and no time restrictions.

Elite has it unlimited as well!



Alerts tool keeps an eagle eye on your product listings and sends you quick alerts if it detects any suspicious activity on your account. 

If you are a beginner, you should go with the Starter plan that provides alerts for two ASINs.

For advanced sellers, it's better to choose Platinum or Diamond, which give 100 ASINs, and 300 ASINs respectively.

Elite gives you the option to monitor up to 1000 ASINs.

Inventory Protector

Inventory Protector guards you against any abuse in terms of coupons or any other benefits that you offer.

In my personal experience, this tool has helped me considerably. 

All of the Helium 10 plans offer unrestricted access to Inventory Protector. 

Refund Genie

Every once in a while, Amazon will lose hold of your products during their shifting process.

They do compensate for it by offering a refund; however, sometimes they require strong proof to carry out reimbursement.

That’s where Refund Genie comes into the scene.

It automatically prepares monthly reports of your losses/damages and suggests the refundable amount. 

My Related Blog Post: An Expert's Guide For Amazon FBA Refund Reimbursements

You can subsequently make a strong case with Amazon using these reports and get your reimbursement effortlessly. 

Though the Starter Plan and Platinum plans give limited access to this tool, if you want to enjoy full freedom, Diamond, Elite are your go-to plans!

Please read my 7 best Amazon reimbursement services post if you want to discover more Amazon reimbursement services.

Follow up

With the Follow Up tool in place, you can sit back and relax when it comes to sending follow-up emails to your customers.

Follow-up is an email automation tool that makes life easier for you by sending automated emails to those who have bought from you. 

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to avail of this feature with the Starter Plan; however, the Diamond and Platinum plans offer 5,000 and 15,000 emails each.

Elite gives 50,000!

Inventory Management

With the help of Inventory Management, you can keep a check on your inventory and have prior knowledge of when are you going to be sold out.

This will aid you substantially in making important decisions about your merchandise.

Don't overstock, and don't go out of stock!

The Starter Plan offers this tool for 30 days, and the Platinum plan allows you to use it for up to 20 Stock Keeping Units (SKU).

However, if you want full and unrestricted access, you should go with the Diamond or Elite Plans. 

The Jungle Scout Inventory Manager is another tool you'd like to check if you want to learn more about inventory management on Amazon.

Actually, I have a full review of all the Jungle Scout tools for you as well.

Business Valuation 

Business Valuation makes the daunting task of estimating your business’s worth easier for you.

Based on sales and other factors, it can extract a number in no time.

However, to avoid any kind of error, it's always safer to consult with someone who has prior experience in buying/selling on Amazon. 

The only pitfall is, the Starter Plan subscribers have not been extended this amazing feature.

However, those who fancy the Diamond, Platinum, Elite plans can enjoy unrestricted access.


Keyword Tracker for Amazon and Walmart

The Keyword Tracker does exactly what you would expect a keyword tracker to do.

It analyzes your keywords’ performance and brings the information to you in graphs, wheels and other infographics.

Based on that information, you can follow the positions of your keywords, or the positions of the keywords of your competitors.

Alternatives are the; Jungle Scout Keyword Tracker, and the ZonGuru Keyword Tracker.

It's a pretty good tool to use if you are doing any sort of promoting campaign for any given keyword.

Also, it simply helps you see how your keywords are doing daily.

So if some keyword suddenly looses position, you can immediately check why and take action.

A Starter plan subscription allows tracking of 20 keywords; however, the number for Platinum stands at 2500 and 5000 for Diamond Plan users.

Same for Elite, 5000.

Listen to what Carrie Miller from Helium 10 has to say about Keyword Tracker on Walmart.

It is similar on Amazon.

I also invite you to learn about usage of Helium 10 tools for Walmart.

Profits for Amazon and Walmart

Profits creates graphs to summarize the monetary performance of your products.

With its help, you can see the orders placed, units sold, profit margins and many other things.

As a seller, it is important to know which of your products are making you money, and which are not.

This tool is available for both Amazon and Walmart marketplaces along with some restrictions on Walmart with the Starter and Platinum plans.

The Diamond, Elite plans don't have any limitations. 

An alternative is the Jungle Scout Sales Analytics tool.

Market Tracker

The Market Tracker tool allows you a peek into different markets to see their performance.

Using this tool, you will be able to see who gets which percentage of sales in a certain market and who’s going in and out of it.

This competitive intelligence tool creates a pie graph where you can have all the important details.

Now, if you are aiming at only one market, going with the Starter Plan would be beneficial for you.

The Diamond and Platinum plans offer three and five markets each and might only be suitable for advanced and pro sellers.

Here's an A-Z video tutorial of the Helium 10 Market Tracker for you.

Here is also my full written Helium 10 Market Tracker tutorial.



Adtomic lets you manage your pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns on Amazon.

The interface and the data are much more diverse than on Amazon itself.

The bad news is, the feature isn’t available with the Starter and Platinum plans.

Only the Diamond/Elite plans let you track $20K per month of ad campaigns. 

Amazon Attribution

Amazon sellers usually struggle with tracking their Amazon marketing campaigns off the marketplace.

Amazon Attribution links solve this problem!

This tool helps sellers with managing Amazon attribution links in a very easy way.  

The Starter Plan doesn’t support this tool while Platinum supports up to 20 and Diamond/Elite up to 50 links. 

Portals Landing Page Builder

Using the Portals tool, Amazon sellers can create landing pages for their products where customers can share customer data.

Diamond/Elite plans let you create six portals. Portals do not work with Starter/Platinum.

Portals QR Code Generator

QR Code generator helps you generate QR codes to be put on your product insert cards, or anywhere you want.

The Starter plan grants you 1 code and 100 scans per month while Platinum gives you 10 codes and 10,000 scans.

You can get 40 codes and 100,000 scans with the Diamond/Elite plans. 

Portals Product Inserts

The premade insert cards by Helium 10 have proven to be a big success in lead generation and customer satisfaction.

You can leverage this feature to grow your business to new levels.

Unfortunately, you cannot get this feature with the Starter plan.

Only Platinum, Diamond, Elite plans support it. 

What Do I Think?

Well, in my utter honesty, it all boils down to which plan serves your needs.

Myself, I am a user of Helium 10 Diamond, and I love it.

It is not cheap, but it helps me with my Amazon business, I have 9 products on Amazon.

Private label.

Last year we did $372k in sales, with $65k in profits. Diamond helps us grow.

Just as I said earlier, if you are a novice and just getting started on Amazon, you should go with the bare minimum, that is, the Starter plan.

However, there’s no limitation if you want to start big right from the first step.

In that case, the Platinum plan would be a perfect choice.

The reason is the plan’s balanced approach.

It is neither too scarce nor too abundant for junior or senior Amazon sellers. 

Diamond is aimed at sellers who are already selling for a while, and need more tools and data.

But even a newbie will find Diamond useful. It's not cheap tho.

But worth the price.

Elite will help you grow in the fastest way possible.

Not cheap at all, but well worth it.

So, if you are still not a user of Helium 10, grab your Helium 10 free trial here.

Inside you'll also find great discounts for Helium 10.

Or just tap on the image below to get all these goodies.

helium 10 discounts

I hope you liked this detailed review of Helium 10 price and pricing packages.

Just as they say, “the devil is in details”, I always try my best to dissect even the tiniest detail in an easy-to-understand manner.

If you want to read more of my works, my Amazon FBA blog is a little encyclopedia for Amazon sellers.

If you like the way I produce content, my Udemy courses too won’t disappoint you either!


Vova :)

P.S - if you want to learn about Helium 10 alternatives, here you go!

P.S.S - read here if you want to learn how to use all the Helium 10 tools.

Table of Contents
  1. Helium 10 Price and Pricing Packages: Which Plan is the Best Suited to Your Needs and Wants?
    1. How to Create a Helium 10 Account for FREE?
    2. Helium 10 Pricing Plans
    3. Helium 10 Subscription Plans
    4. Special Helium 10 Discount Coupon Code Guide
    5. The Difference Between the Helium 10 Subscription Plans
    6. Account Features
    7. Product Research
    8. Keyword Research
    9. Listing Optimization
    10. Operations
    11. Analytics
    12. Marketing
    13. What Do I Think?

Disclosure:  Hi! It's Vova :) Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. I get a commission if you purchase after clicking on the link, this does not cost you more money, and many times I can even get a nice discount for you. This helps me keep the content free forever. For you. Thank you! :)